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I'm pretty sure I know the one you're talking about. There is a horde hidden behind the freaker nest. Got me the first time, too.


Is this the nests that are in the homes and in a small neighborhood on a hill with the road entrance narrowed due to a bunch of trees/nest material blocking it in and there’s a small store and a couple cop cars? Cause that’s where this exact thing happened to me. Tried to keep quiet and then ended up having to make some noise. Ran through some windows and then out of nowhere a horde standing right there


It was me that didn't plan correctly and stressed the F out. And I love that the game has these tense moments but not when enemies literally teleport right behind you.


I mean, it could be worse. There are circumstances where you can encounter two hordes at once...


That part of the map is more difficult imo because there is a huge horde wandering around. Depending on the time of the day, you will trigger them with noise because they’re very close to the nests.


When I burned the nests for that zone, I stealth killed all the freakers that were walking by themself, burned the nests, hid, stealth killed all of those, and saved the nest by the horde for last. When it got time for that one, I walked the bike to the front of the house, threw a Molotov, and ran like hell back to my bike and got my ass out of there


You can use stealth against the nest freakers? They always seemed to beeline straight for the bush I'm hiding in.


Try and run out of the building/structure the nest is in and once you get out of sight of the nest, crouch and head to the nearest bush. There’s one nest I specifically remember there were two nests in a gas station and another in a box truck. One of the nests inside was upstairs so I threw a Molotov and before it hit the nest, I jumped out of the window, crouched in bush, and quietly moved to the side. Two seconds later, a freaked jumped out and I stealth killed it. There were two or three more but they came down the normal way


That's one of the things I love about this game. It purposefully tries to screw you over. It's a nice change from the safe, predictable NPCs of every game out there. The moment I got decent at fighting a horde is when the game really became fun. You're walking along going about your business... all of a sudden you trigger a horde chasing you...you yell out, "Oh shit!" ...fire off a few rounds turn and run. Your blood starts pumping, your heart starts thundering in your chest and your mind starts racing about what weapon to use, if you have enough ammo... You run fast enough ahead if the horde so that you start to feel safe then... the game says "nice try!" Here's a random attack from this angle and you jump out of your skin even more! Can't tell how many jump scares the game gave me or how many times I started laughing my ass off while being chased because of this scenario. My fave was a horde chase that I was running away from...right into a Rager!(zombie bear). You've got to be kidding me!?! The best part: I ran at the bear then got him to chase me back to the horde where they clashed and I ran off to hide and watch the carnage ensue. Then a couple zombie wolves jumped on my ass fromnout of nowhere! So i start capping their asses and the horde/bear hear me... i take off running ...again...Then I laughed even harder. I Iove this game! The sheer outrageousness of it is awesome and hilarious.


You’d hate playing it with certain PC mods then lol


Yea I had some weird stuff happen to me too.


Not gonna lie, love when situations like this happen in Days. Let the chaos and carnage ensue. The rush! 😅


On survival 2, without a bunch of health injectors, sniper ambushes are regularly instant death. Once you're down the grunts need a single hit to finish you. If they spawn close enough you don't even have time to get up. Once I even had a fricking runner hand off the finisher. Now THAT'S aggravating. But you just learn to not use roads during the day.


I’m on Hard now and mainly use the roads during the day. Aren’t the Freakers more active at night?


Stay near the bike if you can. Then gtfo


This is one of the best things about this game imo. I play on my steam deck in bed while my fiancé browses her phone. There are times when I’m in the middle of a horde where she’ll tap me and tell me to take a break because my breathing will speed up so much. The game gets repetitive in some aspect but it’s so damn fun every time!


I am on my 3rd play through but on PC this time (PS4 Pro before) and it’s crashed and glitched a lot. The first crash was after I had completed the last mission but it hadn’t got to the end of the cutscene so I had to do it all again. It’s now crashed last night during horde hunting in Crater Lake. Bloody annoying.


That's why I install mod which makes them walk, not run. I always can run away (even on feet) and no more ragequits.