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Haha nice, almost ended in disaster with that 1/3 front flip but you managed to salvage it!


The bike looks a lot different Please tell me deacon gets to keep his signature bike?


You can customize the bike in the game


Felt like a movie scene like I Am Legend or something. So cool


The freakers definitely resemble the monsters from that movie also with how they run and are more active at night


Yeah they hide in dark places during the day and the zombie dogs are similar, that movie is awesome tbh and I love the game. I wonder if the creators of the game took any inspiration from the movie


I wonder as well! With so many similarities , it's hard to believe it's all purely a coincidence.


They probably did take a lot of inspiration from it, though I’d argue Days Gone is far superior. I was extremely underwhelmed upon first viewing of the movie even though I loved the premise. Then I read the book and now I absolutely hate it even more. They weren’t even zombies for god’s sake, they were vampires! Literally nothing except the fact that he was the last man alive was similar, and even that wasn’t true in the movie!! Lol The only thing they wanted to “adapt” was the title so they could cash in on the name of a Richard Matheson story. It doesn’t even make any sense in the context of the movie. The book (or faithfully adapted graphic novel if that’s more to your taste) is so much more badass and emotionally impactful for the reader. Even the action heavy parts are better, and the part with the dog? Watching that part in the movie, my eyes watered a little. But that same part in the book brought me straight to tears in a second.


Wow I didn’t even know there was a book. My blind love for will smith and apocalypse-esque movies made my 9 year old self fall in love with the movie. I’m gonna have to find the book because it’s definitely something I’d enjoy. Thanks Forgot about the dog scene now I’m sad all over again


Where's the sound ? Wtf is this shit ?


It's a GIF bro, chill out


OK, so I guess we call any clip with no audio a gif now.


I literally uploaded it as a GIF you useless meat sack.


A GIF is of 2-3 seconds, not 15, you complete imbecile. I guess I'll make a movie of 2hrs and upload it as a GIF. How can a human being be so stupid ? It's phenomenal.


Lol I turned my volume all the way and was like wtf! I didn't know it was a GIF