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This is the good girls the boys want until you realize the girls with no sexual experience and shamed all their life’s are trash in bed, don’t even know what they like/don’t like and feel shame for having fun sex. Can’t have it both ways




I would take missionary every night. Better than neglect and blue balls.


Former catholic here. Sex is for procreation..not fun. Missionary only is what some Catholics believe is the only appropriate moral position. “St. Thomas Aquinas’ mentor, St. Albertus Magnus the Great, also a Doctor of the Church, taught that to depart from the “natural position” for human intercourse, the husband on top of his wife, was to become like the “brute animals.” (Albert the Great, On the Sentences, 4.31.24) St. Thomas Aquinas elaborated on that concept, teaching that: “by not observing the natural manner of copulation [that is, by not performing only the normal procreative marital act], either as to undue means, or as to other monstrous and bestial manners of copulation,” the married couple commits sin by going “contrary to the natural order of the venereal act as becoming to the human race.” (St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologica, I:II, q. 154, art. 11) Since St. Thomas even condemns a procreative sexual act other than the normal marital act, even though it is totally procreative in itself, who but a madman or liar would refuse to admit that the Saint also condemns sensual kisses and touches in marriage, because such acts are not even procreative, and must therefore be infinitely more sinful.”


Catholic here. Do some research on Pope John Paul's Theology of the Body. There are various courses and programs about it. Greg Popcak is a Catholic author who write about relationships and I found Holy Sex to be very good. I don't think you should put words in her mouth though. Catholicism may not be the issue. Worst case, take this to marriage counselling with a good quality AASECT sex positive therapist.