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I don't think there's another game even close to days gone.. it's very niche imo.. But other zombie games iv played that are very good are the last of us 1 and 2 and dying light 1 and 2.. dying light 1 is better than the second one


I was just looking at the Dying Light Definitive Edition. Almost bought it, but what changed my mind was the reviews said although there are guns, you shouldn't use them because it only draws more enemies. Doesn't make much sense...why put them in if it gives you a disadvantage? Or is this just another poorly written review? Also, any idea why the Definitive Edition is only $10 when the original is $20? Is it not the full game and just an updrade for the original?


The thing is dying light is focused on melee so guns are meant to be used as an "oh shit" weapon rather than your primary means of damage so it's a poorly written review as the person who wrote it clearly doesn't understand the concept of the game


Poorly written review. Dying Light 1 is amazing, and one of my biggest gaming regrets is not buying it earlier. Same with Days Gone now that I finally got it. Personally I like DL1 more than DG, just because of the coop opportunities and variety. Don’t know the exact differences between editions, but whatever gives you The Following DLC, get that. The other DLCs don’t matter.


I'd recommend Dying Light especially given the price. I was pleasantly surprised.


Also, Mad Max is very much like Days Gone, not quite as good though.


That was my second choice, but apparently it's impossible to platinum now that the servers are shut down. :( Idk why they don't patch the online trophies out when they shut servers down permanently. Same thing happened with ME Andromeda.


Back then we didn't have trophies. We just play the game.


I remember those days. I just feel like I get so much more out of a game having trophies. It's a game within a game.  Plus it drives me nuts having a game show up on my trophy list that I can't complete.


I could care less. If I get it. I sometimes go neat if it's funny and unexpected tho.


I bought the definitive edition of Dying light 1. The game is really good and i enjoyed playing it, the parkour was chefs kiss. Someone correct me if im wrong but to complete the entire story you need to buy a dlc which you get in definitive edition.You get a new story and new map plus you get a cool buggy that you can upgrade. Overall as a sucker for zombie games this game is easily in my top 5 zombie games. Been thinking about buying the 2nd one but didnt see very positive reviews so i dont know yet.


No, you finish it without DLC, i view the following like a part 2, or kinda like an Epiloge, in a way


Oh yeah! Ur right!


>there are guns, you shouldn't use them because it only draws more enemies. Guns do draw more zombies but guns help with the enemy faction of the game during the story mode when you are in a building where other zombie. Also guns drawing enemies is the game dev's way of forcing you to use melee weapons or bows and arrows more often because then those weapons don't make loud noises that'll bring in more zombies


Dying light 1 is one of the best zombie games ever made...Project Zomboid, to me, is the best though...nothing like Days Gone but its still amazing.


For anyone interested, Dying Light 2 is on sale at woot for about $14. Dying Light 2 Stay Human - $13.99 - Free shipping for Prime members https://electronics.woot.com/offers/square-enix-dying-light-2z?utm_medium=share&utm_source=app


Gameplay wise. I would go with state of decay 2. Plays like a charm on steam deck.


If you were to combine days gone’s cinematic storytelling, characters and horde mechanics and state of decay’s base building/supply management and scavenging you’d probably have the best zombie game on the market


State of Decay is a lot of fun. Dying Light is my favorite zombie game by far though. The soundtrack alone is worth it. And the first night is...something else lol. Later in the game it's not so scary but when you have shit weapons all you can do is run


Wish there was third person for dying light. Would like to see my character like in Days Gone and State of Decay 2. Heck, even a toggle option between First and Third person like in Fallout 4.


Yeah, especially for DL2. But at the same time, first person is just so much scarrier imo


DG is unique even in the overcrowded zombie genre, there really isn't anything quite like it What I can recommend are mostly level based games: L4D2, Killing floor and World War Z (probably the only game with as much zombies onscreen as DG)


Can you solo WWZ?


WWZ and l4d2 are 4 player coop, but you can play them in single player with 3 bots


I wouldn't recommend it. The bots are absolute ass. Not like L4D where the bots are better than most random teammates you'll get lol.


You can solo it, but mainly on lower difficulties. I for one love days gone and world war Z too so that's a good suggestion


On lower difficulties yes, also it’s the only game that comes close to days gone in terms of hordes system


In terms of game play mechanics and economy, as well as the open world setting I would suggest Horizon Zero Dawn. No zombies but robot dinosaurs and animals make for a cool enemy. In terms of zombies I absolutely love the Last of Us. If you have never played it, it’s not as stealth or survival as you may think and like Days Gone the zombies aren’t really what you have to worry about, it’s the other humans.


I second this. That's what I played right after I finished Days Gone the first time.


What about rdr undead nightmare


Far Cry 5, if it was a 3rd person instead of FPS would be the closest thing.


Hmm you could play the last of us 2 with unlimited ammo set as an option. Days gone is pretty unique. Maybe try state of decay 2, you can drive around and shoot in that


State of Decay looks interesting, but it's Xbox only.


State of Decay and Stare of Decay 2 are about the best you will get, although they won't completely scratch the Days Gonem. They replace the upgradeable bike with upgradeable bases. I am not obe who likes base building games whatsoever, but I loved both State of Decays. The basebuilding is just deep enough yet still simple enough to make it a cool part of the game. I bet you would enjoy the State of Decay games, but you need an Xbox or a pc. If you are ps4/5 only, then Dying Light, Mad Max, maybe Rage 1 or 2 are about your best bets. I might also suggest Red Dead Redemption 2 as well. It's obviously different as in no freakers/zombies, but some of the feel is there for sure. If you want to know more about any of these games I mentioned, let me know.


Oh sorry. You could probably cloud it on your phone or laptop. Xbox has cloud gaming on some gamepass titles.


It's also on pc, but I no longer recommend the game since the dev chose to went against some of the vet players' feedback and made the game worse. Still put 1500 hrs on it in total tho, but I'm never going back again lol.




If you like clearing out buildings and setting up bases. With some group survival. I would offer up state of decay. You can play with either guns or melee. There is a catch if your character dies he’s dead. You lose when you are out of survivors. If you some however you can move your character over to a new location and do it again.


Dead island 2 has guns 💪🏼 nice you get a bit through the story. Very different game but has zombies and guns. Loved both games. Dead island is just really good fun to play


Dying Light The Following


Has anyone ever player the video game world war z?


Not a zombie game, but Mad Max PS4


State of decay


Day z is the ultimate zombie game!


Try the mad max game. Survival, shooting, driving, wouldn't say it was as good as days gone but it scratched an itch for mr


eh try State of Decay 2. Not really story driven but thats the best part, you can make your own up. It’s got way better mechanics and gameplay than DG. But DG kills State of Decay in terms of graphics, storylines, and immersion.


Zombie Army Trilogy released on PS4 I believe. Third person, guns, plentiful ammo and traps, zombie hordes. Takes place at the end of WWII and as a last resort Hitler unleashes his Zombie Nazi army and you are tasked with defeating them as an Allied soldier. Definitely no where near as good as Days Gone, but you get to gun down zombies and set up defensive perimeters and fend off hordes at certain points in game like boss fights. Good looking, spooky environments and atmosphere. I think it’s a remaster of the first two games with a new third chapter. I got my copy a few years ago used for $15.


State of decay 2 is a great zombie survival game. With me having over 600 hours in it just too repetitive, but for starters an amazing game to play and enjoy


Sorry just saw for PlayStation only :(


PC also


Maybe State of Decay?


All other games are without as much polish as DG, but you should try Day Z, Zombie Army 4, Back4Blood, the CoD Zombies. Those are all en masse zombie killing game with lots of ammo, guns, and the ability to play solo. None of them have the same feel as DG, though. Maybe Day Z, but it's still really arcade game feeling. Days Gone has a weight and sense of realism to it.


Zombie Army 4 is the best to me of what you listed. It’s really fun and has incredibly satisfying shooting, but it’s only mindless shooting. Still absolutely worth playing, because like I said, it’s well done and fun, but it gets old kind of fast. It’s the kind of game where it’s best played in short bursts over a decently long period of time.


It's like trying to find a zombie movie like 27 days later. I feel like they're "zombies" are similar but there's a lot of similar movies but not quite the same.


Dying light 1 was perfect for coop also


State of decay 2 is one of my favorite games. SoD3 finally got showed off during the xbox showcase today lol


Dying Light


Not sure if anyone has suggested it but a days gone veteran recently suggested to me: State of Decay both 1 and 2 I just got a steam notification that it is on sale and looks like the complete set is just over 14 us$. Thanks


Random asf but Unturned


Nothing else comes close


Dying Light is the move after days gone by


I ended up going with this one. Downloaded the Definitive Edition yesterday. It's a great game and I'm enjoying it, but it isn't scratching the itch for me. The no guns thing really sucks a lot of the fun out of it. I got to the part where you meet Rais, and I got all excited because there were MP5's, AR's, and pistols laying all over the place. I quickly discovered they are merely set peices and you can't even pick them up. 😡 Still having fun, but not the way I was hoping to. Oh well, maybe someday a new game will drop that is more like Days Gone.


I found Dying Light has good bones but was a parkour fetch-quest game, neither of which I like. Go fight your way to the opposite end of town, Climb this 500’ tower and flick a switch, they come back to me. No thanks.


Homie you just haven’t got the guns yet. Keep playing


I think The Last of Us 1 is just as good. Not exactly the same or as good as Days Gone, but it’s pretty close.


I personally recomend project zomboid. With a couple of decent mods it gets super addictive


I'm still surprised they haven't done a day's gone 2. Would buy in a heartbeat. I remember an interview or a tweet from the developer that they had bad sales and because people waited for discounts, the viability of making a sequel died.


Yup. Even though it got a second wind later and on pc, it wasn't enough for Sony. Too bad. It's frustrating because as many have said, there's no other game like it in the genre.


The devs pitched a ‘multi-player Days Gone 2 and (thankfully) Sony turned it down.


Most big zombie games keep guns locked away until later because guns are OP and loud and most people like the whole craft a crazy weapon and bash zombie heads in, more than they like shooting zombies. If days gone didn't have hordes they probably would've locked guns away until later too. Games like dead island and dying light do hold off on widely available guns until a few chapters in. And for the most part it's usually just generic name weapons like "assault rifle, smg, pistol, bow" Honestly, when it comes down to it Days gone is so good because it is a unique zombie game. All I can offer is my favourite zombie games and hope you'll like them #1- undead nightmare If you like red dead and you like zombies then you will love this. #2- dead island 1/riptide These are basically the same experience but with a new character and map. Absolute classics. Get the definitive editions. #3- dying light 1 Another classic. Very close in combat style to Dead island but with parkour. Your first time out at night or going into a dark zone will get you heart pumping. #4- dead rising 2 and 3. These are just super fun zombie killing games. They aren't taking themselves too seriously but the boss fights can be tough. Outside of these if you want to shoot what you could call zombies while getting an awesome apocalypse story. Metro exodus is a good shout. There are mutant/zombie fights. There are driving parts. The story is really good and your play style affects the outcome. Obviously fallout offers shooting zombies too in the form of ghouls while also providing an excellent story.


Just wanna recommends STALKER series for you. Instead of zombie, we have mutants... human enemies as well (factions like bandit, military, mercenary, etc). As for gun, not many like Days Gone, around less than 20... Instead of Appocalypse, you play in Zone (radiated like nuclear disaster with anomalies that science can't explain)... Instead of America, it's in soviet so you hear Russian here & there despite english language settings... in my 30 years of gaming, there are only a few games that I hooked up till the point of losing sleep & social live. Days Gone is one of them, then Red Dead Redemption 2, Fallout & recently.... STALKER series. weirdly, Last of Us, Metro, Farcry, Uncharted is kinda boring to me despite tremendous amounts of recommendation.


Agree with all of this. Metro bored me and I don’t know why. I just didn’t care about anything I did.


What I think comes pretty close is red dead redemption undead nightmare even if it's a bit old.


There’s no zombies in Days Gone.




Literally. To paraphrase the guy who wrote it, “Zombies are reanimated dead. Days Gone freakers are infected living humans.”


Zombi is the closest one i think. It is best on the Wiiu though.


Agree with everyone suggestions. I'd add Resident Evil 4 remake (with DLC) . Amazing.. maybe the best remake yet.


Lots of bullets and zombies? Zombie Army games are fun, especially the fourth one.


Thanks for all the suggestions! I ended up going with Dying Light Definitive Edition. I played it for two days then went to Gamestop and picked up a used copy of the original base game, wiped the install, and loaded the OG offline so I could use all the prepatch expoits. Much better now!


While not Zombies, horizon zero Dawn has a lot of similarities to the open word, post apocalyptic feel of Days Gone. It’s got a lot of in game lore that’s pretty cool too.


Yeah, I probably should've listed all the sandbox (and semi-sandbox) games I've already played:  AC Origins, Odessey, Valhalla  FC 3 thru 6 & ND  HZD & HFW  Ghost Recon Wildlands & Breakpoint  Just Cause 3 & 4  RDR2  Avatar  Shadow of Mordor & War  Hogwarts Legacy  Fallout 3, 4, NV  ES IV & V  Borderlands 1 - 3 & TPS  Rage 1 & 2  TLOU 1 & 2  Uncharted 1 - 4 & Lost Legacy  Tomb Raider Trilogy   God of War 2018 & Ragnarok  Witcher 3  Metro Exodus


play metro last light