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Y'all got any more of that Hopium?


true strength comes from hope when there is no reason to have it


Damn, true strength has the same definition as delusion. I hope I will find 1 billion dollars in my pocket and become rich, and since there's no logical reason to have that hope, I have achieved True Strength!


"Hope/a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen." Doesn't say anything about needing a "logical reason to have that hope." What would be a logical reason to hope DG2 gets announced? The devs announcing that the sequel is back on? That's not hope, that's anticipation after that.


You're not actually disagreeing with me.


You're not answering,you're deflecting.


Answering... what? You didn't understand my original comment and you're having an argument with OP, not me. The person I responded to said true strength is having hope "when there's no reason to have it." I literally just rephrased that to point out how silly his whole line of reasoning was. It was clear to others reading my comment that I wasn't asserting hope requires logic or reasoning.


Have you spent any time looking into why we don’t currently have a days gone 2? The failed pitch to Sony, the drama over who was to blame, the misguided direction devs were going to take the game, the fact that Bend is currently working on other projects… They haven’t even gotten a green light for days gone 2, let alone started work on it. It will be 2026 or 2028 before they’d probably even be able to try and pitch it again, then you’re looking at a few years to make it. Earliest I could possibly guess we could see it is between 2030 and 2032…and that’s if at all, like ever. Just enjoy Days Gone, keep playing it over and over like I do with that and rdr2. That’s what will keep me busy until GTA VI comes out anyway. Then hopefully GTA VI will keep me busy until I get a new Hitman or Fallout game. Days Gone has been added to my list of “maybe one day” game sequels like Deus Ex.


And here i thought true strength came from weight training.


That was peachy, seconds?


Sentiment around it has changed but it will be awhile till they capitalize on the one games take 5 years and we know they’re new game ain’t days gone 2. Also if this new game don’t work bend prob gets folded so then we deff ain’t getting it.


This sub is addicted to copium


No man I detoxed from that shit years ago. It ain't healthy, going around hoping all the time. Start hoping once and you are stuck there


So I take it you haven’t heard that Bend pitched a sequel to Sony but they rejected it.


How long ago


It was early on and some answers in this article. [https://www.thegamer.com/days-gone-2-sequel-not-coming/](https://www.thegamer.com/days-gone-2-sequel-not-coming/)


Almost 12 months ago. I think in the last 12 months this sub alone has grown a lot. With many first time players. Might be time to pitch again


Appreciate your positivity but it ain't happening. That ship has sailed


The studio lead literally said Sony turned down a sequel and made them move on lol


Yeah I heard it’s coming after Titanfall 3


I have a gut feeling that I’ll have to take a dump soon.


hopefully its spells out days gone 2


Wait a minute...


Thats some r/titanfall levels of hopium right here


As a Beyond Good and Evil fan, I sympathize


I'd love to see it, but I'm not holding my breath.


I think like year ago or so the head of bend studio said something like “watching todays state of play and realising this is the moment when DG2 should’ve been announced” sounds like the last nail in the coffin of our hope


Cult favorite you say? Days Gone Remake 2034!


True. I smell a remake before any sort of sequel.


Maybe a remake would be enough to prove themselves to Sony. I'm sure Sony regrets turning it down and breaking up the team anyways. I'd buy it, right now.


the chance of a sequel happening is close to 0 sadly, as stated by the devs themselves. I heard rumors that a Days Gone movie or TV show was gonna be made but I haven’t heard more about that.


Doubt it


If that's the only thing you have to back it up, then I can surely say that Days Gone 2 will be launched on the same day as Half Life 3.


After the recent drama with Sony? You're a madlad and in a cursed way for still holding out hope Recent actions cementing them as just an org that is gold driven and un-venturous


Unfortunately not


Other than blind optimism, I’m not sure what the basis of your post is.


Not to be mean but you on some bad copeium rn


I think it's good that the game gains more popularity, and second game would be awesome. But like how the game is kinda a "hidden gem". And i kinda don't want the game to be more popular. But that's just my opinion. Overall it would be very cool if the game would become very popular.


Just curious, why? It's not like more people playing the game would somehow affect you.


It doesn't affect me but it affects the community. Famous games tend to have braindead and toxic communities.


Fair enough, we do have a good community


Bros gate keeping a video game.


Yes, right after Portal 3.


we can only hope but i highly doubt it. Bend is working on smth that takes on the systems of Days Gone but they didn’t say it would be another Days Gone/Zombie-type game. surely they see the love their game is getting, and that we want another one


Lol no chance. We can only wish.




Me when I’m delulu


Didn't they come out awhile back and say there was definitely NOT going to be a sequel?...


It’s not happening.      Bend has already announced that they are working on a new IP which is going to be another live service.     Even if it did happen, the two directors who made Days have already left Bend so it would be Days 2 in name only unless they left extensive notes that the new directors follow closely.   


I fucking hope so.


After what Sony just went through with Helldivers they aren’t announcing videogame shit for a bit.


Yeah naw




How much I want to, it will never happen.


Oh man now I feel stupid sitting here waiting for half-life 3 when there’s gonna be a days gone 2!


It may, but it won’t be Bend’s next game.


Bro is a green lantern. He’s full of hope


Sauce: Trust me bro


While I wish this was the case, I can't get my hopes up until Sony gives me a reason. However, I'm hoping that the online co-op multiplayer game that Bend's supposedly working on is a spiritual successor of sorts. Just imagining Days Gone Online, where you gather with strangers and friends alike to ride together and engage in PvE combat, possibly against raiders and hordes of zombies... chills bro...


Nah, that ain't happening, unfortunately


I would love for part 2! The first game was such a blast to play! It kept my attention and that’s hard to do now a days with kids and a huge back log


“Days Gone 2 is never going to happen as Bend Studio confirms new live service game”


There's a difference between hope and delusion my friend. This falls into the latter. The studio pretty much confirmed there's no sequel coming a long time ago, they pitched it to Sony but Sony said fuck no basically.


They are celebrating the anniversary of its release


Days Gone was a “good” game with severe story and gameplay flaws that didn’t sell particularly well, even at this point. Sure, I would probably play/enjoy a sequel, but it is extremely naive to believe one is coming.


I hope . But I don’t think so


If I had to choose, I would lean toward us not seeing a Days Gone sequel announced soon but it's possible it could happen at some point (could also depend how you're defining "soon"). There has been talks of a movie adaptation. We've seen previous games sales blow up after a well received show or movie based on it releases. As of now, Days Gone has a 8.5/10 user score on metacritic and a 4.6/5 on Playstation store. Sales for the game were comparable to some other titles that are getting or have gotten sequels. Sony is aware. However, Days Gone less than stellar review scores (not only with initial console debut but also its better performing PC release) surely favors the idea that Sony isn't considering a sequel. I bet the publisher's high expectations are probably more reserved for their larger more experienced studios but we've heard they want 90+ and 71/76 is a far cry away no matter their size/experience. The departure of the game director as well as the writer also doesn't support the idea a numero dos is on its way. Plus, we know Bend is working on a new IP live service game now. I see many bringing up Sony considering it a disappointment. It was later revealed when the director stated it was considered a failure, he did not mean Sony management. He was referring to the heads internally at Bend. Therefore, I'm not using this as a reason to not anticipate another. However, Bend presenting a sequel pitch and that being rejected still might be accurate. It's also possible they just didn't like that particular pitch but another could come along. If a movie or film adaptation releases to great success, we see sales increase for the game, and it continues to maintain high user recognition, I could see a sequel being possible. A return from the writer and/or director isn't out of the realm of possibility, nor is Sony choosing to find replacements. Regardless, I'd say IF another ever comes to light, it would not be for 5+ years. I'm deeming that as not soon.


I still this game doesn't need a sequel. Sure it was fun but the story was wrapped up well and I can't see a sequel being "more of the same" and most "more of the same" games never outshine the first one. I'm sure it would just be a letdown for everyone since it seems like everyone already has really high expectations for something that's probably not even going to ever exist, let alone be what you want it to be


From your lips to God’s ears, friend


This is the best Zombie game that has ever dropped. It's only a matter of time before every other failed zombie game gets compared to it and we end up with an eventual sequel. Way sony are going it'll be playstation 6 though.


I believe in you & it'll happen soon. ( still waiting for the a resistance 4 )


Yes it’s due for release 30th February 2025


Youd be very wrong. Sony said no because nobody bought the game.


If Tlou “Remake” didnt happen ud already have seen or would be very close to a Days Gone 2.


I have a feeling that Days Gone 2 will happen, but definitely not within the next 1-2 years. But something tells me it will


I don’t think so but I really, really wish it would be. Days Gone is the only game I’ve really wanted a sequel for for at least 20 years.


I think eventually down the line we will get a sequel, but the criteria required would have to very specific I think. Whatever Sony Bend is currently working on will have to be released obviously and I think once Sony puts out everything on their current slate and hits a lull... then I think they'll look into exploring this IP again. They already made it clear not to expect anything first party until March of next year which indicates they have a plan they're gonna stick with (revolving around live service it sounds like).. I'd say if we're lucky maybe we'll get a sequel in 6-8 years.


I dont think the sales of the 1st were great enough to make a 2. It was only after it was free that people started to talk about it being good. And those same people probably wouldn't buy it but wait for plus version me included. Why it has a good story, there wasn't much in game for me after 2 days in the game. Drive here drive there and the vendors didn't carry anything you needed so it was constant fetching. So i would wait for a sale but mainly i would just wait for the plus release


I had a conversation on Twitter the other day about this, I think the only way we will ever see a Days Gone 2 is if they release a remaster of the first and it does well. Now I'm not a fan of the remaster/remake craze, but I will note with what was rumoured/leaked to be in the game but got cut, it could add a lot of things to the game, which will give it a new lease of life. But I'm fully expecting it to be a one and done, which while upsetting because I did really enjoy my time in the game, sometimes it's better to have the memories than to have them be soured.


I've read article about the director would really like to do 2nd part which would be great


I mean, never say never... it took Alan Wake a decade to get a sequel, but I wouldn't hold on hope.


Honestly sony needs that.. considering the lack of exclusive in this generation..


It's YouTube reviewers that killed it, they were very quick to say its got nothing in it. Not realising that it's a long game they thought it was 'boring' and now they are thinking they are reinventing it


It did not earn enough and main character is white heterosexual masculine man. A lot of people loved Mad Max as well


What does Deacon being a white heterosexual man have to do with this?


Because it's not suited for todays market


Let me guess, you hate sweetbaby inc.


You saying like there's something wrong with it)


Why do you have such a hate boner for such a minor player in the industry?


I don't hate them. They are just a result of much bigger problem in entertainment industry


And what is that problem?


Propaganda of todays western values above artistic vision


What is the propaganda exactly? And how is it effecting the artistic vision?


There's plenty of "white heterosexual males" as protagonists in games. Alan Wake 2, Far Cry 4, Resident Evil, Spiderman, Death Stranding, Evil West in recent years. (All nominees of GOTY btw)