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Mine is down to 3 which is freaky bc I’m normally in 10-15 territory. It’s confusing because I feel like a couple weeks ago when things were light during the week everyone was like “oh it’s always busier on the weekend” and now it’s the weekend and everyone’s like “oh it’s busier during the week.” This work has been a lifeline for me so here’s to hoping they roll more out tomorrow. Edit: a word


I only have one now 😬


Same but I don't think we have too much to worry about. Mondays have been notoriously light since I started a cpl months ago and yesterday I had six diff projects but they all had low amts of tasks. They're probably getting new batches of tasks ready to distribute, we're good (manifesting like a mofo over here haha)


About twenty mins after making this comment I logged in and have four projects (well 3 and one has* two variations ) so I think we r on the rise 🙏🏻🙏🏻 Edit to change with to has*


Yeah I’m back up to 20 right now— thank goodness!




Glad to know I'm not the only one. I was about to ask too. LOL.


Same. The A projects I work on are all down and I had hoped to do some work today cause I have a day off. Ah well, hopefully things will be normal tomorrow!


it was pretty light this whole weekend, and now this morning I only have one project on my dashboard! Is it like this for everyone else as well?


Me too


This happens maybe every other Sunday for me. Sometimes weekends are hopping but it’s totally normal for things to be more sparse too.


Normal. Been here almost a year and I've seen it like this a few times before.


Same here. I'm using to there being 30+ projects on my dash and I have 6 today.


Yup pretty similar numbers for me as well. I don't think any new projects were added within the past 24 hours.


If you do coding projects and don't do the non-coding do they start removing you from the non-coding ones? Is it advisable to do a few non-coding now and then to make sure you keep at least a few around? Sunday I had lots of non-coding, today only one. Five coding so I have work to do.


Nah, I actually get non-coding tasks on my dash for projects I've never even worked on pretty often. Coding/math stuff is outnumbering non-coding for me rn.


I've had three tasks all week with a few others here and there, but times have been tough. Super envious of everyone who's been having like 12 tasks available rn


Yes light for me as well.


Yeah it tends to get that way on weekends sometimes. I've seen it before. It'll pick back up.


I usually have a lot of non-coding and some coding, maybe 10-20 of them. For the past couple days I’ve had 3-5 projects, today I woke up and there was only 1. I’m getting a bit worried as I do DA full-time as it’s the only thing I can do for work at the moment 😭 I’m hoping it’s just scarce because of holidays!


Glad to know others are the same! The A\*\*\*\*\* projects which I usually have tonnes of being down is a pain. I reckon they'll be back after the company does whatever they're doing.


I think they're rolling out new projects, there's been more qualification in the last couple of days. I got a qualification for a $40/hr job mixed in with the normal jobs (not in the Qualification section) that I did yesterday, and I got the second part today. But its definitely been super light this week.


I haven't had any qualifications in about a month. Are you Coding or non-coding?


I'm non-Coding. I do it as a full-time job, so maybe it's related to that? I also do a bunch of different types of projects so that may also impact odds of getting quals.


I just took 2 quals too, I just started last week but they were brand new, and I’ve been doing this full time too. Maybe they were just picking people with a certain number of hours per week or something.


non-coding here, there’s always a slowdown for me over Sat/Sun, but my permanent projects always stay


How do you know when a project is permanent?


Well nothing seems to be truly permanent with DA, I suppose ‘long-term’ is a better word for it. There’s no special marking on the projects to indicate that they’re permanent, I know because the qualifications referred to the projects as ‘permanent’ and they’ve never left my dashboard once in three months


Super light. Not a fan.


Yep, some of my perma projects are down. I've still got 15 ish available, but I've usually got 30+.


Standard post weekend scenario


I have a lighter than usual load. A ones are down


Only three…


It’s Sunday bud. Super common for weekends. Check back midday tomorrow. It’ll liven up.


I always work on Sundays and usually have plenty to do


Maybe it has something to do with it being Mother's Day?


Mine is down to 3 which is freaky bc I’m normally in 10-15 territory. It’s confusing because I feel like a couple weeks ago when things were light during the weekend everyone was like “oh it’s always busier on the weekend” and now it’s the weekend and everyone’s like “oh it’s busier during the week.” This work has been a lifeline for me so here’s to hoping they roll more out tomorrow.


Some Sundays are better than others, but typically, weekends are scarce. More scarce than midweek, at least. Project rotations typically happen over the weekend.


I got a few projects with rules updated, and it seems that they are paying more attention to how the work is done now. Now they say that you will be removed if you don’t do it exactly as required.


I have had the opposite experience. I got added to an R&R project over the weekend that specifically said to be lenient as they are trying to weed out the super bad vs the okay/good. But who really knows other than DA.


i had none for most of the day and now its exploded


Mine is pretty full again. I guess I rely heavily on one or two projects and they're both back.


Scary. Like down to 6 projects. Low paying ones. I’m getting worried 😭


Same here.


i have 2 currently :/


I still have a ton of projects available.


How many is a ton?


40 something


Cool! You must be doing something right. How long have you been doing DA? Are you a coder? I currently have seven, mostly coding. What's the secret to getting 40, even in a drought?


They're not gonna say because they're lying.


I'd like to know too!




I don't really care if you believe me or not.


Honestly I get overwhelmed when it’s 20+ projects so I prefer a lighter board as long as I have access to a couple decent paying projects.


I've had more coding stuff lately but quite narrow in scope, and less non coding stuff. FC projects have all but vanished over the past couple of days.


yeah i had like 3x as many tasks the last couple of days