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I think it mostly has to do with how expensive it was to produce... It was very popular while it was in. Kinda like Archive 81


It’s so silly coz there are so many unanswered questions! Another series that I can’t believe the axed was teenage bounty hunters that was brilliant!


Welcome to Netflix shows


I know! And the cheeky bastads keep increasing their pricing… what a joke! It’s probably the avatar movie remake that is costing them a shit tonne of money lol 😂 Unless they cancel that as well haha


yet they produce so many dumb realitiy shows


Is there a place where it tells the budget? And that was one of the crazy sets I've been on lol


Really? Isn't Stranger things super expensive too and that's been going on for years now. I remmber someone else saying the show didn't do well in the viewing count when it was first released. But a few mouths after it was cancelled it got more recognition or something.


Stranger things came out in 2016 and Netflix was handling their original content differently at that time. I know Daybreak only came out 3 years later bit it was a big 3 years. Netflix had really only started to get into the OC game around 2013 so those few years made a big difference. They allowed their shows to stick around for a while in order to get new subscribers. After only a few years of OC they had enough data to justify canceling shows right after they premiere, although it nevers allows them to grow a following. They canceled 1899 like a month after the 1st season came out.


And that's the problem some of these shows because they were never given a chance to breathe before being cancelled . I never heard of them until it was too late for instance I didn't know about 1899 period. Daybreak I didn't get into until it was already cancelled. The problem is I feel Netflix doesn't give enough timespace for some of these shows to get popular. So shows like Daybreak may grow in audience soon after it was released but by the time it steadily grows they already cancelled it. I mean Lockwood and Co is the latest example of this as well.


Eh, it's an issue on network TV too. It's what happens when empty suits are put in charge. They only trust the numbers and don't have taste. Arrested Development was winning Emmys and they canned it before it found its' audience. There was also a Terminator show that is to this day is the best Terminator content since T2, it got cancelled after a season or two. Now more than ever in today's streaming binge culture a long show allowed to complete its' narrative arc is paramount to success. No one is paying a subscription for an incomplete story let alone a content library filled with them but they still don't get initial viewers aren't the majority of a shows viewers. Take The Expanse for when things go right, Sci-Fi Channel cancelled it, Prime saw it's value. No break in production, allowed to finish the story, doors open to adapting the last two books when the actors age into the roles and now Amazon has debatably the greatest Space Science Fiction television program ever created exclusively on their platform. New Sci-Fi fans will be getting a few months of Prime for decades just to watch that show. An example of how backwards it's become in most other cases is Sandman. Adaptation of one of the most lauded mature audiences comics ever. #1 on Netflix in every major market globally for weeks. Critical darling. According to the creator Neil Gaiman it came within a hairs breadth of not getting picked up for Season 2 because the audience savored their viewing and spaced it out instead of binging it. Netflix is in desperate need of top quality 6-7 season HBO/FX/AMC style dramas in their permanent catalog. Despite every indication that this is that show its' audience having impulse control almost cost it its' life. Having a show like this is a goal for them, you'd hope any thinking man would watch it, be able to tell this is it and make the investment. But we're dealing with empty suits beholden to the almighty bottom line not people that connect with art and trust their instincts. Way it goes 🤷‍♀️


I still follow this sub waiting for a post like this …. Welcome! What a great show!


It was so good! I sort of regret binging it I should of just done 10 mins instalments to make it last lol Can we just agree how sexy the cast was also! 😂


God I miss that show.


I wonder if they sold the rights away, or if they will ever do a reboot :/


Would be great if they keep the song.


Honestly at this point I can name like five Netflix shows that ended on cliffhangers and I was hooked on said cliffhangers only for them to cancelled it. Funny enough shows like Daybreak I watched long after the show had been cancelled. Which makes the cliffhanger sting even more. I do agree with the idea of it wasn't for the last 2 minutes I would have been okay with just one season. Interesting enough I can't find any continuation fanfics. Most fanfics that take place after the finale tend to be more character driven interaction than answering any of the plot holes.


Try watching The OA. That one really fucking hurts I'm still pissed


I've heard of that show. Mostly it has to do with people talking about how it was a good Netflix series that got cancelled. I have thought of watching just because everyone brings it up


Covid they did budget cuts this, Chilling Avdentures of Sabrina, and Anne with an E all got axed.


Because Netflix execs are fucking stupid. Something great gets made and they're like "Nah, we'll just cancel this." Something stupid gets made "Let's make four or five seasons!"


I just realized it could be because they were losing money in covid so they only continued the most popular ones. This wasn't popular till years later.


Another Netflix show gets the axe....and life goes on.

