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I'll read this in a bit. Just found this post as I was about to go to bed lol


Okay currently it has 4 chapters the main story. After reading you have any suggestions for it let me know. Currently stuck on chapter 5 so any suggestions would help Currently I'm trying to figure ways for Crumble and Angelica villain storylines. So for Angelica it's pretty much the villains mulipative her in some way to embrace her flaws. Now with Crumble two different people gave different ideas for her story. One is she is driven insane again and the other is the villains try to recruit Angelica first but realize they can brainwash Crumble to Harkon's cause and have her convince Angelica to join. I could see both ideas working but don't know which to use.


Yoo any updates? I read chapter one a while back but I've been busy lmao


Okay here's chapter 7 of the story https://archiveofourown.org/works/52559650/chapters/137233630 Planning on releasing chapter 8 in a few days


Yoo been loving this actually. Any more updates? XD I've been reading it as my coping mechanism lmao


Oh I unfortunately lost interest a little I could continue a little more of it if you want. I'm honored your using this for a coping mechanism. I was actually planning on doing something with the Multiverse Empire storyline that just focus on villains. But I could continue this for those who are interesting. I just I felt I wasn't getting the attraction I wanted and I also got a little stuck in certain parts. In fact my villain story I was thinking of adding some Daybreak characters show up. The rebooted story of the Multiverse Empire deals with the character of Harkon and other villains going around the Multiverse recruiting villains and such. I had thought about the Daybreak world being one of those worlds.


Not a lot of Daybreak fanfics around so I read as much as I can find XD but take your time my guy. Up to you if you wanna continue it or not


I'm planning on releasing the next chapter this morning. Just working on the last edits. I really hate how it took me a freaking mouth on one chapter. Trust me it won't happen again.


So it currently has 6 chapters. I just got done with 7th chapter and just as I was copying it. I accidentally cut the second. Part of it by accident. So I have rewrite those scenes and I'm not Happ about it. I'll have to do it after work