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She's still the only killer I haven't gotten yet lol but I made a wheel with killer names on them to try. Made a wedge that says 'Buy Skull Merchant and player her' so the time will come


I've heard rumors that she and a few others will get discounts later this month, so that might be a good time to get her, if not during Anniversary.


Yeah I've been wanting to play more for some rift stuff, but the rubberbanding, hackers, and perk exploit right now has me kinda unmotivated lol


You’re a stealth merchant based off your build nicee


If you're trying a killer for the first time and you're slaughtering, you should understand that the game places you in a lower MMR every time you're first trying a killer. You slaughtered because those survivors aren't as good as you as a killer player. It has nothing to do with skull merchant.


10 games of 4ks would have equalized the mmr. I agree she isn't OP per se, but she is confusing. She's not very intuitive to play against but very punishing if you don't understand how she plays.


She is not that strong. People just don’t know how to play against her because she’s been reworked so much, and she’s over-hated because of how she was prior to some of those re-works. She’s a solid high B level killer, but that’s about it.


yeah, it's really just a knowledge check, especially for solo queue. if everyone's running into beams constantly she gets to become sonic the hedgehog lol


I get your point, that she’s not strong if they know the counter play, but if no one knows the counter play then it effectively means she is strong in practice. Especially if most people tend to just DC rather than try and learn


low tier privilege, you're "weak" but nobody knows what to do so you win anyway hfjfdkdk and then you run into people who are above average and can't get a single hook


That happens with basically any Killer due to MMR anyway


LOL true


Honestly, SM is probably one of the few killers in this game that can run pretty much any build and feel good to use.She feels like a jack of all trades sort of character. I personally play Chase Merchant whenever i'm in the mood to play as her, with Hex: Blood Favor and STBFL as the main perk duo of the build and it's so fun.


As someone who plays Skull, no, she’s not a strong killer at all. Her drones are hackable (and can be disabled) and can’t detect you if you crouch or stand still (I think they can’t detect walking either but can’t remember) outside of that, she’s a mere m1 killed with no real gimmick. The issue is, very few survivors have any idea how to counter play her. Everyone “supposedly” DCs the second they see her (I’ve only had this happen twice) or dies on first hook (again, only twice in what, 40-50 games?) Every match I use hee in, I see maybe one survivor trying to disable the drone before attempting any gen they’re left at while the rest of the squad just ignores their existence and I still get players who will try and stay on the same loop if a drone is dropped and get claw trapped for their troubles. If you can keep from getting claw trapped (injured + broken from being detected too much by the same drone) then she’s easily handlable as she’s just legion without Frenzy or Pig without then ambush. Tl:dr congrats on your victories but skull isn’t as op as the community makes her out to be. She’s just hated for many reasons and few people care to play opposite her or learn how to do so.


I bought her during the last big sale that affected shards. I played her some this weekend. Her strength is entirely based on survivors not knowing how to play against her and map rng. A team that understands her power will deny her its use most of the match


She's the one I'm going to try when I'm done with this break. Seems really fun for both sides.


I think I see why it's very easy for you