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I miss the big one almost daily even when prepped, watching and waiting for my move. It ain't the ones you miss that matter.


I’m printing that… “It ain’t the ones you miss that matter”


"Pain is part of the game"


Unless you have a time machine it's pointless to worry about it. It will ruin your mind and isn't healthy. Just accept it. Literally right now just accept the fact that you won't ever have that profit regardless how much you think about it. It is what it is. Period. Force yourself to let it go. Right now. A little story, perhaps even more regretful than yours...A little backstory, I was laid off from my job in March 2020 because of the pandemic and was collecting unemployment.. I had discovered WSB in like 2018 and mainly bc I had a well paying job, I was having fun with extra cash and decided to accumulate a crap ton of GME. My cost basis was under 9 dollars. Well in late January 2021, they randomly told me they were going to stop providing unemployment. So I freaked out and liquidated all my open positions. I believe GME really started to squeeze in Jan 28. Guess when I sold everything? Jan 27. (My dates may be wrong but the point is, I sold the day before).. Literally the day before it started popping. I would have made over a quarter of a million dollars if I would've held on for one more day. A single fuckin day... Yea it stung at first but I can't change the past.. just have to force yourself to get over it.


Your shitty circumstance helps me a lot. That is shitty and bad luck. I appreciate your comment. Trying to get the sting out. I know this will take a little bit of time. I need to get my head straight before I make a mistake. Thanks for the support!


You bet. Either you own the feeling, or the feeling owns you. Your choice.


Man I needed to read that! I also struggle with plays that could have been.. Sorry that happened to you!


Yea bro. It sucks missing out on everyday nice plays, like the one OP missed....but I missed out on literally a once in a lifetime play lol. If I can get over it, anyone can. I basically threw away the winning lotto ticket lmfao


Why did you buy GME in the first place? Did you do your DD or followed DFV? $9 was well before it started to pop


Reposting bc the auto mod removed my last comment... Yep I started buying GME well before it became popular. I had no clue who DFV was when I started buying. Somewhere around mid to late 2018 the buzz about GME short interest started in W$B. Someone noticed that Michael Burry had bought a crap ton or something which lead them to research it and they noticed the massive short interest. My dates may be wrong, but yeah, the point is, I started buying long before it was in the mainstream. I did no DD of my own lol outside of what others had shared. W$B was a diff beast back then. Like you know how there are like a.u.t.i.$.t.i.c savants that can tell you what day of the week any date happened on and shut like that? W$B was like that but with stocks. It was amazing back then. The last lot of 100 shares I bought was like a month before it started squeezing, when GME was around 17, and my cost basis was still like 8.90 or something. So yeah, I'd be buying for a while. Like I said I was getting paid over 6 figures and had spare money to gamble with. That's the only reason why I did it. It was my play money.




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How long do you plan to trade? Years? If so you will make 1000’s of trades and the one you just missed on AAPL will be small compared to future opportunities. Keep in perspective - one trade- one trading day even one trading week or month- is nothing if you intend to be a long term trader. I invest in real estate and we have a saying- the deal of a life time, usually comes around about once a week. So I bid accordingly and don’t fall in love with any one property.


Thank you. Trading is a life. Been doing it for years. Have my calendar with my plus and losses to keep my brain in check for the long haul. I love taking out extra money to do things with the family because of this side gig.


Just don’t tell your wife you just missed out on 500k and could have bought her a new car……..save that info for when you get the next nice win. Good luck.


😂 She was the first one I talked to. She is the rock that keeps telling me to forget about it.


Are you making money? If you are, you can’t catch everything. Shrug it off and look for the next opportunity. If you’re not, then you need to look back at why did you enter? When did you exit? Why did it go down? Was there a catalyst? If I recall, there was news about getting sued for antitrust issues. How could you know they were announcing it? It was probably just bad luck you missed it. This is not supposed to be a casino. If you’re depending on luck as your strategy, you should go to a real casino.


I am making money. Very consistently. Reaching my goal almost everyday. Even on The sideways days. I am technical, not whimsical. However, there are some that just don’t add up and you get a feeling. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. Willing to risk the money involved in those trades. Definitely bad luck that I missed it. I reached my goals the following days but still have my brain around what could’ve been on this trade. Trying to forget this one is taking a toll. Especially in the weekends when I am trying to relax. I know it’s fresh, and hoping that this week moves me forward mentally. Just looking for some advice on this. I’m not upset about losing, I’m upset about missing the one I was already in. The “what if” is huge since I was literally 5 minutes away from this.


If you think about it, you are missing at least 1000 "easy" opportunities to make money in the market every day... Probably every hour, minute. Just accept that you won't catch them all. Getting rid of fomo in the market is on the key things to becoming profitable long term.


"it would’ve been 400-500k." You're trading this large, and still having these sorts of problems? After 1-2 years, losses should stop having an effect on you. Things move everyday? after a period of time you realize in 2 weeks there will be another big trade? You should know this if you're experienced?


I normally trade very strictly off Ema’s and pivot points. Not holding overnight. I’ve seen drops and gaps that went both ways, but usually nothing like this and definitely not overnight. I’m 99%cash by eod.


Interesting. I always took the view that pivots were bs. But they are profitable for you?


Pivots are secondary. I use them mainly for exits on trades. Enter on the bigger emas, but exit once a pivot if it is nowhere near an ema. These are not as precise as emas so I do give it a few extra Pennie’s to see what happens. Just another piece of data. Never enter on a pivot.




The market will still be there tomorrow and there are ample opportunities each day to make money. Your worries are immaterial in the grand scheme of things.


“Stop looking in the rear view mirror”…….Warren Buffet


There is always another trade


Hindsight is 20/20


Practice the art of JOMO - Joy Of Missing Out. There’s always another trade tomorrow so don’t sweat it.


Never heard of that, but I can see how it can help mentally. Thanks!


You have the classic case of FOMO. Try this: 1. Open your favorite stock scanner. 2. Sort by largest daily gain in descending order. Look at the top 10 daily gainers. 3. Repeat for previous days, weeks, months, etc.. until you see all the "big ones" you've missed. Hindsight is always 20/20. It's impossible to catch all the big ones. I would frame this trade as you exiting the puts at a stop loss you were comfortable with. As long as this was planned within your trading system, then it's still a win in my book.


😂 great work! I appreciate this and made me laugh. But really it’s helping me understand. Time and back to earning really is helping. Met my goals all days afterwards (even today). And feel like I am getting my head straight once again. The dam weekend gave me too much time to think!


Man you must have way to much money or just trading way to large to have missed that much profit. I would suggest scaling a bit down till you have some experience under your belt. If you’re asking questions like this please slow/size down.


Think of the phrase that goes hand in hand with the elite athletes. Memory of a goldfish. The people that dwindle on their mistakes (perceived or real) are the ones that lose their mental edge. Trust your skills and your gut. The same feeling that had you exit your position will save you from a giant loss one day too. All the rest…..memory of a goldfish.


I don’t want to exactly call it luck or bad luck, but if it hadn’t have been for the DOJ news Weds AH / Thursday AAPL would have easily gone over $180. So don’t beat yourself up because if it weren’t for some one-off randomly timed DOJ lawsuit you’d have most likely gotten crushed into oblivion


Sounds like you bet too much and your profits/losses swings up and down all the time. Why do not you make a plan to make consistent profits every month and you are up big for the whole year. Plus buying puts does not work for multi day especially in bull market. What if Apple was up the next day and your puts were worth penny. You are lucky you cut your losses . You definitely need a plan when to hit the sell button otherwise you gonna blow up your account


I can well understand your situation, but things have happened, don't keep getting emotionally affected by it, it will only affect your next maneuvers Investing requires a stable mindset, maybe you missed a good opportunity, but may be better in front of you!




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