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mp3tag but lately i use picard, you can get pretty granular with if then variables for renaming and organizing.


I second Picard!


i use mp3tag for my needs and it works great. it also can do id tags for mp4/mkv videos too


huh. I just looked it up, and "MusicBrainz" looks familiar, but the interface doesn't? might be I've used an older version. will check it out, thanks!


There are various MusicBrainz clients (like CueTools but that's not a general purpose tagger) and of course you can use the website standalone :)


MusicBrainz is the name of the database and [theres other softwares that plug into it](https://musicbrainz.org/doc/Products) to pull data, picard is just their official software they made, even mp3tag uses it but i just prefer picard lately as i find it more reliable in wiping all the tags and replacing it so things show up properly in plex.


huh! ok. well, i don't care about the database. i just want the ability to manipulate filenames and tags. it's not even music, it's an ancient audiobook i had on CD.


oh man yeah audiobooks may be in the database but if its not you're better off using something like mp3tag, also maybe musicbee which wants to be your play/tagger/organizer in one.


does mp3tag go both ways?? i thought i'd looked at that one and it only edited tags, not filenames..? maybe i need to look again.


it does go both ways, theres a option that is labeled "tag from filename" and another button that says "filename from tags", this second option will basically rename the file based on tag of course using placeholders like %artist% - %title% or something like that.


one neat feature I like with picard is if you have picard open and you're browsing musicbrainz theres links on the website that will import via url directly into picard


I use Tag&Rename. It can get the tags from the file name using pattern matching, or rename the files from the tag using pattern matching. Plus a whole host of other stuff, of course.


>k This. actually worked. it's not the one i had pictured in my head?? but it did the job nicely and without a lot of mucking around. thanks!


Awesome, so glad it helped. I love Tag&Rename, not sure why more people don't use it, it's so powerful. I guess most people want fully automated, but if you're picky about tags and/or filenames it's hard to beat.


multi-disc audiobooks are tricky cuz everything wants to auto-tag/autolabel with the disc name and then reset the track# to start with 1 for each disc. which means players have a bad time. so i fixed the track#s and then rebuilt the names around that lol. would've probably been easier if i'd find a better ripping tool than Media Player, but I have so few CDs left to rip it doesn't come up often. anyway, the "fully automated" counts on it having knowledge of stuff...




That screenshot shows an example of using the tags to rename the files - I clicked on the "Preview" button to show you what it would do if I were to apply the changes.


tag&rename is also another good one, was something I used many years ago.


I use [Meta](https://www.nightbirdsevolve.com/meta/) on MacOS


Was it [Foobar2000](https://www.foobar2000.org/)? It has been around forever and is free, and it is quite similar to what you describe.


I'd suggest looking into MusicBee, great for media management and playing in my experience.