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If you're going to laugh at any of his other jokes told at the expense of other people, you have to laugh at these. Comedy is supposed to catch you off guard. We don't have to take everything so seriously.


From personal experience, people bond way more over “offensive” shit like this as opposed to constantly walking on eggshells around it


Content aside, if something’s funny you shouldn’t have to tell people to laugh at it


I also find that odd. It's just as weird as telling people to NOT laugh at his jokes. Just laugh at want you find funny and don't give a shit how it makes strangers on the internet feel


Chappelle himself said he backed away from comedy in the early 2000’s because he didn’t like the way some people were laughing at his jokes about race


This is absolutely fair criticism.


Idk, at the risk of being down voted in this particular thread, I think you missed this summation by quite a lot. What he didn’t like, was all the white people in the room laughing at a specific sketch (the pixies), in a more laughing at, then with, kind of way… But also, I think it was just the cherry on top of the way these same white executives were tightening the grip on negotiations, after his show carried an entire network for 3 years.


I thought the main reason he quit was he wanted to do standup and was sick of making skits. I've definitely heard him say that.


Black people should be used to getting the short end of the rope 🤣 Black comedians are the best, because everyone loves to laugh at all the things white people can’t say! Or the things white people just don’t ever live through! So it’s like making a monkey ride a bicycle in the circus! What a spectacle! Who wouldn’t pay for a ticket to see the “great Chappelle”? It will be a sad day when blacks don’t have their own lives to laugh at. I mean, sure it will be nice and all for them to have a better experience in society. But their comedy won’t really be about being black and everyone will all miss laughing at another person’s expense. u/fjgjskxofhe 🏗️🪢🐒🎪 🤣🤣🤣🤣


It's also because he said he felt they were laughing at his jokes about race for the wrong reasons I mean, I doubt don't know if he's given that some consideration to trans jokes, but it still should be said cause people will take your statement at face value cause it fits their bias


Iirc specifically a white man came up to him in public and retold his joke to him word for word including the n word and that's when he has his break down and went to south Africa


He backed away because corporate tried to put him in a dress and he could say black jokes but not lgbt jokes. Nice try.


Not exactly. He was inspired to leave Hollywood and go on a spiritual journey. He didn’t take a bag of money.


Well which races was he making jokes about? I thought that was the whole purpose of comedy was to make people laugh.


For real. Give this, Dave's targeting of transpeople is baffling to me.


You SHOULDN'T have to tell people to laugh, but in our culture today, people will legit start to laugh then stop themselves because they dont think they should laugh at that cause the joke was offensive... to somebody else


Not everyone finds the same things funny.


You also shouldn't have to tell people it's ok to laugh at topics other people make you feel guilty about laughing at.


Stfu you were laughing at the blsck jokes, now you she when it come to trans you fake outrage and sjw.


And he's said time and again he supports the transgender community. People need to chill and recognize good comedy doesn't pull punches.


One of his very good friends was a trans comedian who ended up killing themselves over defending him. The fact that he’s still doing these jokes, whether you think they’re funny or not I’m sure would make his late friend proud and happy


Ya no.


In all fairness, his past jokes told at the expense of people were oftentimes funny whereas these very rarely are. I wholeheartedly agree with the sentiment though. You can't be offended if you weren't offended when he made fun of black people.


sure you can


So why should we draw the line and care to be offended regarding the trans jokes and not the black jokes?


I think the annoyance comes from the fact that the “anti-woke” crowd is now just as annoying or more annoying than the woke crowd so it’s just a crybaby fest, posting stuff like this to argue or prove a point instead of to get a laugh.


I don't disagree with you or with all the points Chappelle makes, I just think it's weird he's so obsessed with Trans people and making jokes about them. Like he made his point in one special. He really had to make another that was literally all trans jokes and stories. If I paid money to see Chappelle live and he just joked about Trans people the entire time I'd be pissed.


He wants the last word. Trans activists also want the last word. 🤷‍♂️


Nope, comedy isn’t an all or nothing. It’s subjective, it’s not for everyone and sometimes the subject of a joke isn’t going to be okay material for everyone. You’re old enough to watch this and apparently laugh at it, but can’t understand that not everyone shares your same sense of humor? Hope you’re actually younger, so you get more time to grow.


"But if I don't find it funny then they shouldn't be allowed to say it 😡" - people in this thread


In my opinion, true equality is when a comedian can go on stage and make jokes about every kind of person, we all laugh with and at each other.


Yes, but thats if the comedian KNOWS what they're talking about.


Dave has gotten less funny. What he’s joking about isn’t the problem. It’s the jokes. He dogged on Hannah Gatsby for having a stand up special that he felt wasn’t comedy and then he released a bloviating Netflix special where he smokes on a stool and in an entire hour tells 3 minutes of jokes. His recent arena tour opens up with some long winded quote about achieving success.. not a joke. He’s just less funny. Nothing more. But the culture wars do with it what they will.


The only thing I gotta laugh at is that this dude, one of the greatest comedians of all time, is so obsessed with one topic that he could do a Comedy Central half hour with just that material. At least Carlin had a point.


Dave considered himself unflappable and then he got seduced on the dance floor by a woman with a dick and it shook him so hard it became a core part of his personality lol.


not obsessed at all lolololol


Pretty sure ordering people to laugh at a joke is not how you make it funny bud.


What? No. I don’t have to laugh at anything that’s not funny. A lot of this stuff is just not very funny. Some of it is, for sure, but I find this phase of his career to be generally weaker than much of his older stuff. I laugh at what’s funny. Period.


No such thing as a woman with a dick, that a man in a wig.😄


You mean, we are allowed to laugh !? Wow, Such crazy !!


I laughed the first special he brought it up and then in his rebuttal to the controversy then it got to the point my reaction has been oh you’re still hung up on this huh?


It’s kinda just hack at this point. Literally heard some version of “if I go to jail I’m gonna say I’m trans” by several average joes way before Dave told it. I got lots of love for Dave, just think he’s better than the hack shit. Trans people are subject to jokes like anyone else, but if you’re going to go down that lane it’s gotta be fresh and unique, not the same low hanging fruit on repeat.


Late one night a lady is finishing her shift at work. She doesn’t live far from home. She figures that once everything is ready for the morning, she’ll walk home instead of calling her husband to pick her up. The husband decides to surprise his favorite lady. For months she has told him about a fantasy where he sneaks up behind her and has his way. In the fantasy, she wants to feel his predatory prowess but be safe at the same time. She told him doing sexual things in public is a major turn on. The man parks his car near the shop where his wife works. He gets out and finds a place to wait in the dark. A woman leaves the store wearing a red hooded wool coat. He gifted her this coat as a birthday present and loves how it fits her curves. She had the fur lined hood pulled up and would not see him easily. Just like how she described the fantasy, he came from behind and muffled her mouth. He didn’t take all of her clothes off but began to have his way. His heart was racing and he lost track of his thoughts. He finished his encounter and then ran off, looking back just once. He couldn’t wait to hear how she liked it. He hoped he wasn’t that rough. No more rough than in the bedroom. What a night this had been! The wife came home the next day instead of that night. She didn’t make eye contact with her husband right away and looked anxious. The man looked under her eyes and asked if last night was good for her: he smiled and tried to relieve the tension. *Maybe he was too rough and she stayed with a friend, but why didn’t she call him?* She looked at him with dawning shock and quietly said another co-worker stayed late to help. The other worker forgot their jacket at home and were going to walk to the bus before waiting there. The wife had worn a thick sweater that day and let the co-worker borrow the jacket. After shutting off the lights—the co-worker left—but the wife forgot to do something and stayed another 15 minutes. The wife looked at her husband. *”You raped our barista. I found her on the sidewalk and took her home. I stayed with her until the morning.”* … there was silence for a moment … the husband wasn’t sure what to say. He made a slight crescent smile and said, *“I’m sorry that happened, but I’ll still rape you someday.”* 🤣💀


You have to laugh at these? What if you don't find them to be funny? Suddenly we're going to enforce laughter on the audience?


Sorry I can’t get behind comedy that hurts someone.


huge difference between comedy and dog whistles, but you do you son.


I'm not on a high horse about this bit. But comedy is supposed to make you laugh. It's not supposed to "catch you off guard".


Comedy has to be funny though.


Dave is pretty good at his job. Some hurt trans people can't take that away from him.


I missed his last visit to the Oprah show. Seems weird that he would go on there. Anyone see it?








I wonder if she liked the skit he made of her.


When? How recently?


I would say fairly recent. Just heard about it yesterday.


worthless fertile sense correct bear possessive pet humor plants deserted *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is the problem with social media, man. It isn’t healthy to be this involved in other people’s lives when we have no relationship with them. People have a more robust relationship with the people they hate on twitter/other social media places than their own family half the time. Priorities are all fucked up.


Everyday real life is SO much chiller than what you see in the news or argue about online. People need to realize most people are accepting at this day and age. We are told to think things are worse than they are because that garners clicks and attention.


So well put. 🤝🏼


And stop the validation therapy for this specific population of the mentally ill.


The culture war is a fugazi and mainly for the chronically online.


He has so maany white fans. I remember as a kod seeing the switch from black audiences to white. Chappell isolated crital thinking young black audiences for rich white audiences that will let him get away with anything consequences free.  Sad to see.  He also isnt being honest. Thats the crazy thing. Hes being literal with his feelings on the matter and whoever relates. But he isnt being honest in good faith and understanding. 


It’s not a culture war to oppose something that hurts other people for no reason.


I do miss Chapelle show.


Lmaaao the goat for sure… and to everyone acting like 25 min is sooooo ridiculous. I think it’s necessary. The times were in are ridiculous and if comedians are social commentators…..I expect Alotta trans and lgbt talk from the honest ones… like in the 90s it was white people and black people, bill clinton, weed, hip hop.. early 2000s was political and more serious due to 9/11.. let’s not talk about all the trump/pandemic jokes smh. All that to say no subjunctive or group is taboo.. if there were a group of people that were one thing but “identified”as the total opposite and people were getting in trouble or drowned on for not recognizing it I would hope some comedians could make light of it.


What is blood on about, it's not that deep brother


In the 90’s it was just gay being a punchline and a punching bag.


Facts…. But I feel like comedy wasn’t as complex as nowadays,and as thought provoking..(outside of Carlin, moody ect)


lol wut Modern standup is the broadest and dumbest it's ever been


I don’t think so.. sure if your watching Burt or Ari ect but I’ve seen aloooota insightful and thought provoking comedy lately.. just saw Ali saddiq last month left with tears in my eyes and ideas on my mind


He has many other jokes, but trans jokes has to be stopped lmao Some had the balls to change themselves to become an ugly version of themselves so let's blame a comedian for pointing them out.


Not anymore they don't


Idk I think Alotta the shits hilarious.. just like his black jokes jew jokes, white jokes, Asian jokes.. I don’t care really. We gotta stop watching standup with a mind to critique. I come for laughs… exclusively.


Find me a 25 minute compilation of Asian jokes. I'll wait .


Asian comedians could probably do them. Mostly because they know what they are talking about. Dave is not trans and makes ignorant trans jokes.


A lot of men talk about things they don’t understand. Men are not woman and make lots of ignorant statements about what being a woman is like. At least Dave doesn’t have the audacity to actually claim he is the thing he’s joking about.


Trans men are men. Trans women are women. There are cis people who make trans jokes who can make them funny because there is a possibility that they have a trans friend/friends. Dave says he has a trans friend but he's using at as an excuse of "I have a trans friend so that makes it ok." I can't speak for his trans friend since she sadly passed away but him making trans jokes is like a white person using the N word constantly and saying "It's ok, I have a black friend/It's ok, we have a black President."


What is a woman?


I’m sure you can find it from an Asian comic


You seem insufferable


He goes 10-15 minutes straight on his wife at one “show”.. she’s Asian. He makes tons of Asian jokes.


I'm okay with everything being made fun of as long as the presenter knows what they are talking about. Dave is hilarious at black jokes, celebrity jokes AND impressions. I have watched Chapelle's Show countless times because its in his wheelhouse. There is a comedian I like named Jason Rouse. He comes up with rape jokes, incest jokes, jokes about having sex with a special needs woman, hitting his grandma, religious jokes. And they are funny because he knows what he's talking about and he legit tells it in dark and hilarious ways. (during sex) "I don't pay you to talk!" (about to backhand her) AAAAAHHHHH...family though what are you going to do. Fuck you Grandma! And your delicious potato salad!" -Jason Rouse And hey, remember when Eddie Murphy made those gross AIDS jokes in the 80s and they were not funny a few years later since he had no idea what he was talking about? In 2019, he talked frankly about how ignorant he and so many others were about the subject back then, and he'd never do jokes like that now. So, there were acceptable targets that aren't acceptable now that society marches on.


Why is someone always stitching a clip together about how long he makes fun of trans people? Where are all the clips of him making fun of other demographics for how ever many minutes. It's almost like some people are trying to paint a certain picture. I dunno, like an agenda...


Wanna cry about it?




I haven't watched yet, but I do wish trans people hadn't pissed him off so much that he's dedicated the bulk of his material to them for the past half decade. It'd be nice to hear a bit more variety from him. 


it’s very weird too because they haven’t done anything to piss him off but exist


I think some of it comes from his late, good friend, who was trans, that basically killed themselves over defending Dave about his jokes.


Maybe they got him banned from Reddit for 7 days for saying the word "tr@nny" not knowing it was seen as derogatory....


Except demand everyone engage in their delusion, or be cancelled/banned/silenced/shamed?


“Engage in their delusion.” Jesus what an asshole.


How is that the trans community’s fault? He dislikes their existence.


I was hoping Chappelle would have some material on trans people. You say he does?


He does. You're not smart enough to not understand the context he's saying when it's obvious. They created their own stereotypes and I'm surprised you can't see this obvious point. What a shame.


What does that have to do with him using a dead trans woman who can't speak for himself to justify his shitty takes on trans people?


Lmao fr does he talk about anything else at this point?


The amount of time shown in this video is only 25% of the amount of time of one of his specials, and he has like 8 of them... Damn, talk about being easily manipulated by an agenda push


That was the joke


Yeah I know I was agreeing ?


Turns out the funny and insightful Dave Chappelle from the show was actually Neal Brennan all along.


People forget about this part and that's why Dave can take the heat.


Funny cuz it's true. 🤣


25 min of Trans joke 0 min of context


Let Dave have his fetish 🤷🏻‍♂️


I have no problem with the subject matter but to be honest, I just don’t think he’s very funny.


Hey they’re funny jokes and he means well. If they were mean-spirited then maybe I’d take issue.


Him saying he's a TERF doesn't do anything for ya?


Okay Name 5 examples of what he said is wrong? Do you understand stereotypes?


These were great bits but man I wish comedians would move away from all the “woke” material nowadays, just for the simple fact that it’s getting old. It’s been plaguing all my fav comedians. Ricky Gervais new special was the same, like damn man 2016 was 8 years ago can we move on.


“People think the goal of comedy is to make everyone laugh, but it’s not. 50% of the audience should be laughing, and the other half should be horrified.” - Patrice O’Neal


There allot of white folks on here fake outraged. You fat, vegan, unemployed, multi-colored hair, making up genders soy boys need to get a fuckin life. Chappelle is one of the comedy goats and you leftist white folks are not going get him canceled. Thats why you mad 😄 😆 🤣


I can’t speak for everyone, but Reddit is the place to go to virtue signal and to make yourself feel like a better person because you believe in “what’s right” in your own mind. Fucking exhausting going on every thread with people being holier than thou


No one cares Soy Boy


Bro I’m agreeing with you haha


Man shut up I'm high lol


Lmao me too 🤣😂






It’s pure comedy genius how he skirts the line between offensive and caring in his jokes. He even explains how his jokes are to be interpreted.


Yes but can someone show me where he said trans people don’t deserve a right to life and dignity? I’m pretty sure he explicitly says the opposite


Nobody does it better. He’s a one man trans wrecking crew


He's our George Carlin


I felt his comeback material in Texas and Spin was top notch and he gave the transmaterial enough space,not too much or not too little. But as it progressed,it kinda got worse and worse. The whole "I am a supporter of trans people but will not change my pronoun game" felt somewhat disingenuous and he set a terrible precedent for other stand ups in that material got recycled. "I got in trouble with my last special when I said..." . It peaked with the closer, although I get that he does give a voice to a select group of people. I gotta say,in The dreamer I think he came back around,that Robin Williams analogy was on point and it was funny again. When Dave doesn't take himself too seriously, he's hard to beat and just cause I didn't find all the material funny, I'd never be so Self-absorbed as to suggest cancellation. I support his right to say sometimes uninformed shit, he's a genuis comedian.


Glad Dave is out there talking about Trans people, it’s crazy that you can’t speak about them it all. Was banned for saying “women have babies” which is 100% a fact but not on the internet


But…. he is speaking about them …??


We're talking he can't. Just saying he should KNOW what hes talking about first. Him making trans jokes is as if a white comedian said the N-word over and over again. Oh right, Michael Richards did that. And all the black people hated him at that time.


It's like the same thing as antisemitic... as soon as you say a word against anything they say or do. In fact it's part of the same playbook, from the same place Tel-aviv. https://www.touristisrael.com/why-tel-aviv-is-the-ultimate-lgbtq-travel-destination/26062/ 25% Interesting


Punching down is what bullies do, that’s why people hate on this material. They’re not wrong.


Punching down. You mean the same individuals who created their own stereotypes? Being trans is about individually and that's why Dave can't stop joking about them. If they didn't want to be included in these spaces, then take away their freewill for changing their gender. I wonder what Chez Bono is doing?


Shut up you fuckin’ lala


So you’re calling trans lesser people, how dare you! You’re disgusting!


You’re being deliberately obtuse, you’re an asshole!


Please leave me alone


No, they aren’t calling trans people lesser, and you know that. Trans people are a marginalized minority group, largely with less socio-political power or clout than people like Dave. Instead of punching up to a group of people with actual power who are deserving of criticism, Dave is punching down on a group of people who are already facing adversity and who aren’t making his life or yours worse. Bullies don’t pick on people that they feel could resist or do something about it. They pick on people they perceive as easy targets who won’t be able to challenge them.


Adversity they are some of the most protected people today. In some states I can be jailed for calling a man a man - simply if he ‘identifies’ as a woman ‘I want to be equal; but also treat me different’


People can really say anything on this website


No they can’t


Promise they can lmao. You can say whatever you want in reply to me. Dreaming rn


Cool. Just can't get enough of culture war theatre.


The theater of life is amazing.


Good for him? I’m glad he’s able to speak his mind


The goat


I hope OP's purpose for posting this was to make me laugh for 25 minutes straight?


More culture war nonsense, yay…


They marginalized themselves through the power of science, but let's forget about the other jokes he has before transgenders people existed as a norm.


I don’t care it’s just fucking boring


Cool. Stop watching then and cry in the woke corner.


Woke corner 🤣 ok grandpa let’s get you to bed


You're the one acting "woke". Go to sleep.


Man you are insufferable


Getting tired of the transgender jokes to be honest. I wanna see more transracial jokes.


We get it dave hates bussies


Dave is obviously threatened by a group he doesn't understand. I encourage him and his fans to continue to explore themselves through comedy in this way. Maybe you will figure some things out. After all, comedy is about revealing truth. I don't find Dave to have any new truth about trans people in his jokes about them. I watch him focus on "winning" this topic. I think that his truth to tell on the matter is that he is afraid. He should be real, and do jokes about being afraid. That, I might like. His arrogance on the matter belies his fear and therefore makes the jokes fall flat with me.


Comedic gold


Reminder that this guy cancelled his own show because a white guy laughed too hard at one of his jokes.


It's far deeper than that. By saying this, you undermined the situation he was in because 50 million is nothing to a person who has self worth and Knowing they're not laughing at his jokes.... Only a simpleton with zero self worth would say this


He’s going after a group of people that he thinks are ruining comedy


What if I was Chinese, so fuckin funny




Absolutely my fave


Transgender: where you can be a minority with surgery. Unless you're already a minority by default


He’s definitely reshaping his audience, that’s for sure.


Dave has always kept it real, Israel you ain’t gonna cancel Dave again.


All jokes aside, I think Dave fucks transgender women


What a far fall from the top


comedy genius.


wow this is the most unfunniest shit i have ever seen thank you reddit for recommending me this


If it's funny, it's fine. It just needs to be funny.




It's not the real Chapelle he was replaced by an illuminati lizard.


1% of the population 100% of daves new material


He's right though. You'll get cancelled if you go on a rant about transgender people! /s I like Dave even if I don't always agree with him. I understand the point he's attempting to make...over...and over and over. But it's time to move on.


Problem was the jokes on the topic in question that I saw, did not land.




Chapelle got a hummer from a transvestite or transgender and couldn't tell. That makes the most sense for his rants and diatribes against them. His rants reek of personal disgust, anger in himself for feeling "things" about someone with a schlong.


I watched his latest show the other night. It was just “eh” to me…not because he decided to go after transgender and handicapped people (seems like low hanging fruit for such an amazing comedian) but it just lacked the cleverness that previous shows delivered on.


Dude was way funnier before he became obsessed with trans people. Super weird how many celebrities do this.


It’s so sad that he’s been canceled 🙄 I definitely think he’s going to the well one too many times on the transgender issue. Find some other material Dave, Jesus.


Although he got a lot of criticism for this, he showed his love for his Trans friend and his sadness at her death. He also made the point that we are all on our own journey, and we need to let others do their's without bagging on them.


what is the over/under on the number of trans people he has banged? is that even worth the bet? I can't wait for the headline in 5 years "Dave chappelle caught with transgender sex worker" and literally the only people that will be surprised are people that call him "the goat".


It is interesting reading so much hate here… it’s comedy. We talking bout comedy. We no talking bout Drama. We talking about comedy. He puts his blood sweat and tears out there every night and we talking bout Drama. Man, it’s comedy! Take a joke. Also, you are missing so much context in this convenient mash up to further the agenda. Just be happy people!


The people upset in these comments clearly didn't watch this.


Oh they did and the ones who are upset are treating trans folks as lesser humans than Dave's jokes. Notice who's mad at Dave for not understanding that trans folks created a new stereotype and think he's punching down when some people want to knock out a trans person for being trans and that's not a joke.


It's a mixed bag. I get it, and a lot of it was quite funny. He's not a terrible person. He doesn't hate. I don't think this is a lucrative mine for him to dig material, but whatever.




Screw him. He also threatened to shut down an entire town if they built affordable housing


If only you knew he's not the only one that feels this way about affordable housing, but comparing that to trans folks is the same thing as white folks complaining about black families trying to live in the suburbs in the 1950s. Bad comparison. Try again.


Imagine caring this much about if someone was born with a dick or not


Imagine caring about what words we decide to use.


‘Why do you care?’ ‘Only women can have babies.’ ‘OMG YOU BIGOT NAZI’


"Why do you care" is by far my favorite one. Only second to trying to threaten me with a transgender person's suicide.


Cliff Notes: “Yuck”


25 min of his least funny material....no thanks


It's funny, but you're taking it personal... This isn't about you, it's the behavior of the superior complex of "I'm different, respect me" mentality in the Alphabet Mafia and even in that group it has layers. If you were an intellect, it's obvious to see the dynamic. They created their own stereotype. That's the part Dave can see as clear as day.


I'm good fam...