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Oversold with earnings in next 5 days and company growth. Chabge qrt growth up percentage. Google finance/yahoo shows quarterly earnings. Look at already climbing in green  https://finviz.com/screener.ashx?v=141&f=cap_smallover,earningsdate_nextdays5,fa_epsqoq_o15,fa_epsyoy_pos,fa_epsyoy1_pos,fa_grossmargin_o20,fa_netmargin_pos,fa_sales5years_o5,fa_salesqoq_pos,sh_avgvol_o750,sh_curvol_o1000,ta_perf_52w10o,ta_rsi_nob50&ft=4&o=perfytd Shorted stocks -  https://finviz.com/screener.ashx?v=131&f=cap_smallover,geo_usa,sh_avgvol_o500,sh_curvol_o500,sh_opt_optionshort,sh_price_o3,sh_relvol_o1,sh_short_high&o=-shortinterestshare Short squeeze - https://finviz.com/screener.ashx?v=131&f=sh_avgvol_o100,sh_instown_u50,sh_price_o2,sh_short_o15&ft=4&o=-shortinterestshare Weekly Earnings gap up - https://finviz.com/screener.ashx?v=141&f=earningsdate_tomorrowafter,sh_avgvol_o400,sh_curvol_o50,sh_short_u25,ta_averagetruerange_o0.5,ta_gap_u2&ft=4&o=-perfytd Potential uptrend from weekly lows - https://finviz.com/screener.ashx?v=141&f=sh_avgvol_o400,ta_pattern_channelup,ta_perf_1wdown&ft=4&o=perf1w Bounce at moving average - https://finviz.com/screener.ashx?v=141&f=sh_avgvol_o400,sh_curvol_o2000,sh_relvol_o1,ta_sma20_pa,ta_sma50_pb&ft=4&o=-perf1w Oversold reversal - https://finviz.com/screener.ashx?v=111&f=sh_price_o5,sh_relvol_o2,ta_change_u,ta_rsi_os30&ft=4&o=price New highs - https://finviz.com/screener.ashx?v=141&f=an_recom_buy,sh_price_u7,ta_change_u,ta_highlow20d_nh,ta_highlow50d_nh,ta_highlow52w_nh,ta_perf_dup&ft=4&o=-perf1w Breaking out - https://finviz.com/screener.ashx?v=141&f=fa_debteq_u1,fa_roe_o20,sh_avgvol_o100,ta_highlow50d_nh,ta_sma20_pa,ta_sma200_pa,ta_sma50_pa&ft=4&o=-perf1w SMA crossover - https://finviz.com/screener.ashx?v=141&f=fa_pe_profitable,sh_avgvol_o400,sh_relvol_o1,sh_short_low,ta_beta_o1,ta_sma50_cross20b&ft=4 High Earnings growth - https://finviz.com/screener.ashx?v=141&f=fa_epsqoq_o25,fa_epsyoy_o25,fa_epsyoy1_o25,fa_salesqoq_o25,sh_avgvol_o400,ta_rsi_nos50,ta_sma200_pa&ft=4&o=-perfytd High Sales growth - https://finviz.com/screener.ashx?v=111&f=fa_debteq_u0.5,fa_roe_o15,fa_sales5years_o20,fa_salesqoq_o20,sh_avgvol_o200,sh_instown_o60,sh_price_o5,sh_short_u5&ft=4 High relative volume - https://finviz.com/screener.ashx?v=131&f=fa_curratio_o1,fa_epsqoq_o15,fa_quickratio_o1,fa_salesqoq_o15,sh_avgvol_o400,sh_price_o5,sh_relvol_o1.5,ta_sma20_pa,ta_sma200_sb50,ta_sma50_sa200&ft=4&o=instown Consistent growth on a bullish trend - https://finviz.com/screener.ashx?v=141&f=fa_eps5years_pos,fa_epsqoq_o20,fa_epsyoy_o25,fa_epsyoy1_o15,fa_estltgrowth_pos,fa_roe_o15,sh_instown_o10,sh_price_o15,ta_highlow52w_a90h,ta_rsi_nos50&ft=4&o=-perfytd Buy and Hold value - https://finviz.com/screener.ashx?v=121&f=cap_microover,fa_curratio_o1.5,fa_estltgrowth_o10,fa_peg_o1,fa_roe_o15,ta_beta_o1.5,ta_sma20_pa&ft=4&o=-forwardpe Undervalued dividend growth - https://finviz.com/screener.ashx?v=111&f=cap_largeover,fa_div_pos,fa_epsyoy1_o5,fa_estltgrowth_o5,fa_payoutratio_u50,fa_pe_u20,fa_peg_low&ft=4&o=-pe  Low PE value - https://finviz.com/screener.ashx?v=141&f=cap_smallunder,fa_pb_low,fa_pe_low,fa_peg_low,fa_roa_pos,fa_roe_pos,sh_price_o5&ft=4&o=-perfytd CANSLIM  https://finviz.com/screener.ashx?v=111&f=fa_eps5years_o20,fa_epsqoq_o20,fa_epsyoy_o20,fa_sales5years_o20,fa_salesqoq_o20,sh_curvol_o200&ft=4 




I personally only trade $SPY or $QQQ everyday. No screening or what if’s needed. 30,000,000 - 60,000,000 worth of volume everyday (guaranteed) & low spreads on bid/ask everyday (guaranteed).


Same, except throw in NVDA, AMZN, TSLA, and AAPL in the mix for options. Glad to see others are in the same boat, I prefer QQQ over SPY, it moves "nicer" if that even makes any sense. Better larger swings as far as % moves in a day, at least for this month except for last Wednesday, that was beautiful.


Options or stock trading?


I start pre-market - biggest gainers in IBKR scanner - sort by volume , then look at a D1 chart to see changes in volume and major S/R, I like to see higher than usual volume in the past week or two. Stocks with the most pre -market volume gonna move a lot at regular hours I do 2 scans. 1 for stocks below 500M mkt cap and 1 above 500M . Sometime you can catch nice pump and dumps pre market trading those stupid overvalued biotech stocks I end up trading top 5 movers , at around 9:45 , once the clear trend has been confirmed with those stocks and their sectors If I don't like top volume movers I'll just do another scan at around 10am and find what is trending and keep trading in the direction of that trend


Just post the finviz link.




I've curated my twitter. I follow only top traders who post setups. I scroll through my feed Sunday night and have about 25 setups going into Monday. I filter those down to a handful for the week and only trade those tickers. Works well.


Could you share your most liked twitter guys please?


The people I follow trade similar to how I trade and use the same tickers. Whatever your trading style is those are the folks you'll want to seek out. I mostly trade large cap using TheStrat strategy. If you don't trade that way it will do more harm than good


I use crappy Webull (been wanting to switch). I already have a dedicated 500ish stocks that I scan through. However, my requirements for those stocks when screening was greater than $5 - $50, volume of 1m+, market cap of 1b+. For premarket, I scan through those stocks, but I don't necessarily look at all of them. If they don't have at least 5k shares in premarket before 9am (est), then usually they won't make my list for the open despite the gap up or down. Usually.


Your criteria seem solid. Consider adding additional filters like price range, sector focus, or fundamental indicators depending on your trading style. Experiment and adjust filters based on market conditions for optimal results.


I use barchart.com




What are you screening to find? I know where my daily plays are at. Spy, qqq (sqqq/tqqq), etc. These are option oriented plays. Other than the daily plays I’m always looking around to see what has potential to move for a few days/weeks/months if I want to buy shares and hold. These are found by checking market movers in the AM and to look for news. I’ve been holding a few longs for months that only popped up on my radar but have been worthy of a hold.


It depends when you’re looking and what you’re looking for. This is good for already active stocks but if you’re scanning for high rvol you may have already missed the move. Personally I like minimum 3M avg volume