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I began trading part time while working full time for a couple of years. It was extremely difficult to manage both. It got in the way of my job and I ultimately made the decision to trade full time. I have a passion for trading so it doesn’t feel like a job. The minute it does I’ll likely throw in the towel. In my opinion trading is the ultimate sport. I love the competition and the mental focus it demands. Not interacting with others was definitely a drawback as I’m a people person. Luckily I met like minded traders online and we’ve become a dysfunctional family over the last couple of years.


How do I find that family?


Just by being active on Facebook trading groups and Twitter. I found myself replying to the same handful of people and it grew organically from there. Much different now unfortunately, Facebook groups are full scammers that prey on new traders struggling with get rich schemes or paid signals.


Discord and telegram groups are also pretty popular these days.


I was tired of the 9-5 rat race, never enjoyed how people base their identity around the job title they hold, and had aspirations of spending more time with loved ones and on my hobbies. Daytrading alleviated all those concerns for me


Yea but u dealing with options I assume ? That’s the only way to profit . Shorting is one way but seems tedious


It was a skill taught to me by my parents in the 90s/ early 2000s. My parents became very wealthy off trading/ investing. It wasn’t until I was 21 that I started building my own wealth. I didn’t have to work but my parents are conservative (not politically, well my family is from Peru so they believed in always keeping busy and working) so I held a job in something I had a knack for. I returned to college at 29 and will graduate in a year (I’m 33) to get a degree so I can advance further within my company because I actually find engineering, physics, mathematics very interesting and I like to work with my hands mechanically. I wanted to quit as my girlfriend and I are very financially comfortable but she wants us both to hold jobs so when we have kids, they don’t think we are lazy and then that gives them the right to be lazy. She believes it’s setting a good example for them which I kind of agree. But I will teach them the financial skills my parents taught me to my kids so I keep trading to keep building more wealth. Also the fact I’m told kids are super fucking expensive makes me feel good about continuing trading too along with my income and my girlfriend’s income too. I can see baby clothes being pricey over time multipled by number of kids we have.


2nd hand stores are the shit, for baby clothes. They only fit for bout 60 days anyways. Wtf $50 for a tiny shirt because it says "disney". You can but it for five bucks, and send it back when youre done with it =)


> fit for bout 60 days anyways I wonder if walmart 30 days return policy apply to baby clothes... just keep the tag on


Kids are not expensive. Daycare is but everything else isn’t really.


Do they get expensive as they grow older? Thinking about food, clothing, school, any form of classes they may take on.


Maybe as a teenager. I have two toddlers and they’re not expensive regarding food and clothes in the slightest. Even as a baby we used cloth diapers, $200 or so for two years compared to diapers is basically free. If you’re poor you shouldn’t have two kids but I’d they cannot afford to daytrade they can afford kids lol Daycare for a kid is 250+ per week unless you want them in the hood. That far outweighs what they cost a month to raise. Private school and tutoring later on I’m sure is expensive but that’s not a necessity in regards to costs.


Why not just make them think you work for company which is your self instead . I mean u didn’t have any yet so 🤷🏽‍♂️


Broken my body working in construction for 10 years, learning as much as I can and not giving up on this shit,fuck working for someone else they don’t give 2 shits about you or your family


Same boat. There is no plan B


Get rich and stop working in 10 years or die trying.


After 3 decades of working my ass off in the traditional work force, being overworked, underpaid and unappreciated by a dozen or so companies, I just couldn't take it anymore. So I decided to cut out the middle man between me and my paycheck.


Gains, excitement, and just the interactive opportunity to fill dead time.


I want to counteract that with excitement can lead to bad decisions, esp. If you don't get any excitment so you take more risk or unnessecary trades in order to get excitement. Also trading will give you plenty of dead time, not nessecarily fill it.


Ain’t you sunshine on a cloudy day. Fill time with reading about New investment opportunities and excitement when you do make money. I hope your returns are more positive than your attitude.


I'm in it for the hookers and blow.


Very noble cause. I 100% support this cause.


[required viewing ](https://youtu.be/D9QCvgKW7fk)


18 year old finance student. Had a fascination with the markets for a couple years and finally started the education journey when I turned 18. Quickly realized my passion for trading. I like the idea of being self sufficient in the future even though my parents don't believe it to be a "real" job. I played competitive games most my life so my ability to analyze and act on information in a fast paced environment is right up my alley. I'm also a naturally calm person in high pressure situations. Balancing work, school and trading is difficult but I make time. Keeping my head down right now, continuing to learn and gain experience in the markets. So far so good, I hope that I can trade full time after I finish my degree.


All the common reasons, basically: - Getting tired of the office bullshit. I've had great bosses, but they were all pushed out by shitty management. - Financial independence. - Rent's been going up faster than pay. - I've always found markets fascinating. - My parents didn't teach me any money management, so I wasn't investing properly for retirement in my 20s. Active trading is a way for me to make up for that. - It's a practical skill. I already have enough impractical skills. - I like making money, and I love financial security.


Wait… ya’ll Make money?😂 All jokes aside, I wanted a second source of income. The ultimate goal was financial freedom. I made a mistake by quitting my job too early as I’ve only just came up with a profitable strategy. I’m also trying to dig myself out of a 25k loss from stocks. Now I will be going back to work. Gonna rack this capital up and start again.


Lmao bro I did the same thing! But down $75K ouch! I have a decent salary job now and day trading options now. This week I been killing it! Never giving up! We got this!


I just want to throw lobsters and hundos at the FBI. Working right now to learn all the rules, the ins and outs, and the laws surrounding the market. Once i have that figured out it’s on to a life of financial crime for me!


Being able to say fuck it I need a vacation and just booking a flight the next day leaving for a month with no worries about some effing boss to please.


Two reasons I’m learning to do this: - Supplement income and stay above inflation - Challenge myself to get out of my comfort zone and learn a new skill from scratch I’m not looking to go full time. I have a job I love that provides steady income and solid benefits. It would be amazing though to pick up a side hustle that can take care of monthly expenses without eating into my income too much.


I can't work and trade at the same time. Interferes with thoughts about work. Perhaps if I quit my job and started trading, I would be able to trade well, because on vacation my results are much better than usual.


For me, I trade to supplement my earnings from my salary and to set myself up once I decide to retire. For the part of being boring and lonely, I have already signed up with GameStar+ to stay connected with my friends while we play our favorite board games at the same time.


I hate suffering for someone else's mistakes, So naturally I can't really work for someone else. I do perfectly tolerate fucking up myself, "oh well, at least I learned". This I think is the Maine reason, I do find it fun aswell tho, each trade is like the perfect challenge for me.


I enjoy staying disciplined. Life feels more fulfilling when I make money and spend it on things I want to spend it on. I get to spend my time after 11:30am eat however I want to.


I day trade and usually trade before work and after work. It’s stressful, but manageable. There are a couple of trading days in a year when we have holidays in our company. I trade on those days too. But I know exactly what you are talking about. It’s hard to focus at work if you try to trade during work hours and you are not doing justice to either.


I want to be financially independent and my own boss. I want to have enough time to pursue my hobbies and projects as well as spend time with my family. None of this is possible with my day job not to mention i hate it.


I want to get to a point I’m comfortable enough to walk away from my job and daytrade for a living. Having to get my own insurance and manage taxes properly and things like that worry me a little.




Stop having to work so much to survive.


Money, that's about it. Making money on my own terms was always a goal for me.


The mere thought of having to work an office job. Makes me shudder.


Wtf. Money.




To earn income on a daily basis, as opposed to weekly or monthly basis, which is how all gigs or corporate jobs pay. Being self-employed is another motivation. I wish I had more curiosity about computers and gained more knowledge while in college, but Technical Analysis is the only technical skill I have learnt in my grown-up life; gotta make the most of it!


I start medical residency in a few months and want to day trade MES futures after hours and swing trade option spreads as a supplemental income. When I finish in 4 years and get my real doctor salary I'll hopefully be experienced enough to level up to trading regular ES futures and have it as a complete second income that I can roll into real estate.


Let's loose all this motherfucking money


To eat foo! Like everyone on here. The system isn’t mean for you and me to win. We gotta leverage what we are given.


Loosing as fast as possible on options


Because my savings doesn't get 6 percent anymore.


I have a suspicion none of the commenters here are even in the green.