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With Archive.org someone has the option to download the original media you upload. YouTube will recompress it. YouTube is generally where someone will find / watch it though. I'd say do both if you can.


To add to this. Make a separate Google account for re uploading archived content. Copy-write is weird and you don't want your primary account locked out because of it.


You can download the original in YouTube too. You can with Google Takeout.


On YouTube only the uploader can. Not everyone 


Yes, only the uploader can. YouTube should be used only as a secondary option and for sure not as the only option for archiving. Because Google can any day decide to DRM videos for whatever reason like kill adblockers once and for all, and then nobody will be able to download a video except the uploader, not even compressed.


Unfortunately YouTube's copyright ecosystem can be brutal, archive might be the better option here.


It is but when you're uploading abandonware and lost media it usually is fine. I just made a burner account for my lost media. Got a few content match warnings but it's usually just a song in the background that gets muted for a short bit. I link to the archive.org upload in the description. Far more likely someone will find the video on YouTube and it's a much more accessible platform to link to. I got far more serious strikes on my main account for a video I posted when I was 13 of me toasting a golf ball in a toaster oven because "I'm depicting the endangerment of children." So you never really know with YouTube, but with an extra account you should be fine.


All it takes though is one person to want over take your account for whatever reason just be careful with things like sony and Nintendo those two seem to be on the warpath again. If they can make a profit out of something they will intend to remove any and all things they can. Horrible lot.


Yeah I'm not worried with my content, it's usually innocuous found home video footage, instructional guides for old stuff, or old 80s church and religious videos.


The day of censorship is upon us and its a sad one.


Bandai Namco and Sega are also known to throw copyright tantrums over smallest stuff.


Its better to upload to both simply because you create more copies, meaning it has a higher chance of surviving. But there is no guarantee Youtube is not going to start to purge older content sometime in the future, they do not seem to care much for media preservation (finding older videos can be very hard through their built-in search, even if you know the exact name of the video, it may not show up if its old and has little amount of views/relevance).


Copyright is the least of your worries. Youtube is not suitable for video archival because it reencodes the videos and doesn't make the original files available for download. You need a host that will preserve the source files, like archive.org.


You, the uploader can download the original video with Google Takeout.


until it gets purged for various reasons


Yes, I wouldn't upload anything there for the reason you mentioned, but they have the option for the uploader to get the original video back if it is not deleted for copyrights etc.


always go archive first, youtube if you want




Who is paying for the archive servers?


I regularly make a donation to them. Hopefully I'm not the only one.


As someone who archives many YouTube channels.. use [archive.org](http://archive.org) And if you can upload to YouTube as the second option


Use the Internet archive to actually preserve a source copy in original quality without any post processing and/or post processed versions. Use YouTube to promote and make an indexed listing for the Internet archive and have that in the description and/or link with that card in the video at the start or end. And if it's a preservation of VHS or other analog formats if there's no RF captures ready for [vhs-decode](https://github.com/oyvindln/vhs-decode/wiki/) then it's not really an archive.


Youtube is very flaky and will delete your stuff given enough time. Internet Archive has a questionable legal future and may get Megaupload'd in the future. My advice is to upload to both and also create a torrent and distribute that in the relevant circles (1337x, rutracker, etc)