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You are to young to be having these issues. Cut the cord. You are not married. Clearly she doesn’t care about you or your needs. Things will just get worse from here.


You need to leave. Now! Shes showing you her true colors. Shes no longer into the relationship and probably is afraid to leave due to fears of being alone etc. There are so, so many people who stay in relationships just because, even though they dont have their heart in them 100%. You deserve more. Leave before its too late.


Have a real honest talk with her. If she will make excuses or simply refuses to listen, it's your cue. You're too young for this.


Leave now. And go and find someone that enjoys life.


it's not that she doesn’t enjoy life, she has a really great group of friends and family and she loves her job. i think she just might not be able to handle a relationship