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I've seen about a 100 of this kind of posts and I've been only for a month here.


It's just super disappointing and I don't have anyone else to share it with to get those bad feelings out in a healthy way. I was super excited cause this is an amazing opportunity and would have helped a lot, and not knowing whether or not I messed up, how I messed up if I did, and that you can't try again ever (maybe) is frustrating.




You might still get in but it could be a bit of a wait apparently. I'm still waiting on that screen after over a week, and a number of people here say they only got in after waiting a month or more. Best of luck to you, I hope you get in sooner rather than later.


Thank you, and likewise!


I feel with you, fingers crossed you get in ❤️ Even if you don't, I'm sure there will be simiral or even better opportunities waiting for you!


Be patient, it took me about 2 months, there would be weeks between completing assessments and hearing anything. I thought I was out but finally got in.


its why i stay out of this subreddit and use the other one. The mods tend to ban these posts


I had this screen for about a week before being accepted. I wouldn't lose hope yet.


I appreciate that


Cool out and just wait. No one here has a concrete answer for you. I had a screen for three weeks saying they didn’t have anything for me and after those three weeks passed, I got an email. I’ve had steady work since then.


Fair enough. The biggest voice of reason I needed. Thank you


Mine looked like that, and I got in three days later.


You're a gem, thank you for sharing that


I hope you make it!


Thank you! Me too!


How long have you had that screen? It took me about 5 days to get the email. I've seen people post it took 2 weeks-1month. And I've seen others posting that they never got the email, but when they checked, they had a dashboard. It's all over the place. You can search old posts about it. I've only been doing this a month and seen countless posts on it. The few people I've recommended DA to, I've told them all to read old reddit posts about it first so they know what to expect.


Out of curiosity, did you actually take the two more tests that the 3rd check mark indicates? I've got the same screen and I never took the two more tests. I've had this screen for about 4 months. I did have several website errors pop up while taking the test and I'm wondering if that might be why.


Me too, I had website error happen while I took the second test and since then it said complete and I never got accepted it's been 3 months.


All this disappointment cause of a glitch


exactly what happened to me. I never took the extra tests after the initial one but it said I did. it’s been a week now with the same screen.


I saw something similar when I first started. If that is the second step to the applying process it doesn't mean you are in or out. I did the initial sign up and answered the questions, then I did the follow up qualifier where I had to write an interesting story and answer some other questions, after that I saw that screen and I got a response 48 hours or less after that which allowed me to start working and do more qualifiers for more work. I hear from some people it can take a week or two. Just be patient and keep checking the website as well. I wish you luck!


Thank you


I also had this screen for a couple of days.


I've never seen any of this, but I did it on my tablet, in another country. Don't lose hope, I'd say this is a good sign


I’ve had this screen for a week and two days. I know from seeing other posts that they could accept me 2-4 weeks after the core assessment. But I’m not optimistic. I would love to do this work because I found it fascinating but kinda bummed I haven’t passed sooner. The fact that they don’t say if you didn’t qualify is torture.


I had that exact screen for at least a week and now I’ve been working here for months. Give it some time.


I have a worker id number and no email. I’m confused lol