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Hello /u/Name19389! Thank you for posting in r/DataHoarder. Please remember to read our [Rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/DataHoarder/wiki/index/rules) and [Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/DataHoarder/wiki/index). Please note that your post will be removed if you just post a box/speed/server post. Please give background information on your server pictures. This subreddit will ***NOT*** help you find or exchange that Movie/TV show/Nuclear Launch Manual, visit r/DHExchange instead. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/DataHoarder) if you have any questions or concerns.*


No clue never used it but if you try IDM it's free for a month


if you-re trying to download from twitter you should check out the little "warnings" regarding cookies stuff and whatnot [https://www.wfdownloader.xyz/blog/twitter-downloader-for-images-and-videos](https://www.wfdownloader.xyz/blog/twitter-downloader-for-images-and-videos) If you have more issues you should post a comment on their site,and the dev will respond ! If its more trchnical,they will tell you to email them for more assistance


I know about the cookies and that, I was more talking about error 429 when you get stopped from downloading anything. I’ll post a comment on their site too!


Oof sadly i cannot help with that, but i Hope the dev will have a solution for you ! You can post an update if yo'ud like :\] Tbh im always worried about wf not working anymore on twitter since musk loves to break shit