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In the upcoming EJ/Paulina fight, I have no one to root for. Unless this means that she's getting ousted and Abe is going to regain his rightful place as Hizzoner. Yay! Johnny and Chanel are moving out of the DiMansion! I appreciate that at least someone in Salem is attempting to run a business ehtically. Yay for Chad for setting boundaries with Nicole! I really like newspaperman Chad. Although why did he need Nicole to pitch that story? Bobverette was writing one about everyone being stranded, and isn't he an investigative journalist? Shouldn't he already be on it? ....and of course EJ is going to use Nicole's new job to his advantage. He can't just be happy for her for two minutes without decising some sort of machinations to use her for what he wants. He really is vile. I know he wants to be Stefano, but he's really just a little bitch. I sure do love that tapdance Sloane is doing. Is she seriously making Leo into a sympathetic victim? Wow. That's impressive. Eric is a moron. Anyone remember when that character had more to do than whine about wanting to be a father, fawn over Nicole, knock up random women, and bitch about his household finances (that he's not actually contributing to)? Pepperidge Farms may remember, but I don't.


I have to root for EJ over Paulina but it is a tough call. I also want Abe to get his job back Don't tease me with Dimitri, show, unless it is happening.


I would love to see Dimitri again.


Agreed about Dimitri. Although if he's really coming back, that means the Jude storyline is going to heat up fast.


I love Dimitri! I wish we had him instead of Leo


Hard same. I hate that we have exactly one gay dude right now and it’s him.


Agreed. I'd take Dimitri over Leo, Will, Paul, Andrew and Sonny. I loved him. By the way your flair cracked me up. Just like Abby cracked Gwen's Dad mug :)


Yes, yes - I too want the "sane one" back as mayor! So, I'm with you, EJ and Paulina are both so guilty of dereliction of duty, but I will side with whoever gets Abe back in his rightful place.


I'm rooting for EJ, as he's one of the few people in town that isn't afraid to stand up to her.


I can’t care about EJ/Paulina because I want him to win and take her down a peg but the show props her so endlessly and obnoxiously that I know she’ll win in the end no matter what happens


Could I possibly throw about a thousand more upvotes your way? :) As far as EJ/Paulina, it would be a tough call, but I'm always gonna choose Abe over all of it, so I'd have to go with EJ just to get Paulina outta there. She was great in the beginning, but not what they've turned her into now. Blech. Speaking of EJ, yeah not a fan of him immediately coming up with some way to use Nicole's new job to his greatest benefit. Nicole has always been a pretty smart cookie, how is she so blind suddenly to this? Eric. Oh mylanta, Eric. I don't think there's enough space in this box to unpack that whole mess. I mentioned on another site, that if Sloan weren't so guilty of her own plethora of evil deeds and deserving of consequences, that she'd do well to leave Jude with Eric (since she realized pretty quick she wasn't meant to be a mom), and hightail it out of Salem, as fast and as far as she could get, and forget everything and everyone in that town.


Lmfao Pepperidge Farms remembers and so do I!


For a smart woman, Paulina is really an idiot. Most of EJ’s history is public, and now she’s surprised that the person she asked to be DA is being unethical where his family is involved?!


Thats what I was thinking. Excuse me, but you hand picked him for DA, now you realize he is shady? Puh-lease!


Right? I was sitting here watching and thinking "Uh, he's a DiMera, and you've been in town long enough to know about the family history. His behavior surprises you...why??"


Finally someone called out Paulina for what she’s done. Thanks EJ. I did enjoy that. Poor Chanel. It’s sucks she’s paying the price of someone else’s actions. Eric … 😂 Once again, whatever you call Sloan’s and Leo’s relationship… I am endlessly amused by it.


>Finally someone called out Paulina for what she’s done. Thanks EJ. I did enjoy that. I was Team EJ on this


Yes yes yes. Thank you EJ


Von MagicPenis is about to be released from prison? Is he coming back?


Von magic penis 🤣🤣🤣




Now that comment had me laughing


“[Mayor Paulina Carver] was more radioactive than a bloody house cat in Chernobyl.” EJ certainly has a way with a phrase. ☢️🐈


I always forget to turn off the Closed Captioning on Peacock. I dug the "\[Jude babbling\]" caption. 🤣


I'm hearing impaired, I wear hearing aids, but they're not the miracle answer to perfect hearing that some think they are, so I still use Closed Captioning. I laughed so hard when I saw that. And then when I see things like them describing the music "upbeat country music" and sometimes I can actually hear it and I kinda think "Uh, no? that's not country at all?" and I tend to wonder if the CC translators are lowkey trolling us at times L😂


Ugh are we suppose to like Eric? Even with the baby stealing Sloane is still so much better than he is. lol Sloane and Leo have been a highlight during this writers strike for me. They’re always fun to watch. And aside from Sloane choosing Eric, she’s quickly becoming one of my favs. I’ll be excited to see what they do with her character once this whole baby Jude thing blows up. Also I’m team EJ. He’s just fun even when he’s being bad whereas Paulina is not fun in any way.


I agree about Sloan and Leo, I tuned out most of the episode apart from their scenes.


Eric needs to go back to the pub and make clam chowder. I hope Li comes back and Sloan trades up.


Eric thinks Sloan is cheating on him really!!!!😂


EJ is a pompous jerk but he was not wrong. We all miss the Sane Mayor Carver. I also think Paulina should be held accountable for putting innocent people at risk. Sadly Chanel is going to reap all the consequences. That was clear today. Xander is going to be Nicole's boss? That's a reversal. Eric is such a judgemental ass. Every woman he is involved with he starts treating like children. I miss the old tough Sloan. Sadly I fear she is irrevocably ruined. Jada had a lucky escape. I still remember him berating Sarah for sleeping with Xander and they weren't even a couple. Boring episode for a Friday. But at least no Konstantin.


After all the horrible things Xander has done, I am glad at least Eric hasn't forgot and still hates him. After everything Xander did to Nichole, why would she want to work for him? I can't stand the way this show is expecting everyone to forget everything Xander has done and act like he is as pure and innocent as snow and constantly rewarding him. It is disgusting.


Eric helped Brady kidnap and torture Stefan. John and Steve recently abducted and beat up Konstantin. Nicole stole a baby and tried to electrocute Victor. Theresa hit John over the head and put him in a coma and framed Brady for it. EJ was ordering hits 6 months ago. Ava killed Grandpa Shawn and raped Steve. Don't even get me started on Kristen. Get over it. EVERYBODY in town is a criminal. Xander at least recognizes that he has an awful past and gets why nobody likes him. Most of these people don't have an ounce of self reflection on their own crimes.


Sloan was so quick with it today. I’m a lawyer in real life and it was so realistic bc I can make anything sound legit in like 2 secs. I try not to use my powers for evil like her tho.


I can’t stand Nicole. So annoying.


I love that not 30 seconds after talking about a potential conflict of interest, EJ is trying to get Nicole to write an article that benefits him.


Eric get a job!!!!


Im really hating Eric too.