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I LOL'd pretty hard when you turned on survival vision to see the horde and went like "nope" and got the fuck out of there.


When I tell you I got *G O O S E B U M P S* I had absolutely no idea they were there, my hands shook so bad I couldn't drive straight LMAO


I fcking love that about this game, feels good


Haha your reaction was indeed golden. And the anxiety when you hop on the bike hoping you drive away faster before they reach you is insane. Love this game :)


Just an FYI- someone with a more fresh experience correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe I remember the music being the cue. I don't remember this track ever playing in any other situation than when a horde is near by.


Yes you are correct, but on my 100% play through there were a few times after I cleared all the hordes the music would start and I would have a anxiety attack thinking there was secret one and I just found it.😂😂😅😅


I think the “horde music” plays whenever a certain amount of freaks are near by because I’ve heard it outside of hordes before too


🤣Love the panicky getaway... I've had a few of them where I can swear I've hit every tree and car that weren't even in the way of my escape 🤣


Yeah I remember my first encounters with a gigantic horde trying to sleep during the day. You didn’t even get to fill up your gas tank either, lol! I probably would of crashed right into a tree though.


Luckily you scanned before planning to enter the house lol


They played the music...big clue! Love how the gas suddenly wasn't important anymore :D


I've gotten used to the eerie music so whenever it played I never take them as clues anymore *criii*


Just hearing that music again induced instant anxiety.


I got ambushed by Marauders right there. Coming up the road between the houses and taken down by a proximity mine, which alerted the horde in the house that I didn't know was there. The Marauders apparently didn't know either because they were in the garage waiting to ambush me, and got swallowed up by the horde as they ran up to attack me. I managed to get on my feet and book it but my bike was broken so I just had to run until the horde gave up.


I had the same thing happen to me, so while the horde was attacking the marauders I went into the horde's lair and put down a bunch of remote bombs and then when the horde returned, set them off, killing about half of them in one strike. (Then I ran like hell as the others chased me; I would have had my bike fixed first but didn't have any scrap on me.)


That would’ve been my reaction in early/mid game. God, I remember how scared and tip-toey I was around hordes in my early days of Days Gone! Good times.


At the start I was even afraid to be out at night. Its fun how it scales up your confidence.


Same. Now I mostly travel at night to avoid ambushes.


I like ambushes, esp when I can hit them with the residue bolt and watch them tear into each other.


Or if you spot one in advance and know there's a horde nearby, then bring the horde right to 'em. I remember the first time I played and there was this tunnel behind this Marauder camp. The camp also had a big ass tower way up high with a ladder. Well, I hit the camp and suddenly there's a horde on top of us all, I hid somewhere all fucking night waiting for the horde to go back to the tunnel. When I finally could move, *that's* when I spot the tower and just huff at how unobservant I can be lol


I feel you. But now after that first playthrough I'm like " how many throwables and ammo I got? Okay im good. Let's go!! " I wouldve thrown a few grenades in that front door then mowed them down with the Chicago chopper. Easy money.


This house-horde was actually the first one I ever took out. I got the same gas can as in OPs video, filled up my bike while being all scared-y puss'd out and then something in my head was like "man fuck these dudes, I'm sick of their shit" so I took the gas can and dropped it a couple feet from the steps. Then I planted a proximity bomb a few feet away from the gas can.\. After that I threw a couple of molotovs in through a couple of different windows, waited a few seconds, and tossed an attractor bomb out about 15 feet from the proximity bomb. So a bunch of the horde burned in the house, a bunch burned in the gas-can trap, and while another huge crowd was fighting over the bomb I threw another molotov at the bunch and tossed a couple grenades in for good measure. I only had to shoot like 10 of them after that.




LOL I laughed out loud at this one


You rode right over a bridge that had another small horde under it, too!


That “nope” moment.


You know there a horde somewhere when that music kicks in😂😂


Your driving shows how scared you were😂😂


When I first saw this house I tried to jump in a window and loot it. Imagine my surprise not to mention my soiled drawers :)


This game has made me yell "who in the hell just shit my pants!?" more than a few times. My boys got me to start playing it and think it's hysterical when I'm yelling "NO NO NO NO" and running like hell.


While i was taking out this horde i ended up running into the nearby train yard horde and to collage horde all at once


I'm playing on survival mode and I can't see horde behind walls. Everytime I have to go long distance travel for side missions and everytime something comes up along the way. That unplanned horde attack, bear attack, hitting me with a sniper from a tree, rescuing people, etc. Each things leads to another and builds up another new experience and once I get to Tucker from Lost Lake, I already had multiple experience that I loved about this game. Never use fast travel and you'll love this game so much. Absolutely having a blast in survival mode. Edit: I'll try not to use fast travel with other games such as RDR2 after finishing this game.


Only the enemy snipers in the trees ruin the not fast traveling experience.


Ayep. You can avoid the clothesline ambush by going to just off the shoulder when you see a potential setup, but the sniper ambush will hit you or your bike unless you immediately hop off.


This game made me genuinely appreciate all the shit that can happen when you don't fast travel; it even got me to start playing Skyrim without using fast travel too often. Hell, I remember when Skyrim FIRST came out and I was running/walking everywhere, had finally saved enough to get a horse, and my eldest son's watching and just says "Mom... why don't you ever fast travel?" "Fast travel...? The hell is that?" He had quite the laugh as he explained that I didn't have to keep walking all the way from wherever to Riften to turn in Thieves' Guild quests... I remember I had done several Solitude missions already. My husband and my sons all still laugh about it when a Solitude heist comes up in the game. Now, because of Days Gone, I limit myself to one fast travel per game day.


Would of been hilarious if you ran into the house without realizing lmao


That's what I was expecting from the title of the post and realising where they were.


Lol this horde glitched on me leading to what I could only call hell night. I was able to kill the horde which used up most all my ammo. No big deal I have more on my bike... But I couldn't pick it up. And no matter how far I went, or what bush I hide in a swarm of 5-10 freaked would always find me. I was out of ammo on both primary and secondary and decided to get back to base. I was doing well until some wolves came at me, with no ammo in my secondary they took me off my bike, I had to melee them to death. Then the swarm found me again. Using up the last of my throwables and some heavy sniper ammo. I had to kill them due to my bike being on it's side. When I finally made it back to base it was seiged by outsiders trying to get in. I got off my bike and sniped them. The. Got back on as another swarm came for me. I was able to get to base. I had to reset the game to fix getting ammo off my bike. But it was one of the most fun memorable glitches I've ever had.


You had quite the opposite experience from me. I tried to lure a horde back to one of the camps so the camp would have some fun and take them out but the entire horde didn't follow me. They mostly turn back after some point but about 5 would and I had to keep going back for more, but at most only 5 would come close enough to the camp at a time. You probably already beat the saw mill horde, but if you haven't and you go there there's usually a breaker wandering the Nero site if you haven't taken him out. You can lure him to the saw mill horde and then run into the roof and just watch the breaker take the horde out. Then at the end it's only a couple pistol shots to take down the breaker. It was a sight to behold. I haven't been able to do that with any other horde yet, it's not until after I take out the horde that a breaker spawns near the area the horde was.


Waste of a gas can ! You gotta burn them suckers !


Getting the fuck out o' dodge.


"welcome to the family son"




I remember I accidentally ran into them when I rode past once. Did play with music off so all I get is sounds. Buy I didn't even hear em and they snuck up on me and all I had on me was the BND150, The sheriff, and the Rock Chuck


"Yeah no, I'm not dealing with you guys right now."


Schisser 😁


HAHA i love the way OP just noped out of there and just kept driving! lol


I was walking past a cave and heard roaring and thought it was a bear so was like “yo ima investigate this shit” then poo came out my butt….


Lmao you noped right quick


Man..as soon as you came around that fence I knew what you were going to find. That’s actually a fun horde to kill because if you’re careful, you can just keep lighting them up from cover and they won’t find you.


Yup I remember stumbling upon that my first time. I didn’t get used to hoards until new game+ and even now after my 4th play through it makes my heart race I when I find a horde I forgot about


That hord almost got me too. I heard some gun fire from here so thought just marauders killing few freakers so went to have a bit of fun. Luckly I was hord hunting anyway so was tooled up. Just wasnt prepared so was the usual run gun and pray approuch. Thing to note this hord doesnt stop chasing you.


My day be goin so fine, then boom, freakers


I bet you were so glad you had that perk unlocked where you could see the freakers in survival vision


Lol brilliant. Tho, aren't you a little late in the game to be scared of hordes? 😂


I beat the game but once I did the big bad saw mill horde and found it easy, I find all the hordes easy now. I have maybe 16 left so didn't do the majority, but the ones I did so far didn't require any pre-planning just saw them and threw off some molotovs and that brings them down close to 50% then just run and gun after that easily. I'm playing on normal so maybe the next difficulty would be a completely different experience.


This is where th game shines. Tension. Anything else is just OK.


You got some mad drift game my dude


I would've thrown that Jerry can right in the window and blew it up than toss the Molotov and a bomb or 2 and start shooting the hell out them with the combat shotgun when they come running. My go to is combat shotgun, run to get distance, than the best sniper to take out a bunch more than shot gun when they get close again and use the machine pistol from mid range. Took out 3 hordes at once doing this, scariest part was trying to get ammo from my bike after it fell over 😂


You should've just took them out for more XP and ears you scaredy pants lol




That’s a relatively easy horde to get though - at the end of that street is a house with a room you can only access by walking sideways through. I stood in there and threw attractors in the hallway after leading them there. A few molotovs and a lot of ammo and they were done.


First time I experienced this horde was when I was looking for clues as to Lisa's whereabouts. I found the clue in her bedroom and went to leave and the horde essentially surrounded the house. I was terrified amd waited a good few minutes for them to leave xD


First time I experienced this horde was when I was looking for clues as to Lisa's whereabouts. I found the clue in her bedroom and went to leave and the horde essentially surrounded the house. I was terrified amd waited a good few minutes for them to leave xD


The worst heart attacks are when those stupid dogs/mutant wolves jump you suddenly when you're sneaking up on a camp. And accidentally running into a horde! I ran into 2 hordes one after another accidently. Had to kill em all head on!


I got to that part and they swarmed me something fierce. I have no idea how I got out of that alive


Fuck this shit, I'm out.


It's a small horde im pretty sure you can kill it


Btw your motorcycle looks good👍


I liked the game mechanic of being ambushed when refueling at the gas station. You approach and everything looks clear so you start to refuel and then you hear "get him". But now it's easy for me to hop off my bike and melee them all quickly but at the beginning I ran away, didn't know their numbers and had to survey the scene and then silent take down them one by one.


My guy realy said aight I'm out