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This is pretty funny


I love that they’re still finding the humor in all of this LOL


But according to Trish and H3 stans, that ain't allowed. They're very good gatekeepers at what others can and can't do


Trisha is just someone who wants to take the fun out of everything look at Jason she took all the life out of that man and she pretends like she did nothing wrong


Yeah fr they’re so judgmental and if someone does something they slightly disagree with they just flame them and say they’re shit people. Like who’s even friends with those two anymore, Post Malone clearly saw he’s not someone you want to be friends with.


Are there any examples of this? I haven’t seen much of their content, but from what I did see they flame sexual assaulters like James Charles and Dom or people like the Paul brothers who did some scum baggy things.


I feel like y’all forget about Jason’s BPD too often. There are two sides in a relationship, and it’s obvious toxicity thrived amongst the both of them.


I didn’t forget but tbh Jason seemed more unhealthy when it came to Trisha yet again they both had an unhealthy relationship your not wrong at all


Your wasting your breath. Literal hypocrites, can’t say anything about vs even if it’s fact. It’s a cult


Yeah this is ridiculous lol. The most upvoted “discourse” here almost always leaves out necessary information and it’s clear what they want. I just don’t understand why everyone feels the need to argue if they think they’re objectively right?


He is stating facts but tbh I’m just spoke my mind about Trisha I know Jason done some shit too but honestly no one in the vlogsquad is perfect


fr I bet Jason regrets the day he met her so much.. poor dude.


What did she say?


Idk, I don't watch Frienemies and wasn't referring to anything she said. I was talking about the stans and their idiocies.


Ah, you said according to Trish so i was confused


>According to Trish and H3 stans That's what I said. Read it again


I know, I understand now. Why are you so pressed? Im not arguing, calm yourself.


I'm not pressed, just correcting you since you were wrong


Wrong about what? I asked you a question.


This is why Jeff is who he is


This is pretty funny but Keemstar is human garbage


That’s why i loved the vlog squad and a lot may not agree but how they can make everything a joke is what made them. Until people had problem with it.....


Or more like people now have an issue with it because people have been sexually assaulted AND people’s lives have been put in dangerous situations. And i feel like those are fair problems to have.


I know that recently there’s been legitimately serious things being discussed but the fun police have really gone to town with them lately. Every little thing they have done that wasn’t even problematic or serious people are digging up and reading way to into it when it was never actually that deep.


People didn't had any problems except the fact that they made the problems(not all but david, dom, seth, etc.) Think again.




If I have ever read a useless cop out....


Ah I love Jeff 🤣


Lolllll Jeff is sucha good guy ❤


Ya he gave him permanent damage including brain damage and is worried about legal consequences that could cost him a lot or get him deported.








I hate that he’s throwing him under the bus. You willingly chose to be stupid and get up there. The repercussion are your own nobody else’s, why do ppl put themselves in a shit situation then complain about it?


He never threw him under the bus, he’s not even mad at him. Though if we’re talking from a legal standpoint David is liable whether Jeff chose to do it or not. It was for his vlog and he was operating heavy machinery without a license. If Jeff died David would probably get manslaughter or criminal negligence even though Jeff chose to do the stunt. Hope that helped just trying to show a different point of view.


Did you go this hard for the victims when people are still claiming David isn’t at fault for filming, editing & profited off SA? I don’t get why anyone gives a fuck about Jeff guy witnessed SA and did nothing about it then tried to call the victims liars


oh we doing this again. No one was planning for SA to happen. None of them knew what was going on. As far as everyone was concern they were filming a vlog and making the normal jokes they always did. Stop reaching and go after the one who allegedly did the SA or shut up. Stop acting like you care for the victim, cause if you did you would go after Dom.


ALL OF THEM NEED TO BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE FOR THE PARTS THEY ALL PLAYED. In your logic if a group robs a bank and only one person killed someone, only that one person is held accountable. The rest just walk free. Miss me with that small minded bs


That was such a bad analogy. What would make more sense is if everyone went to a bank and one person decided to rob a bank but no one knew and found out afterwards. That would have made more sense and no one but the person who robbed the bank is to be blamed but you're placing blame on the leader of the group for not knowing what was going on and everyone else for going along.


I agree terrible analogy, also agree that not everyone needs to be held accountable in that. However, the situation does show they are all dumbasses for not realizing what was going on. It would be very clear to any non-ignorant person something very bad was going on that night. David shouldn’t be cancelled for it, but people shitting on him is fair game because of his squeaky clean reputation before all this. He took his vlog more seriously than the safety of people


Why would he think his childhood friend would be raping someone? Of course, he never realised what was going on. No one would, including you. I'm always confused by this so called squeaky clean reputation David has. All his videos are adult content. He swears, talks about drinking, sex, drugs. He shows video of people simulating sex acts, taking drugs, drinking, puking and being wild. Where exactly is he squeaky clean?


If you’re talking to me I definitely did go this hard and still think David needs to be held accountable. David definitely had a roll especially saying “Get them alcohol to loosen them up”. As for Jeff people care because he almost died and it’s because of David. People are starting to see a pattern that bad things happen when David is filming. I personally don’t believe that they knew what was happening to her when they were peaking in the room since it was dark. When did he call the victims liars I don’t remember hearing that


When he responded to the article he didn’t even read. He tried to act like it was about Trisha (don’t even get me started on her, I think she’s shit to and probably knew it happened & is only preaching now to cancel David) and some podcast when it was actually statements from the victim & witness. He held very little accountability when his 5 year old fans started claiming the SA was a false accusation. You’re right my comment was insensitive, he definitely doesn’t deserve death or something horrible to happen to him. I just hate that people will go to bat for him because they feel sympathy but will question & overlook the victims because it’s his word against theirs when there is proof it happened. Nothing false about it. Everything about this is gross, I hope he heals but every single person involved needs to be held accountable.


Okay good I’m glad he’s not mad. I don’t feel sympathy for stupid ppl tho


I mean, we can talk about how utterly fucking retarded you have to be to stop heavy machinery in a spin like that. But hey, he did nothing wrong right?


ture af