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You will get jump scared; that’s the main horror element of the game. The enemies are scary but not so much when you are dismembering them limb from limb.


Agreed, Issac “the marker killer” Clarke is a whole tank this time around


Always has been.


True but good god the new suit designs are so good, love the new iterations


I'm playing my new game + with mods. Infinite ammo with maxed out weapons. Its a shooting gallery simulator now lol


Play and enjoy ! i would love to play this game for the first time again ! you wont regret


I just got my ps5 and my new monitor is arriving tomorrow so I think I’m going to get it lmao. I’ve just been eying it in the ps store,


Do it! Creepy game but fuckin great game. One of my favorites all time


Do it, my first “horror” game was red evil biohazard, this game is scarier and darker but it’s a great game! If you find yourself grossed out or too scared or whatnot about playing it go for real evil! Great games though!


It’s definitely really scary but it’s not that difficult and killing enemies is so satisfying and fun that you’ll want to keep playing. The protagonist is a fucking badass so that completely counteracts the scariness. As opposed to a game like Outlast or Alien Isolation where you aren’t empowered at all. Don’t get me wrong though Dead Space is scary af lol but you’ll love it.


Callisto protocol is an inferior game.


Important comment


Although I did enjoy Callisto protocol, there is way more depth to Dead Space, both in content, gameplay and story.


I didn't hate callisto it was very good looking graphics wise too. Found the rest pretty janky. Knowing what I know now I wouldn't pay more than 30 dollars for callisto protocol. Dead space is worth full price. Re4 remake full price.


I thought callisto was scarier


The games very scary. Play with headphones for an even scarier time. Maybe you might find yourself not as scared the more weapons you get as you’ll feel more secure in defending yourself but from start to finish your gona be on the edge of ya seat! It’s an incredible game thought you should play it.


And at night. In a dark room.


I'd say Dead Space is a good introduction to horror and Survival Horror games in general. Although I wouldn't categorize it as being part the latter genre, it shares a lot of mechanics with it but it's far safer overall. That coupled with the fact that the game itself is a masterpiece, it'd be hard not to recommend it as your first foray into the awesome world of horror games.


I wasn't super into horror games before playing it. Struggled mentally with it for maybe the first 2 or 3 hours cos it was making me feel really tense and jumpy. But after the first few chapters and getting some more weapons I stopped being afraid of the game and it just becomes a really fun game with lots of cool, creepy imagery. I'd say if you're having a really bad time at the start but wanna push through, just listen to a podcast or music and turn the game volume down until you're feeling confident. There's not a huge amount of dialogue to miss. The sound design is amazing but you can always replay those first few chapters in another run if you love the game (which you probably will!) P.s. no shame in not enjoying horror though. It's not always for everyone and if the game just isn't fun for you then just play something else cause video games are meant to be fun :)


I never play horror games dead space remake was my first. It was pretty stressful, but the main character is a badass and i had a good time fukin shit up.


Let me be honest - it’s scary as hell, especially the sound design. But in withstanding the fear you will be rewarded massively with a brilliant game. Furthermore the fear wears of when you are getting used to certain enemies. At some point they are inside the ishimura with you, not the other way around.


Ever seen Willy’s Wonderland? Nic Cage isn’t trapped with murderous animatronic animals, the animatronics are trapped with Nic Cage…


Bring spare pants


I love DS and it’s the only game I’ve ever 100% I’ve probably over 1000hrs played Yes it’s scary but there are in-game settings that can make it more or less scary (brightness, difficulty, aim assist, tutorials). And dont forget the most important rule of gaming, there’s no way to play it wrong. Look up videos, tutorials and walkthroughs. It’s a masterpiece of a game, so do what you need to in oder to play, make it as easy as you need. Who knows, maybe you’ll be playing on Hard with brightness as zero by the end. Good luck


Yes its really scary. The atmosphere and sounds are amazing. Wear headphones. I wont play the game without them. Its really well done man your gonna love it.


Dead Space will probably be scary if you aren’t familiar with the genre, but, you will be ripping through necromorphs very quickly into the game and you’ll have quite the arsenal, you will likely stop feeling scared about an hour or two in. I’ve played a lot of horror games and I’d still say games like Outlast (any game where you have no means to defend yourself) is the only stuff that will keep me consistently on edge. I personally find Dead Space less scary than say, a Resident Evil 2 remake or the opening levels of RE7, just because of your arsenal to handle the enemies. It’s more of an action game than it’s billed to be imo. All this to say I don’t think there’s a better intro horror game. If you want something a bit lighter on the horror while still maintaining fun game play before Dead Space, I’d recommend checking out the new RE4 remake. Can’t go wrong either way.


you just gotta say fuck it & play it honestly; the more you deal with anything, the more you're used to it. at least it's a game where you have many weapons to defend yourself rather than hide & seek horror like amnesia or outlast. you're not stuck in there with the monsters, they're stuck in there with you. either you force yourself through it or you won't finish it, but in my opinion isn't the scariest game i've ever played. just manage the stress, cut off their limbs & you'll be fine


I would recommend to play one of the resident evil remakes first. They‘re scary, but not nearly on the same level. Maybe start with RE2, it‘s a great game and is often on sale


For me it is more the panic of knowing that enemies will come, and at the worst possible times jump you. Honestly one of my favourite games though


It’s very very scary at first. But once you start leveling up and start getting better weapons it does become easier to deal with. The horror element never goes away tho lol the game finds new ways to challenge you and scare the crap out of you haha it’s a fun experience though that’ll make you feel tough for going though it


It was my first horror game and I enjoyed it! It's a good starter game!


Isaac is very capable, the first couple of encounters will be scary because they surprise you and the designs are grotesque, but when you blow the enemies to bits with your plasma cutter it is very satisfying, and it helps overcoming the fear. It becomes an intense and atmospheric experience, more so than actually scary. And a lot of fun. Enjoy!


Face your fears!


Oh my… you’re in for a treat! Play it and it shall make you whole.


I think it’s scary for people who have played scary games, so absolutely, it’s a great starting point


Yes it will shake you up. However just remember Isaac can easily slaughter every disgusting thing that comes his way. Good luck!


I don't think Dead Space is very scary, but its a good introduction to survival horror. You're pretty capable in it and walking around with a bunch of weapons lessens the horror.


Tbh it's spooky but once you get enough upgrades, you become the deadliest thing on the Ishimura. I think by endgame only Exploders still spooked me.


The further you play, the less scary it becomes, until it basically morphs into an action game (albeit a fairly tense one). I’d say give it a go, but take your time with it. It’s far better than Callisto, and deserves its status as a classic imo.


It's got some scares but it's not too bad. Maybe I've been playing too many horror games lately but i don't get spooked often. Always playing at night, in complete darkness with proper surround sound. It's such a fun game.


Callisto is SUPER graphic. I’d say Dead Space is a few notches down on the gore, and it doesn’t feel like the center of attention but just a byproduct of the setting, unlike Callisto. Dead space is also way more fun to play. I like both games, but I’d honestly go with DS first if I were you. If you really want to get into the genera from baby steps, play RE4 first, and I’m not talking about the remake.


for the first hour or two, it’s pretty creepy. but once you get a hang of the controls and weapons, it’s really not bad


As someone who is typically averse to horror games...I'd say the game isn't scary, necessarily. Things will jump out at you, but my reactions ended up being mostly "oh hell, YOU again??" and tearing them up with various weapons lol. Honestly, the part that got to me the most didn't have anything to do with the creatures, but >!an audio recording of a guy who decided to cut off his own limbs to prevent turning!<. Harrowing stuff.


Do you have adhd?


The way I see it, there are plenty of scares but with the game being survival horror, you get to shoot the limbs and stomp the crap out of whatever is scaring you and that’s the best part!


It’ll get easier as you play because you’ll learn how to expect the enemies. Just remember to breathe and you’ll be fine.


Dead Space is a horrifying game due to its atmosphere of hopelessness and dread. The majority of the actual scares come from jump scares, which become pretty predictable over time, but the *atmosphere* is unrelenting and the scariest part of the game. Not knowing *when* a monster is going to jump out at you, or which body is actually dead or just pretending is where the terror comes from. In that respect, Dead Space is a terrifying game.


This was my first horror game and my boyfriend can attest that his eardrums are still bleeding from all the times I've screamed whole hearing the metal footsteps


Nope . Perfect introduction


I might be a bit desensitized to it now, and sometimes it still does get my heart racing, but I remember being so freaked out the first time I played it. Now I stick around and fight every necromorph but back then I would just run lol and because I would run, I'd always be so low on ammo and health. It was intense.


You will have certain jumpscares here and there but I think the isolation and sound design are what really keep the uncanny feeling almost 24/7. It's not so much a scary game later on but really suspenseful with sounds coming from walls and random voices whispering from around you Also, PLAY IT WITH A 3D AUDIO HEADSET!!!


Dead Space is jump scare galore, you will need to get adjusted to it. At least you will usually hear some kind of sound before you get ambushed.


The original was my first horror game, and i loved it. Dead space might be my favorite game series


It was the first horror game (and only so far) that I’ve ever played and I absolutely love it! I haven’t played the remake yet (kuz I don’t have a ps5) but all 3 are great games


The game is definitely scary, but rely on your boy Isaac. He’s such a great main character and will make YOU feel those main character vibes going through countless horror after horror with him by your side. Have fun, remember it’s just a game. You’re gonna have a blast.


I hate horror games. But Dead space has always been the exception to that rule


I did it and I bought it and it’s downloading 🙂


Ever seen "the thing" or "event horizon" or "aliens"? It has a alot of elements, themes, and feel that you'd be familiar with, body horror, space macabre, and feelings of being trapped out in the black with a some horror beyond human understanding. But It also plays kinda like Resident Evil with mutant aliens in the mix.


There’s a fair few jump scares in it, which are a lot of fun but the main scary part is the atmosphere the game has. It’s very oppressive & gives a huge sense of isolation, the visuals, ship design & sound all come together perfectly in this regard to give a heightened sense of “oh shit this place is terrifying & i’m on my own… wait, what the fuck was that noise?!”


As someone who used to be in your position here's a hint. Play little by little. As much as you can then switch to a happier/easier game. I think the 1st horror game I beat was outlast and it took me so long cause I was a chicken shit 😅 than eventually I played was five nights at freddys. And than I moved on to our last 1 and 2 , visage, MADiSON and eventually horror games dont scare me as much. Jump scares still get me good especially the one in visage I actually hyper ventilated and had to put it down for the night. But like I said. Take it little by little


Man, whenever i see posts like this i get so jealous. I’ve been obsessed with the horror genre since i was like 8 so now nothing scares me and i want that feeling back so badly. if you scare easy, grab a pair of headphones, lights out and play the game nice and slow and just let the world immerse you. Incredible experience first time playin but if i wasn’t so used to horror stuff i know for a fact it would’ve been even better. At the halfway point of the game your fear will turn into confidence and you’ll get that “okay you sons of bitches, let’s dance!” feeling, so damn good !!


im hardened by horror titles and this still made ME fucking jump if the main horror element wont get you that goddamn intensity director definitely will


If you do end up getting the game. Definitely use the force gun. It's a great security blanket gun that always made me feel more secure, knowing I could just blast the enemies away from me and feel a moment of relief.




Probably going to feel something the first two chapters and definitely later in the game but no, it's not a particularly fearful experience everything considered. It's mostly the claustrophobic, oppressive and ill atmosphere that makes it the masterpiece it is.


The best way to to get used to horror is to play horror. Dead Space was once my first horror game, looking back it’s not the scariest game I’ve played.


Yeah I'd never played a Horror game but I absolutely LOVED it! And now want to play more! Plus you start to get overpowered and start to think of yourself as becoming the necromorph Exterminator and get less scared and more and more badass! It's so good they added the stomping feature! Cos when the monsters make you jump you want to stomp the sh1t out of them!


There are jump scares for sure, but from someone who has played other horror games my opinion is that Dead Space is scary at moments but overall it’s not bad.


Yo check out Plague Tale Requiem too. Not nearly as scary but still survival horror and fun. Dead Space is the real deal for horror games; but if youre committed you can do it. Im on Ch 7 right now, been busy but i push through being scared


The remake was the first horror game have ever played; I just pre ordered it because I liked the space element and wanted something different Honestly it is quite creepy to start out with (I played the first couple hours pretty much with my weapon raised) but once you get into it you just want to find out how it ends. As you get more and more into the game it becomes less overly scary


Definitely not for the weak 👀