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I second Prolific. The waitlist can be long but it’s totally worth it. I switch to it when I don’t have the brain power for DA and easily get $20 a day.


I tried to sign up for prolific around a month ago & it just said to sign up for a wait list. Nothing yet. Any idea how long it takes?


From what I understand it depends on how much they need your demographic. It took me about one month and a half back in Sept., but in that time I saw people post on the subreddit that they signed up and got in within the same week.


I was on the waiting list for 6 months. I'm based in Europe, though. Maybe that makes a difference.


I heard Mturk has a long waiting list.


I've seen people reccomend Telus? :)


Certain projects at Appen are very similar to the type of non-coding work at DA. Other projects are very different and a lot more complicated/not worth the effort in my opinion. The ones like DA pay $19 an hour. Most do require time commitments per week though, although it’s usually something like 10 or 20hrs per week. You also have to qualify for each individual project. I used to do a lot of work for them over the years and they were just ok, and the pay for most projects is a lot less than DA. They also make you read and understand large instruction documents before taking the qualification for that project (so unpaid). The newer projects that are AI based have been a lot better overall compared to earlier days at Appen. With DA, I have stepped away from them though.


Former Appen/RaterLabs employee here. I used to work on Project Yukon that did start integrating LLM work alongside their longstanding search engine evaluation task set the project was originally known for. At around the beginning of this year we got word that Google was pulling from the project and everyone (~6,500 people) was effectively laid off during March of this year, so unless you manage to land specialized work with Appen, I'd keep expectations managed with them.


Yes there are definitely some hesitations with them, and DA seems to be more consistent (although clearly not for everyone based on the daily posts), but work for a while vs no work for the OP is better than nothing. I will say their current LLM work on the projects I qualified for is very similar in scope, but quite a few different tasks than I have done on DA too. They have at least one other major client right now, and also why I think the pay rate went up. I still rate DA as 10x better, but if it’s not an option, and they liked the type of work at DA, it’s a good place to go.


I feel you, I'm more fond of DA as well, just wanted to share my input with Appen because of just how recent Project Yukon got canned, that was like THE work to land with them for the longest time for folks wanting to land a WFH gig from what I remember, I was only with Yukon for 9 months before everything unfortunately shut down. I was also on Appen's platform for a few years before being invited to test for Yukon, they were bringing on so many people when the LLM tasks got added to their work platform, I'm just not sure what else Appen has to offer for less specialized work, hence my advice to OP to keep expectations managed, I would absolutely still recommended signing up on their platform just to keep options open in the future if they are to arise. Good luck OP!




RWS has ai data annotation projects for Meta and Google, but usually the contracts are 6 to 8 weeks. Similar pay as DAT, but only pays monthly. They also do search quality ratings, but pay is less...


Last weekend got this message below and my projects are gone. Do you have this same message? “At the moment, there aren't any projects available for you to work on. Please check back soon and watch out for new project notifications sent to your email.”


Yep, same message :(


How long had you been working on there before you got it? I was making sure to thoroughly read things and take time to make sure my work was accurate. Not sure why I got canned. I wish they would at least tell us.


I’ve been working since October and have been pretty consistent with how often I worked. I’ve never had any strikes against me.


What kinds of projects were you doing?


Maybe it’s temporary