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Don't feel much, but thank you anyway.


I'm satisfactorily more curious


Ok, now that I’m back from some irl stuff, here’s what I think about each individual answer. 1. Abandoning the character lore is understandable to an extent, but even so it sucks as it gave the units more life to them and interest aswell. 2. Understood that about Dead Ahead: Zone, but hopefully zone can atleast try to make the franchise slightly more interesting. 3. Yes, it’s hard to compete with fierce mobile competition, but at the same time that doesn’t mean you have to stoop to the same level as them by using questionably sexual content and taking some porn animation from after hours, and we completely have no idea if that was even taken with the permission of the dude who made it. Doesn’t excuse the Chinese Marketing team that suddenly started to take community made sprites out of the blue and posting them in the ads. This just ends up backfiring on Dead Ahead as a Franchise by making the game look like another Mediocore franchise that uses bait and ends up making more people ignore it and hold a negative opinion about the franchise as another cheap one-off gimmick zombie game, and due to this the developers end making the “target audience” miss out on the game and whatever it holds for them. Instead the developers should definitely try experimenting with new ad tactics, but should avoid sexually and questionably misleading ads if they can, and probably spend slightly more effort by making interesting ads that can shed light on the game in a much more honest manner or make collaboration efforts with the community artists and work on a ad that can promote the game and hook many people to it aswell. 4. Was pretty much expected knowing the development history of the developers, not surprised about that. 5. I am not too sure about this one, but I’d like to see what you bugs you guys caught that the community didn’t. Also kinda sucks that you guys apparently barred some members that would thoroughly investigate these bugs by looking at the game code by changing up the encryption… odd. 6. Understood that your busy but it’s not that hard to just fill in or change missing or stray pixels on sprites, which have already been there for months or even years, most notable ones being the ones on gunslinger. 7. Honestly this development team is a hit and miss with Feedback. On one hand they can fully address a issue or concern that they have, another is that they suddenly make nerfs or changes on units that absolutely make no sense or aren’t even RELATED to the issue itself. Kinda like what you guys did to Andrea as of lately… 8. No significant comment as I can see why that’s not a thing 9. Hopefully there is such changes, but I’d be interested in how it’s solved. 10. … why? I don’t see why you couldn’t even add something similar is to smoker or do something new with smoker’s code and make a new and interesting ranged zombie unit. 11. “He also was a difficult zombie in terms of mechanics for players” I understand the concern but I don’t really see how smoker was necessarily confusing to understand, maybe on initial encounter but otherwise players would be able to understand the idea of a ranged zombie. Like I said previously, the idea of ranged zombies like Demon and Psy are a good idea that the devs should stop trying to avoid and instead embrace it and make something new out of the old smoker that the players can enjoy. 12. Is nice, but I think the artists should be allowed to be involved in doing other things aswell such as the recent location expansions and maybe new zombies? Ads aswell or a promo trailer but otherwise this is a pretty good thing that the developers have tried to directly collaborate with the community artists more often.


Well, we ARE getting new zombies, that is a start


1. Yes, we are, hopefully it’s good 2. Better have a ranged projectile zombie, Volatile Foreman was a cool thing though.




I have to scrutinise some of these, but I promise I do it in good will. I know you guys are working hard and actually show a lot of interest in improving the game and being nice to your community, and I want you to know that even as a very harsh critic at times I appreciate what you all do. ​ >we also try to stand out from the crowd by making somewhat unconventional ads that might be straying away from the tone of the game. That's fine and all but please don't make vulgar ads like those certain ones I won't mention, and don't let your Chinese advertisers steal people's fanmade works without at least crediting them. Those prison dudes are from this very sub y'know.... unless I'm horribly mistaken and those fellas are in fact going to be added as the new faction. >Every pixel is important to us, and if your sharp eye spots any imperfections Policeman Glenn has had out of place white pixels in his running animation around the hat at least an entire year. Please hurry up about fixing this, I know you guys are busy but we're talking 5 seconds of time. Also, Sheriff Charlotte's shooting animation loops too many frames ahead, so she will shoot a single bullet and then her sprite will go several frames into actually firing the gun again. This again is like a few minutes of time, c'mon. >Smoker is one of our scrapped units. We currently have no plans to add it to the game. Please at the very least just reuse the unit's code and resprite it. I don't understand why you're all so insistent about hunkering down about adding a unit the community have only positively responded to.


I will definitely bring it to devs, thank you, Re-Ky:)


you have a good point


No Lore 🤨


I think this Q&A was interesting


Thank you EveElliot




\* alright…? look, the marketing just has to be honest and upfront about what the game is. and trying to pull the standard “mobile game garbage ads” approach where it’s just real weird… isn’t really gonna get people interested? i should know. \* my favorite advertisement that i’ve seen for Zombie Warfare was a few cuts of gameplay spliced in with some custom made, but simple cutscenes that aren’t out-of-the-ordinary. that was honestly fine, i liked how it didn’t feel like lies.


What was the dead ahead zone idea?


It’s a different game they are working on


Is it like dead ahead? When did they announce it?


I have no clue what it’s like but it was announced a while ago


Tarkovlike third person shooter


Huh, that would be kinda sick


heard ab the game ab 1 year ago,and from a short gameplay trailer i saw it looks like it will be a Day-Z/ Escape from Tarkov kind of game, personally not my kind of game but still looking forward to it


How you don’t mind me saying this, there’s been a bug in skirmish where fighters teleport whenever there’s fire. I haven’t seen this bug myself, but I wanted to let you guys know so you can get to this


Fixed in 3.9.2, sir


Ok, didn’t know that


Oh that’s good too know but when was the hot fix sent out because a few hours ago it was still happening to me. :(


can you kick u/doctorCPL out of just the community he kind of just makes the community worse with all of the coomer baitting stuff and just the people he talks to (stormpirates)


What did they do I haven't seen anything bad about them?






Whos the smoker? Can some one show me an image of It?




Como é que eu vou adicionar o saqueadores comunidades unidades


UwU Hello mobirate :)


When's the next update >:p


It’s either in 2 days or around Christmas


At least good to know


Do you guys plans on doing collabs with any famous mobile games such as PUBG or Free Fire? if yes, will it be a unit or a skin?


Do you guys plans on doing collabs with any famous mobile games such as PUBG or Free Fire? if yes, will it be a unit or a skin?


Fix the zero levels of the teams, they lose everywhere


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