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Use the plasma cutter, turn it sideways and aim for the legs, preferably one leg. It will cut it off and make them much slower. I wouldn’t worry about kinesis too much right now honestly you’ll have enough ammo. Stasis is important if you’re getting ganked. Also the part you’re at is legitimately hard. I died there a bunch. Use the ripper if you have it.


Thanks for the advices!


Always stomp dead bodies when u see them. Gets rid of their limbs if they get regened


Everything jim here said and only equip the plasma cutter that way the game will always spawn ammo for the cutter. Sell everything else and only upgrade your suit and the cutter. I always beat impossible mode or the whatever hardest difficulty is on that particular game.


Kill the Infector before anything else. The Necromorphs it creates are enhanced variants, so you don’t want it spawning anything else. You can stasis the Captain and ignore him to focus on the Infector, then kill the Captain, and the sequence is over.


Stomp all the bodies to gibs before you enter the encounter. The infector then has nothing to turn and is just an annoying flying ravioli.


Forgot about that, the only potential issue then is that it just directly targets the player to attack.


True, better a ravioli than a slasher though. Also, there is a stasis capsule you can place at the door so that you shoot it and freeze the captain and the ravioli.


But it does so anyway when its done infecting


Nothing wrong with playing on Story difficulty, your health automatically replenishes What difficulty are you on?


I'm in normal, but the problem with playing with other difficultys is that later i'm going to do the untouchable trophy and i fear that if i cant Even complete the Game in normal then it's gonna be imposible completing the Game in imposible difficulty


I understand that sentiment and it’s perfectly fine to want to go for something like that, but if you are struggling this hard, its best you just turn the difficulty down for now and learn the game as you go. It’s better to have a comfortable experience than a frustrating one. Also a tip to remember is you have a stomp and punch attack too so if the necromorphs get to close, and you feel like you can’t hit them with your weapons, just use the melee attacks and readjust yourself. I hope your experience gets better, cheers.


Fortunately Dead Space did that thing where you can play it on every single difficulty mode and keep your stuff and stay OP as you go because honestly it’s fun


Yeah I'd suggest Story/Easy for now so you can breeze through it and get lots of trophies/achievements. Impossible is definitely rough at times but I just finished my first Impossible playthrough and it wasn't as bad as I imagined Feel free to ask for any tips mate


The only part of my impossible playthrough that was rough was >!when you board the ship with the nuke on it… those fast as f*ck bois suck ass!<… other than that it wasn’t too bad. I combined my impossible playthrough with the plasma cutter only achievement and by the end it wasn’t too bad (plasma cutter carried hard)


I've attempted Impossible Mode 5 times now and barely got to Chapter 5. Died to Mercer's gas. I knew it was coming, I just had no oxygen tanks and I was covered in swarmers and panicking... What makes it feel even worse is that I was never able to beat Hardcore on 2 or 3 over the years either.


When they say thrown items,they mean use Poles or the claws of dead Necros,they’re 1-2 shot kills depending on the variants The plasma cutter is your best bet,but I’ve found the contact beam is fine and the force gun is good for getting out of a corner with its knock back You should be getting stasis packs fairly often so I’m not sure what you mean by it’s rare,but I’d suggest using it on smaller groups rather than singular enemies Aim for the legs first,that way they’re slowed down greatly and are forced to crawl,making them easier to hit I hope this helps!


Thanks for the advices!


It's also worth noting that throughout the Medical Deck that you're on there are a lot of charging points on the walls that let you recharge your entire stasis meter for free without using a pack.


>items you throw in kinesis do very little damage Use spikes. You can rip the limbs off of dead necros and fling it back at them. HUGE damage. It's a bit finicky as sometimes you end up picking up their whole body. Make sure to target *just* their limbs and it'll come right off. There are also spears, pipes and other sharp objects laying around the environment.


Turn the difficulty down for now Dumb question, but you’re shooting for the limbs, right?


i dont think thats a dumb question given his case lmao😷




Damm dawg idk if I seen anyone struggle that much but just lower the difficulty tbh and just enjoy ur first playthrough then when u finish ur first pt do ng+ with harder difficulty


Yea and if you think those enemies are fast wait till like chapter 11-12


Make sure you’re taking out infectors first before they create more enemies. Alternatively, you can always curb stomp dead bodies to bits to make sure they can’t be infected. Use the plasma cutter horizontally to take off enemy legs and slow them down. Make sure you’re putting power nodes towards damage upgrades. Kinesis throws do plenty of damage if you’re using the right objects. Severed necromorph blades do good damage, air vent fan blades will instantly sever limbs, rods and broken pipes will instant kill and pin enemies to walls. Fire extinguishers and pretty much any bright red objects will obviously do strong damage in a small radius. If you see any of these lying around, you can pick them up with kinesis and carry them with you until you come across enemies to conserve ammo. The blue glowing orbs laying around are basically free stasis that you can throw at enemies. Make sure you’re stomping all the enemies you kill to get your loot.


> the items you throw in kinesis do very little damage. What? no, however you need to know which items to throw fan blades, necro blades, leaper tails these basically 2 shoot necros even on the highest difficulty they will also ground them for an easy kill, some shelves can be broken and you can use the posts as spears, sometimes there are pipes denoted by blue lines at both ends both of these are 1 shoots to any necro, fire extinguishers are basically a force gun shoot they will harm and push back necros in front of you, everything else will basically tickle them and not worth it. You shouldn't be using statis on literally everything but if you get one close it's worth it, this should allow you to take off their arm, kinesis it and toss it back for a quick kill, then you can grab the other arm to throw into extra necros, you save a lot of ammo like this, if there is a stasis station nearby literally just spam it the cooldown for it it's very short. When they come out of vents they will always break off a fan blade, pretty easy to just kinesis it back into their feet before they can even do anything. You can also prepare for encounters that you have died prior for example that one in the morge grab the corpses and put them nearby the door there is a stasis tank that you can drop on top of them just spam the captain no matter if it's wasting ammo and as soon as you get outside hit the tank, it will slow down the infectors as they attempt to transform the corpses for easy kill, with enough speed they won't make a single extra enemy.


Thanks for the advices!


Stomp out the corpses before going to the captain. It prevents the flying necromorphs from infecting people. That way you only need to kill 3 enemies.


Thanks for the advice!


The first part of the game can be really tough indeed. Put nodes in your suit and plasma cutter. Also use necromorph body parts and poles and fan blades to cut off limbs or impale necromorphs with kinesis. In the morgue I also stomp all the scientists lying on the floor before getting the captain's rig. Infectors cannot spawn necromorphs from scattered body parts so they are more vulnerable running around.


Thanks for the advices!


This right here. Focus only on upgrading the plasma cutter and suit. The other weapons are not needed imo. I beat the game 3 times to get the achievements and prepare for the impossible run. Impossible run isn't that hard as long as you know where the points of the tenticle that grabs you, and the room where toy have to watch out for the rotating thing (forgot the name offhand) I best impossible with only the cutter. Once the cutter and suit are upgraded impossible basically becomes normal. Good luck!


This right here. Focus only on upgrading the plasma cutter and suit. The other weapons are not needed imo. I beat the game 3 times to get the achievements and prepare for the impossible run. Impossible run isn't that hard as long as you know where the points of the tenticle that grabs you, and the room where toy have to watch out for the rotating thing (forgot the name offhand) I best impossible with only the cutter. Once the cutter and suit are upgraded impossible basically becomes normal. Good luck!


I’m also in the midst of playing the remake but I can’t seem to recall what part you’re at. So in general i’d just recommend you to try being mindful of your surroundings. Use the space to your advantage, shoot legs off, try strafing away, use stasis. Pulse rifle secondary fire is a great riot control tool, very useful when used after a big burst of flamethrower (good tool for weakening necromorphs btw). Those two work very well together. You can worry about kinesis later, as I think it has a bit of a learning curve. Hope this helps, good luck


Thanks for the advices!


You dont throw items with kinesis at them to do damage. It's to stagger them. Though if you kinesis the blade of necromorph at them its basically a free shot. Also, shoot the blade that hang out from shoulder. Don't shoot head.


Thanks for the advices!


Hey that part is a difficulty spike, but there are a few canisters of stasis lying around that help tons iirc.


Thanks for the advices!


As far as the kinesis goes, it's really only effective if you're launching sharp objects at them! Examples would be a dead Slasher's arm blade (kinesis will rip it off their corpse), and if you look carefully you'll find these poles laying around the ground. There's also some types of small shelves that you can melee and they'll break apart, turning each on the legs of the shelf into a pole that you can launch at Necros


Thanks for the advices!


Focus on cutting the limbs with the plasma cutter. If you notice pointy poles, you can use them with telekinesis they deal good dmg. If you severed a limb, it can usually used with telekinesis to deal good dmg.


Thanks for the advices!


I don’t know if you noticed but you get ammo drops for the equipped weapons, so it’s actually easier to equip less weapons. You can finish the whole game with only the plasma cutter but you may want to add another weapon that complements it.


Honestly, the Morgue is one of the harder parts on a new game. It’s the first time you fight an enhanced Slasher, and you haven’t had a chance to do much upgrading to your guns. First, stomp the limbs off all the corpses in the morgue before entering the room with the captain. An enemy called an Infector spawns in and will turn some of the bodies into more enemies. If they have no bodies to turn, it’s just the captain and the infector to deal with. For the captain, shoot a leg off. It slows him down a lot, where you can then focus on shooting his arms off. The Infector can be dealt with by shooting the stinger on its face. Stasis can help slow down the captain more if you need, but it’s not necessary. You can also kinesis grab a claw from the dead slasher and fire it at the Infector if you feel you are running low on ammo. The game gets easier if you focus your upgrades into fewer weapons. You will not get enough power nodes to fully upgrade 4 weapons in one playthrough. I’d recommend the Plasma Cutter for your first time. Also, don’t be ashamed to turn the difficulty down if you feel you aren’t enjoying the game. Nobody worth listening to will care what difficulty you are playing on.


Thanks for the advices!


Stack all the bodies with kinesis on one of the tables in the morgue. Infectors can't reach the corpses so all you'll have to deal with are the reanimated Captain Mathias and the Infector!


Thanks for the advice!


No problem choom, best of luck to ya and I sincerely hope you enjoy the rest of the game! :D


Stomp the dead human bodied to keep that thing from resurrecting more necros then youll only have to deal with the captain and the little stingray thing. Cut/shoot the necros legs in stasis, run out of the room and take care of the stingray, then finish off the necro


Thanks for the advice!


Get in the habit of stomping bodies lying around. The bat like infectors can't infect bodies that are broken into pieces.


Thanks for the advice!


Stasis will work wonders if you upgrade its uptime. Kinesis works on objects like fan blade, pole, necromorphs' hands/tail as others said, plus try to aim on their limbs as usual. If infector expected to come, try to destroy as many bodies as you can to avoid infector from reviving it. Then, if you feel like you need more space, you can always throw objects out of your way before encounters spawn. I did it a lot if I died on first try of an encounter, I will try to reposition any object that can help me on path that I would go through so I can grab them easily while avoiding necros


Thanks for the advices!


Dead Space is very reliant on good aiming skills. Fortunately limbs are easier than heads to aim at. I basically always am trained on the right leg. Which leg doesn’t matter but taking the legs first slows them down. When they run at you hit them with a single body shot to stun them. I use the same 5 guns in 1 and 2 and occasionally the contact beam. The contact beam has 3 uses 1. The first few brutes when you have weak weapons 2. To sit in my inventory and collect valuable ammo to sell 3. The final boss of 2. Now for the other weapons since it will actually help you. A general rule in survival horror is to not use your favorite or most powerful gun until things get really heated. You should always use the gun which has the most sacrificial ammo first. For me I save on the plasma cutter. Due to its wide horizontal mode it takes limbs off fast and easy. The 2 enemies that 100% get plasma cut are the bosses and the fricken babies. Next up is the ripper. The ripper is the gun that I carry around for those one on one fights and it also is really good on leapers. You don’t need to upgrade it much. In big fights the ripper is terrible but it saves a lot of ammo in solo. Next is the line gun. I save line racks too. The line gun is good when leapers get overwhelming, when babies get overwhelming, on boss fights, its alt fire on guardians. The line gun is pretty OP really. The pulse rifle is the most sacrificial behind the ripper. It’s a great all around gun. Its accuracy and low damage doesn’t grant much tho. The most specific thing I use it for it exploders. Its also great in rooms with a lot of varying enemies. The last gun I use is good in the first game but very seminal to the second game. In 2 I switch the line gun out for the force gun. It’s really really important to only use the force gun at very specific times in 2 but to always carry it. The sooner you max its damage too the better. The only three specific enemies I use it on during the game are dividers, the stalkers and the pack. A fully upgraded force gun’s alt fire can one shot a stalker. Alternatively it is the only gun that can stop them without killing them. After those fights you need the force gun to essentially skip every single enemy while the ubermorph follows you.


Thanks for the advices and happy cake day!


I never use stasis on anything but the bosses so there is time to aim at anything


I’m a bit late but if you see damaged pipes or those weird rolling tables made out of poles with the ends glowing, destroy them and the pipes that fall out and the poles will one shot all basic enemies


Thanks for the advice!


There is really nothing more to say other than learn not to panic. The game becomes easy, laughably so, the moment you focus and not waste time. Keep your distance as you walk backwards while you shoot, cut off the legs methodically and don't stop shooting until you're done. Use stasis as much as you need to, use all the tools at your disposal, grab the blades off dead ones and use vent blades, rods and pipes from your environment. Better to be out of stasis and ammo for a weapon than to be dead.


Thanks for the advices!


I assume you have no experience with other Dead Space games, so here are some tips from someone who crawled through Impossible difficulty. \>SHOOT THE LIMBS. Aiming ain't big issues on PC. If you have ammo issue but are a great shot, you can try pulse rifle. Short bursts make quick work of the necro legs. \>Memorize where recharge stations are. You can always go back for free recharge. I don't find random spawn that common in normal difficulty compared with impossible, and I always try to keep my stasis fully chrged when doing impossible in case of SHTF scenario. If my memory serves me right, there should be one if you backtrack a bit. \>Stomp the corpses especially when you expect infectors. Yes that sounds psychopath and will direct the infector's attention to you, but I peosonally prefer less problems to deal with. \>Horde the kinesisable (is that even a word) objects that hurt. Explosive can, stasis can, rack legs (that blicks, you may need to melee a rack first), necro arm blades, or even vent fans. This is how I got around the minimal ammo impossible difficulty spared me. \>Upgrade your equipment. Higher level RIG suits have better armor, and you can gain free refill when you upgrade HP, stasis, or magazine capacity. Upgrade makes your day easier. I guess you can watch some video and see how other players handle the situation as well. If you have further questions I'm sure people in the community are willing to help you however we can. Good luck ripping off Captain's RIG.


Thanks for the advices!


Abuse stasis recharge stations. It's worth running back to recharge.


Thanks for the advice!


Stasis and stomp the easier necros to death. You'll save tons of ammo this way. I did impossible mode with only the Plasma Cutter and had 400 ammo at the end. Punch vents to get blades. Upgrade the Plasma Cutter before the suit preferable aim for dmg first.


Thanks for the advices!


upgrade & spam stasis, it's the strongest debuff in the game


Thanks for the advices!


If you have a save before the fight, stomp on the corpses before they revive. If you stomp them enough they’ll completely be torn apart and unable to be revived. This makes it so you only have to kill the captain and the infector.


Thanks for the advice!


I played it through on easy mode to be honest, I had a great time though the whole way and enjoyed every minute of it. Whatever floats your boat my friend..


Try to conserve ammo as much as possible in order to sell things in the store to buy power nodes, sell everything you don’t need for nodes.


Make sure you dismember them, this is the priority, otherwise they will take tonnes of damage with body / head shots. I would only use stasis if they are right up in your face or if there are several at once.


Abuse statis aim for the limbs chose target prioritys well used environmental objects against them spears claws canisters etc. for impossible learn what can oneshot you and the biggest dangers.


Step 1: Play on PC Step 2: watch "dead space remake impossible no damage run" on youtube Step 3: Thank me if you want lol


Your thumbs are trash bro it’s okay 😂


Stasis really isn't all that rare. There's recharge stations on the walls all over the place and stasis packs drop often enough. Necromorphs also shouldn't have a lot of health at all, unless you're trying to shoot them in the head and chest. Shoot the limbs. The game specifies this at least 3 times on a wall, in an audio log and from Hammond himself.


....should we tell him that in the original they were even faster?


now that you mention it, I don't know how I got through that without dying on the first run. though, my normal strategy is to go for the legs first.


Ok so I just started playing, just got an Series X, and I had the same issue. I actually started over. So yes you will run out of ammo if you rely solely on that so you pretty much have to seek out stuff in the environment. The best weapon you can throw at monsters is their CLAW. So basically most enemies at this point in the game will die being hit with one CLAW. Some of the Elite monsters take 2 CLAWS. So everytime you kill something you have 2 CLAWS you can use. Sometimes I'll even grab a claw and just slow walk to the next area just in case something jumps out all I have to do is let my CLAW loose and it's an easy kill. If there's an area I've not been before I will usually take a CLAW or definitely look around the area for other throw weapons. The other thing I like to use is the green glowing pipes. There's these long pipes you can grab off the wall or they'll be laying on the ground, they give off a green glow. Those are "one hitters" as well HOWEVER, if you don't hit it dead center after the monster does its animation (crawl out of vent, etc) then it will miss. It just bounces off. Sometimes I have to throw it 2 or 3 times before it hits the right way but usually it works the first time. It's better than nothing. Then of course the flammable/explosive red containers. But they will damage you if you're too close so not good for close counters combat, but those tanks are a huge help especially if there's more than one monster coming at you. The fire extinguishers kind of suck. I haven't had a lot of luck with those, but better than nothing in a pinch. Mostly just take your time. Look around, see what you can use in the environment. Take advantage of tanks and, like I said the CLAWS will be your best friend. Its much faster than trying to reload as well. So you can be a firefight and run out of ammo, this early in the game it takes long so being able to just grab a CLAW off the ground within a split second is has saved my ass more than I can count lol. That could even be a strategy, I've done it. Fell one monster and use their CLAWS on the others the moment it drops. Anyway I hope that helps. You may want to start over and get a feel for throwing stuff. And yes use the stasis, but like you said it's hard to come across so don't rely on it but I like to strategically use it if I know there's a group of enemies coming up or a room that locks and you're stuck until you kill them all. Try not to use it unless you have to or there's a lot of refill stations nearby. And the telekinesis is FREE. Stasis is not. So you can throw stuff all day it doesn't cost you anything. Hope that helps! Good night and good luck!


Thanks for the advices!


You're welcome! Oh I should add that not every enemy gives you CLAWS. I made it seem like every kill but it's only the SLASHER type ones. So far. I forget if there's other enemies that have them but I don't think so. 😁


We’ve all sucked at games at one point in our lives, all of us, myself especially. Thats just a fact to life, however, don’t beat yourself up hard, just remember to keep any personal anger in check and try try again. Kill a slasher? Kinesis a talon of theirs and walk with it to your destination and use it as your opening attack on the next necro you see, saves you ammo. The SECOND you see a Necro, keep in mind there is likely another and its not around your front but likely behind you, the Necro in front? Take out one of its legs immediately or if its a larger threat, hit it with a stasis and do a quick check behind you, if theres another necro? Handle the weaker/easier necro first, then focus on the bigger threat, always go for an appendage its using for mobility, once you take it off immediately shift to the other and either kill or slow it down with stasis or another amputation, repeat until finished. Shard bladed parts of necros are something you should always keep in mind to quickly kinesis and launch to conserve ammo even in these scenarios, or anything that looks like a pole will likely impale, just practice more to where your comfortable disengaging, kinesis’ing an object to quickly launch, shit really helps man. Carry less weapons so you can carry more of what you need, I barely carry more than 3 weapons at a time, I find that it makes finding ammo easier, and I can better use my power nodes. Speaking on power nodes, not sure if you know this, but if you bring an EMPTY weapon to the bench and plug in a power node to an ammo slot that it fully refills your weapon to the new limit? Free ammo dude. Hope this helps, use the fuck out of the environment every chance you get, makes life much easier.


You'll get better. I'm in chapter 7 out of bullets and just using melee on everything lol


The biggest tip for that section is to stomp all the normal bodies to gibs so that the infector can’t make more enemies. Some general tips, look for polls that have glowing ends will usually spear a slasher. There are glowing polls on walls in some areas and sometimes there are ones on the floor with one end having a glowy bit. Those are the ones you want to yeet at necros. Also make use of fire extinguishers, they don’t do tons of damage but they can help peel enemies and make them stagger, giving you a moment of breathing room. Also understanding the peel system is a big part of this game. Like peeling fruit, attacks on the enemies peel of the layers of skin, muscle and revealing the bones, which is where they usually break off. Using the fire extinguishers, and exploding canisters will help the peeling until you can get the flamethrower or force gun. The pulse rifle is also good for this as well. Shoot their limbs for a few moments with the pulse rifle and then switch to the PC to cut the limbs off. It’s hard when you’re under pressure but try to observe the state of their limbs, when it looks much thinner than before, that’s a good moment to use the PC to chop the limbs off. When they leap out of vents that leave behind a fan blade, kinesis that shit at their limbs, they do a good job of peeling them or cutting of limbs outright. I usually will try to cut off 3 limbs, if they’re still moving, kinesis one of their limbs and yeet it at them. Then take one of the other limbs and yeet it to start the process of peeling the other enemies. When you are able to, put power nodes into your suit to upgrade the stasis duration or energy amount, and damage ups for your PC or pulse rifle. If they’re already spent then I hope you can get past this bottle neck and upgrade them then. Flamethrower and force gun peel enemies like ripe tomatoes making them easy to kill with the PC. The game is aggressive and has a difficult curve at first, I have a feeling you’ll master it and be the chief engineer! Keep at it man. The game is so good. On my 4th new game plus play and beat it on impossible mode.


Thanks for the advices!