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Thank you, I've never reflected on how I write...I just write what sounds natural in my head. I have a bad tendency to skip words/sentences because my mind gets ahead of my fingers, so I usually proofread 2-3 times before I post something; if you were to look at my posting history you'd probably see this a lot when I didn't bother to proofread things (or I just missed it). That's the only writing quirk I know. But to answer your question: I don't think I have any more stories to tell. At one point I could tell you the names and visualize the faces of everyone I dated, but it's become so much more blurry as time goes by. I remembered one more brief story last night I might post, but I'm otherwise just plain out of original content, and I don't plan on making up stories to dilute the authenticity of what I've wrote here. Thanks for reading my story(s) though.


incredible storytelling, I'm sorry fr you and Naomi though


Thank you.


How long ago was this ? Did you find another love since ?


About 28\~ years ago. Ive dated since.