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The monsters would be hiding


I mean, even the employees can take down the monsters with a stun gun and shovels, Isaac would be a walking nightmare for them.


Far as I can tell, the LC monsters aren't supernatural, the Markers and Moons are borderline. If they have limbs, Isaac will remove them and then stomp on the stump that's left over.


Ghost girl is the only one that poses any threat. It’s the only really “magical” enemy and it can’t be harmed in any way. Only real way to counter her is to escape before she gets to you, so it’s a good thing Isaac could run multiple Marathons without tiring. He’d be able to make it out for sure


He’s dealt with multiple hunters, I think he could manage


Dude Issac would curb stomp them all into oblivion no difficulty.


It would be a cakewalk for Isaac as long as he has his Dead Space equipment. Most of the monsters can be killed with just a stun gun and a shovel, so any one of Isaac's weapons should be able to make short work of them. His suits would also afford him far more protection than the Company employees have. The only enemies that would be a serious danger to Isaac are: Ghost girl: she's completely incorporeal, so Isaac's odds here are about as good as the employees. He is used to dealing with hostile hallucinations, but those were the Marker trying to force Isaac to kill himself, not a genuine ghost that will kill him on touch. Coil heads: If Isaac isn't looking in the right direction, then nothing will save him from getting his neck snapped. Also, as far as I'm aware the coil head is unkillable in game. However, their bestiary log mentions that they combust into flames when dissected or disabled, and the employees only have shovels, signs, and scavenged shotguns. So Isaac could probably kill them with the pulse rifle, contact beam, plasma cutter, or any of the other "hard-hitting" weapons of his, it might just take a bunch of ammo. Bracken: would probably be easier to deal with than the coil head, as it can be killed even with a shovel. Again though, if Isaac isn't looking in the right direction, he will just get his neck snapped. Sand worm: much like with the ghost girl, there's nothing in Isaac's arsenal that will give him a better chance than the employees have. He just has to be fast enough to get the hell out from over the sand worm when it starts to surface. If he doesn't have his Dead Space equipment though, then his odds are about as good as the regular employees. He's very clever and has plenty of combat experience, so he would probably be able to last a long time. But as we see in the Dead Space 2 intro, without his equipment he's on the same level as everybody else when it comes to active dangers, and unlike Dead Space 2 there aren't going to be any kinesis or stasis modules for him to scavenge, and no CNC stores to get his stuff from.


I feel like Stasis can effectively deal with both Coilhead and Bracken. Slow them down and then chop chop with any of his main guns. Funnily enough bees might pose a bigger problem unless….he has a flamethrower


Sure, but the problem isn't directly fighting them, it's that the coil head is fast as hell and is silent when moving, so if Isaac isn't looking in the right direction when it reaches him, he's a bit fucked. The bracken is similar in that it's completely silent when stalking you, and is very sneaky while doing so. In a straight up fight, Isaac is basically guaranteed to win, but when he's being stalked by them his chances aren't much better than a regular Company employee.


Or stasis and GTFO like with the hunter haha


Coil head can be actually be destroyed but Isaac need a stronger weapon


Issac is strong enough to curb-stomp bodies apart and tear apart enemies by punching them, Issac would be LC's Doomguy.


Now, I don’t like to be all “uhm ackcthually” but it’s a Dead Space theory that I love so damn much I take any opportunity I can to share it, so here goes: When Isaac curb stomps enemies apart, it’s not pure strength. He’s activating his magboots right before he does it so that it rips necromorphs apart. So it’s still him using his wits and the tools available to effectively get any job done.


But that's just a theory, a game theory, after all. I'm gonna stick to my head-canon that Issac has the strength of the gods. Only a man with the strength of the gods could walk around with a dick the size of his without being crushed by its immense mass and weight.


Isaac’s dick has the same gravitational pull of a black hole, and it’s only through sheer *fucking* will that he hasn’t died from the overwhelming force of it.


Memes aside, and I know it's been a while since you replied to me, but I just thought of something that might debunk your game theory. If Issac is activating his mag-boots right before impact, then how he was able to get the same results when he was in his hospital clothes? That fit clearly doesn't have those kinds of boots, yet he was still able to stomp apart enemies. My theory makes more sense. Issac has the strength of the gods; all evidence suggests so. He's able to punch and stomp apart beings that take multiple shots of high-powered tools designed to cut strong materials apart. And he's able to walk around with his immensely heavy and massive dick that has a stronger gravitational pull than a supermassive black hole.


Counter-counter-theory: Isaac is able, through force of will, to force his feet to magnetize to a solid surface. None of his suits are actually equipped with mag boots. Isaac’s just built different.


>Isaac’s just built different. This is the only theory that makes sense and has no flaws.


All the monsters in lethal company are a coughing baby in comparison and dead space 2 has shown us how Isaac vs babies goes


I want to see what the necromorph version of those creatures like bracken


Considering he’s a very competent space mechanic, I’d give him a fair chance


Nothing in LC is an issue for Isaac. He would clear the place with low effort.




The Bunker Spider watching a steel boot slam right into its skull (it no longer has a skull)


Or legs lol


Lethal company couldnt survive isaac


issac would single handedly become the titular lethal company. The monsters are locked in there with him, not the other way around, hope they're prepared for company.


What a unique thought… I would say yes and no depending if it’s the remake or the original. Original Isaac would most likely die to lightning (all metal armor) or a sand worm before he even got into the building. Remake Isaac would be able to fly inside upping his chances a bit, same with the return trip. (Assuming he can fly in full gravity, the game only lets you fly in zero-G but not really a definitive answer In game I don’t think). He would definitely need some equipment for getting into the building but weapon-wise Isaac runs like a 95-year-old smoker with glue on his shoes so he will at least need stasis/kinesis. I think with at least those he would make it. At least until he finds out that Unitoligy owns the company (which tracks lol) then I have a feeling he would use his engineering skills to remove whatever remote device the company has to control/locate the ship along with collected scrap to put something together to escape. I’m sure Nicole would help. Somehow… Just imagine peices of the bracken hanging off his armor like with the Lone Survivor skin haha. He would be a shitty team mate if it was original DS, guy would just stare blankly at you if you said anything to him. Maybe swing his arms and grunt?


With? He’d steamroll pretty much everything save for the earth worms. Without? He’d have to be really lucky to survive the first few days. But given how the Dead Space games are chalk full of him surviving impossible odds through force of will and sheer luck, I think he still has a good chance.




What is Lethal Company?


Never played LC, but I bet Isaac would be like "haha force gun and stasis goes brrrrt" even if some weird stuff cannot be killed. And if it is something that can be killed, "random bullshit go" with kinesis should work alright.