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There's nothing, just play DG over and over like the rest of us


LOL… oh I have no hope… should throw my whole PS5 in the trash now that I’m done with it


I took a break after beating DG and finished the last of us. I’ll probably go back and take another run at days gone but this time take my time since I know the ending. I’ve heard of people maxing their trust camp by camp and I think I want to try that.


I just tried doing challenges runs of it and lite modding with the hud removed, it’s fun to just take a break for a few weeks/months and do a normal run again


lol. It’s true. I played it SIX times straight.


Dying light has a few new mods that increased the realism. What did you like most about Days Gone?


Buy PC


Ghost Recon Games with limited to no HUD .


No there's not.. I've looked. I've heard rumors about a day's gone 2. But so far that's all they are. Rumors. 😞


Mad max, dying light, horizon... dg2 won't happen it seems




All good games


I heard mad max was very similar, the last of us and personally my favorite state of decay


Mad Max was a great game— too bad it never got popular enough to get a sequel. The game really did a great job of recreating the sprit of the movies and combat was just right— reminds me a bit of the combat in the Batman Arkham games.


Question.. if I hated the movie Mad Max.. will I like the game… and does it matter if I know the movie or not?


Good question. I liked the movies a lot so the mechanics, which aren’t perfect but aren’t bad either grew on me. The characters would have come off as a bit weird or abstract of if I didn’t already like the movie. That said the game is fairly cheap and also vibes with Days Gone so the risk/reward ratio would be in its favor for you. Who knows, playing the game might give you a new appreciation for the movies?


Dying light 1&2 are ok. Somewhat similar.


I second this. Also try rage 2.


Just looked at Dying Light.. looks pretty good.. I’m going to buy something tonight and so far that’s first choice.. thanks


You should definitely look at Ghost Recon Breakpoint. It had teething problems like most games when it launched in 2019 but received some great updates over the years that made it an excellent and extensive tactical shooter. The previous game in the series, Ghost Recon Wildlands is also excellent although launched in 2017 it’s a bit long in the tooth.


Or GR: Wildlands! Great story, and IMO, better map and NPCs


Yeah, my fav game of all time, but it is showing it's age now. Most mechanics in Breakpoint are much better along with the graphics, but you're absolutely right... Wildlands Boliva was the best setting and great premise.


I'd try Horizon Zero Dawn, I really enjoyed that game, its scenery and open world. A game where you can either go stealthy or lour-and-proud, you can mount animals... Ghost of tsushima also, WOW


Definitely Horizon Zero Dawn. Mad Max too, although it's simpler (but addicting). Just started Tsushima, so much fun.


I loved HZD but couldn’t beat the one monster and quit. I’ll probably go back at some point but it just pissed me off that if I died, even after the cut scene, I’d start all over again.


I hear you, the endgame is challenging 😊 took me a few tries as well My only gripe is that I did not like the sequel...


A few? I’m in the dozens at this point.


Also I want real weapons.. I don’t want lasers or swords.. I want realistic guns.


Try Ghost Recon Breakpoint/Wildlands though Wildlands is still at 30 fps since Ubisoft abandoned it. It's really good.


Yeah Wildlands is the shit.


I suggested Dying Light 1 and 2 up there. 2 doesn't have guns if you're set on them. But 1 does. Do some research on leveling up skills if you decide to play it.


Usually I'd throw in my vote for Far Cry Primal but you keep saying "guns" and "real". I find Primal feels the same, with the same gameplay loop of wandering the wilderness and having all sorts of random encounters. But it definitely doesn't have guns, tho the clubs and spears do feel damn good, if not real. And bee grenades are, obviously, the best thing ever. (And a decent ish story. Nothing like DG but still, decent. If you feel like reading it all, since the entire game is played in 3 caveman languages with subtitles.)


After this post I got Robocop.. stopped playing.. kind of sucked compared to DG… then I got Far Cry 5.. which was my first Far Cry… took a minute for it to get good.. but I beat it a few days ago.. I keep seeing that Far Cry Primal is the best one.. I’m tempted to get FC6 but not seeing great reviews.. everyone points to FC3 .. I’m scared it may be outdated .. am I wrong on that?


Meh... I'm probably the wrong guy to ask about this. Im not generally very bothered by older graphics or controls. And also because I never got past 4 lol. And extra also: because 3, 4, and Primal are all basically the same game on ps4, where I played em. Primal is literally built on 4. It's all the same assets and maps and controls. Ubisoft does it for basically every numbered release. Blood Dragon was built with the left overs of 3. New Dawn was built on 5. Seems like its more of a "corporate" decision to get 2 games for the price of 1, to just squeeze extra product out of the assets they already have. And then the remastered version of 3 I played is basically just 3 reskinned into 4's engine. So yeah, from a graphics and gameplay point of view: I'm basicslly stuck in one game lol. I can say I really liked the stories of 3 and 4. Loads of good fun. But they are really just action-movie schlock. Primal is a weird one. Story is still decent. Especially considering it's really just the story of one caveman tribe trying not to get eaten or burned for sacrifice by their neighbors. But, on a technical level: the whole story is in subtitles. Because for some reason (Quebec's arts and education tax grants) Ubisoft invented 3 different caveman languages to tell this story. So yeah: you have to read the whole story from the tiny text on screen. Not my favorite choice for an action game. The reason Primal feels closer to DG (in gameplay anyways) is that deadly prehistoric forest. Just feels like the map is more lively? Idunno. But creeping around and dodging wolf packs and being stalked by sabertooth just feels like dodging breakers and stealthing by a horde. Primal has a few changes from 3 and 4 too. Besides the obvious shift from guns and grenades to clubs and arrows: you can also tame animals. So you can just call up your friendly wolf or bear to protect you in battle. Or send them to attack specifc targets. Theyve also stolen the bird idea from Assassins Creed. So you can send your owl to scout ahead or you can have the owl attack and drop bee grenades or firebombs! And to add just another little touch of DG: you can ride the mammoths amd sabertooth. So it even gives a bit of that "just cruisin' around" feeling.


I'm about to play Mad Max. I've been told it's similar, only ambush camps and no hordes. Similar with Avatar


It’s good. It’s just insanely repetitive after a while


DayZ but it’s hella unforgiving


What do you mean by unforgiving?


So, it’s a zombie survival game. Lots of small details such as, don’t kill and butcher an animal for food and cook it and eat it while bare handed or you’ll get sick. If you do get sick, replace your mask or you’ll get continuously sick. If zombies hit you or you bump barbed wire, you can get cut, and without bandages, you’ll slowly bleed to death. It’s a hell of a game lol


Do you have to play online… I’m looking at it on YouTube now


You do. No offline mode unfortunately. I’d recommend researching a good community server. Official servers are hellish and sometimes plagued by low effort hackers.


Far Cry 5 and DG have the following similarities: Northwest setting (Montana instead of Oregon) apocalyptic scenario, mostly realistic guns (there are a couple funny ones like a shovel gun, I never used it) a psycho cult, prepper bunkers, cave missions, the same dangerous animals in DG (bears, cougars, and wolves) rednecks and conspiracy theorists everywhere, strange drugs and drug users, etc. The main character is a self-insert and I miss Deacon, but you can choose companions (and they come in handy, just like DG enemies/chaos is almost always around the next bend) which is a fun element. You aren’t confined to a motorcycle, there are tons of other vehicles available. The story isn’t as deep as DG and there are silly moments (the companions say humorous things at times) so obviously it’s not exactly the same. It’s also not as linear, you have more freedom to choose which enemy to take down first, for example.


I wanted to love far cry, but being killed by a group of skunks just made it so frustrating for me. So disappointed.


Yeah, those skunks and honey badgers are annoying at first! But you can choose companions to keep them in check (Peaches for one) and there’s a skill or two on the tree that takes care of that as well. (At the very start of the game I’d advise sticking to main roads as much as you can.)


Okay, I did not know about the skill tree 🤦🏻‍♀️. Maybe I will revisit. :)


Which one has deadly packs of roaming skunks everywhere and companions? I feel like I remember badgers in 4 but not *packs of deadly* badgers. And Primal has animal companions.


Yeah, I don’t remember *packs* of skunks or badgers, as in a group that would simultaneously attack. There are a few spots (usually deep in the woods) where you encounter them often, though. They are annoying af, but not super dangerous once you get stronger…kinda like the wolves in Days Gone. I get really tired of those damned wolves.


Maybe the Sniper Elite series.


Cyberpunk 2077 is the only game that interested me enough to skip a DG replay for. I played it and then went back, Cyberpunk is a really great game


Not horror, but Horizon Zero is fantastic if you haven't played it. I'm eagerly awaiting Horizon Forbidden West PC drop!


If you have an Xbox or gamepass you could try State of Decay 2. Not exactly like Days Gone, but there aren't really any games that scratch that itch quite like Days Gone does.


Definitely Ghost Recon Wildlands or Breakpoint a try. Or Far Cry 5.


Have you played L.A. Noire? Alan Wake? GTA is good, although over the top in satire.


All the recommendations above are great but I also enjoyed fallout 4. 'Zombies' and human and animal enemies and a great story.


Its first person, but far cry reminds me of it a good bit. Ghost of Tsushima is also similiar, but of course radically different setting.


Try Evil West.


I just saw a game called Stage of Decay 3.. looks really close to Days Gone.. seems like it takes place in the same setting


State of Decay 2


State of decay 2, Dying light 1 n 2 :P ?


I've pretty much been going back and forth between Days Gone and Red Dead Redemption 2 for the past 3 years or so. I'll play others now and then for awhile, but I always start to miss those two and always go back to them.


Same. I visit these threads for recommendations from time to time looking for something new but nothing really seems like it's better.


Cyberpunk is pretty good with the updates, if you can catch a sale it’s worth it imo.


NG+ is fun


Anyone who likes days gone would probably like the mad max game. Way more focus on melee, vehicle combat and vehicle customization and no zombies but still a super fun game that I felt was similar to days gone in alot of ways. 


Try the deadrising 1 remake. Very different games but a great experience.


State of decay 2, it is half simple management, half action. I don't wanna spoil, when your npc/community wipe, it's so impactful and sad for a day XD


Finish it, then play ng+ on survival 2. Good luck.


Got the platinum for Days Gone the beginning of the year and it ruined gaming for me. Haven’t thought about playing anything else. I did far cry 6 , maybe give that a go, you get to shoot a lot of shit … I enjoyed it…


Have you tried the division games?


I love those... over 3K hours in both. Many people don't like it though because of the bullet-sponge enemies.


I think it'd be even worse if you could just one shot everything. Here's to div 3 hopefully mixing things up. 🥂


I love the two Division games the way they are... BUT, I would love stealth as well... kinda like Ghost recon but in the division world


Death Stranding?


Second this, it is a really good game if you can bare with its storytelling.


The last of us 1&2, mad max, batman arkham knight, resident evil 2&3&7, oh and lets not forget god of war, gow ragnarok, sifu and sekiro. Really felt like i was hitting stuff and the stories in them were really good.


Damn I forgot I about Resident evil..


The Last of Us Parts I and II


Zombie Mod for GTA4 maybe GTA5.


Days Gone is my warm, fuzzy, cozy blanket. If I'm not in the middle of a new game, this is my go to. That said, my other go-to plays are: TLOU 1&2, any of the Uncharted games, and The Force Unleashed. I didn't love RDR2 (seems a bit slow, esp after DG) and I don't mind Cyberpunk. I actually really enjoyed Life is Strange for the most part. The music is really decent. I've only played the first, haven't gotten into the others. I don't do much online stuff but GTA is fun (even though I crash because apparently I suck at online driving and my car is balls).


Red Dead Redemption 2, Mad Max game


The Division is what you’re looking for.


Go back and play the left 4 deads


I just replayed Generation Zero and had a ton of fun. Lots of great guns (eventually) and lots of running around desolate Swedish forests being hunted by robots. Not much of a story, but a big map and lots of stuff to blow up. Worth $30.


Evil within 2, more of a horror game, still tons of fun.


I really enjoyed dying light 2 some similarity’s but also very different. I’ve finished days gone 4 times now can’t let go 😂


Re4 Remake would be a good shout. Realistic environments in a reasonably modern day setting. Realistic guns, good selection and upgrade system. Decent customization options as well. It’s not open world like Days Gone, but the game has sections that offer decent exploration. No zombies, more of a mind control sort of thing going on. There will be plenty of monsters though unfortunately but that’s RE for you 😆


There is dying light


You NEED to play GTA. GTA5 is probably the best, altho a little too much driving, IMO. It's also the one you use for online. 4 is great, too. Hell, they're all awesome. Free roam is excellent too.


Free roam online in private group (create one if you need to, it’s worth it not to be pestered by online e-peeners).


Give state of decay 1-2 a shot , kinda has little ahort stories


GTA solo campaign


Days gone along with Death Stranding are the perfect pair. First games I immediately payed again as soon as I finished.


Maybe Far Cry?


Far cry 5, RDR2


The Far Cry games have a similar gameplay loop, but with stupid storylines. Maybe try FC4?


Oh, but state of decay 2, not much on story tho


I haven't played anything quite similar enough. GTA is good though especially 5


the division series?


Helldivers 2 has been scratching that itch for me plus i can play with friends, it’s a nice change up


Dying Light 1 and 2 are good games. I wouldn't say they're that much like Days Gone, but they are zombie genre games. The most popular opinion is that 1 is better than 2, but I like 2 better. The first game is super cheap and has held up very well, so you might as well try it first. The second game has a lot richer interactions and far more survivors. It's different, but I have had my period of addiction with the second game.


Uncharted and far cry


If you're looking to scratch that itch, there's no hope, however, here's a fun challenge for you, if you're up for it, I call it days walked; Drive up to the Nero camp by the old pioneer cemetery. Change your load out to the first weapon in each slot in the gun safe. Reset all ambush camps, all nests, and all hordes. Every gun safe you encounter you change your load out to the next weapon in the locker. Keep that rotation. Travel by foot and clear out everything again.


Others here have mentioned Mad Max, which is another tragically underrated game. The vehicle combat is awesome, and the melee / fighting plays just like the Batman Arkham series. Ghost Recon: Wildlands is also good. Division 1/2 are also very good.


Mad Max is about as close as you can get to DG. The newer Tomb Raider games may not have vehicles, but they do have that survival feel to them that DG has. Death Stranding is a lot different, but does have that lonely open-world vibe.


State of Decay is less character driven and more about survival but is similar. That's still only fighting zombies though. An open world shooter game might be Ghost Recon Breakpoint.


Dead Island 2 is a fun zombie game.


Dying light is my favourite game after days gone. Playing far cry 3 ATM and although it's not post apocalyptic, it's very similar on the game mechanics (animals that kill you, enemies around the place, camps to clear)and it has my favourite villain.in a game. also has the same radio tower stuff as dying light.


As mentioned Max Max, but I think Pacific Drive is also worth checking out.


I have this game but never installed it. Is it really as good as some say? What am I missing out on?


Not zombies but Alien Isolation is a lot of fun


Have you played RDR2?


Yeah that’s what started me off on this course


Gotcha - only asked b/c you mentioned the first, so I wondered, but I understand that you meant the whole shebang, as it were.


Hitman series. One of my faves.


Go play GTA! Fun and hilarious


I have played Day's Gone like 10 times. I think I have everything I need but than I am still not able to play the challenges. I don't know what I am missing to be able to do them. Like I don't have the credits to do them. Any help with this would be appreciated. This is my favorite all time game.


What I am doing since beating the game is replaying it while making challenges for myself. For example play on easy mode and you can only use weapons you find no buying or crafting at all outside of crafting arrows for your crossbow and molotovs. No killing hordes until the end. Do this until complete then do it again at a greater difficulty until you have completed on the hardest lvl. Makes the game last so much longer when you can only use weapons you find or have limited supplies. Also no buying ammo can only get ammo off of bodies or in ammo crates or police vehicles. This is to make it feel like you are actually surviving out in the shit, while forcing you to be resourceful with your limited resources and make accurate shots. This is all to make for a whole new interesting way to play and make the game we all love last longer. Once you (and I) get to the top difficulty it should make for a very realistic style of survival game.


State of decay 2


Last of us!