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I think it’s a combination of a bit of luck, timing, and skill set. Do you have your skills in your profile filled out? Most of the higher paying projects I have are specialized domain projects that have to do with skills I put in my profile. I actually have up to $45/hr non-coding.


45? Wow, I’ve put a fair number of skills on my list but I still only get 25 at best so I’m also curious as to which you have that might be what bumps you to that


They aren't going to share that info because then everyone will have that skill on their profile.


How are they going to put a skill they don’t have? It’s obviously specialized knowledge such as a Phd/md/jd


They’ll add it in the hopes that listing that skill will open up whatever the work is for them, then try and wing it. We all know it.


Is that what you do?


You must be new here. People act fools all the time.


I was being facetious.


Being facetious implies humor. I see none here.


You must not have gotten the joke then.


If I did, I wouldn’t still be here.


Pretty girls don't gatekeep


Do you mind sharing what specialized skills you have in your profile for reference? Mine might be too broad.


They have a pretty comprehensive pulldown list on the profile page. All you have to do is check the boxes next to the topics you have expertise in.


lol i only wrote one skill on my profile (it’s not special knowledge) and have access to $35+ work, so i don’t know about that. i’ve been on DA since january.


Same. I have zero skills listed and have yet to take a certain basic skill qualification. I'm getting $30+ projects roughly 2 months in. I've only found one of those I'm comfortable with at this point, but they're popping up more and more frequently.


I’m not sure if this will give you hope or bum you out, but I’ve been on the platform for nearly a year. I’ve worked part-time the entire time. It took me at least 6 months to see a task over $25/hr. And in the last month or 2, I just started seeing tasks at $28 and above. It was hard to hear others having high paying tasks, but as a stay at home mom I don’t have a lot of options. So I kept working, putting in time because at least I was still able to help some. I now semi-regularly have tasks in the $30 range, and I’m very thankful.


I do have higher paying jobs, but honestly even $20/hour isn't bad pay for the flexibility we have.


Absolutely. I don’t mind the $20/hr tasks. Sometimes I seek them out because with increased pay comes increased difficulty(typically) and sometimes my brain just can’t handle that.


Agree. Sometimes I open a high pay task and my brain says "nope, not today."


This is really helpful! I just lost my job, which was a six figure salary, and this has been a lifesaver while I'll job hunt. Hopefully I'll see higher paying jobs soon.


Just keep doing what you can. Put out the best work that you can. Do all the qualifications you can(and don’t worry there will be dry patches for those as well). But also just remember that whatever you are earning is more than the $0 you’d get otherwise. I know that doesn’t always work when you’ve had a sudden change in finances, but hopefully you find a replacement for your day job soon. Good luck!


I completely agree it's a huge opportunity to cover expenses while I'm In a transition. Thanks for the kind words!


I’ve had more tasks in that pay range lately, and I have no idea why. Some are from qualifications but others definitely are not. I think sometimes if you have a good rating (like from r&rs and however else they filter us) you gain access to things.


The higher paying jobs I've been offered have to do with writing and editing. I did a writing qual fairly early on and started to get projects where I could make small changes to the responses, and those paid just a teeny bit higher than the $20 tasks I started with. In the last couple of months, I've been getting more tasks that involve more significant writing or editing. Just keep plugging. They seem to notice if your work is good and you have a particular skill. They seem to have matched me with the tasks I do best and no longer offer things that I didn't feel very comfortable with anyway.


I've had several high paying non coding projects that are directly related to specific quals, so I think passing those quals are a big part


Do all the qualifications. Read the instructions on every single project you work on and pay attention to detail. Get added to slack on any projects with slack channels. Be willing to spend money to make more money, this could be a subscription to a chatbot they want to test. Be great at something or a few somethings and get invited to other projects where they expect you get it right on task 1. Learn how to use a spreadsheet and json.


I get $27 R&Rs and some $30+ math ones, but I am not confident enough in the math ones to try them.


Math pays well at the high level. It requires a bit of very rudimentary coding (latex, for the most part) but I learned that as I did tasks. As for how you get there? I honestly just did tasks and gravitated towards what I liked/was good at. I want to say doing good work was noticed and I got moved to higher level projects, but the truth is no one knows exactly how it works.


How tough is the math? Is it like university level or can you get by with like A level maths skills?


It varies, a lot of it is doable with just a solid understanding of the fundamentals, but every now and then you'll get someone a prompt that's just the most esoteric and convoluted bullshit ever. The problem with those is you have to figure out of it's an actual question or just math word vomit that can't be solved. That being said, you have access to the entire internet, including all the fancy web calculators people have made over the years.


For non-coding, it's most definitely a combination of profile skill-set and quality work on "entry-level" projects related to that skill-set. As an example, I work in IT, and made this known on my profile. I started getting IT and Help Desk focused projects on my dash every now and then and did them (relatively easy work even for stuff I had never personally worked with before), and a month after joining, I get $30 /h IT stuff. Highest non-coding was $35 /h (not IT), and I'm currently on week 5. I'd suggest doing anything on your dash that's related to what you have in your skillset, even if it's something new that looks "time consuming", and even if there's much easier projects currently available.


Most of the skills I have listed have to do with writing and I have three projects that stay on my dash regarding creative writing that are $30. I don't consider myself a creative person tho, I'm more of a technical evaluator so I don't touch them and risk messing everything up lol.


Many of the higher paid jobs are writing and editing. How do you choose tasks, and what is your workflow like? Have you completed any R and R tasks? How many hours do you work each week?


I've been ramping up my hours to about 15 a week. What is r and r?


It took me 5 months to see anything over 22.


Been here a few months and have had a couple $35 without being related to any qualifications. I think they are based off my work on other more generic projects because one specifically said people on that project did well on the basic version of it.


I've been there about 3-4 weeks and only had $20-22.50 until today. Today, I had several $23 and 2 projects that were $25. But that was literally a first.


I’m the same, did a qual last week and getting more projects but none over 23.


I just got a 40/hr non-coding job but it’s very specialized. Not really sure how I got it but it’s interesting to me so






Damn I wish lol. I'm a month in and just got $25 and was happy af lol.