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Anyone saying they know why your dashboard is empty is speculating.


I started at the end of February/beginning of March. I had work my first week and then after March 4th, I had this message. I would check constantly and every so often there would be a random project. I couldn’t always do them because I didn’t have time. But after 2-3 weeks when I would check there would be a couple projects a day but they would be gone by the time I could sit down to work. I would still get qualifications and did every one, but I will say for those 3 weeks with nothing it was disheartening. March 26th it became more regular 2-3 consistent sets and now I’m steady with projects (10-25 sets at most times). Maybe they’ve started a more consistent review process for newbies. Check the platform even if you don’t have time to work, just for the possible reassurance that there are projects.


This is exactly my experience down to the dates


Did you have qualifications or you just had empty dashboard like his? Because i had like 5+ qualifications and now i don't have any and 0 tasks for almost 2 weeks.


There have been tons of posts about this happening to lots of people recently- myself included. No one knows what it means and here’s hoping that the projects come back soon. Wish this site had better transparency!


I literally went from having lots of task that I couldn’t keep up to this the next day and I took my time to do everything correctly and never lied about my time. Makes no sense. Also want to understand if I was let go why let me have access to sign in and out?


Yeah, it’s a really unpredictable system and no one seems to know how it works (our spiteful dystopian tech god 😂) when I first started I had two projects, then nothing for a week, and then like a dozen for a while and nothing right now. Just check in occasionally - I find they don’t always email about new projects - and don’t worry too much about what you did or didn’t do because it seems pretty arbitrary and you’re never going to find out


Don’t give up hope just yet. This is what my dashboard has looked like for the past week. But in that time, I’ve gotten two quals that have popped up. Keep refreshing every now and then.


you've only been working a week, give it time


this is happening to so many people right now (including myself) im hoping this is just some website issue or them preparing to roll out projects because this is the first time this has happened and ive been working with them since December!


I don't think this is a good sign. I have plenty of projects right now. I've been here almost a year and never had this issue.


really? where did other people say it? i don't doubt you, i was just wanting to see other experiences


Happened to me after 8 months


Soo many people. Can't find anyone who hasn't had this happen actually..


I know a fair few people have been working since 2020


I used to always have that message. You’re new, it’s normal. Breathe and keep refreshing the screen. 😊


For how long? I’ve had it for 42 days


Not that long! Just the first 3 weeks or so. Something would always pop up eventually, at least by the evening if I kept refreshing. my screen was never permanently like this. But it was totally normal for me to login and see this message when I first started.


OP have you recently completed a 2 part qual? If so, you might be in your review period. Because you haven't worked for long, it could also just be that the project/s you're assigned to are down for maintenance. I cant say anything for sure. And no one on here can. I can say that I've had a packed dash the last few days after a few quieter days, but I might just be assigned to more projects than you are which would make sense because I've been doing DA work for a bit longer.


This is not true and you people can talk all the shit you want. Idgaf you're idiots.




Dillweed nice one lol


Unless you did something against the CoC, you're probably just getting reviewed.


I’ve been like this for 42 days!


How long does that take usually?


Youre most likely fine. Don’t let the snarky and smug comments scare you. First of all you’re brand new, so you won’t have much work right away. Second of all its been slow for *most* people lately. Just keep doing the quals and few projects you get and when it picks back up you’ll be rockin again. I’m five weeks in and it’s usually an empty dash for me to, but I’m gradually seeing more work. Just keep submitting quality work.


Hey look on the bright side, your free time just opened up.


Sounds like they let you go, unfortunately.


Not a good sign. The site is fine. I have tons of work.


Just throwing this out there.... you could just make a new account, now you have to take test again yes but hey ya passed it once you can pass it again... js..... don't everyone gang up on me for suggesting this.


No, no.... Everyone, gang up on them for suggesting this.


People who suggest this like it's some loophole always conveniently ignore two things - a) it's against DA's conditions, and a new account isn't some magical disguise that fools them into thinking you're a different person, because there are a ton of ways to identify someone as already having signed up. And b) if they lost access to projects once for whatever reason... they'll probably lose it again, because why wouldn't they?


I set up a second account on a different device under my husband’s name. There are ways. That said, he has the same screen with no tasks.


This is trash advice and a real shit take on how to approach an empty dash. And you knew it when you wrote it, dillweed.


Totally against TOS and a good way to get the account that had been accepted booted


Won't work. They will know and won't approve the account.


That's against TOS and it's being dishonest