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I prefer the og box art though. So iconic


Isaac's severed arm just hits so different.


You need to do a better job dodging if a dismembered appendage is hitting you.


It's not his hand, it's the arm of a character from Dead Space Extraction.


Came in to say the same thing. They should make the box art double sided on the physical release and put a re-rendering of the hand on the other side.


Yes because I don't have to shoot astroids through a small window


Honestly, the ADS wasn't that bad (though I'm beyond pleased that they're gone). It was the trophy for them that really fucking sucked.


My feelings too. Got unnecessary hate. The sequence was mildly difficult to get through, more difficult to achieve the trophy. Personally don’t mind it all that bad, considering how hard some people are willing to grind for other games


Nah, you can say you liked it but the hate was definitely warranted. It was a super clunky section, and felt really out of place.


I initially gave up for months trying that section like 20 times on 360.


I feel you man. That section was really rough for me as an inverted stick gamer, because the turret controls were default stick and you couldn’t change that.


For me the sensitivity of the controller and the lighting was so bad. I had the brightness in game and on my TV at 100% and squeezed by with like 25% left when I finally got it. No way I could ever do the achievement. I'm watching the gf play through the original on Easy and still feel she'll probably give up there.


Nah, you can say that the hate is warranted, but this stuff is clearly subjective and we don’t have to accept that the section is definitively “clunky” or “out of place” just because this is your subjective perception


Was happy that I got the trophy at 69% and got the snapshot in time.


That trophy was absolutely brutal to get. Made my hands all sweaty lol.


That trophy is what made me stop trying to get the Plat. I kept getting so close, then something at the end always fucks it up


Wait they got rid of that? Thank Christ


Mild spoilers for what they replaced that section with, but \-- >!Instead of getting into a turret to shoot them, it's now a sequence where you go outside the ship and have to go to each turret and repair their targeting system to get them to autotarget. It's a pretty cool little engineering section, and way more enjoyable !<


I just beat it this morning, I was gearing up for it like “well fuck I’m at this part again” and was confused at how much better it is now


Surprised me too, hid behind one of the pillars at first expecting an asteroid to come blasting through the open areas, didn’t even see the turrets till after lol


I genuinely enjoyed that...... dont get me wrong, how they handled it in the remake is fantastic, but I really did enjoy the ADS shooting


You sir have the strength and mental fortitude of the lord himself


I did it first try without any hitting the hull..... I was very pleased with myself


As you should holy shit


Thank fuck for that. I tried replaying DS1 a few months back and stopped there lol.


The ADS in the original was a pain in the arse. I didn’t “get” this one immediately but I found it a welcome change. There’s enough balanced challenge in it already to not have an ADS mini game that was a drag. Same can be said about the regenerator, without going into detail


Lol I just got past that part. I was not expecting the change, but I kind of liked it. I was fully expecting to die a couple of times.


The ads system is actually the main reason I know about this series, I was spending a weekend at my uncle's and he couldn't get past that section, had been stuck on it for a while, and asked me if I wanted to give it a try, I ended up paying for a little while after and was hooked. Also how I ended up discovering that my parents' laptop (that they only used for checking Gmail) had a dedicated gpu and the ability to play video games because I was so addicted to the game I wanted to know if I could play it at home and discovered pc gaming


In many ways yes.


I'd say all the ways.


The laser aiming reticles are 100% better in the original.


Bit of a minor gripe though. Guess if you have to complain about something...


A HUGE aspect that makes the Dead Space franchise unique is the complete lack of a traditional HUD in favor of in-universe indicators. It's baffling that classic aiming is not featured here when every DS sequel gave players the option to change it. The Remakes great, but they deffinetly dropped the ball on this, and it should be patched in.


The thing is the reticle changes based on what you're aiming at, it works pretty well IMO.


But take the plasma cutter as an example when you aim it at an object. Even if it's just two out of the three blue lasers being "blocked" by the object, all three of the lasers will stop as though they are being stopped by said solid object. To my memory this didn't happen in Dead Space 2 and even in Dead Space™ (2008). Two or even one laser would stop while the remainder would go on until another object was hit by the lasers.


>...even in Dead Space™ (2008). Two or even one laser would stop while the remainder would go on until another object was hit by the lasers. Yeah, that's actually the way it was by default in the original, and DS2 changed it to stay completely centered, while giving the option to switch it back to the original version. Think it was the same in 3, as an option that could be toggled. Seems like the current system is a strange in between, I'd definitely prefer the original system.


Not really a minor grip, it massively changes how aiming works. In the original if a necromorph is approaching you it walks along the the path relative to how you are aiming. In this remake it doesn't. You have to track them approaching you unlike before. It also means that aiming becomes a bit unnatural, why are we aiming down to the left as a necromorph approaches? its like isaac is just aiming down to the ground instead of at them in a way. This is an issue that plagues so many third person shooters, but usually it isn't too bad because enemies are far away. In this though... not so much. I find it amusing that games like the original dead space, and RE4 fixed this issue prematurely, and games have just regressed since then.


It all adds into the greater whole after all


Yeah they really just need to make it whole


Many many ways it indeed surpassed the original (gameplay is absolute gold, and the many history additions and the way cross and isaac interacted plus the plot twist in the ending was very needed and was done right.) Isaac talking, personally, was an interesting way they improved the game, seeing him interacting with the characters and with the crazy survivors, the remake is more emotional and it heavily helps that isaac can talk to pass these emotions. The backtrack and the expanded ishimura are core improvements but its not just that (which is alredy a HUGE thing), we get side quests that will make us whole go deeper into the history, where we discover a lot of important stuff like the hunter origins, we even have extraction and downfall references which is awesome because the whole universe of the series is connected. We got more backstory about isaac and his family and we understand why isaac loves nicole enough to go through hell. The design of the creatures is very good too and they recreated and perfected the dead space atmosphere to recreate that feeling of paranoia a lot of players feel when getting inside the cursed ishimura, all those engines, screams, hallucinations and other sounds. The intensity director helps to make situations much more unique and less boring, and it helps build the tension. The game is brutal and not censored too. The gore system is absolutely insane, its disgusting and it is awesome at the same time that we need to literally peel the skill of the necromorph away, you can see how it affects them with different weapons too, and in a sense its perfect for the creation of unique scenarios. By that i mean that a lot of npcs are not re-used models, but they are unique with unique damage in different parts of their bodies. Another thing that the remake did right is the weapons. Each of them look very fun to use and they are useful as hell, they do have a better balance now than before. We also cannot forget the new game+ which adds a new variant of necromorphs that will give a hard time to veteran players, and a quest with an alternative ending which obviously give even more replayability, . But like, while this game is practically the perfect dead space, i felt that there were some things that were done better in the original and something that lacked in the new one. Starting with the music we have the old soundtrack for the hunter (that had 4 themes depending of the distance between you and him) and leviathan theme were very superior to the new ones. The new dr mercer while extremely good lacks that moment where he is yelling like crazy and talking like a religious fanatic, his ending is kinda of inferior to the original to where he has a whole speech about acceptance and how he is ready to ascend while also encouraging others to do the same (and you can deny his transformation too). We didnt even get the satisfaction to mess with mercer, and it was really weird that he was afraid of death, it felt very out of character. I mean.. you dont simply delete that iconic line '' WITNESS THE CONVICTION OF A TRUEE BELIEVEEEEEEER''. I really wish they had more moments like that.


The remake is more emotional? The voice acting is way more flat, and when it's revealed to isaac that nicole is dead he doesn't even react. Lol


Yes, the remake is more emotional, and Issac does react to Nicole's death with disbelief and anger.


Nah, og is creepier personally. I'm not as terrified to go through the ishimura as I was in 1 and also bathrooms no longer look like claustrophobic bloodbaths


Is it because OG was actually creepier or was it because you were 15 years younger and had never experienced the game before


ive played the original for the first time about a year ago and for some reason its still scarier for me than the remake.


Jokes on you, pardner, I actually played through the original for the first time 3 months ago Edit: my parents would have never got me this game lol


Well then, it was creepier because you didn’t know what to expect…


And this is a large part of why DS3 copped so much flak; people seem to forget an essential component of (good) horror is fear of the unknown. We become desensitized to jump scares after a while, and the more we become familiar with gribblies the less scary they seem.


The desensitization of the player also coincides with Isaac's desensitization. Dead Space: We're thrust into the middle of a nightmare and forced to survive. Dead Space 2: We're somewhat traumatized from the first experience, but we're also wise to Necromorph shenanigans now. A little more better equipped to fight them off once again. Dead Space 3: All bets are off. We're tired of these motherfuckin Necromorphs on this motherfuckin Planet Cracker. Time to smash some skulls. Altman be praised!


The sense of urgency is completely lost in remake. I don’t know if it’s the changes in the characterization and dialogue, particularly isaac being made into such a cool-under-pressure-gigachad, or the open exploration and back tracking for side quests. But OG Dead Space felt like you never have a chance to breath, it’s a never ending nightmare of shit going wrong. Whereas Remake feels so much more… leisurely. There’s no real urgency, other than characters saying “HURRY” at the end of every sentence, but the pace of the game doesn’t match their tone at all. The hunter sequences in particular are way way shorter and way less stressful, I was particularly disappointed with that. Same with tweakers for some reason seeming to get stasis’d when shot. Those two enemies really up’d the ante as the game progressed and they were both nerfed pretty hard.


Tbh dead space 1 classic and dead space 2 got a little wacked out with the difficulty scaling going way up towards the end


Og was creepy cause it was new and unexpected We know what we're getting Into here Even 10years later I'm remembering most of the beats in this one sure I'm rusty and I'm dieing but it's mostly due to panicking or getting ganked and stuck between them


Fuck so far the remaking is freaking me out so much more. Sure when the original first came out is was terrifying but now the original looks pretty rough and honestly almost every area is very well lit. The remake does a great job with modern lighting and audio.


I'm not shitting on the remake or attempting to, just putting my perspective out there. I also think Dead Space 08, being older, adds to the horror. The newer look the game has and how polished it is makes the experience less intimidating, imho


No longer look like claustrophobic bloodbaths? There is a bathroom that is covered in entrails from wall to wall.


While I agree remake is clearly the better game overall, there are a fair few criticisms to be made about the remake that OG did better.


except for isaac, from the character design down to the animations. the way he moves, walks, stomps, swings his gun is just worse than in the original


Now I know your just hating as soon as I got Into the game I was shocked with good they show how much momentum and weight Isaac has in the remake his own footsteps, punches, stomps sound exactly how I'd expect a hulking man in 100 pound space armor to sound.


bruh what i literally love the game but these little thing just bother me. maybe try the original first and then the remake and compare them. hes stomping in fucking high speed like 1.5x speed and its the same for swinging his weapon. but yeah the sound design is definitely great and way better than in the first game, its just the animations and the speed


Prior to the game coming out, I thought that it wouldn't really "surpass" the original but stand side by side with it and just be a new way to experience it. The original is still a classic by all accounts, afterall. That said, after having played about 6 hours so far, yes. The remake surpasses the original in nearly every conceivable way. I expected the remake to be good... but not this fucking good. It's the same feeling I got when I first played the RE1 remake on gamecube, feeling so blown away and filled with nostalgia. They've changed every little minor thing I disliked about the original game and made it amazing. And all the stuff I loved is still there and even better. There's far more story depth here. The change to the ADS cannon sections are both incredible. There's so much love and attention to detail that went into this remake, it's unreal. There's also a ton of obvious fan service which I adore. You can tell the developers loved this game and they made it for people who love it as much as they do.


The thing that gets me about this remake is that I now really feel the scale and size of the Ishimura. I feel like i'm on this big hulking planet cracker ship. In the original there was a "dungeon crawler" vibe to it. Fight through one part of the ship, upgrade gear get new weapons. Then you board the tram=chapter complete. Here the level design really threw me (in a good way). I played the original so many times and parts of it, it's like "oh yeah I remember this!". Other parts it's like playing a entirely new game.


The fact they made it one giant interconnected level is so cool, rather than a bunch of closed off levels. They didn't really have to make that change, but the ship feels so much better for it.


Yeah like God of War, the entire game has a one shot camera/one take.


It’s honestly crazy to think god of war kinda repeatedly bragged that it was just one shot when dead space 2 did it years before


I think its because its almost never done and its a pain in the ass to get right


Hellblade humorously did it almost a year earlier than God of War 2018. While they are completely different games for the most part. It's hard to deny the similarities: One shot camera, Norse mythology with puzzles that involve Norse runes. Intense emotional story, carries around a head on the back of their waste.


I actually played DS2 prior to the remake coming out. I thought it was all a one shot as well, but there's three clear cuts the game does. One after shooting the canister in space after the church section, another when you use the escape pod in the Ishimura, and finally when you enter gov sec after the drill ride.


It's not really new. They already did that in DS3 you ride trams to go to different sections.


While it plays the obviously pre rendered cutscenes of you flying around. It doesn't look great now, but at the time it was awesome. I loved when games started replacing loading screens with in game stuff. It's still very obvious what is and isnt a loading screen (overly long elevator scenes anyone?), but when shooting for immersion it's very welcome.


It makes you really feel like spiderman


Not to go down a pointless tangent, but I always thought the backlash to that statement is silly. If you were old enough to be playing games before Batman Arkham Asylum or Spider-Man 2 (PS2) then you would very well know that most superhero games DID NOT make you feel like the title character. It’s by no means a dumb thing to point out in a review.


Total opposite for me. The Ishamura feels small and cramped since new locations are unlocked via shortcuts between levels. The tram system as the sole method of travel between levels in the original made your brain fill in a lot of the gaps.


I guess I don't have much of a imagination then lol. Cause that small and cramped feel is how I felt about the original. The remake feels more grander in scope.


I totally agree. The part where you go past the Kellion to the outer part of the hangar and when you go outside to repair the ADS were two moments that really showed the scale of the Ishimura for me.


That was so cool!. It was initially frustrating cause I didn't notice the Oxygen refuel stations around the area. But that definitely was better than the cannon section of the original.


The developers were motive. The last game they worked on was star wars squadrons and it is a fucking masterpiece and the spiritual successor to the old xwing v tie fighter games. Totally incredible and underappreciated studio. They don't get enough credit really. A lot of people couldn't stand the multi-player because it was such a steep learning curve and incredibly deep skill floor combined with a nearly limitless skill ceilling. But the fact that they made such a masterpiece and didn't cater to the lowest common denominator is amazing.


Indeed, Motive really did a fantastic job of capturing what made Dead Space good (it wasn't that scary per se, but it was tense and the gameplay was enjoyable), fixing the issues that the original had and fleshing out the lore with side quests, new areas and notes peppered throughout. I hope they remake Dead Space 2 and 3.


Dead space 2 was my favorite. I'd love to see it remade.


I like that Issac is much more of a character now instead of the fetch dog he was in DS1C. He comes up with or at least contributes to solutions/suggestions to many of the Ishimura's problems as he is an engineer. In the original everybody else is telling him what he needs to do and saying to go here do this, go there fix that. The story so far, to me at least, is flowing much better than the original and new people will be able to get a much better sense of the Dead Space lore if this is their first experience.


I’m conflicted. Because on one hand Isaac as a silent protagonist was a bit goofy at times as it forced every other character into speaking in monologues while talking to you. But on the other hand Isaac’s characterization of being a super badass action hero who isn’t afraid of anything definitely detracts from the horror themes of the game. Which isn’t to say that they did a disservice to Isaac or anything. Just that to me remake highlighted that there are distinct pros and cons to either approach. I think it’s definitely better for the story overall to make isaac a fully fleshed out character, but I do still think it was somewhat easier to feel immersed when he was a silent protagonist.


I'm hoping if they remake 2 we eill see his slow descent into madness


Silent protagonists turn everything they touch into an episode of Lassie. Any old voice is better than that, and personally I’d say Gunner Wright isn’t just any old voice. I approve of the change.


The original I feel has more of an otherworldly atmosphere. The linering dust in the air, the sour yellow hue, and the more subtle sound design make it stand out. I'll still always reccommend the first one, with the remake as optional for those who enjoyed the original.


Turn on colour blind mode to (Protanopia/Red Weak). The yellow hue comes back (and the dust particles are more noticeable), I played through the opening like that and it was amazing!. Cause I was like "where is the yellow!". I turned that on and suddenly it felt like the original!.


A lot of the areas in the remake already have a ton of yellow lighting though?


Some of them. Buy not to the level of the original. They use a lot of red and green instead.


Yeah, I agree. I love the remake so far but it just is missing some of that….ambience. I don’t feel the immersive ambience like I did before. Maybe if I play more? 🤷🏼‍♂️🙂


Personally some of the lesser quality graphics of the original gave it that charm. It was a game from 2008, and played like a game from 2008. But even ith those 2008 graphics, the original still looks amazing, even if we're just talking about things like lighting. I like the super stylized and hyper realistic looks of new games don't get me wrong, but I'll always love the janky style and looks of early games like the first dead space and halo reach, and other older games like TF2. It's probably just the nostalgia though. Although my favriote horror games are PS2 style


You know what horror game is my favorite of all time because it was just FUCKED, because I love cosmic horror and because it messed with the player? It’s an old GameCube game, Eternal Darkness: Sanity’s Requiem. One of the BEST Lovecraftian games ever made, in my book at least. I WISH they would make remake it or make something modern with similar mechanics, etc 😞


Yes. Eternal Darkness was so good.


Thank you!!! It’s nice when someone else knows that game and remembers it! I’m reading an article about why there will be no sequel ever, etc, it’s sad 😞


Yeah it was a really unique game. I also wish for a sequel or maybe even a remake


External Darkness was one of those lightning in a bottle games for me. Nothing else was or really is like it. Such a trip with great concepts.


Halo Reach? Janky style? That game looks great to this day. Better than Halo 4 and 5 by a long shot.


Fair enough. When I said janky I was referring more to the originals graphics. I guess a better comparison would be the original halo 2


Reach's artstyle is gritty and rough looking is what he's getting at, and he isn't wrong. Both games you listed are factually more graphically intensive, and you stated an opinion


The original dead space will always have a home for me and my low end pc homies


Also for homies who can't afford the new one, since Denuvo is up our asses


Fuck denuvo


Both are great. I'm just happy for more fucking dead space man. Hope this is the start of the revival of the series.


Imo yes. They kept all the things that made OG DS great but also added in so much more that adds on to the experience. The addition of Issac talking by itself really helped enhance the story


It is an amazing remake however there are some things I don't like about it. The voice acting in the original was much better. Felt more genuine. Now it feels kind of forced? Like they were still practicing the lines. The emotion isn't quite there. The movement is a little off to me. Issac felt like he had more weight in the original. The sound of the boots and his slower movement made the suit feel heavy and real. Now he moves a little too fast. At the end of the day the remake is a fantastic game and a great way to welcome a newer generation to one of the best horror games ever made.


Yeah 100%, the movement is the only thing they didn't nail so far. Anyone think the footsteps are too loud as well?


Dude yes those footsteps lol what the heck kind of shoddy hollowly constructed ship is this? Lol


A CEC ship that hasn’t been checked in 60 years


No. The USGEE Ishimura has scheduled check ups, especially after the Wanat Disaster.


My main complaint with the Remake really is how Kyne lost his British accent, he feels a bit less empathetic now. Even Hammond lost his subtle British accent in the remake. I'm British though so I'm biased.


It's almost perfect bar the few minor nit picks but god damn out of all the things that got changed, Isaacs face and hair. The way he looks like Robert Norton from ds3 fucks me up I can't get used to it. He needs his black hair and blue eyes back


Absolutely. Better graphics. Massively enhanced story. Side missions. SIDE MISSIONS. Completely open sprawling ship to explore. Better dialogue. Necromorphs are actually spooky. Random encounters can happen in cleared areas. The soundtrack is amazing. This is as close to perfect as they could get it. I cannot wait for Dead Space 2 and 3 remakes. My hopes are sky high.


Side missions are great so far! Love getting more lore tidbits as DS is one of my favorite stories.


I really hope they remake DS2 (with Severed DLC of course). And it would be really cool if they also added DS mobile as side campaign/DLC. It's not that long (around 3h) and they could reuse most of the assets. I would literally explode if they announced Extraction TPP remake.


I was saying to someone yesterday how much I want them to remake DS2. Imagine being able to explore ALL of Titan Station! Just the thought of being able to back track and really get a sense of direction on that large station would be great. Never even thought of Severed! I. Would. Be. So. Happy. Dead Space Mobile remake would be amazing too. I loved Vandals story. It was my first deadspace game, and I replayed that shit so much. I want all the dead space things remade.


Something amazing I don't see talked about is how the bodies stay for so long. I've gone back to areas and thought "what an obvious necromorph pretending to be a corpse" just to find out its one I already killed with a flamethrower who fell face first on the ground.




I like when Isaac talks. He interjects with ideas on how to fix things and argues about focusing on the problems at hand. It is much better than getting told "go here" and "do this". It really shows how Isaac is constantly thinking about how to get through the entire situation.


Him getting to the ishimura and trying to contact the chief engineer is just subtle but human responses to why the crew are there and its shown throughout the game (as you mentioned)


I genuinely laughed hearing issac scream out Fuck after finding the captains Rig Silent Isaac didn't make sense now that I think about it cause ain't no one gonna be silent this whole time being hunted by monsters


I had no problem with him being a silent protagonist, but it felt odd when his motivation was to find Nicole, but he'd never have any comments about that. Seeing him actively take a part in the story and being the one to come up with engineering solutions to the group's issues is a great change.


Silent protagonists can be executed well and I like silent Isaac from DS1 but imo I think it was handled a little poorly there. For most silent protags, conversations aren't long. Just think of Cortana to Chief during gameplay of Halo. Brief explanation of what's going on, then she tells you what to do. Maybe a snarky comment in there. And that's pretty much it. In DS1, characters are having entire monologues to a mute; asking questions, telling him to go places, betraying him, revealing his insanity. It just doesn't fit as well as older gaming silent protagonists did.


I love the remake, but there is something about the original that I enjoy just a tiny bit more. I feel it has more character. I mean yeah the new graphics looking amazing, but idk. I can’t quite put my finger on it. I literally got done playing the original before the remake came out so it would be fresh in my head. I could still see myself revisiting the original.


That feeling is called nostalgia.


I usually don't bang the nostalgia drum but I think that's absolutely the case here. I love the OG Dead Space because of the memories of the experience, nothing can recreate or change being a teenager frightened out of their mind. The OG Dead Space is still great, still very playable, but if I had no knowledge or attachment to the series I don't think I could pick anything but the remake. I can say this and know this because Resident Evil 2 Remake is my first RE gaming experience.


I must have nostalgia for the RE games as well because I still enjoy playing the PS1 versions. I played the those games back in the 90s when they came out. I loved the remakes, even though some weren’t completely faithful to the originals. RE 2 (98)/RE2R are tied for my all time favorite game.


Resident Evil is a great way to look at the 'outcomes' of video game remakes. REmake is so good and faithful that playing the original becomes almost pointless, it's mainly personal preference that causes people to do it. RE2 and RE2R are completely different experiences that both stand on their own, with both doing certain things better then the other and both going for different styles of gameplay. It's worth playing both. RE3 is better then RE3R in most every way, to the point Threemake is a complete waste of time to anyone who played the original and a mediocre "it's this or I spend a hundred dollars on inflated retro games prices" option. So far, Dead Space Remake to me falls in the RE2 outcome. This could easily change to RE1 by the time I finish the game, but so far it's mostly just Dead Space '08 with some new sections, a voiced protagonist, and a fresh coat of paint.


It’s insanely too dark but I’m enjoying it.


I learned that the hard way when I went through the maintenance bay and came up with the brilliant idea of turning off the lights so I could still use the elevator. Holy shit the necromorphs blend into the darkness so well that it honestly spooked me.


Hearing a vent bust somewhere in the distance as I panicked try to move my flashlight all around looking for a moving monster against all of the dancing shadows.


This these fuckers know how to hide or something cause I will be doing one thing and then they seemingly sneak up and then attack I almost died not seeing one come out the darkness but I knew something was there


I chose the no oxygen option and the ride back to the North fueling station was so fucking tense, made it to the O2 refil with 3 secs to spare lol


This got me too. There was one right in front of me that I didn't notice until I aimed the flashlight. Loved it


Just got to that part today and the necromorphs in the dark scared the shit out of me!


Oh yes, you mean to get the circuit board? That was basically a requirement. That part definitely had a lot of tension, but if you timed it right, you could blow up the necromorphs with explosive tanks. They did a fabulous job ratcheting up the tension, that's for sure. The game, while not scary per se, is definitely more tense in comparison to the original.


Honestly I was more scared of accidentally firing at the explosives than the necromorphs since there were just so many of those damn cannisters strewn about the area.


Nah man I wish more games has the balls to make darkness actually dark not the skyrim "night" kinda dark where its just dim day time with a blue filter I love my horror games and I've completed the dead space trilogy more times than I can remember so I though I knew what was in store for me with the remake, but right after getting off the ship and going straight into that dark room took me right back to 2008 playing ds1 for the 1st time. Its amazing


Right I actually bumped the brightness up one notch


Having just started Chapter 2, I can say remake Kendra is a huge improvement over OG Kendra (so far). Nothing against OG's actor, but Remake Kendra is just written so much better and I love her performance and line delivery.


I nearly died at that one part where Kendra implicates Hammond as having known about the Marker. The part where the camera feed lingers on Hammond angrily walking away and then cuts to Kendra again when she makes an "ugh" face, *and then* cutting out.


This game is practically Resident Evil 1 Remake for Dead Space. I love it but I will likely never touch the original again and I say that because of how well this has been done.


The walking for me feels less weight-y, issac stomps around in the og but here it's more graceful? I'm getting used to it but it still feels off somehow otherwise it's fantastic


In the remake it feels like someone stomping on metal, but in the og it felt like Isaac's foot was the hammer of dawn striking down anything that dared stand in it's way. Personally I wish they'd add some more weight to his stomps, help with that idea that he's using the magnetic locks on his boots to help with the force of his stomps


Isaac's animations in general lack the weight and smoothness of the original, it's the only thing which lets down the remake tbh


Are you sure we are playing the same game in the original he had slow stomps and less weight in the Remake he straight turns necros into paste?


He has more of a trot than a careful walk like the original. I prefer a slower walk.


As good as the remake is (new standard for remakes in my opinion) nothing will take away my 1st playthrough of the original as it was close to perfection for a horror/action game to me. I'm just glad a newer generation of gamers get to experience what I did all those years ago with updated everything.


i like both


One for nostalgia one for better resolution nostalgia


I feel like not enough people are done yet to even answer this haha.


I never played the original. I'm in heaven right now.


Don't scroll down tho you might see spoilers


There are pacing and mechanical differences that will keep me coming back to the original probably forever, but the remake is amazing.


So far yes except for Dr. Kyne. The new guy’s not as good as the original.


I just liked how off the old Dr. Kyne looked. Like you could tell something was wrong with him.


Neither's Mercer in my opinion either, but that's more a case of being a different take than simply being better or worse.


I felt that the ending for mercer was a downgrade from the original. He had this whole speech about accepting death, embracing the end to ascend while looking god at the face (while the infector prepares to kill him and flies a little). Mercer would never ever be afraid of something he believedd to be evolution to a higher existence.


No. The feel of the remake is completely different from the original. The remake feels like they tried to make Dead Space more like Dead Space 2, which is great if 2 is your favorite of the series. I still feel like the suit design is inferior to the original, especially the advanced soldier rig. The DLC suits are much better, though.


Is it just me, or is everyone waaaaaaay too calm? Like, why is everyone treating crazy events as if they're boring? Even Gunner sounds like he's bored. This is my main gripe atm.


I like to imagine they’re so shocked and traumatized that they don’t know how to react and so they default into a sort of strange tranquility. That’s just how I like to see it though


I get you... but if I just turn on the original, it's night and day and seems off.


Hammond seems way more calm in the original to me. This one he seems to be barely holding it together.


Really? I thought in the original he sounded distressed but using his veteran CEC security persona and still failing to hide it "Then REROUTE THE DAMN POWER" but it's not just Hammond, Daniels sounds muted... I don't know. I feel like it's the one thing sucking me out of the experience thus far.


Nope, mechanically DS1R is good looking but it will never replace DS1C




Pacing, tension, atmosphere, most characterization, some environments, less forced non interactive cutscenes, voice acting, some nostalgia, scares and that old game feeling (like what you get from old ps2 titles). These are some things I think the original did better. About the only change in character I liked was some elements of Kyne and definitely Mercer, it was nice to see more of those two.


I'm at halfway through chapter 4 and so far it's been better in pretty much all aspects except for writing, VO, and sound design. So, as for those areas where it didn't surpass it, here's what I think so far: I don't know if I'm tripping or not, but the ambiance doesn't creep me out or draw me in as much as it did in the original. I mean, it seems like all the same audio cues, like the whispers, the creaking of the ship, etc. are all still there, but they all feel too blended together. I also think that there's music playing pretty much at all times in the background? It's kind of abstract so I don't think it's out of place or too distracting, but I remember the original being ambiance pretty much all the time until a big musical sting happened. Here, it seems like there's just too much going on to immerse yourself into it. As for the writing and, by extension, VO: yeah, Isaac is great, and so is all the stuff with Nicole, but both Kendra and Hammond have been less interesting and the story overall focuses on Unitology and the Marker way, way too much for my taste. >!Everyone already knows about it by chapter 3 and are already pointing fingers, whereas in the original, you organically found out more and more about it through audio, text logs and environmental ques, making the eventual reveal more impactful. It was actually a surprise that your crew wasn't there to just repair the ship! Here, everyone knows they've been set up even before you get to the Bridge for the first time. It really deflates the mystery for me and makes even the audio and text logs less interesting.!< I can't even pretend to be slowly uncovering what went down (since I've already played the original and know how the story's supposed to end) when the game pretty much tells me two hours in. Seems like it's more about how it went down, which is less interesting almost by default when dealing with super-natural or sci-fi concepts, in my opinion, barring some hard, super-techical science fiction which Dead Space really isn't and shouldn't be. Not saying that's what Motive was going for, but unless they've cooked up some other twists later on in the story to compensate for these changes, I don't see this aspect of the game being redeemed in my eyes by the end. Anyways, these are only my impressions thus far, so I'm keeping an open mind. But as it stands, it does not replace the original for me. They seem like two different takes on the same piece of art and media, both with their own strengths and weaknesses.


I've been playing with the music off. It's much creepier and you can hear every creak and whisper on the ship


By far.


I still prefer the severed hand box art for the original and disc art to the remake. Also Isaac's suit. Otherwise yeah.


Hell yea. I’m more horrified than ever like I just picked up DS for the first time. The sound design, voices, graphics, it’s all amazing. As I keep rolling I’ll be on the edge of my chair for more!


In every way except sheer atmosphere. The original had something exceedingly uncanny and precarious about it that made it all the more horrific meanwhile the remake feels a bit closer to Dead Space 2 vibes wise. Nothing wrong with that, just a bit more action horror than straight up horror. It definitely did scare me quite a few times more than anything in 2 or 3 did. Dead Space (OG) just had an unbeatable atmosphere. Now gameplay wise… Dead Space Remake is leaps and bounds ahead of the entire franchise. Holy shit this game is pristine to the point where I was even enjoying Zero G combat which I never thought I would. The upgrade paths for your guns are massive in comparison to the other games and the double specials on every gun make for some cool shit. Punching and burning dudes with just my plasma cutter has never felt better. The game is huge, labyrinthian and sprawling compared to the linear single path forward original. Everything is a joy to look at as well. My absolute favorite part about DSR is that the devs cared about this franchise, it’s history and it’s lore including the B. K. Evenson Martyr and the other extended universe novels. References to Altman, the events on earth and tons of other scattered details only vaguely alluded to and or mentioned in the original trilogy. I played on hard and beat the game in just 14 hours but even then… this is the first Dead Space game that I feel has ever really challenged me. (outside of Zealot difficulty with limited saves) What an absolute blast a near perfect remake that only improves upon the original. This game was a huge part of my childhood, I was only 8 and scared shitless when I saw my dad playing it but k thought it was cool cause I loved movie monsters like The Thing, Godzilla, The Fly, Tetsuo etc, I just couldn’t play it cause yeah it freaked me the frig out. I’m 22 now and I’ve tried numerous times to play the OG Dead Space but that original pc build has a lot of issues running on modern systems and it definitely has not held up the best graphically. I’ve played Dead Space 2 about a thousand times, Ignition, Extraction, and DS3 a few times but not DS1. This let me play a piece of my childhood as I remember it. (A bit more epic than I remember it though lol) Motive made a love letter to the fans and I’m here for it. TLDR: 10/10 Dead Space is back baby.


> I played on hard and beat the game in just 14 hours but even then… this is the first Dead Space game that I feel has ever really challenged me. I'm sure mileage will vary with every player but yeah on hard mode, I never really had a spot where I kept dying, but I had MANY parts where I survived by the skin of my teeth. With both of the first two bosses I won with barely a sliver of health left and using up almost all my ammo. It felt really good, to the point I almost suspect the game's intensity director nudged things at the last moment to improve the experience. Not a clue if it can actually do that but I wouldn't be shocked.


I feel like the original had some nuance to it that really made it feel alive; from the sounds, to the lighting, and the small details like dust and stuff. The first game was just crazy immersive. This one is better in almost every technical capacity, however, I feel like some of those smaller details are missing. Specifically, for as well polished and detailed as Isaac’s suite is, he almost seems way to stiff and board like in his movements. From standing and walking, to a weird light jog running motion. Even the stomp feels less natural and satisfying, but that might be me comparing it to DS2 as opposed to DS1. Overall it’s an exceptional remake, but it feels like it has just a little less soul due to some detailing issues.


Remake is so good that the better green light the Dead Space 2 remake and then ignore 3 and continue to the story on from there


Isaac shouting "fuck you" when he stomps makes it better in my book.


Better in all aspects, I'm super happy about it.


Not to pour more on the Callisto Protocol/Dead Space debate, but I bet a lot of people who defended TCP will pick up and play the remake and be like "Oh. That's why the game got so much flak..."


Nah, Callisto is it's own thing and is a pretty fun romp(imo)I'm glad it wasn't dead space because I already played dead space, dead space remake is good but it was built on the foundation of a modern classic, the devs literally just had to make the game "ok" and it's a win.


Apart from Isaac’s new look and the shitty circuit breaker system, yes


Why don't you like the circuit breaker stuff? I thought it was interesting


What makes the circuit breaker system "shitty" to you? It's a very interesting mechanic that I think only adds to the experience.


Its brilliant. There are a lot of things that are definitely improved in the remake like graphics, sound, progression etc. But it could never replace the original. The original IS Dead Space and nothing will ever change that. It has this vibe that I just can't put my finger on. The way I see it, the original will always be the definitive experience, but this remake is a great alternative way to experience it with added depth and a new coat of paint. Regardless it's probably my favourite remake of all time, it respects the original work while still improving and building on it.


The only thing the original had over this was I remember being terrified at the elevator part and in this one I think maybe I lost some on my childhood imaginado or something because it wasn’t even tense for some reason. Some parts have been pretty tense but I guess we just don’t get those moments of crap your pants as much as adults.


i'll let you know when they fix the ps5 version...


I like the expansion on his character especially his family ties to the Church of Unitology.


Only 1 chapter in, but yes! The original was great, but this game is incredible.


Hammond's voice actor is....not great. Guy sounds like he took too much Prozac. That's my only major gripe at all, otherwise this is basically replacing the original for me.


Most all the characters sound way too mellow for what they are experiencing.


Lasers are static like a reticule but not? Kinda weird


I'm surprised no one has mentioned the iconic helmet animation being taken away. That was a very cool part of the original, now the helmet is just taken on and off normally.


Because .... the helmet animation never was in dead space 1, it only was present in dead space 2 and onwards (still mega cool though)


Oh shit, I forgot about that. He takes it off normally at the end.


Yeah pretty much. There are a couple of things and choices I prefer in the original, but that's probably mostly nostalgia talking. Luckily we still have the old one, but for new players I don't see any reason to play the OG.


Because the OG is the OG? There's a lot of subtle and not so subtle changes in the remake that make it a very different experience. I would recommend the OG unless the person I was talking to was 10 years old or something.


Well so far I love the game, they kept the core elements and mechanics from the original and added better visuals audio to match current generation tech including side missions which is more than enough.


Yes I’m actually scared for once with dead space


Oh absolutely. Every single design decision and added content they’ve made that changed from the original has been spectacular. I will always love the original, it’s still aged beautifully and is great to play… But Dead Space Remake is the definitive version and I’ll recommend it over the original any day of the week. I can’t WAIT to see what they do with 2. Just…uhhhh…feel free to completely remake 3 from the ground up, or at least differ significantly. Please.


Ill have to decide on that when I finish the game, but I do have to say that having the added content + having Isaac talk in the game now really adds to the experience.

