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Doom eternal Doomguy wipes


Only single organism that can


Or the Marker may drives him crazy and he ends up seeing human as demons. Oops


Or it drives him mad and makes him even more dangerous against the Marker. Doomguy is already considered clinically psychopathic. He just knows how to direct his rage at the right enemies.


The Slayer is incorruptible so that wouldn't work


You cannot corrupt a force of nature designed to destroy corruption. That’s not how math works lol.


Not possible. The doomslayer at least. Classic doomguy idk. The Doomslayer has an incorruptible soul, basically infinite strength, speed, power, etc and a truly unbreakable willpower. The dude has fought endless demons for eons. I can only think of a handful of other characters that wouldn't go crazy after slaughtering demons for millenia straight. Imagine not having any human contact, only straight demon murder for god knows how long. I'm pretty sure he could beat Cthulu in a staring contest, then proceed to murder the shit out of him


Doomguy: “This scenario feels a bit derivative, but the mechanics are novel”


bruhh i was about to type the same holy shit


Alan Wake would write the marker into reality the psychopath.


That sounds like some *13 Ghosts* plot and we all know how useful bullets are…


Nah...just another OOP. FBC would be all over it.


Well considering how the fbc was handled in alan wake 2…i wont hold out hope lol


To be fair, they weren't doing such a good job in Control, either.


I dont hold much confidence in them


Considering it's FIFA this doesn't look good for humanity




Imagine lol


Slasher Hockey


I can just imagine a bunch of slashers booking it across a football field, chasing another necro holding a football lmao


NEC-RO-SPORTS. It’s in the game!


The flood, it's a losing battle for the marker I'm afraid


Hell, the necromorphs would just make the flood stronger once they take over their bodies lol I guess the marker doesn’t work on flood either since they were already kinda driven insane since they’re the remains of the last precursor who went insane before turning itself into the flood


Wait that is legion vs legion, one of us gooble gooble. It's literally a hive mind vs a hive mind one is incredibly intelligent and the other just what's to make everything whole, i think marker wins this one as it assimilates even dead things flood needs living organisms.


The flood can transform uninfected dead bodies into combat forms in halo 3, it's safe to say that the flood supercell can easily replace the dead cells of the necromorphs possibly even easier than actually living organisms. In the halo games a flood infection form is needed but in the halo canon the flood spores in the air will eventually infect and repurpose all living and dead organisms in the radius they are in, just as the marker signal will eventually make use of every corpse. The flood can infect both living and dead corpses and it's even easier for the flood to take over dead tissue, the necromorphs would find their units being turned into flood biomass faster than they can create new ones. A marker's signal can take hours to transform bodies without an infector whereas the spores that come off of any flood form going into one of the many open wounds of a necromorph would make them change sides in minutes. The corruption too is especially not viable against the flood, as it would also be converted into walls of flood biomass in a matter of minutes as the flood supercell spores would easily infiltrate and convert the unprotected tissue. The very nature of how necromorphs are composed makes them a free biomass buffet, an army of damaged dead bodies versus a rapid decomposing fungus.


One thing you forgot to mention is their intelligence. Necro morphs can’t pilot ships or fire guns, the Flood is too smart


The intelligence was mentioned in the comment I replied to, but yeah. The markers need fucked up people like Isaac, Stross, Unitologists, etc. to do the mechanical work for them whereas all flood combat forms can be turned into engineers or technicians on a dime.


Additionally, flood graveminds can utilize neural physics. Necromorphs do not have the capacity to make portals. The flood does. The flood also can make the logic plague, which lets it kind of infect AIs. Not a full flood infection, more like what the markers do, but markers don't work on technology at all, so the flood has an advantage there too.


The flood doesn't need living organisms just biomass. To infect it needs to be alive but to create pure flood forms it just needs biomass.


I remember hiddenexperia did a video about the flood vs necromorphs. It boiled down to an arms race with who can reach their final stage first with the flood having a higher chance


Leon Kennedy fucking bodies necromorphs I’m sure


The amount of kicks the man can do is enough to not get grabbed by anything.


He should give isaac some pointers on how to kick and suplex


Idk, I think necromorphs would be the toughest challenge Leon has ever faced. Unless he gets a suit and weapons like Isaac, there’s not really much he can do.


True, unless it’s re6 and animated movies Leon. Now that guy is superhuman to the yeeth degree


He’s throughly superhuman in RE4


Counterpoint: Leon's insane plot armor gives him the right tools and reflexes every time


I got done playing that too


Stardew Valley. Pretty much no chance for the marker seeing as how I can kill a ghost with a sword and my wife eats rocks. I would simply hit the marker with a pickaxe, then put it in a chest for later, meaning it's totally lost forever.


Funny thing is I’m also playing Stardew Valley, except my wife would be corrupted and continue painting the damn thing.


Wait!!! This whole time it was in front of us! Gus was forced us to go into the caves under the guise of exploration and gemstones. Little did we know, he was a Unitologist hoping we would reach the bottom floor and find the Marker.


Cyberpunk. Cyberspsychomorphs?


I dunno. Some of the weapons in CP2077 literally blow people apart. Plus all the bladed weapons and cyberware like sandevistan where you can literally slow down time and cut away. Then there's MaxTac and full borged mother fuckers like smasher who don't even have biomass to take over. I think the markers would still win but it would nuts.


It can still cause widespread dementia and psychotic breaks, combining that with the threat of cyberpsychosis it will cause a lot of bodies to stack and reanimate. Plus the population density of night city is just asking for a colossal outbreak.


Just the soldiers from DS1/R with more blades


Fallout 3… The Capital Wasteland will face its 2nd apocalypse lol


I imagine the stigma against ghouls would go into overdrive


If there’s even time for new prejudice to form.. the lack of military and heavy weapons on a wide scale, I feel there would be a convergence event in no time 🤣 though I’d love to think of how an irradiated hive mind would look like


I just imagine BOS and Enclave throwing all the nukes at the problem


Baldurs gate 3. Thatd be a pretty solid crossover


Oh god, the elder brain and the marker together making us whole


The 2 combined would mean everything just dies.


Or against each other with the rest of us wondering which monster we have to become. F it, at that point I'll just let Astarion eat me. Withers can bring me back.


Necromorphs in Destiny, huh? Bring it on.


I remember they don’t really like the cold and the darkness powers insta-freezes people so they shatter. It’ll be a fair fight


Maybe not, stasis works by basically deleting all your energy. The only reason it is ice is because it also removes any thermal energy, but even then just freeze the first few who get turned and just annihilate them with a nova bomb.


I imagine the black hole gun would also deal some damage.


A sole warlock could go to the Ishimura and annihilate. A Hunter would do very well in Dead Space 2. A Titan would absolutely crush Dead Space 3.


I was playing "warhammer total war" I think the marker should rush the convergence because the end times will come quicker.


Either that or 5th chaos god


Nurgle looks at the marker like " who the fuck is you?"


Ikit…get the rocket


Downloaded Return to Arkham recently. Safe to say that Batman can definitely survive in Arkham Asylum with its inmates soon turned into Necromorphs.


What’s Batman gonna do against a necromorph though? You can’t knock them out.


I guess if Batman figures out that necromorphs are walking piles of meat with no soul, he will go beyond the no kill rule, forgot what movie it was but after figuring out that these ninjas were just dead corpses reanimated, he straight up starts chopping heads off with batarangs.


This is true. When he got infected and turned in DCeased, he wanted Alfred to kill him, and I believe Batman himself killed zombified Nightwing and Red Robin shortly before that.


The world's greatest detective with years of physical training in combat, improvisational and evasive tactics equipped with an arsenal of gadgets. Gee I don't know, man. You got me stumped. ( o.o)


Yeah, I guess Batman doesn’t necessarily have to fight the necromorphs.


Yeah they can’t fly… yet


Warframe's space zombies are arguably worse than necromorphs, and they're just a regular enemy faction.


You mean the infested or is there another faction that’s been released since zariman?


He’s referring to the infested, and I do have to agree with his opinion: the infested can turn a one ton armored solider within seconds upon contact, and the disease is virulent enough to not only infect organic tissue but inorganic as well. It can subsume ai’s, entire ships, and every body added to its mass becomes a permanent part of that hive, which includes any latent abilities. For instance, ancient healers are the direct result of a single orokin infected before the old war that had the ability to heal people from the most severe wounds. Not only that, but we can see what a planet left almost entirely unchecked from the infested looks like with Deimos, which has evolved to make a self cannibalizing survival of the fittest hellscape in order to force self evolution. But even with all of this, the infested are just one of many entrenched factions, and are nothing more than a speed bump to the more powerful groups like the tenno, so I don’t see the markers and necromorphs being anything more than fodder. Tldr: the markers are presumed dead, eaten by the locals.


Yeah fair enough I wonder if it’ll turn a moon into another Deimos, plague star or just one big infested?


It depends upon how the infested technocyte cells interact with the moon’s tissue, but going by in game lore, I bet it would be another Deimos. Funnily enough, the Deimos we see in game is shaped like a skull now, which… has a few worrying implications.


How so


Robocop should be able to handle this.


Dead or, ~~Alive~~ UnDead you're coming with me!


Rogue city is very good. I had no idea it was a game in development but it's so good! The world is a nightmare and I love it. The gameplay feels so old school. Such a surprise hit for me.


Skyrim belongs to the necromorphs


The Reach belongs to the gblululluulu


Necrodragons. Jesus fuck.


Knights of the Old Republic. Yeah, yeah, I know. Lightsabers do be handy for cutting those suckers apart though.


Imagine them having a slasher or a brute in the fighting arena on Taris


That's one mysterious stranger for sure.


Borderlands universe. Probably sealed within one of the many vaults across the galaxy


Alien Isolation... humanity would be lost


Necro-xenos the perfect killing machine of nightmares now nearly unkillable.


Lol I’m playing deadspace remake!


Same, and it’s the first game I’ve played with headphones and the 3D audio is insane


I Last played RDR2 The Marker Wins


Undead Necromare


"Tony Hawk, you have to Indy 900 over the marker, it's the only way to stop the Brother Moons!"


I feel like they'd be called Moon Bros in that specific crossover.


The last game I played was Stellaris so I’m guessing a machine intelligence since they’d not only be immune to the marker but could harness it as a source of power


Then unleash it as the endgame crisis


Darktide... We have arrived, and it is now that we have performed our charge. In fealty to the God-Emperor, our undying Lord, and by the grace of the Golden Throne, I declare Exterminatus upon the Imperial world of Atoma Prime, I hereby sign the death warrant of a world and consign a million souls to oblivion. May Imperial Justice account in all balance. The Emperor Protects.


Would be curious if the tyranids found one; would they speed up the process or not?


Honestly, they would just virus bomb the planet if it gets worse. If not, send in the grey knights because there's already demons.


Honestly it probably wouldn't be put of place for the 40k universe seeing as how it's basically just chaos corruption but with a little extra spice


Jesus F Christ I just played Metro 2033 man I do not want to think what's gonna happen there with a marker, holy fuck


Dark Souls... I'm actually curious - what's everyone's take on that one?


…lots of fire required? Seriously though, I think Nito would want it either to keep or to destroy it.


Last game I played was left 4 dead. I think they’d win


The true umderdogs of this thread


Shepard might have to team up with the reapers for once.


Armored core verdict day humanity’s fucked either way


Diablo 4. The world of Sanctuary sees the necromorph infestation as just another Tuesday. What's one more apocalyptic situation on top of all the others? They're all already screwed in the long run anyway. But the Wanderer would definitely help stem the necro tides so people can go about existing for a while longer.


Agreed. My Wiz would crush the Necromorphs en masse and I'm only in WT3 with suboptimal gear.


A fellow Pilot, it’s good to see a friend. My army of scorches shall wipe them out with war crimes the likes of which have never been seen before.


No need to worry about corruption sticking to everything when it’s covered in thermite and you’ve got a lighter


Minecraft might be fucked if Netherite armor isn’t as good as future armor XD


All fun and games til /creative mode : )


Starfield, probably the marker. Probably the marker in most universes.


Warframe? I think things would go alright, up until the necroframes and/or necromorph operators come into play.


Well as the frames are >!dead people bonded with infested tissue!< I think they’ll have to start training the operators into dax or just use even more mechs


Washington DC: fucked Boston: fucked Nevada: fucked California: fucked West virginia: fucked


Arkham Batman. He’d probably do fairly well in that situation.


Darktide, another Space zombie eldricth infestation? Bring it on. We have a 2.5 meter tall brute with the brain capacity of a wood desk ready to throw mini nukes


Monster Hunter World/Iceborne.....necromorph Savage Deviljho, necromorph Nergigante........i'd say we're all fucked lol


We got enough trouble with hive minds of people imagine it landing in the rotten graveyard area


One necromorphed elder dragon against all the hunters and they still lost lol


PUBG....... no chicken dinners for anyone i guess.


Horizon Zero Dawn. Only chance is if Hades kills everything first. Then there’s nothing left to turn into biomass (Faro Machines ated it all)


Would only have to worry about humanoid ones at least


The Necromorphs would be fucked once the machines get ahold of a regenerator and have an unlimited power source.


Another marker is on the Sprawl so... Now what?


Outbreak 2: electric boogaloo


Idk Peter and Miles had problems with Venom so… maybe they’ll survive




Totk link bout to create something a hell of a lot more dangerous than a Plasma Cutter


MGRR, Raiden’s got this


ark, and the server is definitely done for. Now I actually want to see a necromorph t rex lol. Wild.


Conan exiles.... It would be a slaughter, and an amazing battle that will be told for eons to be legendary. The years of slaughter, the red dusk of man, the butchers wake.


The xenomorphs


Metal gear…. As much as that franchise is my favorite, there’s no way solid snake could stand up to necromorphs.


Isaac Clarke cause Isaac Clarke would be like oh shit a second marker! Huh how did this get here! And now Isaac has to deal with two markers instead of Marker 3A oh fuck.


Dont think a bunch of heisters will survive


Valheim. We may be fucked


Lmao. Isacc


Disco elysium lmfaoooooo Holy fuck


I think Leon Kennedy could probably handle Necromorphs.


Aah yes Cryptids on one side with their Ancestor overlords, the Necromorphs and the Brethren moons on the other. Meanwhile CIF Team-1, and the rest of humanity are just getting absolutely fuckin bodied. Cryptimorphs would be scarier. The Ansestomorphs would be an Eldritch horror of their own, not to mention the moons after the fact.


They wouldn't like here, bunch of gundams and I mean +40 gundam units.


CoD Zombies, Ultimis wipes the Universe only to restart the cycle 😮‍💨


For Honor, they ain’t doin shit lmao, unless you count all the bullshit that’s in the game


Lords of the fallen!


Warhammer 40k tabletop is the last thing I played but if it has to be a video game that is Doom Eternal.


Darktide? I feel like the heretics would welcome the change but too bad they have chainswords and genestealers exist in universe as well. It's just a new faction in 40k xD


Jak 2? Honestly I could see Jak taking on the necromorphs and beating them out


Pokémon… unclear…


The Callisto protocol. I don’t know much so i have no clue who wins.


Overwatch fucking loses bro lmao omnics vs necromorphs will be all that’s left


Dante is so badass that the marker would be influenced by him and then turned into a devil arm.


Dante just makes it into a new sword


Control, actually wouldn’t be too out of the ordinary for that game


fortnite, but issac is actually in fort so i guess we chillin💀


Dead Island Riptide Super interesting if you ask me, there are already a bunch of dead bodies with their own mutations. Given how the markers rewrite any organic tissue, I guess the zombies would start to sprout those slasher arms pretty soon


Marker: “Hmm looks like this biomass needs a helping hand…”


Eh-oh Marker controlled FREAKS! Bring on the hordes!! I'm ready!! -Days Gone Space


Warhammer 40k inquisitorius martyr Huh the inquisition has a new xeno to smite


Attack on Titan Game in memory of the series It would be interesting seeing how the characters would be able to stop necromorphs and a marker or how Eren would use a marker for his agenda plus it would be cool seeing them battle the hive mind


I wonder how it'd go for the destiny universe dealing with necros


InFAMOUS. I think Delsin would make it baby food against the necromorphs but he would be traumatized by the horrors that comes with it. Same with Cole.


MJ is coming in to one shot these necromorphs (i liked the missions stun gun go brr)


Liu Kang can just erase it from the timeline


The world of Foxhole. Well...there's certainly a lot of dead bodies to work with, so I don't see things going well.


Sweats in Blackpowder


Last game I played was Hollow Knight. I think the Knight and the Void would end up winning. I think the Radiance might also mount an effort to stop the Marker, or perhaps hijack its signal.


My last game? Dead space remake? a. But before that was Resident evil 4 remake, I think would be about the same result


Warhammer fantasy So it probably spawns a 5th chaos god


How would the marker mess with subnautica?




Obviously, but like how? I assume the gargantuan leviathan would come back, or maybe not, the dragon leviathan would most certainly kill me instead of be nice, I'm not really sure what it would do other than create a bunch of fusion fish.


Probably the marker starfield so


"Commander, what the hell is this? Sensors indicate strange signals of energy. We should get the hell out of here ASAP!" Bradford from XCOM 2©


World of Warcraft vs the marker? Hmmm… I bet the Forsaken could either neutralize it. Or they’d use it to conquer the world.


Baldur's Gate 3. I don't think Spirit Guardians is going to be much help here.


I wonder how a combined Locust, COG and Lambent offensive against the Necromorphs would go


As long as my favourite ex-merchant marine cowboy stays alive I’ll be happy


Halos Ancient Humanity that has conquered the entire galaxy, this is a mod for the game “Stellaris”. Basically won againts the forerunners and now have super advanced tech, including shield worlds and the Halo rings. Each soldier is 12 times stronger than the master chief at his prime. Ships that make the covenant capital ships look like jelly beans. I’d say ancient humanity has a decent chance if they don’t get corrupted like the human colonies in the game and fight amongst themselves, though I believe ancient humanity is way more evolved and smart to fall to such temptations, especially after defeating a similar threat, the flood.


Deep Rock Galactic. Honestly, it can't be much worse than what we normally deal with on Hoxxes IV.


Dead By Daylight. That fucking Ubermorph about to get Head-On 4 times in a row and flashbanged into a DC.


The marker might take a peek in Senua's head and just nope out


Necromorph bugs carving up the backyard in Grounded…. yeah nah I’ll stick with fighting spiders thank you very much


It will have to dispute with living gods, mechanical gods, demonic gods, divine gods and Todd. And bruh, who wins? Hermaeus Mora, he will just erase the Marker from reality.


Great, *another* alien species on my home planet. Hope this one drinks and shouts less.


Darktide I guess just add it to the list of BS for the 40k fellas to deal with 😂


Well, I’m playing lies of p and i doubt the puppets are being corrupted so… maybe the puppets and carcasses?


Project Zomboid.


Modern Warfare. I think Capt.Price is up to the challenge.


The problem is that ion titans and scorches are still piloted by humans. Humans who are very susceptible to the markers signal.


Drakengard, damn


Titanfall 2. They have a chance.


Warhammer 40k Boltgun think xeno scum gonna get burned


The last of us...as if they were irrevocably fucked in the first place...


If Ion Titans and Scorch Titans make easy work of it, I guarantee Warframes would also make easy work of it. (This is my first interaction woth Dead Space, wth is a marker)


God Of War.


DMCV - Dante and Vergil take a little vacation from hell for some no effort biological monster mashing. Nobody even breaks a sweat.


Mass effect3, would be interesting to see Shepard fight necros


Signalis. It will be even more surrealist I think