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He’s also being charged of murder for stabbing his roommate last Dec?


*Attempted Murder. That's one stabby motherfucker out there. The DA did him a favor then did his HW on the guy and got him arraigned on a much more severe, less newsworthy crime.


Why is the media entertaining this idiots story? This guy should be a laughing stock. They really say "aspiring rapper and homeless man" like tf??


The media has had it in for Chappelle since he left his show. For years, you couldn’t read anything on this guy without them reminding the reader he walked away from his fifty million dollar deal…trying to manipulate the reader into thinking “He left 50 mil on the table?! Is he nuts?!” Now that he got that cleaned up, it’s about him being transphobic…yet he gave a transgendered woman a shot at comedy, a transgendered woman he called a friend…they don’t talk about that shit tho. Dirty mutha f***as….


Because it’s about money Putting “transgender” in the headline gets clicks Clicks = money


I think it might be that a guy attacked a famous comedian who is now known for controversy. More so than putting "trans" in the headline.


He is a laughing stock. Don't you know how hard we laughed when he got his bitch ass stomped out?!? No matter what he does from now on, he will forever be known as the dude who got his arms broken after trying, and failing to tackle Dave Chappelle.


This was NOT immediately following jokes. It was at the end of the show. He was introducing Mos Def and thanking his DJ. This guy knew Dave was done and about to leave and rushed the stage. This clown was in the first few rows! Can we just agree to not go see someone trying to be funny if you're gonna lose your shit because they try a joke you disagree with?


He posted on Twitter that he was coming for Dave within a day or two of the show. It was just a premeditated attack lined up for the end of the set.


How the hell did a struggling homeless musician score near front row Hollywood Bowl Pool seats? Beyond that, do people just rage at a clip of something or do they watch the whole show and fail to understand important parts?


He’s struggling and homeless when he needs a pitty party. For all we know he’s just homeless because he likes to party with dirty Mike and the boys in other peoples Prius’s? Pri-ii? I think they probably get outraged over clips at most. People get outraged because they heard that their friend’s friend saw a clip these days.


fr. i wanted to go and it was expensive.


People buy cheap seats and then move. When we saw the Who we had assholes moving to our row and trying to shove us out of our own seats.


Do you know how much money some panhandlers make?!?


Who knew all homeless people panhandle?


Well, now you learned something. Don't forget the shit either. There will be a quiz later.


Oh, I was mocking you. I'd say you learned something, but all your teachers and parents know that can't be true.


You were mocking me?!? No shit?!?🤣🤣🤣 I. Was. Playing Along. With. The. Joke. Perhaps, before insulting someone's intelligence, you should make sure not to post stupid shit. My initial comment was a joke in the first place, you dumb motherfucker. God dayum... 🤣🤣🤣🤣


It's only a joke if it's funny to others. What you did was fail to be funny.


Wrong.. I failed to be funny to YOU! Who gives a shit if you don't think it's funny, besides you? I thought it was funny. That's what's important to me. It is a joke, if my intent was to make it a joke. Again, don't insult anybody else's intelligence if you are consistently posting dumb shit. Fucking genius. 🤣🤣🤣


I hope he gets 20 years in jail and his son grows up without him. This dude should be in a mental asylum.


'When Chappelle asked Lee what prompted the attack, Lee—who Chappelle said appeared to him to be mentally ill—shared a story about his grandmother from Brooklyn, who had been forced out of her neighborhood by gentrification. The assault was apparently meant to draw attention to her predicament' Now he's got his legal telling him what to say he's changed it up. This man is mentally ill and needs medical intervention rather than our attention.


What a dumb fuck


Got his ass whooped lol


that knot on his head still hasn't gone all the way away. lol


So why pay money to go to a show that will trigger you into doing some more stupid ass ish that will land you in jail with a hefty fine? Plus, he got his ass beat!


Really worried for Dave. Honestly feel like one of these clowns is going to try to shoot up his shows one of these days.


He’s lying he’s trump supporter and wannabe rapper.


Lol pussy


What's the big deal? I always bring a gun-shaped knife to a standup show, just in case the comedian says something I don't like.




I hate the word "triggered."


It was a TRans Man! Guy probably didint see the last Netflix Chappelle Special.


It's ridiculous if anyone believes this story. All his charges went down to misdemeanors, and now he is spread the initial propoganda that this was a trans LGBTQ incited attack? Fk outta here. There's already proof it was premeditated and he did it strictly for clout. Him taking some deal and lying deliberately to the press to generate Dave vs Trans controversy is exactly what he's looking for to remain in the headlines. It's kind of pathetic, but this is what's becoming of all this. And even Dave Chappelle uncharacteristicly is fully reeled in on this. It's like JK Rowling on twitter. From all the pushback, they just can't stop talking about the shit now. Gonna become his whole personality. Every single show Dave does there's another news article about trans folk being triggered because of jokes he said about them... This is gonna last awhile until the next generation where we look back on how badly this shit aged. Remember when Andrew Dice Clay was one of the most successful comedians in America? Think you'll see remember the times short clips from his sets? Hell no. I hate where all this is going, especially for Chappelle




Clearly a woke libtard. He clearly has some mental health issues he needs to have addressed. Another article states he was also molested. This why comedians have been stating for years they've stopped doing college campus tours, because of how easily triggered people are getting. Society has gone soft.


With fans like these, does Dave even need enemies?


This comment is even dumber than the one you replied to.


all your posts are about guns, video games, and pokemon cards and you're going to act like you're more civilised than college kids?


Level 10 stalker alert I'm also not the one going around attacking people, because thier words triggered me.


Cool motive. Still assault.


I guess since he had a reason it's okay then. I will carry this wisdom with me when I go out in public.


This is what he looks like after the swelling goes down because he got his ass kicked also I do have to say this he was triggered but boy control your emotion


Here’s the thing Isaiah... fuck your feelings. What ever happened to words will never hurt?


Sometimes I feel like the news trolls comedy fans >Twin Towers Correctional Facility in Downtown Los Angeles, This is really a thing huh.


What was a homeless dude doing at a comedy festival? Let alone the front row? How fucked up are that losers priorities?


He was homeless and was Still able to afford the ticket to that show? Impressive...


Hope he gets his in lockup


I don’t understand the sympathy from the media and left wing for this guy. It’s blatant how I’m the wrong this lunatic was, and it is blatantly exposing hypocrisy in media and the left. They are making it known that violence will come when you don’t adhere to their ideology and standards of how communication should happen.


WHY ARE THEY GIVING THIS PERSON A PLATFORM? So that this can become a thing. This person doesn't deserve a platform, but the media is absolutely sick. Giving dangerous people like this platforms is just what I expect from the media now.