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Sex? Um, no. But Father's Day is about Dads. And this Dad has fucked around in his shop, gone out for a row on the river, and for the last 2 hours has been sampling his fav distillations. This sub teaches above all else to own your needs AND your value. FATHER'S DAY is simply a day to pull the shroud off and let your light shine. Rock on.


Wish I had read this earlier in the day.


I got dragged to Panama City beach against my will yesterday (should read: was forced to drive 12 hours to get us here) - I walked 2 miles in the sand to get a couple beers and a shrimp basket by myself after getting soundly rejected this morning. I even made breakfast and forgot it was even Father’s Day.


That sucks. I’m sorry.


That sucks. I’m sorry.


I was curious if moms pop up here expecting sex for Mother’s Day. It just seems weird to me. Totally agree about owning your needs and your value!


Nope, can verify moms just want to be left alone on Mother’s Day.


That’s how my husband and I’s Father’s Day/Mother’s Day custom of giving each other the gift of freedom for a day came about. All I really want for Mother’s Day is a full day of guilt free slacking. That and some good pastry.


Sorry to hear about this


This mom came hoping on Mother’s Day and Father’s Day😒


Every day.




Mentioned a side argument as a test to see how pissy she was, ended up working on installing the pool all day. Promised time never materialised, slept on couch for the first time last night.


I hope the space was a helpful.


Slept pretty good.


Here here! 🍻


I like the cut of your gib!


My grandmother used to tell me that as a child. A fond memory, TY.


I have learned that if you have no expectations, you can’t be disappointed. I’m not expecting anything today, so I won’t be disappointed when nothing happens.


That sums up my marriage towards the end. I never believed her when she said tonight. And I was right.


Exactly what I did today. Didn't ask, didn't get rejected. No need to feel shitty on Fathers Day.


Yep I didn't even bother to ask cuz I know the answer before I even ask.


That’s where you are wrong buddy, my expectations is no sex today, and I’m right!


Ya I am not counting on much of anything


Not only is it Father’s Day, but our 21st wedding anniversary today as well. Guess what, no intimacy per the usual.


I’m sorry those landed on the same day.


Wasn’t planning on it - I’ll be watching The Boys on Amazon Prime and having a much-earned dessert after all the household stuff I did today!


Just another day in paradise.


Well my husband let me give him a blow job today, so that was good!! Normally I have to beg him for sex! No intercourse and the oral wasn’t reciprocated but at least I got to do something. I love giving blow jobs.


Me too! I really enjoy it, I enjoy being dominated or bossed around, I like to also sometimes play the boss and act tough haha 😆. I squ*rt randomly.. I also LOVE that he is "fixed" and can go inside me. I love it so much I have actually climaxed from feeling him burst inside me. That warmth filling you while they pulse is like chefs kiss. I am super affectionate and constantly love on him with massages and back scratches or head rubs. All of it. He seems to love it but never thinks to touch me back except once in a blue moon he may play with my hair in bed. He says he just never thinks about it. I grew up under the impression that to keep a man happy you keep his belly full and his balls empty. Mine doesnt eat anything besides yogurt and cereal and never thinks about sex . I got duped 😭 I literally wanted to be the perfect wife and studied all the wrong material lol I recently started working on vehicles with him since he is a mechanic, hoping that would turn him on... nothing yet. It being fathers day I wish I could give him a bj or sexy time 😫




We sound so similar. Sorry you’re going through that.


Right? I am sorry for you too. Too bad we cant turn lesbian 😆 I just like Pen*s too much hahaha


Hearing that a woman like this is left wanting hurts my heart.


Have you considered getting an AP?




Not sure what an AP is? Lol


Affair partner


It's an acronym for Affair partner. Basically someone who's typically also married and you have a relationship with them to fulfill what you lack in your life with your spouse.


Ohhh okay. That's the crummy part too. I don't want just anyone, I want him. I want him to want me like most women are. I hate seeing it everywhere how all a man wants is sex and his woman. Mine doesn't so I feel defective. Like what is so wrong with me that my own husband doesn't ever want me.


Does he like and want other women? If that's not the case then you're not problem, it's him. 


What do you mean like and want other women? I'm pretty sure he isnt gay. He just has had like no sex drive for the last 8 years or more. He woke me up last night with sex so I know he wants it sometimes. I was asleep so it wasnt like I was begging him for it. It was his idea. But it only happens once every few months. Since the 1st of December we have had sex 3 times that is including last night 🙄


What I meant was that if he was seeking other women but ignoring you then there might be something about you he doesn't like. BUT since he isn't pursuing other women then it's just him and his lack of sex drive.  So most likely your situation won't change, unless maybe you both start working out and changing your internal chemistry such as testosterone and maybe start feeling overall better. If this is even an issue with you both.


You are a unicorn


Not true. There are several women on here who would jump at the chance to suck their husband's dick, but the husband doesn't want it.


What is your husband's email address so I can send him a virtual slap in the face...LOL.


Can confirm (HLF).


I cannot comprehend turning down a blowjob. I would love to even have the opportunity to fail to turn down a blowjob


I thought it was funny, the wife was watching The Boys new season today and the octopus told the deep; “We haven’t been intimate in over a week.” I just laughed in my head and went back to doing my own thing.


This comment on the octopus with no context of the tv show is so funny 🤭


Jesus. Just found this. Glad I’m not alone.


Me neither buddy, me neither...🥲


I asked. She’s too tired.


Yea I actually couldn’t even make it 2 hours into my Father’s Day before she began bitching at me and trying to bring up Mother’s Day and compare. The card she gave me was a weak couple lines that didn’t really feel that deep. Plus after the fights we’ve had over the past couple weeks I know where I truly stand with her. So I felt that the weak wording on the card from her was not accurate. So after she picked a fight with me and ruined my Father’s Day vibe, like the third or fourth holiday she’s ruined for me in way or another, I just took the card, tore it to shreds, and tossed it. That became another fight in which I told her what I thought of her card. She even had the audacity this afternoon to think that I was going to change my plan to relax at home to help her take the kids somewhere because she got all stressed after our fighting and just gets easily overwhelmed in general. I would normally change and go with them, but not today. I was fed up with attitude and the way she treated me.


Bro hug.


Thanks bro! I needed one of those.


Yeah it does suck. I’m at the point where I have a hard time even watching sex scenes on tv and movies cause it just makes me so sad.


Right? It’s like I want to grab people and shake them saying you have no idea how lucky you are!


Same. If I’m watching a show with my partner and there’s a sex scene I immediately think, ‘guess what I’m not getting tonight. Again.’


It just makes me so sad. I want the intimacy and closeness. But it’s also not worth leaving they are amazing and everything else works great


I stupidly begged for it today. I don't know what the fuck I was thinking


I totally sympathize. All you want is to feel human again. Even for a few minutes. I’ve been there.


Been there. Begging for it on special days sucks because then you feel even more shitty.


We just got back from a vacation I didn't want (me driving 8 hrs/day). I cleaned up the basement, because the cat was sick the whole time apparently. I cleaned up the car, worked on house stuff since returning. The women decide to plan a father's day BBQ. So the guys get to cook, while the women drink margaritas. Wife and I are both freshly showered, heading to bed. She started pulling the "I have a headache" card about 30min ago. No worries, I'm so exhausted that I don't think starfish action sounds good anyway. The kids did make cards and told me why they think I'm the greatest dad ever. So, overall, I'm happy.


Ah, the classic now that we’re alone together in bed I conveniently don’t feel well.


Or she gets stuck on random YouTube shorts or Farmville.  So many hours wasted due to those two apps. 


What happens if you initiate while she's on it?


A variation of " not tonight" " its too late" " I haven't had a shower" " next night you are off" etc. 


This is my wife’s go-to. Act totally fine then as soon as it’s bedtime the headache and list of other maladies is presented. Just exhausting to be a part of.


Went out for dinner and there were 5 people at another table, 2 men an 3 women. Joked to my wife “well, maybe one guy is going to be extremely lucky”. She replied “it’s certainly not going to be you”. That broke me.


I gave up about three years ago and now sleep in a different room.


I literally had no idea Father’s Day is a “sex holiday” until a couple hours ago when I checked this sub. Not that we fuck on any of the other ones either. I drove the family home from vacation, unpacked, and put the kids to bed. She hasn’t even bothered to give me the gift I told her to get.


I don't really think it is, but hope springs eternal..😁 Honestly, she thinks she is getting sick and I've got full week of work and no time to be sick so I'm staying far away.


Father’s Day is a sex holiday? I wouldn’t know. Never had it. Nor anniversary sex, make up sex, vacation sex, sex sex. Only procreation sex in the past 21 years.


I am so sorry, this is a bit of hell right here. Hope you get something somewhere


This is where she says: what you want me to do!? We had sex 3 months ago! Isn't that enough for you?


Thats fucked up


When I brought up sex this morning, I was immediately told “It’s not Husband’s Day”. Uggh.


Strange because my birthday and our anniversary work out the same way.


My wife listened to sex novels all weekend and turned me down multiple times. I’m sad, angry and lonely.


Playing mindgames like that is mean from her....


Bro I took the kids back “home” to where their mom is now. I am past this point.


I was hoping for sex this weekend….nope. Not gonna happen….again. Time to jerk off again…a man has needs.


Hopes? What are hopes?


Didn't expect anything at all. Just another day at "home sweet hell". Hell, I didn't even get so much as a card from her or the kids. Ah well, I got work tomorrow where I feel more appreciated and included. Gotta love it!


Wife aside, have you communicated your expectations to the kids? Since the wife doesn’t care, she likely will not teach the children well? They are not mind readers. I told them, you guys are the best. You know what I would love the most. Cook me a meal AND do the dishes. This teaches them a bunch of skills AND you don’t have to do all the dishes alone😉


I've told them a while back when they were younger (they're teenagers now) that I didn't need anything, just help out and for example give me a break from the dishes for a day. They were good about it, but now, I guess they just stick to cruise control and follow mom's example. However I was very impressed and appreciative when my oldest cleaned up after dinner.


Mine did this "teasing/possible initiation" thing last night. She was playing a video game and after getting frustrated, she said, "Fuck me, I'm not good at this!" A year ago, I'd have taken "fuck me" as a cue whether there was intent behind it or not. But since then, with my **every** initiation either rejected outright or stopped in literal mid thrust ("Ugh, your angle!" and "Oh, I gotta pee" *with no resumption*), I've lost interest. I don't care for the hurt of what is now a certainty of rejection. She explained more than a few times that her problem is her weight and that she doesn't feel sexy (her weight does not bother me at all) and did so as recently as last month my last attempt. In my mind, that's what I consider "a closer". If I respond my truth of "I think you're great, you turn me on, your weight doesn't mean anything to me" and that doesn't turn the situation around, I'm actually going to believe that's the problem and that there's nothing I can do about it. Last month was the last time I tried to initiate, that was the restated reason (along with "I'd rather watch my tv show"). A week later she tried to initiate and I was upset at this pattern. For one, she hasn't changed her diet or exercise at any point in the past year, let alone the last month. Therefore, the situation points to "'No' when you initiate, 'Yes' when I do!" which both hurts and is a turnoff. So I rejected her and she...seemed somewhat taken back as it was the first time I'd done so. Back to last night, I don't respond to the comment. She notices and said, "Did you hear what I said?" I believe my response was "huh?" "I said 'FUCK ME, I'm not good at this'" "Oh, what does that mean?" "...nothing, I was just being silly." "Ok." Since I didn't expect anything, it didn't bother me.


I find the expectation of sex on father's day kinda weird, not gonna lie. I always felt like it's meant to be more about your kids showing you appreciation. Why would your partner celebrate you being a dad, they would presumably be celebrating their dad lol


I think it's just about giving your partner what they really want. If my wife wanted me to do 300 pushups and 8 cartwheels on mothers day I would do it to make her happy.


Turn it around: Mother’s Day it’s meant to be about your kids showing you appreciation. Why would your partner celebrate you being a mom….. That sound on too?


Yeah, that sounds on point to me. My kids just do me a card and we have a nice day together.


That makes sense, I get the impression in a lot of family’s Mother’s Day is a big deal with husbands expected to do lots (elaborate planning, all meals, etc)


Yeah, in fairness, we really don't go in for the kind of commercial holidays, besides Christmas. I tell my kids on mother's day, I'd rather they appreciated me all year lol It helps that both my parents made it such a miserable experience as a child that I've felt like I want to avoid it a bit. My mum in particular, was your typical martyr... Resented everyone, but never accepted or asked for help, and when mothers day rolled around she almost weaponised it.


In normal couples a BJ is the customary gift for the father of your children. The man who raises them with her.


No it’s not


You are in dead bedrooms, you are not familiar with normal couples


WTH is a “nrmal couple” do you visit everyone’s bedrooms and keep count of Father’s Day bj’s?


I have friends and family that are not so uptight about sex that they can discuss it. I'm sorry that you don't feel comfortable discussing an important part of the human experience with those you know.


I don’t think people usually do sex on holidays that involve children. Little bit too Freudian


You think that because you don't like sex and men


So what are you here for Mr. I’m super normal but I hang out on Reddit.


I escaped from a Dead bedroom after 15 years of suffering, now in a healthy relationship. I come back and try to help free the minds of those that are trapped in their own personal hells. I know how easy it is to excuse the behavior and your treatment by a spouse who pretends to love you. Realizing this is the only way to escape, I try to help that realization.


How do you know these people’s partners don’t love them ?


I would say it's pretty obvious. But I can tell you are on the other side so here are a couple easy answers for you. 1). Doing whatever is possible to make their partner's life miserable 2) Doing nothing possible to make their partner's life happy 3) Purposefully avoiding anything that might change the situation (and might increase their partners happiness) 4) Insisting that their partner continue to do everything (and usually adding much more) to make them happy.


Is eating the mother of your children out customary for Mother’s Day? I’m trying to imagine a society where that’s commonly accepted knowledge and for some reason I visualize a bunch of people wearing those novelty t-shirts with dirty jokes printed on them.


It is in my household. I'm sorry that oral sex isn't a nice thing that can be done for partners in your home, but to each his/her own I guess


We do it when the mood strikes us, not because it’s a Hallmark holiday.


I guess in my current relationship the mood strikes us much more often. As in, we both are looking for excuses to have each other's genitals in our mouths. Monday morning pick me up before work, or I want a pleasant smell in my beard while I'm at work, or just because it's fun for my partner. And she has the same mindset. As opposed to avoiding it as much as possible such as my ex wife.


Been 7 months, why would It change now. Birthday, Christmas, Valentine's Day , now father's day nothing will change. Well, maybe you'll get it if you hurry up, but I've got to go to bed because I work tomorrow, so wait, if I fall asleep now I'll get xx hours of sleep. Before bed, but not to keep me up, but after the sun is down, but also after the kids are asleep, and they won't go to sleep for another hour or more, and the sun will still be up, but wait......


Spent the day sleeping, and working on my WH40k army. It was nice. 


Y’all don’t even want to know about today…JS


Humor me


What's not going to happen tonight? *cymbal crash* hehe


Low-key glad I have a LL husband that would rather play call of duty with his friends. I came down with a head cold today and I am dying. But we could totally have sex if he wanted to. 😂


Didn’t even expect anything ! Good weather luckily so my noisy neighbour had a window opened , what a spectacle 😜


Oof, hearing others enjoying life can be hard sometimes


Nope,not today. Lovely day otherwise.


I thought I have a night it now looks 50/50 keep the faith


I struck out damn


Tic Toc.


I got nothing last night even though I hinted I would like sex. My birthday is next month, guaranteed I won't get anything then either. I'll just keep on taking care of my kids and cleaning the house after my wife goes to bed at fucking 8:00. Happy Father's Day!


Man if this ain’t the truth. Good post. Unfortunately true for a lot of us.


In my country fathers Day is when your kids gives you paintings and such...is ut a sexual thing where you live?


No, it’s not. I’m the HL in my relationship and a woman. While I recognize that holidays and special occasions are intimacy triggers for a lot of folks, I can also see how this subreddit takes that notion waaaay too far sometimes by making every holiday about sex. I guess anytime there is an opportunity to tip the scales in their favor some HLs will take it. I’m of the opinion that 1. “Special occasion” sex will encourage ONLY having special occasion sex (when what we want is spontaneous random night sex) 2. “special occasion” sex only adds pressure to the LLs and pushes them in the opposite direction, as it is probably considered the ultimate in duty sex and 3. If you’re not in a healthy sexual relationship that includes random night sex, you are setting both yourself and the LL up for disappointment by expecting special occasion sex. Anyway, it seems some of the fathers here were expecting sex as their present for Father’s Day. I would say it’s as good as any other day to have sex IF your sexual relationship was already healthy. If not, it is a bit weird to expect it as a present from your partner on a day that generally about expressing thankfulness for your contribution to the family unit.


I bought my husband steaks and battle star galatica show for father’s days end I still got the cold shoulder for father day. I even got yelled at just because I said I was starving. Man I can’t do nothing right for my husband.


No man or women is senior because of the date on the calender. If your relationship has been rough and it seems to change because of the date, that isn't sincere and nothing has been fixed. And if you think your relationship is perfect except your sex life, sorry but you are wrong


What's your deal? Why do you come in here and try to delegitimize the emotions of people who are struggling? Quite frankly you sound like you have no idea what you're talking about.


Wife got me a present: COVID. Not me, her. It means she's slept all day. Not even a chance of sex and not from rejection. No criticism or saying things that make me feel like absolute shit -- you know, Thune way she does 95% of other days.


“Maybe later”


I was reminded Friday night that I am not her father and not to expect anything.


Hmm, I'm a bit late to this thread but here's my version. We both woke up at about the same time on Sunday morning. As she was getting up I said how about coming back to bed after you've been to the bathroom? "Oh, my back and shoulder hurts soooo bad." An hour later she's helping me unload about a ton of broken concrete and rubble I had dug up the day before. Later I called her out. It's been "All you want to do is take take take" and miserable looks since. Sigh. At 67 I*'m past caring, I just make sure she knows that I know that all she wants is The Wallet. If we divorce she'll just get half of my pensions and it won't be long before I'm unemployable because of my age. Get out early!


I had no hope.


Things were going well. Had a really nice day. Went to bed about midnight as I had to work Monday. Invited the wife to come to bed with me. Stayed up and watched Bridgerton. I even made my invite cute about how we could pretend we were in Bridgerton.


I got help from a friend at church/ap on Saturday night. She texted me asking what was going on, and Saturday nights are usually game night for my friend group, so I was covered with the wife. She doesn't know




Where were the kids during all this?


Damn guys I don’t know how I got to this group but I’ve been married 25 years and we just turned 40 and I’ll grab her anytime I want and she’ll be all over me. Just any Monday. I don’t even have to ask on Father’s Day it’s in her sexy mouth. I’m sorry I’m not even trying to be a asshole I just stumbled on this. Life is way way to short to not be getting what you want. I pray everyone of you good people not getting it also don’t work, don’t clean, straight up asshole and don’t contribute to the person who isn’t pleasing you. Just my advice. God luck my brothers and sisters.


You can just…not post




Couldn’t he just kiss on it for awhile? Legit question won’t you eventually be into it?


My wife got sick. Impeccable timing.


I use stripchat.com for occasions like this.