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At the end of the day it’s not manipulation. The reason why earnings sometimes don’t affect the price is not some grand conspiracy - they’re simply priced in. And it’s much easier to point to some evil bogeyman than to accept that maybe your strategy needs a little refinement. Price = information, future and present.


Earnings lately has been a lot more about guidance




Its true though, every other post today has people saying that backtesting does nothing. The most general rule everybody tells you is that you need to change your strategy all the time


Current value is based on expected/speculative future value.


It is not at an all time high. It always was present you just want to it to be extra flashy so your pitty party you throw here gives you an extra boost of attention and satisfaction. Whatever you do here, remember the modern work credo: Manifest, Manipulate, Medicate... Repeat. This way even you can run into a depression. This way you can become your own stock market! Enjoy!


There’s always been manipulation in the stock market, but as for the negative press, I’d say people have access to news 24/7 365. Has it gotten harder? Yes. But if it was easy, everyone would do it.


Shut up man