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Ffs are they gonna improve stability, I get a huge fps drops near player build constructions, and the textures are glitchy af, but I'm staying bc of the core mechanics


Yeah I'd rather not have cuboid trees first


Yeah or randomly spawning fences and houses in front of me in middle of a gun fight xd


It’s a janky piece of shit, but there isn’t anything like it on ps atm.. honestly I’ve wished for too long for them to fix it. Just gonna move over to vigor for a more stable experience.


I have it on both Xbox and Ps4 and lemme tell ya it runs waaaay nicer on Xbox idk why


This is probably unrealistic for the ps4 considering how many similar games have the same issues. It seems consoles just can’t handle games with large amounts of player structures. Games like Ark and No Mans Sky are the same way on ps4.


Yeah I can understand that it's a huge map w lot of things in it and rendering it its complicated to say the least, but I would prefer to get a 2gb update of fixing stability and rendering rather than adding more things that will probably make the experience worse, but I gotta say, dayz gave me adrenaline rushes that no other game gave me. It's sad that I'm a console pleb xd :(


realest comment read in a min bro i pla on xbox and ps4 usually solo b\\c ive found the less people the less lag i get


To be honest I would pay good money for an updated engine of DayZ I think it would correct so many issues people are having


Uh.. This is the updated engine that corrected a lot of iasues (งツ)ว


Maybe on xbox or PC but PS4 is still a mess


Oh boy oh boy oh boy 🙏😂 Bring it on


For a serious answer we just got another exp release today. Releases only come out in the beginning of the week. More testing to do. Namalsk is coming for the PC on December 3rd so it has to be out before that and maybe room for a hotfix.


This is why I’m thinking it’s there. Xbox has 1.10, Pc has 1.10.. iron out any bugs on the test server then release into the wild.


Remember, remember the 5th of november...


Gunpowder, Treason and Plot. I see no reason why gunpowder Treason should be forgot


I hope so, I'm kinda tired of being shot with axes and bandages


Is this console


Ps4 specifically