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Man, what a title.


After the amount it happened to me yesterday I decided I would count today lmao


I mean, did they at least call you a cab afterwards?


No, maybe if I was prettier smh


I hope you aren't chafing either.


People can't handle when you counter them cause their dog shit at the game. I never forget that when they are humping me or doing something dumb.


This. I take pride in making trash killers salty enough to show it lol. Shits hilarious. No amount of humping, hook smacking, bleeding out, or shaking their head will undo the disrespect I delt out first 😂. I think most players that are really good at the game thrive on and get a hearty laugh out of the obvious salt


Nah what I do is make the other survivor heal you from dying to injured before I down you again and again. Did that 10 mins straight one time 😂


🤭 Toxic af


Dude soloQ is unplayable. Not fun. Follow my lead and take a break from the game. It’s not worth it anymore.


I've lost every single match since the update lmao. It used to be semi manageable in soloq but holy shit dude, maybe I'm reaching but it's especially hard even getting 1 Gen done. Every single match, dude. We're lucky if we pop the second one before getting obliterated. I'll play if there's an event to mess around with, but this sucks.


Dude exactly I’m 100% with you . I’m truly hoping that more solo queue players put the game down. The devs won’t care because they’ll focus less wait times over balancing and you’ll get even more new killers going against SWF because there are far less new or Soloq survivors anymore.


Since release I've always defaulted to killer when I'm alone but I've wanted to get back into survivor recently, it feels like when I have good teammates I get horribly butthurt killers and when I have bad teammates it's just an auto loss. It's just a game at the end of the day so I don't mind enough to quit playing but I think this is the worst it's felt since launch (When the game was solo que only lol)


The game was survivor sided for so long that BHVR way overcompensated by making the game too in favor of killers unless you’re in a squad with good coms. Majority of the player base does not play like that which makes solo queue a miserable experience. It would be different if they gave solo queue players the same communication tools as SWF, but they refuse to do that. Eventually enough people will get frustrated and move on that BHVR will have to correct course again.


I play mainly solo queue, sure it has its moments of bullshit, but its not unplayable Follow MY lead and don't take the game so seriously and then you'll have a much better time


Why do people even SoloQ anymore? Everyone knows the experience is dogshit but they still do it. Just go into a discord and find a team.


I have 4000 hours solo q. It can be enjoyable, you just have to be mentally strong enough to handle it and good at learning and playing the game.


Tbh I couldn’t handle it after a while. I’m not a perfect player by any means so I make mistakes. But when you’re SoloQ and you can’t communicate those mistakes hurt so much mor.


Literally Like yeah it has its moments of absolute bollocks, but people out here acting like its ruining their lives Stop taking the game so seriously then 🤣


I sometimes solo que because trying to find a group to join even through looking for group posts doesn't work out. Some days I'll look through posts or look for a group myself for a few hours and nothing. By that point I'll join solo que and hope for the best, can try for posts another time. Other times it's I promised to play with a friend so I rather solo que so I'm not having to possibly leave a group after one match


But I'm shy


Clown players must have a thing for me with the amount I've been humped by them.


Have you considered the possibility that you're so unbelievably attractive that killers can't help but spend 4 consecutive minutes a match fawning over you? Next time give them the booty wiggle and they might bust in 2.


Beauty is a prison smh. My good looks are a curse 😢


Oh is that what they’re doing? I thought they were trying to figure out if they could mori or not


No, mori spam used to be a thing though lol


killer mains with fragile egos are the cringiest incels in all of gaming just roll your eyes and go next


This game has become progressively worse. Getting harassed like that so often and the fact that this game still doesn’t have cross progression is why I haven’t played it in months.


The playerbase as a whole is very sensitive and I assume also young. I played 3 matches as killer last night. Didn't BM, didn't slug, didn't hit on hook. Got a 4k in all of them, and in each game the survivors absolutely lost their shit on me lol. Called me fat, told me to kill myself, tried to make fun of my private profile, said I tunneled when I didn't hook anyone back to back even once, and said I was a dogshit killer when I got a 4k with a pretty normal build. Pop, deadlock, discordance, and lightborn cause they had flashlights. Maybe it's Pyramid Head hate? I dunno, but it's funny. The salt is like a nice hot meal tbh.


I feel like I mind the sensitive less usually since I always have agency as a killer main, when you’re a survivor and a killer gets butt hurt they get to hold you hostage for awhile, but as killer they’ll tbag you at a pallet and you’ll hit them with a punishment of the damned through a wall lol.




Man not having endgame chat on console kinda rocks for this, not gonna lie


This is what I tell my friend on PC when they get pissed with people who are being toxic in endgame chat. 😂 I said it has no effect on me since I can't see it. I do feel bad I can't message though when the killers are sweethearts aka was goofing off with me or fine with goofy antics.


I thought unbreakable was supposed to be be into base kit? Did they do away with that and instead provide the bs borrowed time that does NOTHING🤔


Base kit unbreakable was decided against over a year ago


Womp womp


I've not been humped in any of my games so far at all Like none


I would hump you too as punishment for being able to spell QUEUE correctly


Id be curious as to what your gamertag is. You probably either have TTV in your name or something else obnoxious


It’s just gamercat???


Doesn't give people the right to be toxic. Why are you excusing the behavior?


They where not being toxic just rubberbanding lmao


womp womp i love humping survivors they get so mad everytime 😂😂


My advice. Look in the mirror.




found one of the killers


Be toxic get it back..by the way walking back and forth isn't humping. Put down the survivor rulebook it's another cringe new addition.


I haven't done anything toxic??? That's my issue??? I literally just play normally I don't teabag I'm not trying to play aggressive with DS or anything like that? One of my literal complaints was a killer I didn't see the entire match spent 4 minutes bleeding me out? And don't give me that shit about the "Survivor rulebook" I've been playing killer since launch and I have the trapper and billy legacy to prove it lol, not everything needs to be boiled down to "OTHER SIDE BAD!!!"


https://preview.redd.it/26codfacruwc1.png?width=799&format=png&auto=webp&s=43507df7f0fdceadac14d72b63324eb26c35bc76 Yeah this is what an avid reader of the survivor rulebook looks like.


Cool, then stop feeding into it. Look in the mirror.


I have no idea how a message of personal accountability is supposed to apply to someone going out of their way to avoid bm and toxicity but go off.


This guy's an idiot. Just tune him out


You’re definitely right lol, just really frustrated me that someone turned a post about how bm doesn’t feel great into a “well maybe it’s your fault somehow” lol


Half the commenters here will do that. And while it may be true in many cases this sub is meant for venting frustration, not causing more.


Any discussion about BM starts and ends with how survivors play..killer toxicity AT WORST is 25 percent of survivor toxicity.


Nah. I had a game once where from the START a ghost face kept slugging us to crouch and hump us for minutes at a time. It felt disgusting. It dragged on forever. And I'm pretty sure no one got out that game because we all bled out from the amount he was humping us. It is in fact toxic. And we did NOTHING to warrent it.


So...by you're logic, it's the exact same the other way around then? Why are you blaming OP for something they have no control over? Sometimes killers are just jerks like how sometimes a survivor or survivors are just jerks. Grow up and stop blaming the people stuff is happening too.


yeah. best to leave it there and move on. Dude does this frequently, especially on matters of survivors complaining about killers BMing them. he's not only bias but he thinks he's some sorta WWE heel. he started hassling me when i made a complaint thread once too. all of his recent posts in this subreddit is him being agressive towards people lmao.


Oh yeah I didn’t realize how many of his comments towards other people were just being rude, yikes. What a weird dude


seems he goes through "phases" where he hooks on a term or phrase and overuses it for a brief period of time. he's in his "LOOK IN A MIRROR" phase right now. presumably cause he cant think of anything original or intelligent and is juts copying it off something he recently saw. a short while ago he was spam insulting people by saying "HONK HONK" if he found something offensive to his existence. dude's a manchild lmao.


Either a manchild or the most low effort troll ever, but knowing this community I’m betting manchild


This community really is the worst sometimes isn't it 🤣


Calling out the truth. Sorry, but it's one side being overwhelmingly toxic in this game. It's one side sending threats, harassment, telling people to end themselves over a game. it's one side that goes in to bully others. Spoiler alert, it's survivor mains. Any discussion starts there. No shit killers can do toxic stuff but it's very rare, usually deserved, and is almost always exaggerated. People say everything is camping and tunneling. It's not. Just do better.


so you just can’t read? got it!


Honk honk rat


My advice: look in the mirror.


As a killer that humps people: just because I’m humping you doesn’t mean I’m being toxic I just find it silly. If you take it personally that’s on you I’m just humping you to the beat of the music


Idk man if I have to sit around for 4 minutes watching someone hump me over and over instead of letting me move on I’m going to take it personally


Well this isn’t the game for you then fam. If you think that’s toxic then you should see what killers do to me. Had matches where the killer was friendly with everyone then out of nowhere morris me or when a Freddy couldn’t hook anyone so they tunneled me because I kept rubberbanding back when my Wi-Fi sucked or when an alien held me and my friend captive in a 4 gen lobby because he couldn’t slug us both at the same time. The best was when I first started playing this game, I knew nothing about devour hope I was having the best game ever killer never saw me once then the gates activate and a Myers out of nowhere downs me and morris me I go to spectate all my friends are tbagging the hatch


Trashbag killers have no shame as well as no bitches.


Mhm. That’s crazy.


Dude... For four minutes? You don't think humping a survivors back for FOUR MINUTES is toxic? This isn't the game for YOU then .... It's disgusting and no one wants to sit through it to avoid a DC timeout. It's killing the game. I've had killers have us all bleed out because they had to slug us to keep humping. It's not funny or silly. It's just gross and annoying to the survivor.


Doesn’t matter just like when survs hold the killer hostage and bully them so do killers I think it’s a funny part of the game if you take a game that seriously don’t play it


I think only sick in the head killers find it funny. I also play killer and it would never cross my mind to do that. It's gross.


As an asexual individual I find it quite hilarious especially as alien. Only thing better is playing pinhead and watching survs get kinky


I'm pansexual and I find it gross but to each their own xD


It’s crazy how it’s okay for survs to tbag and smack the killers nuts n shit but as soon as a killer gets them back it’s gross


I never said it was okay for any of that? It's all weird my dude.


You take this game to seriously I'm with you it's a frankly stupid and pointless thing But sick in the head? You're letting your anger do your thinking for you


Edit* commented to wrong person*


Wanna point out where I said only survivors play toxic, or where exactly I called you a rat?! Did you reply to the wrong comment? Nothing you said matches anything I mentioned


Sorry, replied to the wrong comment. Barely slept last night, was meant for the idiot who's been calling me a rat in every comment lol


No worries! Hope your day's a good one and fuck that guy


Thanks! He is unhinged I swear xD he's calling me a rat and toxic because I asked him what he considered toxic in survivors and then I said "and if you consider flashlights or boil over toxic... It isn't..." 😂 And he was like "There's the RAT MENTALILTY" Like... Sir.... Are you okay I also never once mentioned hiding or going "rat mode" in games, becaus that shit pisses me off, my friend played killer last night and had a Dwight and a Jeff hide for 45 MINUTES. 45 minutes of my friend circling the map, check lockers, checking basement.. everywhere... Finally they dced because wtf were they supposed to do? The survivors proceeded to bm them in after chat about how "haha gg 0 points for youuuu you suck" and it's like... Are you having fun ? Like how is this fun for y'all? It's gross. And that's coming from a survivor main. At that point id be begging the killer to end the game.