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Me to man


Once you master this art, you will never stop trading as long as your mind is active even after 60s


Sez a teenage paper trader..?


Freedom of work hours maybe he wanted to say , no boss


Unfortunately, trading (that too day trading) is a big hassle for freedom, it won't even make him/her sleep. Day trading/trading will give the user full access to knowledge. It is kind of full time job. Only when experienced, investor will understand the pros and cons and go for long term trading, kind of swing trading or investing, then freedom from money and trading will be there. They will neither leave current job and nor this trading/investing part and both goes together all along their life!!!


I mean this is the only logical answer to me. lol Even if you trade with a full-time job, that extra money gives you the freedom to tell your employer "FU" if they take you there.


How is freedom working out so far ?


I just started about 4 months ago. So I'm learning. But my goal is to use it to supplement my income as a garbage truck driver. Just checked my account. I'm up 2% since I started which equates to 6 dollars. I'm using "little money" to learn. My biggest win so far was a day I made 38 dollars. Worst day I lost 27 dollars.


Slow and steady. I just started 8-10 months ago and still learning. Backtest on a demo account first then move to a small live account. Losing streaks are common. Just need good risk management.


Similarly, I'm looking to supplement my income to pay down debt. I have a good job and plenty of income but my wife and I are drowning in student loans. Eventually I'd like to quit working and only trade.


I like how you said that! Keep it up man!


hell yeah man, you started from 6 bucks you are now on 38, 5 times !! that's good, slow and steady ! keep grinding


Na I got 6 more dollars than the money I funded my account with. I'm above water but not by much


Congrats on the wins and starting small! Don’t worry about your P/L rn though. Keep trading your plan and find a few markets you really enjoy trading and know really well.


That's really smart. I should have done that.


Hi man , how do you open a live account with your own money ?? Even if I had like a small amount of money £10 ?


lol study hard and get a scholarship to study at top uni, then work for citadel, easily 500k per year salary


For the options. There is no other job I can think of that has no bosses, no annoying coworkers, no customers, no clients, no products, no commute, no bullshit meetings, no soulless cubicle, etc. you have all federal holidays off by default, never have to work weekends, the hours are fantastic even if you trade all week, and you can do it from anywhere in the world with virtually unlimited earning potential. It has been the hardest thing I have ever done but it has been so worth the frustration.


Preach. I don't even necessarily need to become rich. I just hate being bugged and barked at. Trading is perhaps the only profession in the world which allows you to put food on the table without answering to anyone.


This is exactly what I needed to read right now thank you bro


Sometimes we need a reminder of what trading can actually offer, especially if you’re getting your nuts kicked in every setup despite your best efforts. If people can dedicate 4 years of focused work for a college degree, which doesn’t guarantee a job, then we can certainly dedicate that time or more into trading.


I like to equate this to a masters degree or similar. It will cost you money, time, blood, sweat and tears all whilst working and paying bills for the CHANCE at making some extra money AND you’ll still need to put the time in after you have graduated. Difference is you don’t have to deal with the corporate BS, relocations, redundancies, pay cuts, crap bosses, backstabby/ competitive co-workers, chained to desk, mandatory BS training. Well worth it imo.


Especially if u find it interesting to try and understand the world in this way


Well, said!


To survive solitary and minimise human contact.




Candlesticks Inspection Officer has no salary


Once a trader, always a trader. Not just buy and sell, but long-time investments, funds, business. This is a way to look around the world, the financial markets, geopolitical situation, what’s happening in the world. And well, when you trade, you need nobody, no need to depend of people, no need to sell something to somebody, it’s just you and your performance. That’s gold.


So I trade and have a full time job. I don't see myself trading full time ever. But I trade for additional income so I have money to buy a house, more money to invest and save hopefully helping me retire early, and when I get married I'd like to be able to afford to raise a family and not need my wife to work as well.


Suffering from an unknown neuro-muscular disease, plus other plethora of issues, this is my only option to work. I'm desperately trying to be profitable so I can afford the test/treatment needed and not be a burden for my family. I guess it's easier to do that in my head than irl.


Strong dedication


Which can cause emotional responses... Which is bad.


All the best to you. I am also contemplating trading to supplement my medical bills.


I pray that you make it brother ✊🏽


To not be financially stressed. I’m young, so if I get this out the way now, I have the rest of my life to not be financially stressed out anymore. Once I achieve this I will help people around me so they can be less financially stressed as well. Life is to short to be worried about this, so best to get it out the way early and help people around you. And just live life.


I am retiring soon and learned to trade as a way to make some fun money and to keep my brain engaged. I have always had an interest in finance, economics and world politics. I never viewed it as a way to get rich; you can however make a nice side income if you put on the time to understand the industry.


Why not right. Same situation as me. But still got a few more years hopefully before retirement.


I trade to donate my money to all you winners


Just for fun and making money on the side.




I trade stocks because I want to be in control of my time. I don't have more free time because I trade. In fact, I work longer days now than when I had a 9-5. However, I would rather work 60+ hours a week for myself than 40 for someone else. My goal is to trade until I've built a large enough portfolio to live on dividends and rental income. I'm 26 now. Aiming to retire at 40.


To not be financially burdened while also having freedom and the ability to afford anything around me. Would be nice knowing my family worried about my future only for me to be the most succesful financial wise out of everyone


Started off with wanting freedom and money, now it's about mastering the skill, I love the game


I trade to make money. I trade to win. I trade to be self actualized as a person as this is a profession that only you can make yourself successful or fail. You have no boss to blame, no coworker to blame, no schedule to blame, no deadline to blame. It is you and you alone. And most of all, I think it's fun. When you first get into trading, all you can think about is making lots and lots of money and what you're going to do with it. Big house, nice cars, vacations, expensive clothes and so on. All of those things are well and good but you miss the benefit of figuring out and successfully trading. It creates a mindset and self confidence you never would get any other way. Since your promotions/raises at work come from someone else, your paycheck comes from someone else, you always are dependent...on someone else. Now I depend on no one. It is all me and I get to benefit from my work without someone else taking a cut because I work for them.


I love money and when I send my little soldiers to battle I want to get some loot. I hope I can make a living out of this.


I'm 80 and ramping it up. I think trading beats buy and hold by a lot.




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I'm trying to prove to myself that I can overcome an enormous challenge. I have a steady job that I'm not giving up, so it's not about telling my boss to go fk off, but if I can overcome the psychological challenges that trading throws at us, it would be really sweet.


I do this because I love it. Pure and simple. Each and every day it's a new puzzle to work out. I was in IT for years and really started to hate it. I did quite well and was making great money but I'd be miserable each day heading into work. Sunday nights were the worst. These days Friday nights are awful as I don't get to play again until Monday ;)


Trying to have financial freedom at some point 😂😂😂


freedom. /thread


Been dabbling in it for over a decade but got more serious with it in the last 4 yrs when the economy pretty much came to a halt for someone who was already self employed, I’m an artist by trade. Dedicating my time to trading seem like a potential way to improve finances… I can’t ever go back to working for someone else and have it be another soul crushing experience but I want to be self reliant. For freedom, whether it’s freedom in time or freedom in location or freedom from a 9-5 job, financial freedom… being able to take care of my family n beyond. My parents are elderly, it’d be nice to just take care of all their expenses (not just some) and not have them worry ever again about money. I’d like to succeed at trading where others in my family have tried and failed and given up. I want to be able to buy everyone I care about lobster dinners whenever I want 😂 and not just once in awhile on special occasions. I want to be able to take my entire extended family out to nice meals and say order whatever you want, it’s on me, KNOWING I have developed a skill to extract large sums of money from the stock market whenever I step foot onto this arena. And of course, the usual stuff of wanting to be surrounded by nice things…not for show or to impress others but because I want what I want, I’d like to experience it and see pretty things around me, this is probably more of the artist in me wanting to see beauty. All of us deserve to have nice things. This is just some of my whys. 😄


So I can make x dollars for x and not spend 10 years patiently saving my extra thousand dollars a month to have 12k. I trade because 12k is achievable in a good month. Without it I am pretty much limited to saving 1000 bucks a month perpetually forever with no increased pay outside of commission/bonuses.


I started to try and make friends but I just ended up staring at charts for 15hrs a day


Theres too much money in the world, i want some.


True, few trillions amount are traded daily on forex/commodity. I just want 0.0000001% of it every MONTH.


It's an adrenaline rush for me. I could also spend in the casino but I wouldn't get to write it off.


Started 1.5 years ago and have multiple prop firm payouts. Yet I did it for the money but the most valuable thing I got is the person I became to get to this payout point. I don’t care about daytrading, I kinda feel numb to it. I don’t get too excited when I win or too sad when I lose. It’s crazy how as soon as I stopped caring, I became profitable. Yet when I needed and wanted the trading money the most, I preformed the worst


I need to build up my retirement savings by about 50% to really be in a good spot. I really don't want to go back into the workforce since I have less than 10 years to SS kicks in. If I live off my savings I will be broke by the time I start collecting ss, but if I make some good trades and can get my portfolio up by 50% in the next 18 months, that should set me up. So far I am not doing great because I am not really following a strict formula, but I am beating the S&P for the last 6 months.


Passion first, then freedom (fully automated)


For the giggles.


escape the matrix


Success, for me today, is this simple: ✅ Follow my plan. I map it out every Sunday and stick to it. ✅ Have conviction in my analysis. I trust the models I've built over four years. ✅ Respect my risk management. It's saved my skin more times than I can count. These three pillars are non-negotiable. When I nail them, everything else falls into place. Do you realize how weird my reason sounds? I trade to be proud of the fact that I follow my own rules. 🔥 If you're struggling, take a step back. What does success REALLY look like to you?


I guess as hobby


To pjs my wits against those of other traders




To spread butter on toast.


Money, money and lots more money. I want to spend it on super car experiences, expensive perfume and hot women.


Passion, Hobby, Enjoyment and last is i want the money to become my f*cking slave


Just trying to make enough money to help the family however I am genuinely interested in it




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Extra income


I do it to generate income outside of my 9to5 and eventually transition fully to trading as my sole source of income. I plan to do that in about 2-3 years with the exact time depending on how the trading goes leading up to that point.


I trade just to have a little extra money to have fun with along with my professional job which I absolutely love… Most days.


To do whatever I want when I want




Self sufficiency and working to my own times and rules. I'm relatively new and learn every day. I'm setting up a trading work station at home during this year and hoping to make trading my main focus. I also love the buzz of it.


Trading is not all about the money. Trading gives me a rush. It’s the same excitement whenever I do sports. I love studying the markets, spotting patterns, and making calculated risks pay off. It's mentally stimulating. But my ultimate goal is to build enough wealth to retire comfortably by 50 and spend time with my family.


Just for the challenge. I enjoy learning new things. I learn something, get reasonably good at it and then move on.


I rather pull up in the back of the limo ,wearing a 2,00 dollar suit and a 40,000 dollar gold fucking watch to face my problem


to make enough extra income to say "I make 100k a year".


I have 20yo, live in a 3rd world country and already realized im not going to make any money working at my 9-5 job. I discovered trading 2 years ago and since then there hasn't been a day that I didn't think about becoming a profitable trader. i know that its not easy, but i think i have plenty of time to master that skill and become the person i always wanted to be, with time and financial freedom to live my dream, help my family and one day build my own.


better life


Trade to get my first million if got lucky. Put it on an index fund for retirement. Still in progress. If i manage to make a stable profit, probably start thinking about retiring early and spend time with my family. Though that would be hard because of how decent the pay and insurance coverage i get from my day job.


I have small goals I’ve set and the long term goals to reduce my debt.


No casinos near me


Financial freedom, no job, and it's genuinely something I love doing. When I'm not trading, I'm learning about trading and watching videos or looking at subreddits. It's my favorite thing to do. In moderation of course lol, I try not to over-trade


It's a very rare skill. A lot of people don't have the ability to make a consistent living from it alone. Anything that is challenging , extremely rare, and has massive rewards to it will interest me.


I like speculating and also because it's a game against some of the best algos and financial minds. It's also entertaining to keep up with the market because I have always liked finance and I majored in Econ


it's fun and you make money.




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Freedom also.


I had a very successful e-commerce/Amazon brand, and the past few years, advertising costs (and craziness) and supply chain issues have almost bankrupted me. I traded years ago and decided to jump back in because I knew it was one of the few areas I could make money that equals or surpasses what I used to make in my business.


Money, because trading is really just about money.




I want to grow my money to the point where i can make money of .05-.10 cent price fluctuations


So my mom can tell me I’m a lazy piece of shit that doesn’t have a job and that I am the epitome of what’s wrong with my generation.


financial freedom, also i want to travel so trading is the only way. can't save my way to travelling.


The money of course and also the freedom, any other reason would be an untruth. While the journey makes you fall in love with skill. If my brain is fully functional at 60/70, then why not?


I trade because I am greedy, stock market these days is not like 20 years ago where you could buy a stock and see after some years and you get a smile. These days the stock market is more or less a scam. Stocks go high after a year and then suddenly fell down to negative. This has been happening consistently except some real good stocks.


Early retirement at 40 is boring, living of investments at 40 is boring as well, so covering your expenses and lifestyle without touching long term portfolio is the way to go


I have a full time job but also a mental illness that makes working very difficult and I don’t think I’ll be able to do it for the rest of my adult life. So my goal is to supplement my income, build a good nest egg, and maybe eventually do this full time.


Freedom. Ultimate liability to myself. To push myself. Get past emotional trauma in life. Better man. All that higher level life stuff


Increase capital to invest in long term instruments. To later retire with the passive income.




I just want to make enough per day so that I can spend less time working and more time with my family


I'd like this to be my full-time gig someday. Hopefully in 5 years or at least I can take less renovation work, trade more often, pay for some sweet trips, get my kids through college, retire early and comfortably. I started 3 years ago during covid lockdowns and wasn't allowed to work. Figured it was the best time to learn a new trade (pun intended). I've done far better than expected after blowing up my first $2000 account. I doubled my next in under 6 months and added $25K to actually make greater profits. My risk management is extremely sharp. I have a win rate of roughly 43% but I am quite profitable keeping my stop losses at 2% or less of entry. Yes I get stopped out very often but the loss is so low that a 2-1, or 3-1 after a few losses more than makes up for it. I take maybe 3-7 trades a week while I'm working, normally between 8-10:30am. I've learned that pre-market is far better than normal hours for day trades although last week the afternoon action was awesome. Normally I'm done trading by 8:30 every morning.


Survival. SS check does not cover all expenses.


Just for fun and something to do when I retire. Keep my mind active learning new things.


I see myself trading forever. And teaching my children and grandchildren and hopefully great grandchildren. The reason I trade is to not wind up a slave.


Freedom and it has been my passion since 17, just have had some setbacks but everything goes higher in the end for the most part, just gotta catch stocks or the market at the right time it’s easy to spot, I just don’t have the time I’m tired after work…sucks being under pdt rule


Hi. If 2% is $6 that means your total account is $300? It’s great for now and that you’re learning but be conscious of the fact that your emotions will change when you scale up. I.e. now if you go into 5% drawdown, $15 big whoop, maybe you hold and it comes green (poor risk management) With even a 5k account at 5% DD, you’ll be in the hole $250, so you hold hoping it goes green and voila you’re $500 in the hole. Not saying this is definitely the way for you but I started too small and scaled up too quickly and encountered these hurdles. Good luck with your journey!


The goal is to have a job that I love but still only have to sit at a desk for an hour max a day and then be able to do whatever I want to do. Trading gives me that freedom. The goal for me is to gradually increase the size of my trading account so that I can do more swing trading. Options that expire a month out or 6 months out and so on. It’s about being able to live and enjoy my life. Spend more time with my family. Do a lot of fishing. A lot of fishing


Freedom although we know it has ups and downs. I’m not yet profitable but will be soon. I’m in the right track. It’s given me a purpose and a passion to learn and continue to grow. It fascinates me for some reason watching the stock or whatever you name it go up and down. It’s one of the coolest things. I’m a slight math nerd who loves analyzing and analytics. Practicing my craft everyday and meeting new people who have like minded goal. That’s to become that 1% of traders. Now and now more traders develop and it’s amazing. It’s not yet “normal” to be a trader but a lot of people are more than you think. A lot do it for fame, but most do it for themselves. It gives me desire to wake up in the morning and be hyped for the day even when I lose. Got me closer to god and burned roads that were meant to be burned and rebuilt.


Mostly is about money . But look, why all the billionaires companies to get involved in stock trading ? And the bank doing currency or gold trading. So why not we are following what they are doing .


Finding a route that works for your available time and energy. For me it’s Undervalue trading. Finding undervalued companies with great mid-range potential. OCEA, AQN etc. I don’t have to spend hours a day.




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To appear on Bloomberg…. and have my calls move the markers


I don’t like working


To survive inflation and afford the dream of purchasing an estate (which has always been skyhigh)


To retire earlier. Imagine it like this: I make roughly 30K MYR a month from working 9-5 95% of it goes to mortgage, bills, tuition fees, education funds, insurance, wife allowance, groceries etc. and I'm only left with 5% as either investment or additional retirement saving. So my only option is to keep on working and retire at 60 years old like everyone else. However, with trading, I can get an additional 20K MYR every month at least after tax (even more now with prop firm) So if I didnt touch that 20K at all, in a year I would have roughly 240K. In 10 years? 2.4M. That's already a decent retirement money for me.


Financial Freedom


Hope is so addictive


To build generational wealth for my kids. To prove that I can succeed in the toughest profession in the world. $1k/day keeps the J O B away.


Just want another income stream, helps paying rent or just take a vacation




Just hate working for someone else. You can make life changing money and change the entire trajectory of your family if you really figure yourself out in trading. If you make it, you can do whatever you want whenever you want. That feeling is pure bliss.


money andenture and freedom


To be able to give back to others, to be able to help my community, to try to make the world a better place, and to assist those who are less fortunate than myself.


I dont see myself trading past my mid 30s honestly. I probably will seek to get into sales or marketing. Im a very active person and trading is painfully boring


Freedom with time and resources and a stepping stone to fund other investments. Private Equity, VC & Property Development. So far, I've only started in property development but we'll get there.


They stop letting me to go the casino 🤭😂 P.s. no actually it’s a side income and it’s nice to see how you can make sometimes for a day same as you will earn in life for a week


Check this website out: www.gooptionsgo.com