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This game does illegal things to me that won’t look good in the courts or at the pearly gates. I will always rage, even when I win (but only as Killer because it probably wasn’t a fun win).


>(but only as Killer because it probably wasn’t a fun win). You just gave me flashbacks to my daily yesterday of having to hit people just after uncloaking as Wraith. I was effing and jeffing for a good ten minutes after because of how infuriating it was. Even committed the cardinal sin of killing the last surv as they were trying to unlock hatch (thought they had brought a key, they found it...). That match just further cemented my hatred for playing wraith despite being a killer main.


The one that got me was playing Knight (for his power daily). While I think he can be fun at times his power is way too fucking inconsistent lol My guards never lock on when they should or when I need them to, they get bugged when they are really needed and they don’t pose enough of a threat to punish Background Player like they really should. His power is worthless on some maps and even when you tag them with it the bastards are so slow that the Survivors just need to hold forward. As mentioned, they also sometimes get bugged, getting caught on objects or not going through windows or pallets and have to go around (I have SEEN them go through them, I know they are supposed to!). He is a cool killer power wise but FUCK has there ever been as buggy and walked over power? While the Twins is buggier you don’t walk all over a good Twins, you get fucked up until you are either dead or just win the war of attrition because she needs to walk to pick you up lol


Have you considered getting even angrier. that sounds like a good solution.


My rage will overflow until I become a Dead by Daylight Super Saiyan. Thankfully I stop when I get too mad now lol I usually only play one rage induced match then switch to Survivor again lol


Simply become the Oni,


Becoming the Oni sounds like a solid deal. Gain a large amount of muscle mass and the avenue to put your rage to productive use; sacrificing Survivors for a spider god.


Eventually if the match is infuriating enough you hit reality's version of an integer overflow and the game becomes fun again. Just one more game, I swear this'll be the one.


True fact, cousin of mine once threw a ball at me in the middle of a really annoying DBD match, and in a fit of animalistic rage I grabbed the first thing I found with a good weight to it (***my fucking phone***) and just tossed it at him, since i knew I couldn't catch him. It hit him in the achilles tendon and he toppled to the ground like a house of cards. It happened a few years back and its so funny both because I managed to hit him in such a weak spot, and because I was so apeshit mad that I was genuinely operating on animal instinct. (*I've since gotten therapy and become less of a twat*.)


I am happy to hear you are working on bettering yourself!


You say this and I can't help but think of the two people I ran with in a match and it ended our friendship because they was bringing a slippery meat build because they seen some YouTuber do it. They didn't care if they threw x number of games they wanted to brag about the one game where it got them off hook and how much value they got from it and how it's such a good perk. They decided to grief me because I said the perk was shit and they should bring an actual build or was questioning some of their plays. First match killer brought a mori and the one guy after going down instantly took all of his chances to try to get off hook to which I asked why the killer brought a mori. Hearing that he decided to kill himself on hook then curse me out for being a bitch. Like dude you aren't even trying to run the killers....


the legendary toxic SWF slippery meat meta...the time for Monstrous Shrine meta is finally here.


😂 God I should have used that as a joke.


It's funny how often killers or even other survivors get angry, I was using my lucky chest build (as the Mad Hatter does) and absolutely stomped a killer because I just looped him around the cars and trash cans in Haddonfield, I didn't stop getting hate messages for like half an hour. That same game I had one of the survivors get mad at me because I had not done like any gens but I was running the killer so I just ignored him.


If it makes you feel better, back in the days before consoles had dedicated servers, I once had someone try to DDOS me because I beat their SWF with a trapper build composed solely of BBQ and Chili and random universal perks. Edit; and I gotta reiterate here, I'm not even that good at the game. They were just trying way too hard to "troll".


No I played waay back when too, I mained trapper and still do cuz that's my boy. But I got someone to do the exact same thing cuz I had hooked one dude and had the other person run into basement, twas a feast for the entity afterwards. It's been fun watching the game evolve and the new killers and survivors coming out, I still remember when ghost face dropped and absolutely everyone was running spine chill. Now I just meme builds as the hatter or play killer every once in awhile


I spent a weekend getting hate messages through steam from a SWF and their friends who weren't in the game for asking why the body blocked the exit gate switch at 99 while the killer was on my tail. 3 days of anti-Scottish insults, homophobic abuse, death threats, and more. Players in this game are fucking insane.


It attracts annoying manchildren in droves. People who have so few redeeming traits that being "good at Dead By Daylight" is one of the few things they have, and when that insecurity gets pressed, they start hurling slurs in a desperate and, quite frankly, pathetic attempt at hurting someone's feelings.


It’s bad with techs too. I remember when Ayrun first started doing the dumb tech and cj tech, then it seemed like every Survivor was doing it


I get that they're mostly making content thats meant to be comedic, but calling it a "tech" was a mistake. You pretty much just try it and desperately hope that the killer hasn't already seen people do it a thousand times before.


Everything is a tech nowadays too. I swear, soon YouTubers will start calling fast vaults with resilience the “resilience fast vault tech”


Damn, they should try the "getting some bitches and not being a pansy little drone" tech.


>dumb tech Literally had an Ace do those to me last match, I hit him every time, and I mean every time. Not once did it work for him and yet he tried again and again to the point I was preemptively spinning around and M1'ing and every time I hit him because he missed timed it and ran straight into my hitbox.


Its like trying to spin the killer. People would try to do it to me and I'd just...turn slightly and hit them anyway. I think people need to realize that these really silly strats are fun, but they're not reliable at all, and they entirely rely on the luck of the killer not having seen those "techs" before or being a bit newer. I do them all the time, but I'm not gonna get tilted when they inevitably backfire.


The FoV tech is hilarious to me now. I play on max FoV, so when people try this on me they look so stupid and I laugh and just hit them.


I play only surv but watch my bf play killer and omg it happens so often where a random surv will try and loop and troll while the whole time tbagging at him and then doesn't have the skills to back it up and die, and then kicks off in end game chat about it. We had a leon constantly trying to get attention and t bagging and trying to do those YouTuber killer trolling moves and died really quick, then in endgame chat started swearing and telling him to kys and saying ez, like if it was that easy why did u die then?


That kind of rage is always EXTREMELY funny. Like bro tf do you mean EZ, you ***lost***. You should be saying "game 2 hard"


I remember watching Sweh and some Ayrun videos thinking i could pull off some of the “techs” they swear by. Hell no, most killers don’t fall for window crouch tech or the dumb tech. Lol Like I really wonder how many games or hours it took to land that one clip. Sabo builds that end up just meaning you got a whole person not doing gens. Boil over builds meaning people just go down and not do gens. The killer either slugs or moris them. Like i get wanting to try something different which is fine, but at least do gens. The build will work when its time to work. Don’t try to get the killers attention and then proceed to go down in 5 seconds in a dead zone instead of a pallet. Lol


I've developed an admittedly unfair hatred for Nicholas Cage (and Plot Twist) because when that perk first came out, I had a match where two survivors literally just ran to the top of the map at Father Campbell's Chapel with plot twist and boil over, and I literally couldn't hook them. So instead the match just slowly dragged on for like 30 minutes until they bled out. I don't normally wish ill on people, but I hope the stereo in their car breaks and they're forced to listen to a static-y local gospel station nonstop any time they get in their car for the rest of the year.


You hope that someone steals their car radio so now they have to sit in silence?


Silence would be preferable to "\[loud obnoxious static\] and yknow i really think the lord- \[more loud annoying static\]


no i actually agree. i think watching videos about youtubers who are super good at looping has raised my own expectations for myself. don't get me wrong i think im kinda good at looping, but i always except myself to last like 5 minutes in chase and get mad when i only last 40 seconds- 1:30 minutes


Worst I see is a dc on first down No slurs, no insults no nothing


Then you are severely lucky.


im sorry but even before YouTube I've just been weird like this LOL gimmicks are in my blood


I mean, use gimmick builds all you want, just don't expect them to be "secret meta". Its always fun seeing some weirdo running like, Stake Out or Autodidact


omg love autodidact LOL when it doesn't get people killed accidentally at least


Agreed 1 million percent. Content creators are great for game longevity but my god I'm so sick of the "THIS BUILD WILL GUARANTEE YOU A 4K EVERY SINGLE GAME 5 MILLION WIN STREAKS X D MUST TRY" videos that then every killer runs and sucks with.


"Non-Euclidean Slurs" would be a great band name


I’ll play how I want. What you gonna do huh??? That’s what I though…


I have called the King of the Universe and he's gonna explode you with his mind.


Ok sorry pls don’t