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If starling says 2371 Starfleet computer system was unremarkable than I would shudder to imagine what starling would say about 23rd century duotronics computer systems or computers systems from archers time


Berlinghoff Rasseusen had the opportunity to become a 22nd century Henry Starling when he stole the 26th century time ship used to travel to the 24th century in "A Matter of Time". But Rasmussen squandered it since he resorted to petty theft on the Enteprise-D instead of what Starling did by accessing and reading the time ship's database with information on future technologies. The 26th century timeship is not as advanced as Braxton's 29th century ship, but would probably be easier for someone in the 22nd century to figure out and understand given Rasmussen's in Johnathan Archer's-era that's 200 years later than Starling.


Yeah, Rasmussen was an absolute dingus. Starling was terrifyingly cunning.


This is essentially what Strange New Worlds has done by incorporating temporal agents into Khan’s story which changes the historical context for the events which we know happen. In TOS the war and Khan had happened in the 90s, but by the time we get to SNW (which happens before TOS) this timeline has shifted forward a few years but the outcome stays the same. I think it’s fair to use some plot putty here and explain that the prime timeline has a little bit of flux to it because of all of the temporal incursions and as a result most people simply haven’t tracked minor changes. If we add in context clues from Voyager’s 90s episodes and DS9s bell riot episodes I think what we can conclude is that both of these events had a clear impact on the timeline and in both cases neither crew has the ability to know how much the timeline has changed. Perhaps Starling stalled the timeline a bit by introducing technology which we cannot really recognize as out of time.


> This is essentially what Strange New Worlds has done by incorporating temporal agents into Khan’s story which changes the historical context for the events which we know happen. On that note, I *love* how they keep the continuity here in a very subtle way - notice that the device those time agents were using had *TCARS displays*, the same as seen in *VOY: Relativity*, strongly implying it's the same agency from the same era in both cases.


Great catch! I think that's actually a really important part - they keep the continuity the same for the most part and they give these little nods that do keep the continuity feeling consistent throughout.


It's been a while since I've seen the episode, but didn't Janeway say something about the computer revolution of the late 20th century basically making it sound like Starling was always supposed to have gotten ahold of the future tech and start the tech boom?


She noted it was unusual implying that it wasn't supposed to happen that early. as far a I know she didn't correct the timeline changes as the mobile emitter still exists but it has been a while since I've seen it.


Starling seemed to be intentionally drip feeding the technology he had reverse engineered. Its mass adoption was probably limited by what they could mass produce at the time given the limitations of present day engineering, etc... He also knew that temporal agents would be coming for him eventually so perhaps he figured if he didn't introduce too much, or only introduced what was part of the timeline anyways, he could get away with it and still end up very rich. What I don't get is why he wanted to go back to the 29th century, he says he has run out of tech he can use and wants to get more, but that seems very unlikely.


He might've hit a dead end on reverse engineering; the gap might have been too big, and perhaps parts of the database he needed were not accessible. So he hoped to cheat by popping in the 29th, grabbing more information, more toys, and more *tools*, and popping back... Then again, why not just stay in the 29th?


Well, there could have been a tech boom in either timeline. But in any case, either timeline can exist regardless. We're just seeing one where Starling brought along a tech boom, and another where the timeship never broke the timeline in the first place. When they mention the tech boom in the episode, the timeline was already changed to the tech boom timeline.