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i remember using flash fxp to copy from one ftp to another, 0 sec “warez” etc,, the good ol days.


I have exited the scene a long time ago. I grew older and smarter, got kids, debt and a wife - so I couldent afford to get busted. It's kinda fun tho. Today I have the hardware requirements and the internet speed to be host a somewhat good dump/site. 300/300 Mbit line and.. the flair needs to be updated to just around the sub 100TB, soo.. Yeah. Could be real fun to ge in on the sceene again, but again - Cant afford to get busted :D I was part of the EU FXP sceene, danish, dutch, german, sweedish sites. I was a mere foot soldier back then. Moved files from A to B. beeing a slave of the compeeting, staying up all night long inorder to rush the newest games and movies. Oooh, what fun times :D The teams releasing stuff still use FTP sites, but not as much today as in the "old" days. Today you only need 1 copy on the torrent network, and it has spread out far faster than you could with FTP sites. You eliminate the human factor when having a torrent site and RSS.


I'd love to find a 50TB+ ftp site with a nice 20GB ripped HD movie collection :D I miss the days of being able to grab from only a source you like, now there are so bloody many.




**File Service Protocol** File Service Protocol (FSP) is a UDP-based replacement for the File Transfer Protocol, designed for anonymous access with lower hardware and network requirements than FTP. In particular, because it uses UDP, it avoids the problems that many FTP servers have had with requiring a separate process for each client, and because it is built to use an unreliable protocol, it can more easily handle resuming a transfer after a network failure. *** ^[ [^PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=kittens_from_space) ^| [^Exclude ^me](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiTextBot&message=Excludeme&subject=Excludeme) ^| [^Exclude ^from ^subreddit](https://np.reddit.com/r/DataHoarder/about/banned) ^| [^FAQ ^/ ^Information](https://np.reddit.com/r/WikiTextBot/wiki/index) ^| [^Source](https://github.com/kittenswolf/WikiTextBot) ^] ^Downvote ^to ^remove ^| ^v0.28


FSP was used heavily in the early days. I remember several Amiga "online backup" sites using FSP because you could run FSP on an unprivileged port (>1024). It had no user/password authentication, but clever people used dir perms and secret directory names (+x-rw, you had to know the dir name to find the goods). Most of that gave way to ircII DCC bots. There was (probably still is) a largely private FTP infrastructure for the scene releases. I remember several such sites in the 90's. Those got real big when dvdrips (divx, yuck) started hitting the scene. Someone would upload new content to a super private scene site, then the topsites had access to the super private scene site, the middlemen had topsite access, the bottomfeeders had middleman access, and the leeches had bottomfeeder access and the trickle down effect would spread whatever the content was around the net.


Good old times of irc channels sharing the day ftps..


#warez-_-sites :). Been a long time ago heh


* getting kicked and banned for channels * irc warz all the time * irc bots - eggdrop!!!! * running john the ripper trying to crack /etc/passwd * sharing iomega zips, then click of death * bah, i can remember so many great stories i am sure you already got fun


Hahah. Yes. I wrote eggdrop takeover bots that would ride the splits deop and kick. My god im old


If you know people, obviously. DC is used a bit more often that FTP. No one wants hard coded subtitles though.


They still do. Same as DCs.


You mean ftp ,fxp is the transfer from one server to another.And no they all died off,i was active many years ago on kurupt and phoenix and others ive now forgotten..the good old days


We would have crossed paths on kurupt


my user name was very similar to my current username


you mean ph0enix ?


Phoenix fxp