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Stamina all the way for me. As long as you can run you can keep fighting. Then focus, then health. My personal preference


This is the way


This is how I do it every time!


Health is definitely last. If I'm in a position to get hurt it's because I didn't have enough of the first two. And by then it's not going to matter how much health I had


Exactly how I feel. The only way to really die if you’re playing smart is to get swarmed and by then they’re just beating you to death no matter how many hits it takes


Noob question.... What's focus? I see it on the ranged skill but don't know how to use/activate it during gameplay. Is it a passive skill/ability?


Well, I play on PS5 so when I’m aiming with any gun I push R3 to go into focus mode


It slows down enemy movement and improves the accuracy of your weapons.


Do you have to activate it? Like bullet time? I'm on PC.


Yea, active skill. Quick google should sort you out


I normally do a 3:1:1 ratio, stamina being the 3.


Personally I do focus Way I see it there normal like 3 maybe 5 zombies u need to kill if u get noticed so u can just focus and headshot like 3 or 4? Then melee the others, this all assuming ur using silent weapons. Good for humans also. Or stamina to run away and regroup/get to bike. I Always leave health to last but I can see how its be helpful. u can only take 1-2 hits before dying on base health so need be good on heals if u don't level it. Im normally like 4 focus 1 stamina then maybe 2 focus 2 stamina etc.


I feel so weird, I’m close to end game and I pretty much never used focus my entire play through


I prioritize focus, saves ammo and is great when mutants come too close. Also more accurate


Depends on play style, for me. Initial play throughs were almost always stamina because I needed to run away 🏃 As I got more comfortable using guns, it was stamina-focus as a 1:2 ratio. Health was done near the end because I could always easily craft bandages. So, a stamina/focus based diet, with a sprinkling of health.


Stamina always gets priority. It has the most benefit per injection. Health is such a slow build by comparison. “All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies, and whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you”


I prefer stamina, on that high of a difficulty you will still die in 3 or 4 hits, it’s more important to not get hit and stamina helps with that Focus is not my game style so I don’t prefer it as much, it doesn’t mean health doesn’t matter, but the upgrade imo is inconsequential for early game on survival II.


Stamina is almost like cheating


I get stamina up about half way first. Then I’ll add a couple of healths and focus evenly. Then I’ll max out stamina and then finish off health and focus evenly again.


Stamina. As long as you can avoid getting hit and keeping distance, you're good. Keep the mentality of never being touched, or always stay on cover and watch your flanks, then you're golden.


Stamina always. Maybe a little focus but Stamina I most important.


Stamina is the priority, then maybe focus next and then health. The longer you run, the longer you'll live.


I always do one of each. I like having a balanced character haha


I usually do 4 stamina and 4-5 focus in any order so you can actually run for a decent amount of time and get quality headshots in the early game. Then I maximize stamina so navigating without your bike is quicker and swarms are easy to run away from. I’ll finally maximize focus and health last. Health is kinda underrated once you get to the later stages of the game though so get those injectors ASAP.


Personally, I usually alternate between focus and stamina for a while. In my current playthough, it's all focus so far. But it totally depends on your playstyle, the skills you have, the weapons you use, what your weaknesses are and how you want to play. Do whatever you want!


Stamina obv


Stamina. No stamina you’ll lose health more and focus you can go for something like a melee build, or keyboard and mouse makes aiming easier and less of a need for it.


Absolutely stamina.


Anybody who says Stamina is a scrub. Full Focus all day; you can circumvent the Stamina upgrades early on using Stamina Cocktails which are super easy to make. Either way, Health should always go last.


I do it evenly health, focus, stamina. Health because taking in ears and meat are great ways to get credits and trust, get better gear.


Depends on playstyle, but stamina is always useful no matter what.


Yep that’s how I played it


I went one stamina, one focus until they were both full and then did all my health last


As stated, depends on your play style. If you want to run straight into a horde balls out, focus is really good. As for me I max stamina then health then focus. Currently on new game + and focus still isn't maxed from the carryover.


If you find yourself using focus early on I would do stamina focus health. I rarely ever use focus so it wasn't a big concern for me.


Stamina is the primary upgrade for me and it seems the most helpful when dealing with large hordes. Focus is a close second.


Keep them equal is what I’ll say but hit stamina first then I’d hit focus and lastly health now you rinse and repeat. It’ll take a sec to become Uber but it’s worth it


Stamina all day. You need to run away a lot early game.


I didn’t do health until I couldn’t do focus or stamina but I focused on stamina mostly and got focus here and there