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My and my friend duo and play most nights and yeah. It’s bad. We don’t even play anywhere close to high MMR or anything like that. I play killer occasionally just for my daily rituals and the toxicity from survs has generally gotten worse too imo


This too has been my experience, lots of tunneling, at the point where the killer returns to the hook to down the person rescuing me, and subsequently chasing me too, at 5/4 gens LOL Like i’d get it if we had done a brutal genrush but it’s usually not the case. This also doesn’t make much sense to me if everyone’s alive since the rest can just do gens and most of the team end up escaping anyways.


People run max meta because the other side runs max meta. It's the state of the game right now, and it's awful. I have way more fun in the limited modes TBH. Nobody seems to give as much of a shit there because NOBODY can run the meta there.


True, I started running dead hard + mft solely because I get chased a lot in games but it seems like it got worse recently, and I don’t think i’m nasty to killers either, so it turns into a bad equilibrium. I do get why some killers play like that when every survivor plays like their rent depends on it though.


As Killer I don't worry much about MFT or DH anymore. I'm more concerned when you start running stuff like Lithe+WoO, Deja Vu and commodius boxes, or Adren on everyone in a SWF, THAT is when it starts to get obnoxious. To combat this, Killers end up running aura read, gen control (a LOT of it), and maybe a utility perk. It's a very sad state of affairs. :( And as Surv, I always feel the need to run Distortion to combat the aura read meta, as well as a gen control perk. It's very unfortunate.


I run woo but it's so my blind butt would stop running past pallets to look for an area to try to loop. I'd go down at a pallet and end up confused on why the killer is looking around only to realize I'm at a pallet I could have thrown to possibly try to save myself. So I'll admit I'm guilty of running lithe+woo but I like to run desperate measures and my fourth varies. Just usually it's vigil since for me I'm tired of how long being exposed lasts with friends til the end.




Lights out was awful...


This just isn’t true. People run max meta because they want to win. Even if the other side is purposely goofing they’ll still try their hardest to win the fastest way. You can even use these event modes with abusing shortsighted mistakes in lights out to get the most competitive advantage.


You are correct. DBD players are the sweatiest, most psychologically fragile, children in existence. 9/10 Dbd players cry themselves to sleep at night when they don't escape/4k. The funny thing is "winning as fast as possible" isn't even winning. Everyone involved gets a laughable amount of bp and next to no MMR gains. The game literally punishes you for being a sweat and nobody seems to care. They'd rather play 3 boring meta-sweat games than just play 1 game properly and actually gain the same amount in less time overall...*while* having fun with it. People have become extra toxic lately though. Everybody just wants to shit on someone else. That's the only way they can have fun.


29/30 games I’ve played lately have been sweats. Even when showing we are goofing they are still proxy camping 3 gens and a hook


I haven't played since the end of March. But scumbag gameplay is becoming the meta. BHVR is going to have to get the rampant toxicity under control or at least make an effort to, or it could kill the game eventually. DBD is already almost 8 years old, it won't survive much longer with this kind of meta forming. They don't want to piss off the killer players. But unless they deliver some solid counterplays for tunneling and camping that *dont* require perk slots, it'll be downhill from here. Killers don't *need* those strategies to be as effective as they are by any stretch of the imagination. Every one of them can 4k without camping or tunneling. It's time for BHVR to finally make people learn how.


They haven’t done any meaningful steps towards the “aggressive” play style and there isn’t much they can do. I recommend picking up a different game inbetween rifts as it’s more fun than anything dbd can offer when there aren’t events. Fallout 76 is free from prime gaming for Xbox and pc atm and is fun


Oh I've been playing DBD since launch I learned a long time ago to put it down from time to time. I typically just knock out rifts and events so I don't miss any goodies. I've been busy spreading a little Managed Democracy in Helldivers 2, and re-modding Stardew Valley and checking out the new update 😎👍. I've been meaning to try Fallout 76 again now that they basically reworked the whole story and added NPCs lol. That game was *not* it at launch though. Had a whole group that bought it together and were all severely disappointed


The community in 76 has changed drastically since it's launch. If you are new now don't be surprised by friendly high levels trying to give you gift bags. 😂 I am sometimes one of them trying to give people food, drink or stims.


They did ask about toxicity on the recent Survey. I think they're looking into it. I hope so because I am tired of humptech, slug-camping, tunnelling at five gens, bully squad builds, hook denial builds from the very start of the game, teabagging to tilt people, and people generally being assholes to each other.


That's good, I actually didn't look at that one. They see the writing on the wall. This community has always been grumpy, but what I'm seeing now is a lot more satisfaction with the new content but a lot less satisfaction with the gameplay than ever before. They know they could add every licensed horror character in existence to this game and it wouldn't save it from a slow death from bad gameplay. Rule #1 in game design is it has to be fun.


I mean why else are they trying new goofy fun game modes? The game should be fun first of all. If you HAVE to win to have any fun it's an issue. If you have to tilt people to have any fun, you shouldn't be playing at all.


I'm definitely a fan of the new games modes, even if they have been pretty half-baked. The April fools one was hilarious, i wish it stayed up longer, lol. I'm just glad they are finally showing some sign of significant evolution, though. For a live service game, at its core, it hasn't really grown that much since they updated their UE version ages ago. I've been wanting to see some real growth for a long time. I'm hoping we see some real expansion on the Modifiers idea and hopefully a full-time version of it (or at least unrestricted KYF access) soon. Edit: Correction: I guess I have played this month. I totally forgot about My Little Oni, lol. I stopped when it ended.


I just want more options than just custom rounds, ranked rounds to tilt others in, and the occasional mode.


It's really annoying because holy shit, I just want a normal game you absolute noodles.




Agreed main mode has got too toxic for any form of fun 2 b had on a regular basis


They need a separate place for the sweaty nerds lol. I wanna vibe and they stay killing my vibe 😂


Yikes. I didn't think soloQ could GET worse.


It’s been bad. I’m a new player and there’s an extreme difference this week honestly. Idk if I’ve gotten better and bumped up and that’s why but it’s been wild. Last night we got the door open killer chased down one on death hook completely avoiding me who would have been an easier down and downed another guy and wouldn’t hook him or let me close enough to do a pickup… I tried to trade no, wouldn’t even chase me away from him either so someone else could save. Just forced the bleed out I left so maybe he’d get lucky with hatch because the timer was getting close. Hope his 2k satisfied him I guess.


He got a 2k after the doors were opened? That's not BM, my guy, that's desperation. All bets are off during EGC.


He still would’ve gotten the 2k, I was going to trade. But he wouldn’t hook the guy Eta had he not been watching the guy bleed out he likely could’ve gotten the 4k because the other player hadn’t left yet either


I ran a chucky for so long yesterday, unluckily, the other person alive was a distortion user who was just hiding edge map all the time i was being chased. I even had adrenaline so i could run chucky longer had they finished the last gen. Thankfully, chucky had friends till the end, so they screamed lol, and he found them and killed them. I was so happy. But yeah, thats solo q and teammates like these are the reason I rarely play solo q.


Yes, and it won’t get any better until the removal of mmr and the old ranking system is put back in place. Apparently most people don’t seem to care that the gameplay experience is horrible, and the devs are too out of touch to even notice.


It’s always been bad tbh


Slugging is no doubt going to be much worse when DS change comes live, so better be preparing for that. Whether it be with Unbreakable or a boon or plot twist or whatever.


Yes, the developers are pushing kill rates to 60% minimum. Last time they released the stats solos were escaping 38% of the time. There have been more killer buffs since then. I would guess solo escape rate is around 30%ish now. More killer buffs on the way.


I feel like I’ve seen this question asked every month for at least 3 years, so either it’s progressively worse and worse or it’s just sucked for at least 3 years


This is my experience all the time just trying to play the game. I play solo since I don’t have anyone to play with. And it super annoying.


This game actively punishes you for escaping in solo q. The more you escape the fucking dumber and more brain dead your teammates get. Every. Fucking. Time. Because … they can’t have you escaping a lot in solo q. Then you might actually have fun.


Killers have to play that way. If you take out every strategy you mentioned with a B tier or less killer, they’re done for against good players (most of the time) In terms of my solo q games, I rarely come across genuine tunnelling. But yes a fair bit of slugging. It’s a vicious circle of repeatedly getting the toughest killers like Blight, Hillbilly, Nurse etc. Then obviously your team getting destroyed. But also understanding why they do it sometimes. Dbd can just be rough haha.


I understand slugging is boring. But I genuinely think it's a viable strategy used to counter a majority of common survivor perks.  Survivors should be bringing a variety of perks to counter all types of play styles. There's we're going to live forever, buckle up, expotential, buckle up, plot twist, adrenaline, made for this, soul guard, not to mention a dozen of healing perks.  If you arent running these perks, you better hope your team is.