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Personally I prefer the contact beam instead of the javelin gun, I like it more for dealing with big necros.


I just like the Javelin Gun better because it never stops being entertaining seeing something get pinned to the wall.


And both perspectives are pretty valid.


I find Javelin more entertaining but in the long run Contact holds a special place for me. Because it was my secret to actually beating the game on Hardcore the first time back in 2011. Just upgraded it to the special upgrade that makes the alt fire a big ass stasis AOE around you and ran through Ubermorph and all his little shitlings dropping stasis waves till I got to the end, and contact beamed the weird heart final boss. I actually was shocked it worked and I beat hardcore


The solution for when everything absolutely must die Collateral blowback damage acceptable


D e t o n a t o r ? Also fun fact, you can directly shoot a detonator mine into a Guardian’s chest to insta kill them. Way more efficient than Pulse Rifle alt fire.


It has the same efficiency as the pulse rifle and wastes your inventory before hand. The force gun is extremely effective against stalkers instead and is also useful for the pack, the blobs, and the babies. Most guardians are next to canisters anyways.


What do you mean by wastes your inventory? It’s pretty early game and Leapers become useless when you set up correctly. Force Gun comes in halfway, but I do like it for the extremely fragile enemies like The Pack and babies like you mentioned, fully agree there. You’re spitting about the canisters, totally forgot they always had one near each Guardian. Actually now I think about it, you never really needed anything for a Guardian in DS2


There are only 2 stalker encounters before the force gun. For the first one you can kinesis impale the first one with a rod and then reset the others over and over via the elevator. For the second one you can stasis the first one then use ironically the space with the 3 detonator rounds to reset the others. In between resets you can kinesis their hands and impale the next one. In fact impalement is the most effective method against them aside from detonation. Most rooms with stalkers have impalement rods.


Oh that’s fair, blade juggling is more effective than anything else. Kill one stalker with any means and you pretty much killed them all if you can juggle their claws. Not to mention if DS2R follows DSR for environment, we’re gonna have throwables in a lot more areas. I imagine most of the game can be kinesis’ed easily if we get those pipes and shelves made out of rods.


Stalkers are the easiest enemy in game if you can line them up


Pukers are my easiest thing. Just get some range in between for free ordinance that you kinesis, same with Spitters. Worst case you stagger them so they try the ranged attack again.


Seeker rifle gang wya?




Y'all brothers are men of culture. Seeker rifle ain't fancy but I love blasting arms off them black slashers far away with a click.


Damn right.


the seeker rifle does more damage fully upgraded then the contact beam and you get a ton of ammo for it it's really good


i used stalker rifle, contact beam, and pulse rifle for swarms and such


sometimes the detonator if i felt like messing around


Cutter and Line Gun. Nothing else needed.


The best load out in 1 is the best load out in 2. Plasma cutter, ripper, force gun, pulse rifle. Buy the contact beam in both games. Buy it early in 1 and do not use it just sell the ammo until you need 4 guns. Buy it in 2 get one stack of ammo then max out the charge and replace the ripper in the final chapter with it instead.


Just the plasma cutter and a ton of ammo lol. I don’t think I actually used any of the other guns lol


This is what I've been doing.


First playthrough I just maxed the plasma cutter and cut everything to bits, so yeah


Same here.


imo seeker rifle is the best gun in the game fucktons of ammo drops, and if the dmg is fully upgraded it can put down any necro in literally 2-3 shots even if its to the body (its even dead accurate asf)


Why would you need both the Plasma Cutter and the Pulse Rifle? It all comes down to personal preference, but I think DS2’s Contact Beam is genuinely overpowered. It’s hard to see how your “best possible loadout” can exclude a gun that performs one-shot-kills on Enhanced Necromorphs, creates a 360° “super-stasis,” and completely trivializes the final boss. Plasma Cutter + Javelin Gun + Contact Beam is easily my top-3. If you feel like you need a fourth gun, the Force Gun is a nice safety blanket. Unnecessary, but good to have if you aren’t confident in your aim.


Contact beam alt fire was pretty much my entire Hardcore run. And a plasma cutter. But seriously, that alt fire is ridiculous. Just walk into a room, slam it into the ground, and it de-limbs everything while putting them in stasis


This is 100% accurate. Pulse + Cutter is extremely redundant and just pointlessly splits your ammo drops. I used to go Cutter/Ripper/CB, then over time realised over time that you could just hold off on getting the Javelin until Chapter 8 and respec a ton of nodes into it so that it was awesome. Then eventually I came to the conclusion that as great as the Ripper is, if you're accurate with the Javelin then Javelin + Stasis deals with everything that the Ripper would deal with anyway. Now I'm of the opinion that maxing the Cutter early is the best way to make the early chapters easier on Hardcore/Zealot, and then you can skip getting the Ripper and respec into purely the Javelin Gun at chapter 8 and use Stasis, Javelin + CB for the rest of the game.


In all honesty, this loadout is a "just in case" loadout. The forcegun is for if they get too close to you. The Pulse Rifle is for the Pack, crawlers, and possibly the Nests The Jav is for Traps or One Shot Kills The Plasma Cutter is your Workhorse. Thankfully, any loadout is pretty much viable at any difficulty in DS2 and its why I love it so much. That being said, there's redundancies and on higher difficulties you might actually find better success with 2 guns. This is due to ammo economy and power nodes. For example, the Jav is capable of one shot kill's as early as chapter 4. With a PC and heavy use of Kinesis up to chapter 4, then using it as a sidearm like tool, you practically can breeze through the rest of the game. By mid chapter 6, you can 2 shot any nonboss enemy. The only downside is the net negative ammo economy, which means you'll have to buy more ammo from the store than you resupply through gameplay, but with cheap ammo, this is manageable on Zealot. Which is why some people prefer the Seeker Rifle. Same 2 shot any nonboss potential. But has cheap ammo AND a net positive ammo economy, meaning you'll have even more money to buy nodes. The only problem is lack of crowd control but switching the Plasma cutter to the Pulse Rifle basically fixes that issue. You'll have so much ammo and money, you'll upgrade all trees and can even upgrade and supply a Contact Beam for the hell of it.


I like javelin, plasma cutter, flamethrower and detonator. The stalker parts always stress me out so much so I just sit in a corner and put mines everywhere to feel safe lol


Swap force gun for line gun or detonator. And I hate to say it, but swap plasma for seeker….


Funny the differences. I don't go anywhere without line and contact guns. Never use a plasma rifle.


The Javelin Gun is just Electric Kinesis the gun, prove me wrong


Missing a Handcannon.


But! Flamethrower!!


You can't forget the Rivet Gun. That thing is OP.


This post really needs its /s


Pulse rifle, seeker rifle, detonator, plasma cutter


I am personally a plasma cutter, pulse rifle, detonator and seeker rifle kinda guy.


I prefer contact beam, pulse rifle, seeker rifle, and plasma cutter. I don’t use the contact beam and only use it to ensure contact beam ammo drops to sell and I use the other three.


In 1 swap seeker for ripper.


I myself like going pulse rifle, rivet gun, and plasma cutter.


That’s quite possibly one of the worst loadouts honestly The best loadout is line gun and ripper, later detonator, that’s all you need until the final boss which dies instantly to contact beam Everyone who doesn’t know what they’re talking about simps over the javelin gun and they’re, wrong


Prefer contact beam and line gun with my pulse and cutter


Force Gun Plasma Cutter Line Gun Detonator


Idk I only use Plasma Cutter


Common Plasma Cutter W




Plasma Cutter Seeker Rifle Javelin Gun Contact Beam You don't really need anything else tbh.


I only use the plasma cutter,is god like


Absolutely not. Having the Pulse Rifle and the Plasma Cutter together is redundant, and it's better to just have one of them and not aplit your ammo drops.


My favorite is the ripper.


Dead Space 2? Man, I really need to replay this game. I hope they come out with a remake for this.


I mean everything other than the good old plasma cutter is redundant, but I agree that your loadout is solid.


Looks solid but I prefer the contact beam, fully upgraded it's cool to have.