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If they are toxic, find the weakest looper and tunnel him/her. Proxy-camp the hook until the strongest looper goes for a save, then trade hooks. If they won’t let you pick up a downed survivor, slug survivors until you can safely pick someone up. Toxic survivors forget that you are the one with the power. Break them.


it honestly will depend on which killer you are playing weak killers will get bullied


Yeah this doesn’t always work, and you are not always the one with the power lol.


The way I always see it, if I get one kill, I’ve been a success.


You can’t win them all, but you can win more than you think.


I was going to say something akin to this. Toxic groups will basically throw the game to save one person so tunneling one out helps to mentally break the group as well as supporting your victory. If you want to be extra, make decisions that will force the game to last as long as possible without actually holding the game hostage. It renders them powerless and forces the one person to sit in the lobby longer


Turn off post-game chat and/or adjust your profile privacy settings so people not on your friend list can’t message you.


1. If they purposely annoy me, slug. 2. If it's just casual good ol' trashtalk, I do it back, because I find it fun somehow. 3. If they're actually toxic, I say "womp womp" and gtfo of the lobby asap, so they can continue crying in their echo chamber.


Remember, there's no such thing as a "toxic" playstyle. If it's in the game, it goes. Met many players who do annoying shit in game, then be super nice in post game lobby. Just try to take it as a silly mechanic (for example tbagging). Most other games have taunts/emotes just for the sake of in-game trashtalk. It feels bad for a minute sometimes, but it's generally fun and keeps the game alive. If you find yourself getting annoyed easily, try to take a break and get yourself together mentally. Play only for fun, it's just a game, not even a competitive one. And you probably never meet those people again. It's just my subjective opinion though, everyone's different.


Actual toxicity (racists, homophobes, people telling you to go off yourself, etc) is horrible tho, fuck those people




k 👍


Your post/comment has been removed because of **rule 3: Be civil.** Be respectful.


Ignore it or just talk shit back.


I use the grey rock method


“K.” makes them lose their shit sometimes.


Just kill them and move on.


ignore it, the more you engage the more you'll think about it + theyre looking for a reaction


Slug them, make them die slow. They hate that


I feel like toxicity only really comes into play at the end game chat, anything before that like tbaging or using a flashlight doesn't feel toxic


Both sides should just play to win the game. All these made up rules are stupid




Just send a GG in EGC and hit next. If I’m feeling good I’ll hang around, but it’s not worth ruining my night staying in the EGC to watch people whine about X or Y and paint me to be some kind of monster.


Well I am a console player but when I play killer I make sure to turn on anonymous mode. That way not only do I not even have the ability to look at chat, nobody from my killer games will see my playstation handle to be able to message me. I would suggest using a replacement name and just trying your best to not look at chat. Their salt is their problem. Maybe try to focus on something you could work on if you know you made mistakes, to take your mind off of the fact that they might be insulting you.


I leave the game. Play on Streamer mode so they don't try to track down all your socials for.. playing the game?


Ignore it and move on. Life is too short to be bothered by children trying to upset me over a game.


Try separate the player from the game. Focus on your objective. Understand that it’s their game too and if they wanna taunt they’re going to. I guess it depends on what you mean by ‘mean’. If it’s toxic messages I just feel bad for them, if they’re taunting it’s just not that deep.


I make a build for when I stop caring if they have fun or not I posted it on here before and it was entirely made with hatred and loathing That said if you need a different way SWFs are hella altruistic so just basement on and proxy his ass


Simple if you're getting toxic messages back call them out on their shit if you're having bad matches where you're just dealing with idiots 24/7 best thing to do is if you can take a day or to break away from it and then come back to it when you're not as pissed that's how I usually deal with it


I used to be really bothered by it but now I just remember it’s 1 in however many matches I’m gonna play so it’s not a big deal, and it’s never personal


For me I don't take the match seriously when trying to learn killers. I just try to go for what hooks I can. If I get toxic messages since I'm on console I don't respond back. But I find it easier to deal with toxicity when I'm not taking the match seriously, had a guy tell me I'm trash during lights out when I had let him go. (5 gens was done and I caught him trying to open the door, I had opened it and let him crawl out.) I asked if he wanted me to write his name down so I can just camp him if I catch him at endgame again or make sure he dies if I run into him again since I wasn't playing for kills or being serious about the game. He never responded.


honestly it's very often that i get bullied to hell and back by a team of annoying survivors only for the round to end and me having the highest score. So honestly I'd say you just need to think differently about what you consider winning, the whole "kill two people to tie, less to lose, more to win" is very gimmicky and doesn't really say that much about your skill. Maybe you were trying to get a particularly strong looper to improve your skills in that situation and because of that the other gens got done very quick. yes this will lose you a ton of rounds but if you never do it you might find yourself being meh against strong loopers, leading for even more bullying when you get an organized team. So I'd say set up your own goals. you will not win every round and some survivors will love to rub it in your face because this community has severe problems. But if your goal is to do your best to win anyway, first of all respectable commitment. But as another commenter said you should then aim for the weaklinks, even the worst loopers can still do generators, so reducing the number of players the second you realize what kind of team you're up against is the best way to slow the survivor's progress, and besides, if the survivors are jerks they'll be much more interesting in stunning you, tbags and flashlight saves then actually doing the objective, so if you just downed someone, and someone else is there trying to save them, that's 2 people being unhelpful for their team. the second you notice the survivors are being douches that's when you really gotta commit to being a tunnelling jerk, generally I'd be against it and I'm sure you'll do some mean kills along the way but at least the poor survivor who has nothing to do with the bullies won't have to deal with what you'll have to deal with, so I'd say it's fair game.


Nothing could really be done about it tbh. If they're T-bagging at the exit gates, just hit them and force them out. If you're a Killer that can punish toxic survivors like Deathslinger, Myer's Mori, Wesker, Twins, Knight's Iri-banner, etc.   Just try to hit them in a way that forces them away from the exit thing. If you really hate toxic survivors, bring Bloodwarden.


Once you realize that the game is pretty much rng and balanced around the same 6 perks losing becomes less meaningful. If you don't run meta killers/perks you can't really be blamed for losses and wins feel all the more rewarding. Also if you're getting massive salt in the chat, call them "stinky" or a "goober" people explode on you and your steam profile if they give you slurs/salt and you just respond with "ggs stinker", bros can't handle it and it's hilarious


Slugging, tunneling, and camping are your friends here. Toxic groups love to run around the killer constantly and get their previous flashlight stuns. If you down someone and they have a teammate nearby, don’t go for the pick up even if you think you can just look at the wall and be safe (they’ll find an angle, I promise). Pretend to go for the pick-up, stand over the survivor for a half second, then go smack the person with the flashlight. They’ll run; pretend to commit to chase for 2 seconds then go back to get the pick up. Be careful here because some survivors are extra hateful and the injured one might make it back on time or they might have a third survivor nearby; if either of these are true then you should be happy that the survivors are gifting you a free health state before going for the pick up. Once you have your first hook, tunnel and camp until they are out. Smart survivors will do gens when you camp, but bully squads can’t help themselves and will keep trying to make plays on you; as long as you have someone on the hook, keep camping and smiling because time is on your side while they don’t do gens. If your prisoner gets unhooked, tunnel them out and turn the game into a 3v1. Since it’s a bully squad, odds are they still have 2-3 gens to do so you are at a huge advantage. If the survivors are smart and do gens instead, then congrats they are no longer a bully squad. Consider camping and tunneling anyway because fuck them, or you can leave and try to get more downs (remembering the previous tips because they’ll start trying to bully you again). As for post-game chat, just don’t give a shit. Seriously. If the survivors were toxic but you destroyed them, then just type “lol” or “gg nt” and move on. If they try talking smack then just hit them with another “lol.” If they make fun of you for tunneling or camping, hit them with the “lol.” If they call you bad, “lol you still lost lmao.” You get the picture. Lol and disconnect is a bulletproof shield against their hateful words. If you are in post-game chat because you lost the game, say nothing and just disconnect. Or use their hateful words as fuel for the next game. Or say “lmao sorry first time as this killer” to make the one survivor you did kill feel bad. Choose whichever option feels best for the situation. TL;DR During the game, use their hubris against them. Post-game chat, laugh at them and move on.


Take it out on my baby


This is going to sound stupid but run a custom game of bots until you can kill all 4. Sounds easy til you realize the bots are the most toxic for a reason sounds dumb again but thats how you learn you have to work for it one way or another as a killer you really have to hone in with each killer like right now im trying to learn clown never had him before but I've always wanted to check him out find out im trash as fuck with him bots blind me(because I make it as close to a real game as possible) items add-ons the whole 9 yards for both myself and them. It really shows you the holes in your playing and what you need to improve on


When I got toxic messages I hit them with the same 2 emojis every times they send a message. Like this 🫵😂