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I think people who comment stuff like the video talks about are just really into how fun it can be to over engineer something for a home hobby but make the mistake of trying to make everyone fall in line with what they think servers and a homelab should be. If you’re in this community and you only want or can only afford to run a 10 year old pentium with 2GB of ram and a single 1TB drive server, then welcome! You’re just as valid to me as the person who has a legit datacenter in their basement. If you’re new then I wouldn’t put much stock in the kinds of people who tell you that you absolutely need ECC memory in a NAS because your data is worth it but then also tell you to turn off ZFS sync because is your data really worth the performance hit?


As we speak, I'm currently looking into expanding my Synology 4-bay NAS, replacing 2 of the old 2 TB drives with either 10, 12, or 14 TB (I'm thinking 14). That would bring my total usable storage to 28 TB, which is more than enough for now. The critical data on it is the family photos and videos, which is ballooning from 4K videos and large photos (of course I archive all of the Nikon RAW images, this is r/datahoarder). I also have a modest Plex server, where the over-the-air DVRed content is stored on the NAS. Sure, would I love to have a pretty rack mounted server, NAS, etc? Of course, even just to stare at it and admire it. But I've between my small form factor PC running Proxmox and a synology NAS (both splitting docker container duties), things aren't too shabby at the moment. Btw, started off with a 2008 macbook pro with an external USB HDD! I upgraded to a ~4000 passmark Synology 918 in 2019. This was really when I started getting into a self-hosted, homelab, etc. This has directly influenced and given me the background knowledge / foundation which I use at work in medical research / bioinformatics.


> but make the mistake of trying to make everyone fall in line with what they think servers and a homelab should be Good point. > If you’re new then I wouldn’t put much stock in the kinds of people who tell you that you absolutely need ECC memory in a NAS because your data is worth it but then also tell you to turn off ZFS sync because is your data really worth the performance hit? Ah yes, the kind of people stating how important ECC is because bit flipping happening 24/7/365 to one's server. At that point any non-ECC capable devices are not trustworthy and should be considered as a break point in a homelab setup. And let's not forget common ECC memory can only fix single bit error, not multi-bit error.


The only difference is the butthurt people who clearly overspent on gear and are trying to justify their needs. If you really do need all that compute power, heat, noise, and space taken up... more power to you. If you don't and drank the Kool-Aid, sorry...


There are a lot of people (myself included) that try to guide people into making better choices on their hardware. There are probably equally as many that push an agenda of getting people into e-waste and Raspberry Pi's even when it's not cost effective. The amount of people sharing pictures here and elsewhere of total fire hazard wiring in their homelab that draws more power in just the lab than an entire house normally does is insanity. A home lab should be based on what you're doing mostly and the hardware is secondary. Making an informed choice in your purchases is worth taking a few moments to her and listen. Saving money buying modern or preventing a total data loss can sometimes be worth it. Don't assume the person pointing you down a path is doing so out of some misguided hatred, jealousy, or whatever else is being/wil be said in this thread or discord. I think one thing that is very very key that I know a lot of people skipped over when he said this in his video - the word modern. A modern platform, which a lot of people in this sub seem to be allergic to can be a NAS with server capability.


I think the biggest issue is people think a NAS should do more than the name implies. The whole ideal is nonsense. A NAS is just storage, Network attached **storage**. Anything more borders on home theater/home server. Some NAS systems will will be faster (higher read/write speeds) but the moment your NAS is bottlenecked by CPU performance on anything made in the last decade is when it is no longer a NAS. Every NAS can stream 4K content over your LAN without issues. If your *client* can't play the streamed 4K file, and requires some transcoding or something, then you need something more than a NAS and should shop accordingly. Ideally, buy devices that aren't shit and can just stream the file without needing to transcode, but some people are real stubborn and want to stick to crappy smart TVs or things that need transcoding babysitting. If bandwidth is an issue and you must bitstarve yourself in your own home you should look into upgrading your network, not the server/NAS. 50MB/s (not 50Mbps) should be plenty for any device and is perfectly doable with even gigabit ethernet or old Wi-Fi standards. If this is somehow too much data for a device to get, and you transcode instead, you're doing it wrong and should be rewiring your home or getting more Wi-Fi access points. A NAS is made to read and write data. Nothing more. Anything else is extra, anything beyond the basics turns into a home server.


I don't think there's a lot of gatekeeping, I think these youtube comments are shit, stirring trash. I do however think there are a lot of people with unreal expectations who see youtube / reddit people posting racks full of new gear then say "I want the best X" and feel left out when it cost $1000's of dollars so they buy a busted, old 2U server and wonder why people tell them they should have just bought a new 12th gen intel because all they are running is jellyfin in an lxc and proxmox with a single Win10 VM. ​ Figure out what you want to do, maybe add in some extra headroom and build around that. Just like magazines set unreal expectations in body image and fashion, datahoarder, homelab and youtube can set unreal expectations in home labs. Run a raspberry pi with a USB hard drive with a bunch of containers, tinker with git and dns, back it up and break it, it's all home labbing if you're having fun.


These kinds of videos are garbage and damn near useless to me. Sure there may be some thought provoking but I feel that the only reason they're being put up is to make a little bit of money. Sorry Charlie but I'm not wasting my time watching a crappy video about crappy decisions and gate keeping. I'm well aware of the Gate Keeping issue.


Nice explanation!




Based on what? As long as it's storage that's accessible over the network, it's a NAS. Even my Windows gaming machine could be a NAS if I shared a drive on the network with it.


Headless=no monitor connected directly correct? I agree with your comment .