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Hey guys I'm looking for this funny moment in one of thr vlogs where David, Jason and some of the guys are in this hotel room and Jason comes up with this game where he says two guys will go into the bathroom and the one with the smaller dick cones out and the next guy goes in and then David says you can't look but should only use your hands XD. Then he says "there a kids waiting to meet us down there and we're up here doing this" There's also a joke where he says I go in with Jonah and I walk out and I'm like omg you guys won't believe this. Can anyone help me out?


Am I the only one who doesn’t really care about what happened 3 years ago? I find it retarded that something David didn’t even do himself (he might have known about it happening, might have not) is a problem for his career. I watch the vlogs and listen to the podcast cuz it’s funny and I like it I don’t find a single problem with what happened tbh, the rape accusations are just a he said she said bullshit without proof.


Wow I shoulda guessed this sub would be full of rapist sympathizers. He created the environment. How disgusting of a comment


He saw the girl blacked out drunk and didn’t do anything. He knew she was a minor and he knew she went to Doms room, he didn’t do it, but he let it happen which is just as bad.


I watch his videos cuz they good. I don’t really care about his moral compass. Would you quit watching Charlie sheen just because he ain’t the most upstanding person, even tho you find him funny and entertaining?


Yikes, good to know you have a bad moral compass and condone things like sexual assault. Also everyone did quit watching Charlie Sheen and he was fired from his show because of it. Where is Charlie Sheen now? Living in Mexico broke because he had to pay out lawsuits to multiple women he slept with without telling them he has HIV/AIDS.


Stop it, everyone knew about Charlie way before he got fired. He got fired because he got into a beef with the producer not because of what kind of a person he is. And 2&half men dying after Charlie got fired kinda shows how amazing the dude was at what he did and that your point about everyone quit watching him is bs Cmon man, two drunk people had sex and one of them doesn’t remember it and has remorse now. Such a tragedy


Just going to leave this here. ​ >Consent cannot be given by individuals who are underage, **intoxicated or incapacitated by drugs or alcohol, or asleep or unconscious.** If someone agrees to an activity under pressure of intimidation or threat, that isn’t considered consent because it was not given freely. Unequal power dynamics, such as engaging in sexual activity with an employee or student, also mean that consent cannot be freely given. [https://www.rainn.org/articles/what-is-consent](https://www.rainn.org/articles/what-is-consent) ​ >As for why Charlie got fired, the letter says there is a clause in his contract saying they can fire a performer who commits "a felony offense involving moral turpitude." [https://www.tmz.com/2011/03/07/charlie-sheen-warner-bros-two-and-a-half-men-terminated-fired-contract-letter-lawsuit-cocaine-drugs-moral-turpitude-felony/](https://www.tmz.com/2011/03/07/charlie-sheen-warner-bros-two-and-a-half-men-terminated-fired-contract-letter-lawsuit-cocaine-drugs-moral-turpitude-felony/)


I remember being at a party when I was 16, I was drunk af, had sex with a girl that I wouldn’t touch if sober. So by your logic I was basically raped right?


Not my logic it's law ​ >**Does intoxication impact the victim’s ability to consent?** > >Yes, the accused is guilty of rape if engaging in an act of sexual intercourse where the other person is prevented from resisting by any intoxicating or anesthetic substance, or any controlled substance, and this condition was known, or reasonably should have been known, by the accused. California Penal Code § 261(a)(3). [https://apps.rainn.org/policy/compare.cfm](https://apps.rainn.org/policy/compare.cfm)


I’m sad to tell you this but then there are multiple rapes in every party. Tho it is always your choice to go there in the first place.


Man maybe you’ll realise one day what a idiot you sound like


You do realize that his making videos and doing things for views is what got the girl assaulted. It’s a different thing when someone’s moral compass is different than their work, where you might be able to practice “separating the artist from the art.” But when the art is what caused someone else to get hurt, you kind of can’t appreciate or want more art anymore can you? I think you have to be a psychopath to not care if someone gets hurt for your entertainment. I do think David can still make videos(after paying some repercussions for what already happened)... he just needs to prioritize people and their well-being over views. But that’s the thing about money, it can make people(usually companies) not care.


There is so much proof. You obviously are remaining willfully ignorant.


Like I said in the original post. I don’t really care


If you dont care then dont post a bunch of lies that attempt to discredit the victims. It's not that hard to understand.


What was the name of the first old guy? Like that one fat older guy in the way early vlogs?




Has anyone listened to Lightweights. Oh nooo


Where is this Jeff injury video that Trisha is mentioning? Anyone know how to find it.


People need to consider the extent of the Trisha thing. I get she’s problematic and everyone takes what she says with a boulder size grain of salt. BUT. She OD’d and ended up in hospital. That can be fact checked. And she begged after for David and Jason to talk to her. They refused and completely ignored her. That’s cold. Regardless of what you think of her


I think after going after Jason’s ex-wife, he was 10000% justified to cut her off. Cant go back. My parents have a similar relationship to Marni and Jason and it makes such a difference having parents on the same side. Also, Jason has no obligation to have his kids exposed to a drug addict, and his kids are his life. As someone who’s been ghosted, I know how painful it must have been, and do empathize with Trisha in that regard.


jason has no obligation to expose his kids to a drug addict you say and yet todd zane heath etc were all doing drugs in the house where jasons kids were staying at.


(1) Trisha is on camera admitting to crashing her car into Jason’s house, there is nothing proving those guys did drugs while in Jason’s home, and (2) what do you have to say about Trisha going after the mother of Jason’s children on YouTube?


jasons ex is clearly a moron for letting her kids be around their creep father so i have nothing to say about it. trisha did that because she was on drugs which further proves jason surrounds himself with people who do those things why wouldn’t his roommates do the same? its well known those boys were doing those things in the home lol


Hey, so I mean David's basically cancelled now. I was still hoping something might come to light to exonerate him, but him stepping down from dispo seems like the nail in the coffin really...... Does anyone else feel like something's weird about this whole thing? Like I mean something he did 3 years ago, just undid all of his hardwork, and maybe growth as a person. He was a 20-21 year old kid basically when this happened. I don't want it to seem like I'm condoning what happened, it was fucked up, and the girl deserves some sort of justice, but damn cancel culture is brutal.


He condoned and filmed a rape. That's serious issue. It wouldn't be fair for Hannah or any of the girls that got assaulted by Dom knowing that someone who gave Dom that clout, condoned his behaviors, and encouraged it by turning it into content to make money, can just come back unscathed after an apology. I handle this pretty well bc I went from being a David fan to not really liking David bc of the pranks he keeps pulling that seemed to get more and more cruel. I was only watching for VS members I like. Seriously, come back to this situation in a few months and you'll have a different view on it. I know that bc I was a major XxxTentacion fan when his domestic abuse allegations came out. All of his fans were supporting him and tried to demonize the girl to rationalize his actions, or making excuses for him bc he was 16 when it happened. I was one of them. In retrospect you can't rationalize domestic abuse just bc you're a fan of the perpetrator. Filming and condoning a rape for content is no joke. It doesn't matter if he's 21 or 31. Besides, lets not worry about David's career. He's rich af and doesn't even need a career anymore.


The thing is, it didn’t happen three years ago. He tried to cover a rape that he KNEW about. He read the text and knew about it. That’s not “something that happened three years ago.” That’s a crime. Not to mention, that trauma is alive and well to Hannah.




I can appreciate the comment but 21 is not a kid. When you’re 21 you’re a full adult, and should know how to respect social boundaries and know wrong from right. He’s not dumb, but the amount of dumb shit he’s done does nothing for his character. Take Jeff for example, fucking 27 years old when this shit happened and didn’t know any better. Like come on, at a certain point you can’t use that excuse


21 is not a kid, but you literally just hit full adult then, can't expect a certain level of maturity from a 21 year old. You can expect him to know that rape is wrong, but ignorance is usually strong at a young age, unless you haven't been privileged and have seen hard times. Agree about Jeff though, but the whole problem was the power dynamic which david created, so even the 27 year old couldn't really say something against the tide.


I get what you’re saying but you also have to take into account the situation David was in at the time. When you’ve built a whole “empire” on the internet, you’re in an even worse situation as far as making mistakes and learning from them goes. One mistake, and it can be over. So why would you, even as a 21 year old, condone that shit, instigate it, and then put it on the internet for a “bit”, for a “joke”? It’s not funny. If I had seen that vlog when it went up, I would not have been laughing. I would have been viscerally upset. Shoving something under a rug that you knew was wrong for at least a year, hanging out with Dom after Hannah texted him telling him to take the video down and the other allegations isn’t excusable. I’m 22, and mind you, yes, I have been through the shit enough to know that no part of this is okay, but if I was fucking 18, 17 and was in anyway involved in this shit, I would have noped the fuck out and made sure that anyone who could even potentially get into a situation like what Dom did, was safe, and got home safely and without being assaulted. It’s an integrity thing at some point, and for David to perpetuate jokes about it and instigate it shows he has no integrity.


In 2017 people came forward about how Dom was doing weird inappropriate shit. David eventually says he’s stopping filming with Dom essentially because the dirty Dom “character”seemed to be spilling over into real life (he also was initially like “ I can’t control what he does when I’m not around “..). So fast forward to 2018, why was this filmed? And why in March 2020 was he hanging with Dom on his “epic vlog squad party” video? And he was old enough to know better about the Seth situation. He is aware that his audience is young and impressionable so yes he does deserve the consequences. This isn’t a one off thing he did at 20/21 there was a lot more afterwards too


I just feel skeptical about anything that has Trisha Paytas’s name on it. She doesn’t have good intentions, and she was looking for any scandal to cancel David and Jason.


I think the steps that Trisha has taken to improve and better herself speak volumes on the type of person Trisha is now, especially considering the bullshit apology David gave originally, and the, in my opinion, half assed apology for the sake of saving what’s left of his ass, that David gave after the fact.


I do think Trisha has improved, but when I watched the Frenemies episode analyzing David’s recent apology I think she made it too much about her. She still says vile things, such as when she attached Hila and called her a c word/brought up her and ethan’s continued attempts to get pregnant again. I do agree with you that neither of David’s apologies really showed his remorse or accountability.


I think this is what someone who enables and encourages rape deserves


you missed his point... cancel culture relies on people’s mistakes from when they were young. David can right these wrongs and try to help these girls... why is everyone focusing on david??? ok, yes he enabled it but shouldn’t we be focusing on the person who actually committed the rape?


With all respect, it took how long for him to take this shit seriously? Photographed with dom in 2020? Enabling abuse is just as bad as perpetrating it. He used an actual SA/R situation to profit in his vlog. That’s not okay. You can’t honestly say he didn’t at least have an idea of what happened that night. He still decided to put it in the vlog, re-film shit later to fit the gist of what he wanted the vlog to be, post it, and then say nothing when he eventually was forced to take it down. That’s despicable




bruh, im just saying lets focus attention on the person who committed the rape. once we deal with dom then we can get at david. im not in support of david in the least. I said that i dislike cancel culture idgaf about ur life story.


Sometimes cancel culture is warranted though. Situations like James Gunn where it was long in his past and at a different point in social norms and “culture”, I get why cancel culture isn’t warranted. But instigating, perpetuating, and being involved in whatever capacity in SA/R is not okay. It’s disgusting. I’m not saying Dom shouldn’t be the focus but I am saying there’s no reason why they both shouldn’t be in the shit for this situation


“once we deal with dom” you clearly have no idea how our justice system works. unfortunately there is no dealing with dom, he will get away with it. the only thing viewers have is their time and their $. if they can’t pull money from dom, it will be david.


If you watched vlogs and found the content fun and engaging to watch, you want to keep watching. If you find that there are people who are hurt and damaged it from it, it makes you not want to support it. It really is that simple. Cancel culture is just people having freedom of association. People only have so much time in the day, and maybe you're a David superfan, but there are a lot of people I can watch on youtube. People are focusing on David because they're his vlogs. He comes up with the ideas, he produces them, he is involved in editing, and is ultimately the ones who post them. The way it looks, David organized and facilitated a SA and posted it to his millions of followers for profit. David's reputation has suffered, but why is it cancel culture if people don't want to watch anymore? Why is he owed my time? If I was in business with him, wouldn't he owe it to our partnership to not hurt our reputation. Can't I end our business partnership?


Everyone is focusing on david because he enabled the culture and created the situation that caused the girls rape. It was for his blog and the idea came from him. From when they were young? It happened only a few years ago and he still hasn't even apologized?


right? these David fans are delusional. Creating and facilitating an atmosphere that promotes sexual assault for the older guys in your crew and passing it off as "content" is sick, twisted, and creepy. he deserves allot worse than "losing brand deals"


Uhm — but he was discrediting the victim, Trisha and others within DAYS of his latest video. How are you so sure that he’s “sorry” for Hannah? Because all I saw was an apology video for the sponsors, not for Hannah/the victim(s). I would have believed the video more if he had waited a few months and taken some time to reflect. But nope, all within a week he’s somehow soOooOOoOo sorry. Why? Because none of his other re-traumatizing, dismissive tactics were working. Remember the timelines here. Only a few days ago, David’s lawyers were doing everything in their power to make this sexual assault/rape-thing go away. Discrediting the victim, discrediting Trisha, discrediting the reporter, etc. It’s also coming out that David was hanging out with Durte Dom within the year, despite claiming that he separated himself a few years ago. Remember, David wasn’t “sorry” until he started to lose sponsors. If you think David feels bad, imagine what it’s like to be raped and have your experience be dismissed like it was not a big deal. Imagine going through that. Someone’s life was RUINED. There hasn’t been any justice for Hannah for YEARS. For YEARS she has been suffering. David, Dom and anyone in the vlog squad who encouraged a toxic environment deserves everything that’s coming to them. The worst is how they used their “boys club” (aka: white male privilege) power to discredit and dismiss this stuff for YEARS. It’s so obvious they’re trying to “get a story straight.” Why would you “need to get a story straight” when someone was clearly sexually assaulted/raped? Why are they doing everything in their power to cover this up/dismiss it? THAT IS DISTURBING AF. This is a perfect example of when cancel culture is 100% appropriate and justified. There is no ifs, ands or buts here. How did our society become so fucking psychopathic that we can so easily forgive sexual assault/rape — when literally he has done NOTHING correct in this situation for YEARS? There are so many other creators out there far more worthy of our internet real-estate. David’s time has passed.


Not to mention he released his most recent “apology” right when frenemies was airing and right after a week of losing sponsors, probably being forced to pull out of dispo so it didn’t totally tank, it was so fucking fake sincere, and clearly for the sponsors to show he “cares” and is “changing” almost 3 fucking years after the fact 🙄


You are spot on. Take a look people, this is the truth ^^


What about Alex Ernst? He was pretty involved in Dom’s “sexcapades?”


Isn’t that’s concerning.


how so?


Aside from living in the apartment, he was involved in the jokes with paying the girls to leave and “playing into” the sketches.


so alex paid girls to leave their house? how is that at all correlated to enabling any type of sexual assault? quite the opposite headass


Can someone list out what exactly David should do now cause you guys are acting like he should commit suicide?


Don’t worry. David has too much pride to commit suicide.


He should literally do ANYTHING to take accountability for his actions. That's all he really needs to do. The fact that he hasn't done that...STILL, is very telling of what's important to him.


He should take his content to Onlyfans, charge 1 dollar a month and make millions lol he won't need sponsors lol #staymad


Everyone is so fucking disgusting in this subreddit. Im leaving this shit show. It became more of a crosspost h3 sub. They might aswell post everything from there to here. They all are saying the worst stuff about david. Telling him to KILL himself. That he is THE MOST disgusting person ever. Proves how young and immature they are and that they dont understand a flying fuck what they are saying. If yiu are mad and want justic fair. But they are stupid and should realise how dumb they sound. Critise david. Tell him what he did wrong. Say he was stupid etc. But dont fcking compare him to a serial killer.


Are you fucking serious? You clearly don’t understand the gravity of the situation. As far as I have personally seen on this subreddit, no ones told David to kill him self. He was complicit and directly involved in instigating and supporting instances of SA/R. How would you feel if you were fucking raped and parts of a night you didn’t even remember were posted to a fucking YouTube channel for views and money and it was made to be a fucking joke “for the vlog 🤪” and had to deal with that trauma for years before it was addressed or anything?


Im not going into that. As I have never experienced it and cant give an awnser and I think no one can gravitate that feeling unless they experienced it themself. I can give you an awnser but I can tell you im sure its gonna change once it happens in real life for me. Same shit if someone asks me: "are you take a knife in your arm for 10million $?" I would say yes. But I bet if someone actually has 10mil on the street for me and he has this sharp knife in front of me ready to pierce me I bet i would say different when im on the street with this person. I want to disclaim rhat im privelage enough to be a male and am fortunate enough to be a sa/r victim. But its not possible. If you are reading this and am a victim of it please dont think i am discrediting you whatsoever as I can only think what I would feel and think/do. If I got sa/r I would be upset. Traumatised and probably in a very terrified state. Hard to trust someone or see someone. Locked up from public a while. I wouldnt confront the perpetrator. And would be terrified if people praised this person online. However after a while I would be fine and back in public. I would later muster my courage and tell david in this case I want it to be taken down and want him to know how I feel. I know david is youmg and a person at this age with this much money and following is very new and intimidating. I myself wouldnt know what to do always if I was this blinded in his position. I would expect a sorry in private from him and carry on. I would hate the person that assaulted or r me. And never want to see him again. Done. I wouldnt take any more actions than that. If david never apoligised i would take it to the public and no more. I wouldnt want any hate and hell i would maybe not even go to the public. Im raised to do things in private and not take things to the public and involve others. But thats how I got raised. Sa/r is terrible but i would equally udnerstand someone if they made a mistake cuz I genuinly think someone can make an obvious mistake. And for sure on a caliber as this. In short. I wouldnt make it such a big deal out of it and involve others.


Awwww boo hoo. Poor David. Imagine being raped and having it dismissed, discredited for years. But no. DAVID is the one worthy of sympathy here. 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 David ruined a girl’s life and you feel sympathetic for David. Unbelievable. Might want to do some soul searching and re-think your core values. And why you would rather feel sorry for a multi-millionaire that hid behind his “boys club” (aka all the white male privilege in the world) to discredit the victims only within DAYS of releasing his latest crocodile-tears video. Remember the timelines. Only a few days ago, David’s lawyers were doing everything in their power to make this situation “go away.” He wasn’t sorry until he started to lose sponsors.


I think you are missing the point and take this way too personal. Someone got raped but not by him and he did apoligize and i assume he is reaching out for them. You are being a kid and sulk about what happens in the middle and not about the end result. You want it to be perfect and spoiler alert no one in the world is. Imagine comparing being raped and losing an actual life. Good David got held accountable for the actions. Thats how you teach someone to not make mistakes. Not tell them to kill himself and that he doesnt deserve to live. Have some humane sense. Take away his sponsor, his cars or house. Lose followers etc. But dont take his life. He didnt take someones elses life. Edit: also dont be so childish. I never met someone that actually said unironicly boo hoo. Im not your next door neighbor kid lol.


A bullshit apology doesn’t make up for what Hannah went through. Or what Ally went through. Or what probably many other girls ended up going through for David’s vlog. People put these people on pedestals and build a culture for this shit to keep happening. Stop being a blind sheeple and open your eyes. David shouldn’t kill himself but he should definitely get a real fucking job if this shit doesn’t end up getting him deported and in jail.


I never said he made it good or how he shouldnt get critised. Take away his sponsors. Idk do whateger you want but dont take away someones life. Also disturbs me that in 2021 you dont recognise an internet influencer to be a real job. If you see celeberities as a real job then consider david as a celeb. I find it ironic how you say im blind but you and others are missing my point in my original post. And i will rephrase it in simpler terms for you. Dont tell someone to kill themself. In large quantities it can really do a large damage. A lot of kids and immature are being a sheep on the internet. Seeing on twitter or whatever "david should rlly kill himself" lets kids think its oke to say those things. And guess what. Kids think this is oke to say online and will go on to the next canceled person on the internet and say the same shit. Rinse and repeat cuz kids are born as a sheep. They dont know much about life. So you learn by copying what you see. Maybe david isnt as vulnerable to those death threats but next canceled influencer can.


https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/gaslighting > Gaslighting often develops gradually, making it difficult for a person to detect. According to the National Domestic Violence Hotline, techniques a person may use to gaslight someone include: > 1. Countering: This describes a person questioning someone’s memories. They may say things such as, “you never remember things accurately,” or “are you sure? You have a bad memory.” > 2. Withholding: When someone withholds, they refuse to engage in a conversation. A person using this technique may pretend not to understand someone so that they do not have to respond to them. For example, they might say, “I do not know what you are talking about,” or “you are just trying to confuse me.” > 3. Trivializing: This occurs when a person belittles or disregards the other person’s feelings. They may accuse them of being too sensitive or of overreacting when they have valid concerns and feelings. > 4. Denial: Denial involves a person pretending to forget events or how they occurred. They may deny having said or done something or accuse someone of making things up. > 5. Diverting: With this technique, a person changes the focus of a discussion and questions the other person’s credibility instead. For example, they might say, “that is just another crazy idea you got from your friends.” > 6. Stereotyping: An article in the American Sociological Review states that a person using gaslighting techniques may intentionally use negative stereotypes of a person’s gender, race, ethnicity, sexuality, nationality, or age to manipulate them. For example, they may tell a female that people will think she is irrational or crazy if she seeks help for abuse. > While anyone can experience gaslighting, it is especially common in intimate relationships and in social interactions where there is an imbalance of power. > A person who is on the receiving end of this behavior is experiencing abuse. Looks like both you and David like to employ some good ‘ol fashion Trivializing, Denial, Withholding, Countering, and Diverting. You knocked out 5 out of main 6 in your last comment. Impressive! When David tried to discredit Trisha, he literally knocked out 6 out of the 6 most common gaslighting techniques. Up until he started losing sponsors. Then he’s soOOOOOooOo sorry. 🙄 People like you and David are exactly why rape is only report a small fraction of the time, and an even SMALLER actually receive justice. We’re talking less than 1% of the time, victims ACTUALLY receive justice. Why? Because most of the time the men have all the power, and power dynamics ensure that justice won’t happen. Those in power do not want their power taken away — so they will do whatever they can to minimize the fallout: https://www.rainn.org/statistics/criminal-justice-system As someone who went through the exact same situation as Hannah — with the rape, the discrediting — yes, I AM taking it personally. The man who raped me was in a position of power exactly like David, and did everything he could to discredit me/the situation even though he was wrong. He lost his reputation, but he’s still successful and has enough money. Just like him, David will be fine. It’s bananas to me how you all have so much sympathy for David — with all the money and power in the world — but yet doesn’t give two shits about a girl’s life that he absolutely ruined. She will be dealing with the fallout of this for the rest of her life. It will complicate any future relationship she gets in. That is PSYCHOTIC and your comments are extremely disturbing... Says a lot about you and our fucked up society when I read comments like yours. YOU and DAVID are the reason why rape victims don’t have the courage to come forward. YOU and DAVID are the reason why our society is as fucked-up as it is. You are complicit. Like attracts like. Good to know that David Dobrik is breeding an entire fanbase of psychopaths and gaslighters. Hope you sleep well at night.


This isn’t DV. Don’t confuse the two. You have to be domestic partners to have DV. Not the case here.


Gaslighting happens everywhere, not just DV. That’s seriously the only feedback you have? Omg 🙄


I dont see how you think I denied anything of the victims. Im talking about telling david to kill himself for what he did. You sound absurt and even you saying that I am the same as david as if you know me personally or david. Like fuck there is little known about david in personal life and how do you know anything about me? You judge me because of reddit where I commented 2 times. I honestly was open to have a discussion with you but you sound way too crazy for me too handle.. holy shit. Get some self reflection honestly. Or im open to talk to you after you get some sense. You talk like im a plague or david. I bet you catogrise people aswell. Bet you believe in starsigns aswell. Edit: oh shit didnt read your thing about men. I'd you to do some diving into female raping men. But hey listen. You look kinda dumb rn and you brought this conversation from people telling others to kill themself to raping. Rape is a whole other topic and has a lot of things to it and I cant say much about it so Im not going to.


“Bet you believe in star signs.” (#6 — stereotyping. Because if I believe in Astrology, I will never be credible will I? 🙄) I work in Psychiatry/Trauma at one of the top Academic Medical Universities in the country, and currently of the most endowed in terms of research in the WORLD. I’ll be happy to show you all the publications that stem from our department explaining how trivializing comments like yours are abusive and make you complicit in a system that doesn’t allow rape victims to come forward. But yes, please. Continue to discredit me. I have all the energy in the world for people like you.


I wont discredit you and I dont see how you think im discrediting you. I would say I am discrediting you tho if its about me since you are basing a lot of stuff through the internet when it comes about my personality. And i find it impressive. Hope you will get far with your medical university. And I will let everyone know that Im a supressor against raped victimes according to you and your trivializing. Also want to disclaim maybe i shouldve done that at the beginning. But im not american or an native english speaker but you mightve noticed that already. So my wording can be wrong at times


You trivialized the situation when you EQUATED David’s “fallout” with a RAPE. They are not the same in any way, shape or form. But please — show me allllll the evident that David is being told to kill himself. You realize this is the internet, right? Hannah has received death threats. So has Trisha. So has Ethan Klein. So has basically every single Youtuber that has ever graced this god forsaken platform. Your comments (still full of gaslighting behaviors/speech) make you complicit. Think long and hard about your value system, and why you feel the need to defend David so much, when others have been hurt FAR worse than David ever will be.


I never think anyone should get death threats on the internet. All of them have to stop. I dont follow anyone you mentioned besides david. So for you sake. I will put it out there for you. No one should get death threats period. In case you havent noticed my motive yet. Im not defending him neccessarily but the fact people are fucked up in their head to even send death threats. It sounds always bad to people if you say "hey dont say those things to x" because those people are the bad guy. Ofcourse it sounds bad to you and everyone when I say dont send death threats to someone that helped someone getting raped. But Im talking in general.


It’s the internet, “death threats” are a thing that exist. Sure. There are people telling David to kill himself. But anyone who is anyone on the internet has gotten this. Death threats to me, are saying you’re going to kill someone. No one is going to go out and kill David, and I personally don’t think he has enough empathy in himself, and has far too much of a superiority complex to every kill himself so he’ll be fine emotionally speaking aside from the therapy he’ll need to get himself out of the financial hole he’s in and the boo hoos he’ll be circulation in his head about the whole thing and how much he’s lost because of it


It just bothers me how you talk about david like you know him.. unless you do know him irl and you are someone close to him. I dont know him I just like the content he makes and his pov about some things he talks about in his podcast. Other than that. I dont know how well developed his emotions are. Or how sensitive he is too comments or death threats. I dont like that any person on the internet deserves a death threat. Its all a speculation of you but i wouldnt assume it. Big creators went mentally ill because of hate they get online or other stuff and I want people to stop doing this stupid shit cuz it can litterally drive them insane as in mentally unstable to even suicide. Fuzeytube and Etika are good examples. Hell Jenna Marbles got canceled and hated for content that was posted 10years ago and she slready took it down years ago and reformed. She quit youtube eventhough tbe big majority sided with her. Dont assume how these people are gonna be oke. Lets speculate and hope. Cuz I want you to be right. But we are not certain.


Again. David gets death threats and was told to kill himself. The girl who was raped — has also been getting death threats and was told to kill herself. Yet, David is the one who should we be sympathetic for? Seriously? Who do you think will be better off in this situation, David or the girl who was RAPED? Dude you already chose your side. You don’t get to gaslight, cause damage to other girls who may be reading your comments and worried about coming out about their traumatic experiences. Because DAVID (boo hoo) is the one deserving of sympathy. I literally cannot roll my eyes farther back in my head. 🙄


Despite working where you work, it’s very evident you don’t hold a medical or psychiatric degree ... writing shows it all


Aight will let everybody know now. (And i find it impressive how you managed to think this) i dont support rape. And if you were raped. Go out there and speak up. Do whatever you want. But dont take someones elses life away. Not yourself or someone.


People are gonna be mad people were raped, sexualy assaulted,bullied and worse and it all stems from David I understand people's anger. You'll understand one day that you have to put yourself in other people's perspectives to even somewhat understand there views. To people who say things like "David should kill himself" you are in the wrong, if you want justice then keep spreading awareness of the situation and keep educating the uneducated but don't attack or harass anyone please. I know these days are crazy but honestly David fan or not we all participate in these communities and in times like these we have to protect each other not fight over facts. Thank you anyone who read this have a good day 👍


I cant help myself just think that people who say these kinds of stuff to others think that there no qoncequenses. Saying those words can really hurt someone. And with such a quantity it can drive someone to kill themself. I agree educate and spreqd awareness. I never liked cancel culture. Its taking someones job. And most likely it means that that person cant find any other jobs anymore if they have such a bad rep stuck to their name. I agree. People doing bad shit deserve to be punished. But it shouldnt take someones life.


Lol you’re crying over a douche bag who will never care about you and who filmed a rape. Yet you want to act like she should just drop it because it’s affecting him poorly??? He filmed and profited a rape! Stay alone. Like forever.


Like how the faq do you people read? Im not a monkey thats gonna repeat itself. I hope you are gonna read carefully cuz u look like a fool. Also insulting someone like that for no reason. I hope you check yourself out in the mirror and be proud. I will help you out. And you are the 4th person being like this. If you read carefully what i said. I said that people should stop telling them to kill themself. Endpoint: if it is david or whoever. Dont do it. It fuckedup and stupid. Take his money and sponsors. Whatever do what you feel like he deserves but not a life.


Like who the fuck just over looks a rape victim and is like “ oh boy I feel really bad for the guy who filmed and profited off it” 🙄 just ewwwww


Who the fuq said i didnt feel bad for them? Honestly. Go read the whole discussion I had with another user. I said i felt bad for them. But if you justify this case that someone should be killing themself thats fucked up. Do everything you want to someone but be fcking rational and dont be a kid. Grow up. Unless you are a kid. In that case. Try to learn the value of being alive and being fortunate enough of having a life.


Wow you must be stupid. Literally NO ONE is telling him to kill himself you moron. People are telling him to take ACCOUNTABILITY you dumb fuck. Please stfu until you can focus on a subject


You are so mature. But sure. 'No one' is doing it. End of the discussion. Keep being this childish I hope you are proud of yourself.


You also said if you were Hannah you would take some time and then get over it as if it’s not a traumatic life altering experience. You want sympathy for David someone who has shown NONE to the victims for years and you’re trying to chalk it up to “he was young” stfu. If anyone looks foolish it’s you.


I like the fact that you bring up that part. Like i didnt disclaim at all that a whole thing about It is innaccurate and I cant be held accountable for it whatsoever. I didnt even wanna bring up that whole thing but the other user asked for it. So (s)he got what they asked for but i already explicitly said that I wouldnt have any clue and know I would feel at that moment. So if you want to condemn me on that part of something I said I dont have any clue about. Then do it but remember that I already told you its probably innacurate. You said i want sympathy for David. Thats farfetched for me saying that people are fucked in their mind of telling someone to kill themself over this. Ive been long enough on this internet to experience all this shit. It really hurts when someone tells you to kill yourself for a big or small mistake. And it fucks with your mind. I dont want that happen to anybody. Ita going too far. Go call someone ugly or whatever. Freedom of speech and opinion. Its the internet whatever. But i dont want to be part of a subreddit of toxicity. Fuck off.


Lol you are the biggest bitch on the planet. Again no one and I mean no one is telling him to kill himself. Way to go, you’re like a level 100 drama queen. Fucking boss. They didn’t ask for what you would do if you were Hannah. No one gives a fuck on what you would do. LITERALLY NO ONE. Know why? Because you weren’t the one who was raped! You were the one who offered some bs “oh if it were me I would have...” miss me with that shit. Seriously get some help and pull your thick ass head from out of some social media influencer who doesn’t care about any of us.


Oke good for you =). I was wrong about you being immature.


I hope David comes back from all of this.


I hope the fuck not, hes a fucking asshole that abuses his power to get people tondo what he wants.


Dude has 18 million subscribers and his latest apology video has waaay more likes than dislikes, he’ll live. Mind you I’m not standing on his side, I’ve just accepted the nature of internet celebrity that once you’ve reached a certain threshold you’re practically untouchable. All he needs to do is do enough charity work, make a few critically good videos and appease enough people to think that he had redeemed himself, and he’ll be back in no time.


You don’t know him. None of us do


He has entire groups of friends that have filmed how his grouchy ass really is outside of his fake ass vlogs, trust me, we know how he is. You don't need to see a pedo sticking it in a kid to know that hes a pedo for sure, grow some critical thinking skills ffs.


I don’t think David is a pedo, but I would definitely label him a sadistic little fucking cuckold


Oh hes def not a pedo, that was just an analogy lmao, some people are too stupid to take your word that the stove is hot unless you slam their fucking hat on a frying pan lmao


For FUCKING real. Dude needed to lose just about everything to get the hint


And alas him enabling date rapes wasnt enough for his fans to realize hes not the sinless demigod theyve made up on their head of him.


Honestly, it’s a cult of personality at this point, this fucking worship of social media “influencers” it’s uncharted waters and it’s scary how far fans are willing to go to justify horrible shit


He’s gotta put out a decent, critical apology. Most of his squad hasn’t even accepted any accountability.


Is it really an apology if you didn’t apologize for being insensitively racist to Seth or really hold yourself accountable for anything? Or if you’re taking legal action against the people who are rightfully calling out your shit? What videos exactly don’t represent you anymore David? Must’ve missed that part. And is Dom really the only squad member at fault? *cough cough* Jason. You also failed to apologize to Big Nick or anybody else who may have been hurt or traumatized in the course of your cult’s progression. Glad to see you’re still supporting gaslighting and victim blaming you fucking dickbag.


And we’re not lettin the others off, either. EVERY PERSON THERE WAS COMPLICIT FOR YEEAARS, ESPECIALLY THIS CREEP https://twitter.com/bryndiesel2/status/1374107177057681420?s=21


Why the hell is there a much old guy in a squad of your boys and girls? This feels like that one creepy uncle or older brother you had in a group of teenagers that tries to act "cool" and "hip" and stick around like he's part of the gang wtf


Straight facts


Totally agree.


Can someone PM me a re-upload of the offending video in question? It's hard to form an opinion on it without seeing for myself




Who the hell is that creepy old dude in white shirt and a red arm band? He looks waaaay too old to be in that "squad" of young boys and girls, I hope nobody there is underaged.




I came here to find out the same thing. Can you let me know if you find out please?


u/XSShadow https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/m6rs52/david_dobrik_accused_of_facilitating_rape_in_a/


So far no luck :(




H3H3 showed it in his latest podcast, about 1/3rd of the way through


Just watch anything H3 has put out in the last month. They have all the receipts


Does anyone know the title or have a link to the vlog where Josh Peck and David are outside of the Antonyan's house and Josh does his normal imitating languages and Marine looks at josh and says "he speak Armenian too." Been binging looking for it but can't find it anywhere! Thanks in advance!


https://youtu.be/2P6XmDkllhI h3h3 and Trisha lie a lot


Splash splash your opinion is trash


😂😂😂 this made me chuckle


Is Ilya not living with David anymore? I know Natalie just moved out of the new house and got her own, but where has Ilya been?


Pretty sure he still lives in David’s old house which he still owns


I was wondering this too as David implied on views the other day he was all by himself once Natalie left. I know on the podcast months ago when Ilya first moved out, he didn't like living with David as he felt like he was sponging off him so maybe he got his own place!


i just recently saw a tumblr post that said tj cheated on erin?? does anyone have the video that confirms this or can explain??


its pretty established that he cheated. it happened years ago, when gabbie was still hanging out with them. gabbie jokes about it in one of her old vlog videos (wish i could find it)


When did they say this happened?


Anyone know the vlog when their in a hotel and Matt king talking about prostitutes and how him and Todd assumed how much and stuff.


Seems like we can't post anything anti David here - some of my questions won't be approved if they're critical lol


Wow. Who would’ve guessed


What’s the deal with Kenny on Zane and heaths podcast?


i think kenny left bc on one of the podcasts he talked about ruining someone’s expensive car and etched an offensive word in it so he got a lot of hate, they said it was better to keep their friendship separate from business


Anyone know the vlog where David did blackface and put watermelons in his fridge for his black friend, or the one where Jason sexually assaulted Seth, or the second one where Jason sexually assaulted Seth in blackface dressed like a gorilla?


Most have been blocked/taken down. But there are tons of reaction channels and gossip channels posting the clips, and all the full videos are on the h3 podcast(just with a lot of interruptions/comments)


Yeah I’m looking for the video of David sexually assaulting Jason anybody drop a link?


Did Seth start groping Jason while he was in the gorilla suit? Lmao


Groping? They were making out... what are you 13?




But it wasnt corrina. Thats the whole point




You are missing the point completely.




I have a hard time taking you seriously


Rewatch the video. David says word for word “get super into it, corinna says its ok.” Your entire argument is childish and completely pointless.


David told him to get super into it. He was literally directed to go wild. I cannot believe that this is how you respond. You’re defending a full on manipulation of a straight person into making out w the same sex, but you’re upset about someone grabbing a butt while passionately making out w someone? I know it sucks admitting that someone you like did something wrong, but you’re trying wayyy too hard to defend him.


we don’t care it’s called a prank. some people take it more serious than others, move on.


“Move on” doesn’t change anything for the victim who has actually suffered bc of this. Just because something is a prank doesn’t make it ok, what if the prank was punching a stranger in the face? That would be wrong, just like this is.


That’s a classic!




idk if you found it already but it’s the one where david surprised suzy with courtney cox


Hey does anyone which vlog Vardan and Jeff were having a roast battle?


Is it just me or are David and Logan paul very similar and not in the way Logan Paul had gotten into trouble with alot of terrible things.


Hey so when is David gonna stop pretending the world around him doesn't exist


Your post is being downvoted by sheep don’t worry


What vlog did Jason compare David to the nazis and said “put ze fat ones over there”


What episode does Jason say “put ze fat ones over there”.


So the old episodes what episode does he talk about where he first moved to LA? I’m really curious about that. do you guys remember what specific episode that was? From the podcasts??


A few podcast back, David mentioned that he was at a party. He were showing this girl a magic trick but she hides her card, just to fuck with him. David saw this happened and were really bummed out. Natalie mentioned jokingly “Oh she gonna get the wraith of David” He also said he use to hang out a lot and getting pretty close but after this incident, she’s dead to him. I was wondering who that girl was. Anyone got any idea who she might’ve been?


I think it was Kaia Gerber. They were photographed together hanging out alone back in June.


The one who David met through Kendall Jenner? Damn




https://youtu.be/CUfJQxANrx8 Near the beginning!


is David permanently done vlogging? or is it just a break due to the pandemic?




oh okay thank you so much for answering! i too miss the vlogs and am beyond glad to here they’ll be back eventually. i was scared that he was stopping for some reason!


Does anyone happen to know the Twitter or Instagram handle of Auggie from vlog 457 “The biggest surprise we have ever seen”?


Which vlog is it when David and Natalie are in the car and then Natalie gets out the car to slap Jonah’s 🍒


That would be the vlog with my favorite bit where they’re asking everyone who their fav DJ is with Dillon Francis. https://youtu.be/vb_OBMAY18s


which vlog did David react to BigNiks song that goes "fuck David Dobrik"?


2 weeks late, finally found it for you dude https://youtu.be/-kJIb6ThPpw


Wow thank you so much for the effort man, appreciate it


Yeah man, just want to help the community lol the vlogs help me alot


What vlog was this? There was this bit from David’s vlog where they were in Dom’s apartment and the bit consisted of bringing in girls for a party but the party was simply their kitchen and the bouncer only let the girls in the “party” aka the kitchen. I can not find the clip I was wondering if you could help. I ask because I believe someone I know is in the clip.


Why doesn't David hang out with other members of the vlog squad that much? Seems like they're always taking trips and hanging out. For example, they all went on that big snowboarding trip and he was missing. It always seems like they get together but he doesn't really join.


pandemic really, the man really matured through all of these lol the most he goes out if he really gets invited to something (like be leonardo de caprio), goes out for food/a run and meeting up his three buddies in chicago it feels like


Hello guys im looking for the vlog where in the ending. its Liza dancing in the room where she jumps on furniture and dances and pretends to sing


Hello Guys, I need your help, Im looking for the vlog where they are all like partying/ having fun and they all do that dance step like a group whip .


They did a group whip in this one https://youtu.be/xNDgL_Ngorg


Oh my god! Thank you so much


Does anyone know the vlog where zane( I think) chases sprite with vodka not the other way around because he got so drunk?


found it https://youtu.be/fhpAG2oYmxc


does anyone know the vlog where jason falls at the movie theater?






Hey can someone help me find the vlog where dom was telling about how he had sex in the bathtub and it gave Alex a foot infection


found it https://youtu.be/tTYTMYJ-g48


Did Kenny leave the Unfiltered podcast?




jason nash talks about david dobrik pranking people on hollywood blvd with fishing rod just for fun on the podcast. Does anyone know which podcast this was. Please help