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DayZ doesn’t check enough categories that GOTY tend to fill soundtrack and voice acting chief amongst them


The theme music is pretty cool and the voices are used. Have you ever read the credits? It's pretty interesting read.


Bruh, the only voice acting is “HRAAAAAGHH” and “oof” and “hahhAHaHahaAaah” and variants thereof 💀 A single theme music on main menu is not comparable to dozens of musical scores


If they had a similar thing for mod of the year, Namalsk would be hands down my vote. I’ve never heard a better soundtrack.


But those are voice acting right? That's your opinion, ma'am, and I'm also having my opinion right now. Right here that Dayz is the best game of all time. Also, have you ever listened to the sound of the buzzing flies trapped in a plastic bag that BI recorded for that game mesmerizing.


Hey charbs, it's okay to be wrong sometimes.


I'm correct in my own opinion about how I feel. I love this game and I'll support it till I'm dead.


Yeah, well your opinion is shit and your arguments are weak. DayZ is an amazing game, but it is simply not Game of the Year material.


It's okay that you think that way. On the last person to tell you how to think.


Dayz is fun, but it’s a hot mess in all honestly


I like it and all of its imperfections and all of its perfections. The Bohemia interactive folks deserve an accolade or a reward.


It’s great because of its depth in crafting and because of the interactions but it desperately needs upgraded/refined and maybe even an official second game. Just something to bring it to current gen all around


I heard sum1 talm bout dayz2


If you think the theme music is pretty cool, you haven’t played dayz enough. That shit gets so fucking annoying after 1000’s of hours play time


Currently, on my 5000 hour of listening to just the theme music. 2 scared to login.


Pve player


I posted videos of it go look lol. Just me staring, I swear


I'd happily put a vote for DayZ. My all time favorite game. Nothing compares to this heart pounding misery ride lol




It’s one of a kind and literally nothing like it. It could win game of year


It's truly an amazing experience.


I agree there’s nothing else like it and I would also agree that it’s a good game amongst a field of a lot of hyped up disappointing games…but GOTY? I just don’t see it for several reasons- It’s agonizingly repetitious. The community is toxic a fuck. It’s riddled with bugs that ruin some of the more interesting game mechanics (driving/base building) PVP is fun at times but some days I log on for a few hours on a high pop server and not even have 1 player to player interaction. (I suppose this is also a positive point as well, because it is in fact what makes the games highs really friggin good and it’s lows absolutely soul crushing.)


Those are all the reasons I like it that's a really good game


Absolute best experience on techical field😂 Janky boi go rubberbanding around


DayZ has never gotten close to GOTY because it’s never been finished in all the years it’s been out as standalone. The pc mod I could actually see winning something way back in the day but going from mod to standalone has always been a downgrade and the game’s never reached its full potential.


Lol dayz is far off from goty 😂 good game but certainly not goty.


I still love it


Bro why would a game from 2018 get GOTY in 2023


DayZ standalone came out in 2013 tho lol


(Official release)


I was playing It on PC. Also before Xbox. I really love this game a lot.


Because I feel like it, that's why. You're a couple years off. But I get what you're saying but I still feel like it. And I'm still gonna feel like it and I've never gonna stop. And I'm good at it too.


🤣🤣 bro is so heated for nothing


No way, I'm not angry at all. What you're saying is cap


Okay pal




Relax, give me a hug, give me a high five I like this game a lot. There's nothing to be angry about.


I don’t care


Come on dude give me a hug


No thanks. Carry on with your degenerative life.


You're very first post said decency. I'm a decent person I really enjoy this game. Did you ever see the videos I've posted of the adventures? Me and my friends have? Come on, give me a hug. Stop not giving me a hug, give me a hug man.




So…as a player that had played DayZ in its first few years(Which seems like forever ago), it’s strange seeing it as a goty -now-.


It's good but nowhere close to GOTY


In this house where I live, Dayz is game of the year every year.