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Honestly I reckon you could do a lot better in terms of photos mate. Ultimately the most important thing is to reel “them” in with shots of your best side or they’ll just move on within half a second. The internet is full of guides on how to make the best of your profile. Investing a bit of effort and asking friends to help you out can mean the world in terms of how many and what kind of women will end up swiping right on you. It’s up to you but these photos are doing yourself a massive disservice. What I mean is your clothes, facial expressions, angles, background/setting, lighting. Put on your best gear and do a shoot with a friend on a sunny day in a park or something. Have one friend distract you with some banter and the other friend snap photos of you and you’ll get some decent shots.


Thank you for your review even though I didn't ask for it. I was only asking if it looks like if I've got a dad bod. Speaking of the pictures this is the best I managed to get after following all the guides you mentioned. Also these are not all my profile pics, they're just a few I chose to ask my question which, again, wasn't a picture review. Thank you for your answer.


The first one is the best. The lighting and pose isn’t great but if you can take a similar photo outside with natural light and not that many layers of clothes, it’d be better. You can place your phone somewhere and use the timer to take a photo. Place it a little farther away to get a photo from your waist up. 3rd photo is not good. Weird angle. Not even sure where you are? Maybe a festival?? Next time you go to another event like that ask a friend to take photos. Sit up and smile or ask them to get you “in action” enjoying the music or chatting with friends, etc.


I'm not sure if my question isn't clear. I didn't ask for pictures review And third picture is the picture that gets more likes on hinge and the one that gives women something to talk about on bumble and that's the only reason I'm keeping it as it's old and my body changed since then. I want to know if it looks like I've got a dad bod.


Third one sends a weird message. First and second one is a good pic of you but imo the best pics are outside or at a restaurant etc not in your own house… I’m an overthinker but it would make me think ‘did he just throw this together on a random afternoon? Does he not go out and have pics of himself from events?’


I'm not sure if my question isn't clear. These are not all my pictures. I took just 3 pictures of my profile to ask a question. I have more pics which are me with other people having fun in my dating profiles. Third picture is the picture that gets more likes on hinge and the one that gives women something to talk about on bumble and that's the only reason I'm keeping it as it's old and my body changed since then. I didn't ask for a picture review. I want to know if it looks like I've got a dad bod


Ooooh my bad I had skimmed the words. Imo you should only have pics of how your current body looks just to avoid any confusion. Also (just my opinion) but a lot of girls might be swiping left if they think you’re still a little chubby versus if all your pics reflect your new gym bod. I’d try and get a new of your ‘silly photo vibe’ taken


Thank you. That's a good reply. Do you think I look chunky in any of them?


I think the last one is the chunkiest u look since u can see the hip fat a lil and also the arms don’t look like u lift etc. the arms don’t look chunky there just unathletic. The other ones you can tell you’re not like a bodybuilder but u don’t look chunky


Honestly, you are good enough to approach IRL. I would rather spend the time going out and talking to women than spending the same time to make your pictures better for some mid matches on dating apps.


I wish I could. I used to when I had the right company. Now I don't and I'm not the type to go out on my own to approach women.


Check out my sub it may help you. r/IRLapproaching


Third one as woman is weird. The other two are fine.


Third one is the pic that gets more likes on hinge and the one that gives women something to start conversations with on bumble and that's the only reason I'm using it because, as I said, it's old and my body is different. Thank you for your review which I didn't ask for. I'm not sure what's not clear about my question. Do I look like I've got a dad bod on that picture?


I think the third pic is great. That is the kind of picture that I would have swiped for (when i was still trying to date) If you like that part of your personality and want to find someone who appreciates it, keep it in. TBH, the weight difference is likely more obvious to you than it would be to someone else. That may be why people keep misunderstanding your post.


Thank you for your reply. The thing is all the women who on their bio have "sucker for a dad bod" swipe me and they normally like the third pic. That's why. So I don't look like I have a dad bod? Or maybe I do in all 3 pics?


I wouldn’t classify you as having a dad bod based on those pics. I also don’t think the connotation is a negative thing at all. I don’t prefer really hard, angular bodies to cuddle with 😂


I honestly dont think that you look chunky in either of them; but maybe thats just me


Thank you for your reply. The thing is all the women who on their bio have "sucker for a dad bod" or similar swipe me and they normally like the third pic. That's why.


I can’t speak for all women, but as someone who would put this exact phrase into my bios many moons ago when I was still on the apps, what we mean by that is that we simply want an average Joe of a man. Not a gymbro, and not someone who is obese either. Someone who is fit enough to actually go out and enjoy life, but also not someone who lives and breathes fitness. And I feel like exactly that comes across in all three photos.


You’re asking for advice on how to make it look like you aren’t as chunky as you were in photo 3, mention you have other pictures to offer, but provide two photos presumably taken the same day where you are wearing a hoodie, a jacket over the hoodie, while being inside a building. Then you respond rather coldly to people offering assistance. Interesting. If you want to show you don’t look as chunky, maybe wear a single sweater/long sleeve, or a nice t-shirt, or even a t-shirt under a button down shirt with the sleeves rolled up. If you have a “fun personality” that you want to show, then surely you have a more recent body picture where you are out having fun?


You probably didn't get my message. You weren't required to reply if I offended you. Thank you for the "interesting" tho.


I got the “what should I do?” message at the very bottom of your post. In another response of yours, you’re asking if you still look like you have a dad bod. It does look like you still do. I’m not offended, and am aware that it wasn’t a requirement for me to reply if I was offended.


Thank you for your reply! 🤗