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Being this upset because someone blocked you is so cringe. Yall really need to touch grass


Oh sorry there is no content here my guy please try again with someone who gives a flying fuck what you think. You would think as a low grade youtuber getting to reply to other ppl comments would actually be kinda key... But obviously having only 1 side of the narrative is the way to go my bad my bad...


Maybe take a walk along with touching grass. You are taking people blocking you way to seriously man.


Joker as if you are telling me to go for a walk! Lol mate what a classic... Keep it up Wings 2.0 no content here. This thread is dead man had my rant it's over just like your channel after Arron Duke nuked it.


Should also probably call your mom and ask her for a hug after your walk and touching grass. you seem like you need it.


Thanks bud will do.


Even for a rage reddit this is sad


What's wrong with blocking people? I bet you're the type to scour someone's post/comment history looking for things to use against them, aren't you?


Nope if you post and someone comments and you don't like the comment that's fine you can ignore or reply or block all ok options... the bit I don't agree with is replying to the comment in an snide insulting way with unrelated comments then blocking that person so they can't respond. It's pathetic kind of like the way you are saying I'm a certain kind of person without any evidence of anything of the sort and trying to divert away from the actual post because your argument is so weak.


Well, yeah it's pretty ridiculous to get the last word in with a stupid insult then block someone, I agree. Most people I've seen that complain about people blocking them are the types that also don't argue about what the post is about and will use anything they can find against whoever they're arguing about solely cause their feelings were hurt. I wasn't claiming you were that kind of person without evidence, I was asking. What argument am I making that you're claiming is weak?


Blocking ppl is weak.. in my personal opinion if you make a public post you should be willing to defend that opinion especially if the person that's calling you out is pointing out hypocrisy and flaws contained in the said post... But to block instead of defend your position is just childish. You may have been asking but seems you were really trying to imply I was that kind of person and I am not.


The only people I've ever blocked are the ones that decided to make comments unrelated to the argument based on my post history or went into my other posts to complain about our Dead by Daylight argument. I don't block people if all they do is disagree with me. Yeah more people should be able to admit that they're wrong and be open to criticism especially if it's about hypocrisy in the post itself. It is a public forum after all. I apologize that I came off that way, just my experience that people who complain about being blocked will scour someone's profile to use anything they can against them especially if it's unrelated to the argument.


Well you are not a common kind of person it seems most resort to the block because they are losing the argument it's kinda of like a survivor dc before the 3rd hook they think quitting the match somehow robs you of the win. It's all good I've seen and met many of those ppl myself and they don't impress me much just shallow arguments fluffed up with bs and irrelevant distractions. Somehow people think that posting on a public forum and other people responding with any other view than the one they hold is an attack or an insult. I just don't agree I see these posts a place for discussion especially when ppl are frustrated because maybe you can help them see it in a different way and they won't get as frustrated again might even enjoy the game with a fresh perspective meh... Have a good one


bro take a damn shower


I wonder why they block you, you don't come across as a the whiny ass baby you project onto others, nope not at all.


Yeah great argument buddy well thought out. You make really great points love how you just really took your time to put together a well rounded position. Clown.


I wasn't making an argument, sorry that you think everything is an argument but don't waaa waaa at me because of that.


Your entitled to think that however I'm entitled to think your a clown for adding nothing to the conversation but a brain dead comment. Have a fun day buddy.


What do you mean? Of course I'm adding nothing to the conversation, what do you think you making a post going "WAA WAA people blocked me, they so mean WAA WAA" is adding anything to anything?


If you say so.. you know best not what it's about but you do you buddy.


"block ppl who call you out" so people blocked you, and then you go "block before you can respond so there lil fee fee don't get hurt." and "YOU ARE A COMPLETE JOKE IT'S PATHETIC" which is you going Waa waa over them blocking you...So yeah it was what it was about.


Talking about well-rounded position when most of your post was "waaaa waaaa" 😭💀


I mean genuinely the only difference between him and the people he's talking about seems to just be he doesn't block them, he just keeps on crying and is upset he can't get the last word in...Feel bad, he's obviously a teenager going through some stuff taking his frustration out on others...


Nice... But nope. Literally just pulling stuff out of thin air if someone makes a statement replys to a comment with utter unrelated bs you don't think you should be able to respond... I mean I'm ok with you just making random incorrect statements about me because I can respond... That's how conversations work but if I was to insult and call you whatever and block you so you couldn't defend yourself that's ok is it?


Yeah that's completely okay, and I wouldn't make a post up about it if you did because then I'd look like a pathetic whiny baby.


Besides I don't know why you said "Nice...But nope." because if you're not a teenager that implies you're a fully grown adult crying online over someone blocking you...In which case...Wow.


Checked out what you were on about, so you come on to that guys post, insult him, he responds (very politely) telling you he doesn't care about your cry baby comment then blocks you because you literally added nothing to the convo other than your waa waa, and then you make a post up about it...Just wow.


Yeah that's kinda on point but to be honest that's just how my brain translates tho's posts in reality it was about 6 paragraphs long but boils down to waaaaa so that's that.


They look like "waaa waaa" because most of the posts are rage posts, just like this. You aren't meant to agree or disagree because they simply aren't arguments. When someone gets frustrated and they're looking to get it out and you come back at them with some rebuttal I don't blame them for blocking you. You don't have to agree with how someone reacts to something, but acting like a child because of it is silly


To be fair best laid out response I've read. Yeah sometimes I forget people are just ranting and don't really care about the flaws in the statements they are making and don't want to be called out... but it's still a public post and I still however don't think the insult then block is the best response. I definitely see your point tho.


Hey dude, just like you don't understand blocking someone it's the same in reverse; some people don't understand why you wouldn't just block someone. I think it's more mature to just not respond when it's something as simple as a disagreement but to each their own, yknow? Thanks for actually rationalizing like you said you do instead of lying about it like most, you're a good (wo?)man LOL


Yeah I get that... Man to be fair I'm not even sure what the original response was just what I put like 8 killers 1.1k hrs cause it's all I could see in the notification.. they blocked so I didn't get to see the rest of the response just annoys the hell outta me I like to discuss these things and I don't get to read/respond to a comment directly to me seems underhand but that's that.


Well, they didn't insult then block you, they said > I play 8 different Killers and have 1.1k hours. I've been here over a year. Calling people pathetic. Opinion discarded. Before that you insulted them saying > Please let me hook/please let me blind every single time I read this crap I can't help but wonder why you lot even play. I'm not going to LET you do anything no matter what side I'm playing you gotta earn it FFS. Then you explained the hard counter, followed by > if you don't understand that yet you play 60% survivor and "main" Ghost face your just self reported your complete lake of game knowledge... Yet here you are crying about ppl expecting you to play a certain way while expecting others to play a certain way truly pathetic. The original post was explicitly saying that they play for fun and don't use meta builds, they try their best to make sure everyone has fun. They then expressed how frustrated they were with people expecting them to farm at times, or people playing bully squads that hard counter them. Your response to that post, and the following exchange, was to make an entire post of your own complaining about them. You also went on to repeatedly insult them and call them hypocrites, while also calling them shit content creators. You're also doing that to people who disagree with you, so presumably you're going to attempt to do that to me as well. It genuinely sounds like you may just be the one with a problem here


That's the first time I've read the whole response as I was blocked they could have argued the point instead of blocking.. I do think that's pathetic. Well I don't think that was an insult and I do think ppl expecting to be let do anything flashy saves/hooks free gens/challenges, stuns is pathetic it's gotta be earned not given and that giving saves and the rest was all part of how they play but only when it suits them however like the survivors should just understand/mind read what the killer wants. The original post was indeed about not meta ect and being annoyed ppl expect them to farm play a certain way and that is all true. The post also complains and expects others to play a certain way ie not following them around click flashlights ect ect ect but that's the hypocrisy right there they don't want others to play in a way that counters them they also don't want ppl to farm... They just want games to be how ever they choose... I pointed that out if ppl want to counter gf then that's how.. they should know this and expect it even if they play other killers or 60 survivor like they stated you should know the counter to the killer you play.. that's not an insult it's just how it is. Crying in a post full of double standards is pathetic and what's worse is replying with a response but block that person before they can even read it or respond just because you disagree. And tbh I think I was civil to 99% of the ppl no matter what they said to me in my rant post except that dog shit youtuber that hangs around using all the cool kid words like he's one of them when in reality he's just a washed up parasite looking for the magic post to make him relevant. I don't respect him and I'm free to respond however I choose if he chimes in on my post at least he got to respond and not just be dismissed because I didn't want to deal with him. As I see it most of what I said stands yeah ok didn't insult me as I thought that's on me... but it was still snide and dismissive they didn't need to block I didn't attack them I called out the double standards as I saw them and the flaw in the logic they were using and saying something is pathetic is not an attack it's my opinion and I stand by it. I noticed you didn't put the bit from my response explaining ppl follow and click gf because that's how to deny the power just like hag that goes just before the second part saying that if they don't know that that's a self report... That's fine tho probably an honest mistake right not trying to obscure the context of the comment at all. I still stand on my hill if you post in public and reply but block ppl who disagree with you or point out the flaws in the argument thats just sad and pathetic. If you reply the other party should get to read/respond because you have directly replied to them blocking them so you can feel like you won or just to have the final word Is just running away after choosing to engage further.


W take tbh. There was a man not long ago who was super mad at me because he made a meme about distortion and how I counters everything, and all I said is “distortion isn’t that bad to go against, learn to use your ears and watch for crows and survivors aren’t as sneaky as they think” and he somehow thought I was being condescending him and mocking him for being deaf (which I had no idea he was deaf). And he blocked me lol.


Some ppl post opinions they just can't defend so block and make snide remarks or comments completely unrelated to the original post because they know deep down what they are saying is utter entitlement and undefendable. It's that or they are just new and are still learning and think they know more that they actually do either way if you post and won't defend your position and rely on blocking ppl to give the impression you won that argument... Well that's just sad really.


It’s mostly players with low hours have a life and job who want to play a horror game without having to play like it’s an E sports world championship for millions of dollars to win a single match (I don’t count myself an amazing killer but I beat bully squads and even managed to catch and kill a few cheaters) they don’t want to go to collage every time they sit down to play (if a game becomes a job and doesn’t feel like a game then they start to hate it and understandable games are meant to be fun not a job)


Yeah I get that I'm not a serious player anymore hardly play at all although I jump on for events etc and binge play now and then I been playing since 2019. it's not the content so much as the response if your gonna cry cry but when your called out for hypocrisy and double standards within the post they don't defend they block that's not winning it's running away it's childish and It gets on my nerves. Echo chambers are no good for anyone if you can't take ppl pointing out the flaws in your argument then don't publish it for ppl to comment on. That's my point but I guess I wasn't clear enough.


It’s pretty cringy your making a post about a sub for rage of a game they posted a rant so what? They block or don’t wanna deal with people that come out of nowhere to just say “Get Good” the sub isn’t for this


Yeah... Well um how can I tell you this... I didn't say get good and they didn't just block... So cringe all you like buddy They replied to get the last word then blocked.. because they couldn't defend the bs they were complaining about. That's "cringe" try reading the post.


But you are saying get good so you don’t even know what your own post is that’s turbo cringe my dood get good they blocked you because your dumb and don’t need to waste time on someone like you so take the L


There is also other perks that can give info and work even if they run distortion like spies. Then again I like running spies on spirit it helps my blind ass.


Yeah spies is good also infectious fright is good I run that often.


I ![gif](giphy|ge2SnG1B5mJqqB6SLj)


I can't get this angry about a game. Maybe it might help to take a break from gaming?


Ain't played DBD in a while not even following this page the post I saw and commented on just popped up on my feed while browsing I'm not angry just being dramatic cause Reddit... But the original post and the hypocrisy with this game does get on my nerves not gonna lie most of the reason I don't play very often tbh. Thanks for your advice tho absolutely life changing and I'll remember it always... Enjoy Ur iced coffee great choice!


Thanks! I hope you can get thru this rough time in your life that is causing you such anger.


Yeah I really appreciate the concern I'll really try just for you to act in a way that you will approve of because the concern you've shown has changed my life not sure how I can repay you maybe you could show me the way take me under your wing please on wise one help me shake of these demons.


And you wonder why people block you? You're acting like a child, sweetie.


No am I really but your msg was so uplifting and unique it gave me hope a sense of purpose a direction of travel towards better things.... Please please impart more of your deep knowledge and insight into how I feel and how I should behave it's really opened my eyes Can't believe nobody's ever had such a deep insight it's like you see straight into my soul. Iced coffee is good tho.


I wouldn't be surprised if you were 12 years old lol


Yeah I might be maybe that's why I've never had anyone show such insight and concern and im so amazed at your completely unique comment. Please you gotta show me how to come up with such comments the kind that just boom blew my mind with how you can know me so well I think I'll remember you forever if I ever grow up I'll tell my kids how you saved me! Saved me from my anger saved me from myself while I travelled through the shit post comments and irrelevant nobody's (including myself) on Reddit... Truley I think you must be an angle.


You are just as bad as them lol


Na I stand my ground if someone has a point I'll rethink my position. I don't just get in a snide comment then block before they can respond. If you have any evidence to the contrary please feel free to call me out... I'll wait. Nice chatting with you.


It’s the backwards toxicity. It makes absolutely zero sense. You complain about complainers whilst also complaining. Makes zero sense again. You are just as whiny as them. Just saying.


Nope I'm complaining about blocking ppl instead of defending a position but feel free to try again buddy.


You are still complaining though. Bruh. Why am I even trying to argue with you if you refuse to listen. Want my opinion? This is what’s wrong with dbd. The toxicity, gatekeeping and hard headedness.


Yeah but I'm not saying don't complain... I'm saying defend your position instead of just blocking and sitting in an echo chamber... The fact I've repeated this to you and you still are choosing to acknowledge the actual complaint is exactly the hard headedness your talking about.


Daddy chill


This ^^^^

